538 research outputs found

    Why Do You Dress Me in Borrowed Robes? The Role of Kente Cloth at Skidmore College

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    This paper first looks at kente as a West African textile tradition and explores its cultural and historical significance for the Asante people. After contextualizing kente, it then highlights kente’s journey to the United States and its immersion into the academic sphere. Finally, the discussion focuses on the role that kente plays at Skidmore College as seen through the voices of Skidmore students, staff, and administration as they comment on the cloth and its meaning. Kente’s role at Skidmore reveals that the presence of kente at Skidmore’s commencement does not go without conflicting feelings, as the above quotations suggest. It also considers its related tensions and controversies at Skidmore in light of the college’s mission to hold diversity goals above the necessity of a united student body. Ultimately, the Skidmore community does not commit to a unanimous understanding or feeling for the kente tradition, but the kente stoles offer an interesting look at the textile’s overarching trajectory of development and change and may offer a unique way for the Skidmore community to begin including art in diversity dialogues on campus

    How can traditional owners benefit from the transition to a green economy?

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    Until now, Kimberley Aboriginal people’s involvement with the green economy has been predominately via carbon sequestration projects (fire regime management, tree planting) which are generally funded by government or industry to act as an offset for polluting activities elsewhere. The other common experience for Kimberley Aboriginal people, particularly those living in areas away from electricity grids, has been the development of small scale energy generation projects mostly solar to provide for the electricity needs of small groups of households and remote communities, via programs like Bushlight run by the Centre for Appropriate Technology. Australia may soon witness a dramatic increase in the number of larger scale renewable energy projects. Areas of land in regional and remote areas that have few competing interests or uses and with strong sunshine or wind or both will prove very attractive to investors. We propose that the Kimberley region and particularly traditional owners with registered or determined native title claims are well positioned to take advantage of this growing industry. Our presentation will draw on the considerable literature relating to agreement making with Indigenous people in Australia, which to date has referred largely to extractive industries. It will identify best practice standards in agreement making in Australia, and then consider the different kinds of challenges that renewable energy developments of a large scale might present

    Renewable Energy Development on the Indigenous Estate

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    The Australian National University’s Energy Change Institute’s Grand Challenge – Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific – recognizes that Australia is a renewable-energy resource-rich nation, whose immediate neighbors in the Asia-Pacific will account for two-thirds of the world’s energy demand growth in the coming decades. Decarbonizing that additional energy use and cutting existing emissions from the region by transitioning to renewable energy sources are essential if the world is to have any chance of avoiding catastrophic climate change. Co-located wind and solar resources, in close proximity to export possibilities in Asia represent a significant comparative advantage for the production of renewable energy on native title lands in northern Australia. Dr Lily O’Neill and Brad Riley are currently engaged in researching the potential for First Nations engagement with, and benefit from, renewable energy production across scales in northern Australia. They will present on their preliminary findings, as they investigate priority knowledge areas and scope questions of significance to Indigenous people in relation to renewable energy on the Indigenous estate

    Adat Istiadat Suku Guangdong Tarakan Merayakan Tahun Baru Imlek打拉根广东人欢度春节的习俗

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengungkap bagaimana etnis Tionghoa suku Guangdong Tarakan dalam merayakan Tahun Baru Imlek dan makna tradisi perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek tersebut. Peneliti mengunakan 10 orang etnis Tionghoa Tarakan suku Guangdong yang berumur 55-75 tahun, karena mereka masih mempertahankan tradisi yang diturunkan oleh nenek moyang. Contohnya: sebelum Tahun Baru Imlek bulan 12 tanggal 23 mereka akan sembahyang kepada dewa dapur berharap ketika saat dewa dapur naik ke langit akan melaporkan hal-hal yang baik kepada dewa langit, selain itu satu minggu sebelum Tahun Baru Imlek mereka akan melakukan tradisi bersih-bersih rumah yang dipercayai bisa membuang hal-hal yang tidak baik keluar dari rumah. Etnis Tionghoa suku Guangdong ini juga lebih menitikberatkan pada makanan yang dipersiapkan. Makanan yang dipersiapkan ini memiliki makna tersendiri. Contohnya: makan ayam berharap bisa beruntung, makan babi bakar berharap bisa kaya dan lain-lain. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa meskipun telah dikeluarkannya instruksi presiden No. 14/1967 tetapi setelah reformasi etnis Tionghoa suku Guangdong Tarakan kembali menjalankan tradisi Imlek yang telah diturunkan oleh nenek moyang

    Implicit out-group preference is associated with eating disorders symptoms amongst Emirati females

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    © 2015. Studies exploring the relationship between acculturation and eating disorders symptoms have proven equivocal. Socially desirable responding associated with the use of explicit measures may account for these mixed findings. This study explores the relationship between in-group identity, acculturation and eating disorders symptoms using both implicit and explicit assessments. Emirati female college students (N = 94) completed an affective priming task (APT) designed to implicitly assess Emirati in-group evaluations. Participants also completed explicit measures, including the Westernization Survey and the Multicomponent In-group Identification Scale. Eating disorders symptoms were assessed using the Eating Attitudes Test. Only implicit in-group evaluations were correlated with eating disorders symptoms. Specifically, increases in in-group preference were associated with lower levels of eating disorders symptomatology. Furthermore, participants with an actual out-group preference had significantly higher levels of eating disorders symptomatology compared with those demonstrating an in-group preference.These findings support the acculturative stress hypothesis, and suggest that the relationship between eating disorders and acculturation may be better understood with reference to implicit rather than explicit in-group evaluations


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    In exploration highlights and reasonable conditions becoming art-industrial education in Galicia historical and pedagogical context of the late nineteenth century. Industrial Arts Education is seen as an integrated phenomenon that is the result of social and cultural experiences of people subject to assimilation worldview. Following the completion of theoretical sources, materials stored in the collections of archives, the influence of socio-economic, organizational, educational, aesthetic and cultural conditions to develop the content of artistic and industrial education, the development of networks of artistic and industrial schools in certain territorial and chronological limits, especially the training of teachers for these schools, the relationship between the state of art and industrial education, social, economic and cultural challenges of the time are found. The article deals with the peculiarities of the Lviv Art and Industrial School as a cultural and educational center of art and industrial education Galicia in the late nineteenth century in terms of European models of intercultural environment.В статье освещены и обоснованны предпосылки становления художественно-промышленного образования Галичины (Галиции) в историко-педагогическом контексте конца XIX века. Художественно-промышленное образование рассматривается как интегрированное явление, представляющее собой результат социально-культурного опыта людей и усвоения мировоззренческих позиций. По результатам изучения теоретических источников, материалов, хранящихся в фондах архивов, выяснено влияние социально-экономических, организационно-педагогических, эстетико-культурных предпосылок на разработку содержания художественно-промышленного образования, развитие сети художественно-промышленных учебных заведений в указанных территориальных и хронологических рамках, подготовку педагогических кадров для этих учебных заведений; отображено влияние социально-экономических вызовов того времени на развитие художественно-промышленного образования. В статье раскрыты особенности функционирования Львовской художественно-промышленной школы как центра художественно-промышленного образования Галичины (конец XIX века) в условиях межкультурной среды европейского образца.У розвідці висвітлено та обґрунтовано передумови становлення художньо-промислової освіти Галичини в історико-педагогічному контексті кінця ХІХ століття. Художньо-промислова освіта розглядається як інтегроване явище, що являє собою результат соціально-культурного досвіду людей, що підлягає засвоєнню світоглядних позицій. За результатами вивчення теоретичних джерел, матеріалів, що зберігаються у фондах архівів з’ясовано вплив соціально-економічних, організаційно-педагогічних, естетико-культурних передумов на розроблення змісту художньо-промислової освіти, розвиток мережі художньо-промислових навчальних закладів у визначених територіальних і хронологічних межах, особливості підготовки педагогічних кадрів для цих навчальних закладів, взаємозв’язки між станом художньо-промислової освіти та соціально-економічними, культурними викликами того часу. У статті розкрито особливості функціонування Львівської художньо-промислової школи як культурного та освітнього осередку художньо-промислової освіти Галичини у кінці ХІХ століття в умовах міжкультурного середовища європейського взірця

    Predictors of post-operative outcomes in patients with peripheral arterial disease and critical limb ischaemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: A very small proportion (1%) of patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) present with critical limb threatening ischaemia (CLTI) with poor prognosis. The present review showcased several pre-operative predictors and key post-operative outcomes. Identification of any modifiable predictors may impact positively on surgical outcomes.Design: PubMed/Medline, Google scholar and Cochrane databases were searched using terms such as “peripheral arterial disease” AND “critical limb ischemia,” “post-operative outcome,” AND “predictors of post-operative outcomes”. Search was for relevant English-language articles published between January 1997 and December 2007 Selected articles were screened first by title and abstract, and selection of full articles was based on relevance using our inclusion and exclusion criteria and quality ratings performed with the MINORS score.Results: The included studies were published between 1997 and 2007. Only six (6) articles out of a total of 2,114 were deemed suitable for analysis. Ambulatory recovery was >70% at six months, 86.7% and 70.0% at one year and five years respectively. Rate of local wound complications was between 12% and 24%. Reported limb salvage rates were >90% at six months, >70% at one year and 70.0-90.0% at five years. Primary graft patency rate at one year ranged from 63% and 76.6%. Gangrene, diabetes and impaired pre-operative ambulatory function are associated with more wound complications, low limb salvage, reduced graft patency and poor functional outcome.Conclusion: Pre-operative ambulatory status was the most important predictor of post-operative ambulatory recovery. Diabetes mellitus was an important risk factor for prolonged wound healing, local wound complications and major amputation