8,139 research outputs found

    Reimann's "Habitual Hyperthermia" Responding to Hormone Therapy.

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    A 25-year-old woman presented with fever of unknown origin, exhibiting malaise and low-grade fevers in evenings. These fevers exhibited a pattern of starting mid-menstrual cycle with resolution around the onset of menses, matching a pattern of "habitual hyperthermia" reported by H. Reimann in the 1930s. Extensive workup was unremarkable, and the fevers improved on oral synthetic estrogen and progesterone therapy

    Unique intermetallic compounds prepared by shock wave synthesis

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    Technique compresses fine ground metallic powder mixture beyond crystal fusion point. Absence of vapor pressure voids and elimination of incongruous effects permit application of technique to large scale fabrication of intermetallic compounds with specific characteristics, e.g., semiconduction, superconduction, or magnetic properties

    A stochastic multi-scale model of HIV-1 transmission for decision-making: application to a MSM population.

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    BackgroundIn the absence of an effective vaccine against HIV-1, the scientific community is presented with the challenge of developing alternative methods to curb its spread. Due to the complexity of the disease, however, our ability to predict the impact of various prevention and treatment strategies is limited. While ART has been widely accepted as the gold standard of modern care, its timing is debated.ObjectivesTo evaluate the impact of medical interventions at the level of individuals on the spread of infection across the whole population. Specifically, we investigate the impact of ART initiation timing on HIV-1 spread in an MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) population.Design and methodsA stochastic multi-scale model of HIV-1 transmission that integrates within a single framework the in-host cellular dynamics and their outcomes, patient health states, and sexual contact networks. The model captures disease state and progression within individuals, and allows for simulation of therapeutic strategies.ResultsEarly ART initiation may substantially affect disease spread through a population.ConclusionsOur model provides a multi-scale, systems-based approach to evaluate the broader implications of therapeutic strategies

    Application of Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Demand Management: Development and Implementation of E-sutra

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    Allowing traffic to grow to a level at which there is extensive and regular congestion is economically inefficient. Although the construction of additional roads can alleviate some of the effects of congestion, the benefits may be counterbalanced unless the growth in traffic volumes can be restrained. Therefore, another alternative is by implementing Transportation Demand Management (TDM), which means people still travel but at the same time the private car USAge is reduced. This paper presents the development of an expert system for sustainable transportation (E-SUTRA) through implementation of TDM. The overall result of 69% accuracy indicates the high possibility of the E-SUTRA system to be used as an advisory tool for sustainable transportation through TDM

    Design and fabrication of a full-size landing impact test model of the Mars legged lander configuration Master agreement, task order three

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    Design and fabrication of full size landing impact test model of Mars legged lander configuratio

    Karakter Hukum Pancasila dalam Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Indonesia

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    Pada saat ini bangsa Indonesia memiliki momen penting dalam kehidupan nasional maupun global, karena sejak Januari 2016 telah diberlakukan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (Economic Asean Community), yaitu era Sumber Daya Manusia dari negara-negara ASEAN secara bebas memasuki pasar di negara anggota ASEAN lainnya. Era MEA dapat disebut juga sebagai era kompetisi dan kompetensi. Disebut era kompetisi karena sumber daya manusia Indonesia bersaing secara ketat dengan sumber daya manusia negara anggota ASEAN lainnya. Sumber daya manusia negara lain akan memasuki lowongan dan kesempatan kerja yang ada di Indonesia bersaingdengan orang Indonesia, sebaliknya sumber daya manusia Indonesia juga dapat memasuki pasar kerja di negara-negara ASEAN lainnya. Disebut era kompetensi karena untuk memasuki dunia kerja, baik di Indonesia maupun di negara-negara ASEAN lainnya harus didasarkan pada standart kompetensi yang telah ditetapkan dan disepakati bersama. Hanya orang yang memiliki dan diakui kompetensinya yang dapat memasuki pasar kerja di negara ASEAN

    Etos Kerja, Motivasi, dan Sikap Inovatif terhadap Produktivitas Petani

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    The objective of the study is to analyze relationships between work ethos, achieve-ment of motivation and attitude of innovation and productivity of the farmer individually as well as simultaneusly. The study was carried out at Kuningan West Java (1999) with 60 respondents selected randomly. The study reveald that there is positive correlation between : (1) Work ethos and productivity of the farmers (2) achievement of motivation and productivity of the farmers (3) attitude of innovative and productivity of the farmers. Together, there is positive relationship between work ethos, achievement of motivation and attitude of innovative with productivity of the farmers. The research implies that work ethos, achievementof motivation and attitude of innovative useful to predict the productivity of the farmers.&nbsp

    How to establish and protect power:critical discourse analysis of NFL’s image repair on public scandals

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    Abstract. This thesis investigates three different scandals that involve National Football League, the biggest sports league in the US. Each scandal involves public statements, which will be analysed. Main goal of the thesis is to present how NFL-affiliated actors assert their power other groups of people and in which ways does their image repair efforts contribute to the protection of power abuse through discourse. Theoretic background for the research involves critical discourse analysis and image repair discourse theory of Benoit’s list of image repair strategies. These two approaches together form the basis for the analysis. Research foci are the scandals of Miami Dolphins firing Brian Flores and Flores’ accusations against the team in 2022, Deshaun Watson’s sexual assault and misconduct allegations that emerged in 2022, and the workplace culture and sexual harassment scandal of Washington Commanders, which began in 2020. Critical discourse analysis reveals how NFL and NFL-related actors establish their power over their victims and other groups through discourses, which promote racism, sexism, injustice, and gender oppression. The image repair discourse analysis examines how the NFL-affiliated actors operate as defendants in these scandals against the accusations to prevent public outrage. The defendants build their image repair discourse around such discourse tactics as bolstering, attacking the accuser, corrective action, simple denial, shifting the blame, mortification, good intentions, defeasibility, and compensation. Based on the analysis, aggressive image repair tactics such as attacking the accuser and simple denial are ineffective in protecting one’s image. The aggressive response tends to cause further damage to defendant’s image. Less aggressive tactics such as bolstering and corrective action resulted in more positive results for the defendant in terms of image repair. In conclusion, the research sheds light into the ways NFL and has kept its dominant position in both US and global sports market. Despite the severe and disturbing nature of the scandals, NFL’s market position and revenue are not affected by the scandals and the PR damage. Therefore, the league does not significantly change its daily operations. Eventually NFL always overcomes the distracting scandals, and the sport becomes the focus of the public, which is connected to the phenomenon of sportswashing.Kuinka vahvistaa ja suojella valtaa : kriittinen diskurssianalyysi NFL:n imagonkorjauksesta julkisissa skandaaleissa. Tiivistelmä. Tutkimus tarkastelee amerikkalaisen jalkapallon National Football Leagueta, Yhdysvaltojen suurinta urheilusarjaa. Tutkimus analysoi urheilusarjaan liittyviä kolmea julkista skandaalia ja niihin liittyviä julkilausumia, joissa NFL ja sen toimijat puolustavat omaa mainettaan. Tutkimuksen päätavoite on osoittaa, millaisin diskurssein NFL ja sen toimijat osoittavat vallan väärinkäytöllä valta-asemansa muihin nähden, ja kuinka vallan väärinkäyttäjät puolustavat ja korjaavat omaa imagoaan. Tutkimuksen teoriapohjan muodostavat kriittinen diskurssianalyysi sekä Benoitin imagonkorjausmenetelmien teoria. Tutkimuskohteina olevat skandaalit koskevat Brian Floresin syytöksiä Miami Dolphinsin ja NFL:n toiminnasta Floresin irtisanomisessa vuonna 2022, Deshaun Watsonia vastaan esitetyt useat seksuaalisen väkivallan syytökset vuonna 2022 sekä Washington Commandersia ja Dan Snyderia vastaan vuodesta 2020 alkaneet syytökset epäasiallisesta yrityskulttuurista ja seuran naistyöntekijöiden kokemasta seksuaalisesta häirinnästä. Kriittinen diskurssianalyysi osoittaa NFL:n sen toimijoiden vahvistavan valta-asemaansa ja vallan väärinkäyttöä uhrejaan kohtaan erinäisten diskurssien avulla. Diskurssit tukevat seksismiä, rasismia, sukupuoleen perustuvaa alistamista ja epäoikeudenmukaisuutta. Imagonkorjaukseen keskittyvä diskurssianalyysi osoittaa, kuinka syytetyt puolustavat omaa imagoa vahvistamalla, hyökkäyksillä syyttäjiä vastaan, hyviin tarkoitusperiin vetoamalla, syytteiden kieltämisellä, vastuuta siirtämällä, anteeksipyytämällä, virheitä korjaavilla teoilla, syytteiden kumoamisella, sekä kompensoimalla syytetyistä teoista aiheutuneet haitat. Analyysin perusteella aggressiiviset imagonkorjausdiskurssin keinot, kuten syyttäjää vastaan hyökkääminen ja syytteiden kieltäminen eivät ole tehokkaita keinoja suojelemaan yksilön tai organisaation imagoa. Sen sijaan lievemmät keinot, kuten vahvistaminen ja virheitä korjaavat teot ovat tehokkaita muokkaamaan ihmisten käsityksiä syytetyistä henkilöistä imagollisesti positiivisemmaksi. Skandaalien vakavuudesta huolimatta niiden negatiiviset vaikutukset NFL:n imagoon ja markkina-asemaan eivät ole suuret, minkä vuoksi NFL:n toimintakulttuuri säilyy ennallaan. Urheilu palaa lopulta lajia seuraavien ihmisten puheenaiheeksi ja siten skandaalit unohtuvat ajan myötä, mikä liittyy vahvasti urheilupesun ilmiöön