106 research outputs found

    Environmental problems

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    The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but it's the only place where human beings can live. Today, our planet is in serious danger. The poisoning of the world's land, air and water is the fastestspreading disease of civilization. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable

    The essence of rational land use

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    The earth has always had on enormous value, because it is not a product of human labor, it is created by nature, and its reserves cannot be increased. As the world practice confirms, land resources are the main source of prosperity for any country in the world. Agricultural land is especially valuable because it performs a triune function: it is an ecological integral resource which creates conditions for the life and existence of the population; it is also a spatial basis for the placement of productive forces; it is the main means of agricultural production, that is, the object and means of labor at the same time. Land is also a powerful factor in identifying and realizing the role and place of land in economic security, history, culture, and social development of the country

    Environmental problems

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    The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but it's the only place where human beings can live. Today, our planet is in serious danger. The poisoning of the world's land, air and water is the fastestspreading disease of civilization. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable


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    Based on expert practice, the article analyzes main questions that experts are asked to solve when forensic economic examinations are commissioned in order to study documents on financial and credit transactions. The article provides a detailed consideration of problems that are connected with determining the total cost of the credit and calculation of the real interest rate for the use of credit resources, as well as the methods to calculate and use the floating interest rate when the credit agreement is concluded. It analyzes the most important tasks that experts solve in the course of the studies on the abovementioned questions. The article provides normative acts that regulate the order for disclosing information on the total cost of credit resources when credit agreements are concluded, the order for the formation of the floating interest rate. It considers problematic aspects of conducting examinations of documents on financial and credit transactions and offers proposals on amending and updating the array of methods in this area of research.Виходячи з експертної практики, розглянуто основні питання, що ставляться на вирішення експертизи документів фінансово-кредитних операцій. Наведено пропозиції щодо змін у науково-методичних рекомендаціях з питань підготовки та призначення судових експертиз і експертних досліджень

    Alternative fast quantum logic gates using nonadiabatic Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana transitions

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    A conventional realization of quantum logic gates and control is based on resonant Rabi oscillations of the occupation probability of the system. This approach has certain limitations and complications, like counter-rotating terms. We study an alternative paradigm for implementing quantum logic gates based on Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg-Majorana (LZSM) interferometry with non-resonant driving and the alternation of adiabatic evolution and non-adiabatic transitions. Compared to Rabi oscillations, the main differences are a non-resonant driving frequency and a small number of periods in the external driving. We explore the dynamics of a multilevel quantum system under LZSM drives and optimize the parameters for increasing single- and two-qubit gates speed. We define the parameters of the external driving required for implementing some specific gates using the adiabatic-impulse model. The LZSM approach can be applied to a large variety of multi-level quantum systems and external driving, providing a method for implementing quantum logic gates on them.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure


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    This analytical study focuses on the problems of state financial regulation of economic transformations (within the framework of the practical implementation of the Concept of regulation of investment activity in the conditions of the market transformation of the Ukrainian economy), namely tax incentives for energy efficiency projects in Ukraine. In general, the attractiveness of energy efficiency investments is due to a number of reasons. It is believed that saving a unit of energy is about two times cheaper than producing it. Therefore, the energy needs of end users can be met not only through the construction of new generating capacity, but also through the rational use of an existing resource. The state and dynamics of the modern market of energy resources both in the world scale and within Ukraine are analyzed, and it has been discovered that the potential of the energy efficiency market is extremely voluminous and interesting for different groups of investors. The study of Ukraine's legislative framework has made it possible to clearly define the concept of energy efficiency and to highlight which projects can be considered energy-efficient. It is noted that the state is actively developing and implementing a policy to increase energy consumption savings both among private individuals and among enterprises that are implemented at the state level by a specially created Energy Efficiency Fund. As a specific tool for stimulating energy efficiency projects, the author proposed to use tax incentives, which is one of the financial instruments of the state's investment policy.Key words: macroeconomic planning, investment process, economic development strategy, regulatory policy of the state

    Експериментальне обґрунтування терміну придатності вакцини «Кандидоцид»

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    Because of the difficult situation with the diagnosis and therapy of candidiasis many researchers propose to use vaccines as an alternative to anti-fungal drugs for preventing and treating candidal infections. The authors have developed “Candidocyde” vaccine against candidiasis.Aim. To determine experimentally the shelf-life of the solution of “Candidocyde” vaccine.Materials and methods. “Candidocyde” vaccine was stored at two temperature regimes: in the refrigerator at the temperature of 2-8 °C and at the room temperature of (15-25 °C). Antibody titers of the solution of “Candidocyde” vaccine were assessed every three months to prevent and treat candidiasis. For this purpose the reagent kit for immunoassay detection of antibodies of class G to C. albicans using the test system ELISA “Vector-best” was applied.Results and discussion. When conducting the studies of the vaccine stored in glass vials protected from light at the temperature from 2 ºC to 8 ºC it was found that the activity of the solution was preserved for 2 years and 3 months when preventing and treating candidal infections. The titers of antibodies in animals remained at the level of 1 : 600-1 : 4000 when preventing and treating candidiasis. The positive results were recorded in all animals in the group, i.e. all animals were healthy. It indicates that the solution of “Candidocyde” vaccine is stable for 2 years.Conclusions. When studying the shelf-life of the solution of “Candidocyde” vaccine based on antigens of cells of C. albicans and C. tropicalis fungi it has been found that it is stable for 2 years of storage in glass vials protected from light at the temperature of 2-8 ºC.Актуальность. В результате затруднительной ситуации с диагностикой и терапией кандидамикозов многие исследователи предлагают использовать вакцины в качестве альтернативы противогрибковым препаратам для предупреждения и лечения кандидозной инфекции. Авторы разработали вакцину «Кандидоцид» против кандидоза.Целью данных исследований является экспериментальное определение срока годности раствора вакцины «Кандидоцид».Материалы и методы. Вакцину «Кандидоцид» хранили при 2-х температурных режимах: в холодильнике при температуре 2-8 °С и при комнатной температуре (15-25 °С). Титры антител раствора вакцины «Кандидоцид» оценивали каждые три месяца при предупреждении и терапии кандидоза. Для этого использовали набор реагентов для иммуноферментного выявления антител класса G к C. albicans с помощью тест-системы ИФА «Вектор-Бест».Результаты и их обсуждение. При проведении исследований вакцины, которая хранилась в стеклянных флаконах без доступа света при температуре хранения от 2 °С до 8 °С, было обнаружено сохранение активности при предупреждении и терапии кандидозной инфекции в течение 2 лет и 3 месяцев. Титры антител у животных при предупреждении и терапии кандидоза сохранялись на уровне 1 : 600-1 : 4000. У всех животных в группе были зафиксированы положительные результаты, то есть все животные были здоровы. Это свидетельствует о том, что раствор вакцины «Кандидоцид» сохраняет стабильность в течение 2 лет.Выводы. При исследовании срока годности раствора вакцины «Кандидоцид» на основе антигенов клеток грибов C. albicans и C. tropicalis установлено, что он является стабильным в течение 2 лет хранения в стеклянном флаконе без доступа света при температуре от 2 °С до 8 °С.Актуальність. Внаслідок складної ситуації з діагностикою та терапією кандидамікозів багато дослідників пропонує використовувати вакцини як альтернативу протигрибковим препаратам, що використовуються для попередження та лікування кандидозної інфекції. Автори розробили вакцину «Кандидоцид» для лікування кандидозу. Метою даних досліджень є експериментальне визначення терміну придатності розчину вакцини «Кандидоцид».Матеріали та методи. Вакцину «Кандидоцид»зберігали при 2-х температурних режимах: в умовах холодильника при температурі 2-8 ºС та за кімнатної температури (15-25 ºС). Титри антитіл розчину вакцини «Кандидоцид» оцінювали кожні три місяці при попередженні та терапії кандидозу. Для цього використовували набір реагентів для імуноферментного виявлення антитіл класу G до C. albicans за допомогою тест-системи ІФА «Вектор-Бест». Результати та їх обговорення. При проведенні досліджень вакцини, що зберігалася в скляних флаконах без доступу світла при температурі від 2 ºС до 8 ºС було виявлено збереження активності при попередженні та терапії кандидозної інфекції впродовж 2 років і 3 місяців. Титри антитіл у тварин при попередженні та терапії кандидозу зберігалися на рівні 1 : 600-1 : 4000. У всіх тварин у групі були зафіксовані позитивні результати, тобто усі тварини були здорові. Це свідчить про те, що розчин вакцини «Кандидоцид» зберігає стабільність впродовж 2 років. Висновки. При дослідженні терміну придатності розчину вакцини «Кандидоцид» на основі антигенів клітин грибів C. albicans та C. tropicalis встановлено, що він є стабільним впродовж 2 років зберігання в скляному флаконі без доступу світла при температурі від 2 ºС до 8 ºС

    Anatomical optical, biomechanical and morphometric parameters of the eye in children with acquired myopia and syndrome of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

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    Aim of the research – to make a comprehensive assessment of anatomical, optical, biomechanical and morphometric parameters of the eye in children with acquired myopia and syndrome of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. Materials and methods. We examined patients of 2 groups: the I group – 44 children (88 eyes) with myopia of mild degree and phenotypic manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia, the II group – 40 patients (80 eyes) with myopia and without signs of connective tissue dysplasia. We measured the following parameters: corneal refractive power, corneal diameter and radius, thickness of the cornea, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, sagittal length of the vitreous body, axial length of the eye, corneal hysteresis, peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness. Results. We revealed significant differences in the anatomical, optical and biomechanical parameters of the visual analyzer in children with myopia of mild degree on the background of the UCTD, in contrast to children with myopia and without connective tissue dysplasia, which consisted in corneal refractive power reduction to an average of 41.25 [40.62; 41.75] D, increase in the corneal radius to an average of 8.13 [7.97; 8.28] mm, the corneal diameter to an average of 12.5 [12.1; 12.7] mm, the anterior chamber depth to an average of 3.8 [3.4; 4.0] mm, the sagittal length of the vitreous body to an average of 17.6 [17.3; 18.0] mm, the axial length of eye to an average of 24.9 [24.4; 25.4] mm, decrease in corneal hysteresis to an average of 11.2 [10.6; 11.7] mm Hg. Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was reduced to an average of 87 [85; 93] μm. Conclusions. The obtained data can be useful in a comprehensive assessment of ophthalmic manifestations of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, in myopic process development prediction and in individual treatment tactics determination