194 research outputs found

    The dependence of opportunistic behavior from economic growth

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    © 2015, American Journal of Applied Sciences, All rights reserved. The study of opportunistic behavior is important because it directly affects the efficiency of economic systems. We conducted qualitative and correlation analysis. The dependence between the manifestations of opportunistic behavior and economic growth was proved. In the article we attempt to identify significant correlation between the rate of economic growth and opportunistic behavior. The study proved the high importance, because it expands our knowledge about the nature of exogenous opportunistic manifestations as an economic phenomenon

    Favourites from the Russian experience in assessing forest plots and resources

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    Consider in this article, interesting in our opinion, the results of the study and the proposals of scientists in terms of determining the value of land and forest resources using the assessment options for these purposes. When conducting research on the chosen topic, we completely agreed with the opinion of many Russian scientists, said about the need to assess the value of forest lands and forest resources, which is carried out for different purposes. The most relevant for our country are: determination of fees for the use of forest resources; setting fees for obtaining the right to lease or concession of forest fund plots; determination of the effectiveness of forest land use projects and the effectiveness of forest management systems; assessment of environmental damage and the effectiveness of environmental projects, etc. In this article we have shown only part of the proposals, in our opinion, of important assessment factors and their calculations for determining the value of the forest resource in a certain territory of the country's forest fund. They presented for your consideration a brief algorithm for the integrated assessment of forest resources and sites, compiled from research and analysis of various scientific Russian schools. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020

    Неінвазивні методи діагностики в плануванні реконструктивних втручань на кінцівках складними комплексами тканин

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    The aim of the work: to investigate the effectiveness of the ultrasonic duplex scanning method in the planning of reconstructive interventions in the case of defects in the lining of the limbs with complicated tissue complexes. Materials and Methods. Data of 50 patients who underwent ultrasound in the preoperative period to select the scope of surgery were analyzed. In the study of limb hemodynamics included confirmation of the patency of the vessels and the degree of their functioning. In addition, ultrasound were used to study regional hemodynamics in the area of ​​the wound defect and in the donor region of the future complex flap. Results and Discussion. In group I (n = 15), patients with extensive (more than 1 % area) wound surface and soft tissue damage below the deep fascia after detailed preoperative preparation and hemodynamic investigation of the area of ​​damage, 25 (20.2%) DPT recovery operations were performed. Group II (n = 13) consisted of victims with DFT who emerged together or as a result of damage to the joint-joint apparatus - 42 (33.9%) of the intervention. Group III (n = 22), patients with combined or multiple trauma, accompanied by damage to the main vessels, nerves, partial or complete dissection of the limb. In this group, 57 (45.9 %) reconstructions of DPT were performed.Цель работы: исследовать эффективность метода ультразвукового дуплексного сканирования в планировании реконструктивных вмешательств при дефектах покровных тканей конечностей сложными комплексами тканей. Материалы и методы. В работе проанализированы данные о 50 больных, которым в предоперационном периоде с целью выбора объема оперативного вмешательства выполняли ультразвуковое дуплексное сканирование (УЗДС). В задачи исследования гемодинамики конечности входило подтверждение проходимости сосудов и степень их функционирования. Кроме того, УЗДС использовали для исследования регионарной гемодинамики в зоне раневого дефекта и в донорской области будущего сложного лоскута. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. В I группе (n = 15), больным с обширной (более 1 % площади) раневой поверхностью и повреждением мягких тканей ниже глубокой фасции после детальной предоперационной подготовки и исследования гемодинамики области повреждения выполнено 25 (20,2 %) восстановительных операций ДПТ. II группа (n = 13) состояла из пострадавших с ДПТ, которые возникли вместе или в результате повреждения костно-суставного аппарата – 42 (33,9 %) вмешательства. III группа (n = 22), больных с сочетанной или множественной травмой, сопровождающейся повреждением магистральных сосудов, нервов, частичным или полным отчленением конечности. В этой группе выполнено 57 (45,9 %) реконструкций ДПТ.Мета роботи: дослідити ефективність методу ультразвукового дуплексного сканування в плануванні реконструктивних втручань при дефектах покривних тканин кінцівок складними комплексами тканин. Матеріали і методи. У роботі проаналізовано дані про 50 хворих, яким у передопераційному періоді з метою вибору об’єму оперативного втручання виконували ультразвукове дуплексне сканування (УЗДС). До задач дослідження гемодинаміки кінцівки входило підтвердження прохідності судин та ступінь їх функціонування. Окрім того, УЗДС використовували для дослідження реґіонарної гемодинаміки у зоні ранового дефекту та у донорській ділянці майбутнього складного клаптя. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. В  I групі (n = 15), хворим із надвеликою (понад 1 % площі) рановою поверхнею й пошкодженням м’яких тканин нижче глибокої фасції після детальної передопераційної підготовки та дослідження гемодинаміки ділянки пошкодження виконано 25 (20,2 %) відновних  операцій ДПТ. II група (n = 13)  складалася з постраждалих із ДПТ, які виникли разом або внаслідок  пошкодження кістково – суглобового апарату – 42 (33,9 %) втручань.  III група (n = 22), хворих із поєднаною чи множинною травмою, що супроводжувалася пошкодженням магістральних судин, нервів, частковим або повним відокремленням кінцівки.  В цій групі виконано 57 (45,9 %) реконструкцій ДПТ

    Structural changes of medium-tech economic sectors under digital transformation of industry

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    Objective: to describe certain structural changes in industry influenced by digitalization.Methods: general scientific, abstract-logical, dialectical, phenomenological methods, observation, and description.Results: the general statistical characteristics of digitalization in the processing industry are shown, based on the meta-analysis by HSE and Rosstat; two directions of structural changes in industry influenced by digitalization are identified: the growing digital maturity and increased use of the Russian solutions in the field of software and information-telecommunication technologies in general, including the respective equipment; and digitalization of communication processes in the field of sustainable development. Two technological features of industry digitalization are identified, namely: the platform nature and the use of the Russian technological solutions for further industry digitalization.Scientific novelty: it is proposed to consider the digital maturity indicators as an integral indicator of the development of a homogeneous group of economic agents; two directions of structural changes in the industrial sector among medium-tech industries are shown: firstly, the digital maturity growth and the increased use of the Russian solutions in the field of software and information-telecommunication technologies equipment; secondly, digitalization communication processes in the field of sustainable development.Practical significance: the clarification of the interrelationships between the processes of digitalization and industrial development will not only allow a more structured approach to the development of industrial policy research programs for medium-tech industries, but will also create a basis for deepening existing knowledge in this area (which can be used both in industrial companies themselves and in regional, federal, and international projects on digital transformation)

    Factors Influencing Social Participation of Older People in Russia: Study of Practices of Delayed Ageing

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    Received 24 October 2023. Accepted 18 March 2024. Published online 5 April 2024.The article presents the study results of the social participation of Russian citizens aged 60 and over. The analysis is based on the concept of extended adulthood or delayed ageing, which is a continuation or development of “active ageing.” Extended adulthood is understood from a sociological perspective as the preservation of the social status and role of an independent person participating in the life of society. Our main research question is “What factors and how do they influence the social activity of older people in modern Russian society?” Our research is based on a quantitative survey, consisting of a corpus of 210 questionnaires collected in a medical institution from older people aged 60 and over, supplemented by data from their medical records. For data triangulation and thick description, we use the material from 50 in-depth semi-structured interviews. All material was collected in 2022–2023. The data are strictly anonymous. Among the various forms of social participation and involvement of older people in activities, the most important is employment, which increases income. Internet use helps to prolong social participation and not to feel old. After the age of 75, the range of activities decreases and focuses on family and relatives. The very concepts of “ageing” and “elderly” themselves have predominantly negative connotations for both respondents and informants and are associated with inactivity, illness, loss of interests and abilities, etc. This allows us to consider the concept of extended adulthood/delayed ageing as the most effective and appropriate for studying ageing and changes in ageing policies.The research was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-18-00461 https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-18-00461

    Innovation supporting course eco-caltural orientation for students of pedagogic profiles of university

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    The article deals with the problem of formation of ecological culture at students of pedagogical training areas at the university. Reveals the conceptual approaches and didactic principles of supporting eco-cultural orientation coursesВ статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования экологической культуры у студентов педагогических направлений подготовки в вузе. Раскрываются концептуальные подходы и дидактические принципы построения поддерживающих курсов экокультурной направленност

    Full-scale bioreactor pretreatment of highly toxic wastewater from styrene and propylene oxide production

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    The wastewater originating from simultaneous production of styrene and propylene oxide (SPO) is classified as highly polluted with chemical oxygen demand level in the range 5965 to 9137mgL-1-as well as highly toxic. The dilution factor providing for a 10 percent toxic effect of wastewater samples in a test with Paramecium caudatum was 8.0-9.5. Biological approach for pretreatment and detoxification of the wastewater under full-scale bioreactor conditions was investigated. The number of suspended microorganisms and the clean up efficiency were increased up to 5.5-6.58×108CFUmL-1 and 88 percent, respectively during the bioreactor's operation. Isolates in the Citrobacter, Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, and Paracoccus genera were dominant in the mature suspended, as well as the immobilized microbial community of the bioreactor. The most dominant representatives were tested for their ability to biodegrade the major components of the SPO wastewater and evidence of their role in the treatment process was demonstrated. The investigated pretreatment process allowed the wastewater to be detoxified for conventional treatment with activated sludge and was closely related to the maturation of the bioreactor's microbial community. © 2014 Elsevier Inc

    Composition of the oil-slime microbial community as determined by analysis of the 16S rRNA gene

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    Analysis of the 16S rRNA genes of the cultured microorganisms of industrial oil-slime revealed predominance (~85-90%) of the Gammaproteobacteria in the community of aerobic heterotrophs and specific oil-slime degraders. Relation of the isolated strains with members of the genera Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, and Enterobacter was established. Analysis of the same gene in the total DNA from the oil-slime revealed greater microbial diversity (~20 operative taxonomic units determined by T-RFLP) than in the cultured part of the community, which included ∼12 different colony types. Three major restriction fragments were found, with their total area ∼50%. These results demonstrated the low morphological and phylogenetic diversity of the oil-slime bacterial community. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Научно-практическая конференция "Пульмонология: вчера, сегодня, завтра"

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    Scientific-and-practical conference "Pulmonology: yesterday, today, tomorrow".Научно-практическая конференция "Пульмонология: вчера, сегодня, завтра"