3,077 research outputs found

    Time After Time: Notes on Delays In Spiking Neural P Systems

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    Spiking Neural P systems, SNP systems for short, are biologically inspired computing devices based on how neurons perform computations. SNP systems use only one type of symbol, the spike, in the computations. Information is encoded in the time differences of spikes or the multiplicity of spikes produced at certain times. SNP systems with delays (associated with rules) and those without delays are two of several Turing complete SNP system variants in literature. In this work we investigate how restricted forms of SNP systems with delays can be simulated by SNP systems without delays. We show the simulations for the following spike routing constructs: sequential, iteration, join, and split.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 4 lemmas, 1 theorem, preprint of Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice 2012 at DLSU, Manila together with UP Diliman, DLSU, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Osaka universit

    How to manage generations? An Approach based on the Quality of Work Life

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    The objectives of this research are to examine whether there are significant differences in the perception of quality of work life among employees of three generational cohorts (i.e., Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millennials) and to propose some strategies from HRM in order to manage these differences. We used survey data collected from 522 employees of the logistic sector in Colombia and conducted internal consistency analysis, correlation analyses and one-way ANOVA. Results of ANOVA indicate that variables of quality of work life significantly differ depending on the generational membership of the employees. For example, Millennials were found to be a more distinct cohort from Gen Xers and Baby Boomers in terms of their relationship between promotion and career. However, the results suggest that employees in the older generations are likely to be more dedicated to, engrossed in, and even vigorous at work. For future studies, we recommend discussing how the knowledge on each generation in the workplace can inform specific HRM practices, such as how to train each generation effectively or to encourage each generation to improve work performance. Copyright © 2019. Laura MARTÍNEZ-BUELVAS and Olga JARAMILLO-NARANJO

    A phase of liposomes with entangled tubular vesicles

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    An equilibrium phase belonging to the family of bilayer liposomes in ternary mixtures of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), water, and geraniol (a biological alcohol derived from oil-soluble vitamins that acts as a cosurfactant) has been identified. Electron and optical microscopy reveal the phase, labeled Ltv, to be composed of highly entangled tubular vesicles. In situ x-ray diffraction confirms that the tubule walls are multilamellar with the lipids in the chain-melted state. Macroscopic observations show that the Ltv phase coexists with the well-known L4 phase of spherical vesicles and a bulk L alpha phase. However, the defining characteristic of the Ltv phase is the Weissenberg rod climbing effect under shear, which results from its polymer-like entangled microstructure

    Factors that affect quality of work life of the millennials linked to the commercial sector in Colombia

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    The present investigation has two aims: (1) to empirically examine the factors that affect QWL among the millennials working in the commercial sector in Colombia and (2) to investigate the role of a set of individual differences as moderators (for example, gender, educational level and type of contract) in a complete QWL model, based on the methodology of (Tarhini, Hone, & Liu, 2014). The instrument used was the Work Quality of Life Tool (Wage and Subjective Conditions) which has been validated in the previous studies. The total of 1,163 surveys were conducted with workers from the commercial sector in Colombia who belong to the generation Y or the millennial generation, that is, born between 1981 and 2000. The results show that training, promotion, wages and the relationship of the individual with their work directly and positively affect the quality of work life in the study sample. We conduct a confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equations, revealing that the majority of the hypothesis associated with gender, educational level and type of contract were supported. This study serves to support the establishment of programs, projects and management plans to generate adequate use of the talents and skills of the millennials and thus create challenging and satisfactory jobs that increase organizational productivity

    Guiado de un vehículo autónomo mediante la detección de los límites del carril usando un escáner láser

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    Los vehículos autónomos están cada vez cobrando mayor repercusión, tanto con funciones de semiautomatización como de automatización completa. Se han explorado diferentes herramientas y tecnologías para realizar el control automático. En cuanto a tecnologías, el escáner láser 3D está cobrando gran ventaja dadas sus prestaciones. Cuando se plantea la estrategia de control en el caso de un vehículo totalmente autónomo, se pueden distinguir diversas soluciones: seguimiento de una trayectoria dada por waypoints definidos por sus coordenadas GPS, seguimiento de líneas, seguimiento del vehículo precedente, etc. Este artículo se centra en una solución para permitir el guiado autónomo de un vehículo en condiciones de pérdida de la señal GPS basándose en un escáner láser. De esta forma, se propone un algoritmo que permite la obtención de las variables necesarias para el control a partir del seguimiento de un elemento de referencia (muro, barreras laterales o líneas del carril). Con el fin de evitar la colocación del sensor en el techo del vehículo como es habitual en otros prototipos de vehículos autónomos peor que no resulta muy práctico en vehículos comerciales, se ha implementado un algoritmo basado en la simulación de la dinámica vehicular que permite mantener la robustez en las estimaciones del elemento de referencia. Se han realziado pruebas en el carril bus-VAO de la autovía A6 en la entrada a Madrid con resutados muy satisfactorios

    Multiple dens invaginatus, mulberry molar and conical teeth : case report and genetic considerations

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    Dens in dente, also known as dens invaginatus and dilated compound odontoma, is a malformation that can occur on primary, permanent, or supernumerary teeth that is characterized by a deep invagination of the surface of a crown or root covered with enamel. This abnormality in tooth morphology generally affect the maxillary lateral incisors but several cases of multiple dens invaginatus have been reported in the literature. A 15 year-old female patient is reported here presenting five dens invaginatus: four in the permanent mandibular incisors and one in the permanent, maxillary left central incisor, additionally the following dental findings were observed: a permanent mandibular left mulberry molar, molarization of some premolars, several microdontic conoid teeth, retention of five primary teeth, absence of several permanent teeth germs, a macrodontic molar with abnormal roots and several periapical radiolucencies associated to the dens invaginatus. There was no family history of similar dental findings to those observed in the patient. There are several genes that participate in the development of teeth, of those, the following five genes could be implicated as responsible or co-participators for some of the dental anomalies present in this patient: MSX1 (Muscle segment homeobox 1), DLX1 and DLX2 (Distal-less homeobox 1 and 2 genes), PAX9 (Paired box gene) and PITX2 (Pituitary homeobox transciption factor 2)