1,883 research outputs found

    Word Muscles

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    Through video performance, I question whether the tangible expressive significance of written language is not just in the record of it, but in the experience of writing as well. The ability to contract and relax is a property of the muscles in bodies as well as in language. In response to this idea of the contractile nature of the body, I link writing to dancing by pairing the record of one with the process of the other. In doing so, I set up a parallel between the malleable nature of the body – which allows for the proximity between graceful and awkward movements in the dance – and the mutability of letter forms in language

    Fast Fight Detection

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    Action recognition has become a hot topic within computer vision. However, the action recognition community has focused mainly on relatively simple actions like clapping, walking, jogging, etc. The detection of specific events with direct practical use such as fights or in general aggressive behavior has been comparatively less studied. Such capability may be extremely useful in some video surveillance scenarios like prisons, psychiatric centers or even embedded in camera phones. As a consequence, there is growing interest in developing violence detection algorithms. Recent work considered the well-known Bag-of-Words framework for the specific problem of fight detection. Under this framework, spatio-temporal features are extracted from the video sequences and used for classification. Despite encouraging results in which high accuracy rates were achieved, the computational cost of extracting such features is prohibitive for practical applications. This work proposes a novel method to detect violence sequences. Features extracted from motion blobs are used to discriminate fight and non-fight sequences. Although the method is outperformed in accuracy by state of the art, it has a significantly faster computation time thus making it amenable for real-time applications

    Perancangan Majalah Visual Interaktif untuk Menciptakan Dialog Antar Masyarakat Sister City Bandung-braunschweig

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    Peran komunikasi dapat menjaga kontinuitas program kerjasama hubungan diplomatis Sister City Bandung-Braunschweig yang memiliki visi misimeningkatkan kualitas karakter, produktivitas serta kolaborasi antar kedua kota. Karakter sebuah kota dapat dilihat dari impuls pergerakan daninteraksi masyarakat. Dengan mengaitkan teknologi media digital dan menyadur format majalah yang diterbitkan secara berkala dengan kontenpembahasan pola hidup, bisnis-ekonomi, komunitas, ekspresi diri dan pariwisata, peluang dialog yang efektif, terstruktur dan berkelanjutan dapatmenjadi wadah berdialog sekaligus merealisasikan buah pikiran masyarakat ke dalam tulisan, gambar, audiovisual dan tidak membatasi area kreasidan kematangan berpikir sehingga dapat menjadi representasi tanpa menggerus identitas dari kedua kota tersebut.// /

    Error analysis of a finite difference method on graded meshes for a time-fractional diffusion equation

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    A reaction-diffusion problem with a Caputo time derivative of order = 2 (0; 1) is considered. The solution of such a problem is shown in general to have a weak singularity near the initial time t = 0, and sharp point wise bounds on certain derivatives of this solution are derived. A new analysis of a standard finite difference method for the problem is given, taking into account this initial singularity. This analysis encompasses both uniform meshes and meshes that are graded in time, and includes new stability and consistency bounds. The final convergence result shows clearly how the regularity of the solution and the grading of the mesh affect the order of convergence of the difference scheme, so one can choose an optimal mesh grading. Numerical results are presented that confirm the sharpness of the error analysis

    Parameter-uniform numerical methods for singularly perturbed linear transport problems

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    Pointwise accurate numerical methods are constructed and analysed for three classes of singularly perturbed first order transport problems. The methods involve piecewise-uniform Shishkin meshes and the numerical approximations are shown to be parameter-uniformly convergent in the maximum norm. A transport problem from the modelling of fluid–particle interaction is formulated and used as a test problem for these numerical methods. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance of the numerical methods and to confirm the theoretical error bounds established in the paper. © 2022 The Authors. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Adsorption of Phosphate in Aqueous Solutions Using Manganese Dioxide

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    Effort to remove phosphate from aquatic ecosystem is of great interest, not only for preventing algae bloom problem but also for recovering phosphate, as this is an essential material. Adsorption is considered as an effective method especially because the nutrient loaded adsorbent can be directly used for fertilizer. Therefore, this study investigated the potential use of manganese dioxide in natural form (pyrolusite) to adsorb phosphate in aqueous solutions. A series of batch experiments were done to elaborate the adsorption process of phosphate onto manganese dioxide. Several environmental conditions such as pH, temperature and ionic strength were applied in order to get a better understanding of the process mechanism. The results indicated that pH was obviously affected the adsorption process, meanwhile ionic strength did not play significant role. The adsorption of phosphate was higher at a lower pH and getting reduced as the pH increased. Similar to that, the percentage removal of phosphate was declined significantly in higher ionic strength, indicated that the interaction between phosphate and manganese dioxide was mainly controlled by electrostatic force.  The adsorption isotherm data correlated better with Langmuir model rather than Freundlich model. The maximum adsorption capacity of manganese dioxide was 11.40 mg P/g. The kinetic data was very well fitted to pseudo second order equation suggested that chemical reaction involved in adsorption process. Moreover, thermodynamic data confirmed that phosphate adsorption onto manganese dioxide was an endothermic process

    Transcriptome changes in the phenylpropanoid pathway of Glycine max in response to Pseudomonas syringae infection

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    BACKGROUND: Reports of plant molecular responses to pathogenic infections have pinpointed increases in activity of several genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway leading to the synthesis of lignin and flavonoids. The majority of those findings were derived from single gene studies and more recently from several global gene expression analyses. We undertook a global transcriptional analysis focused on the response of genes of the multiple branches of the phenylpropanoid pathway to infection by the Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea with or without the avirulence gene avrB to characterize more broadly the contribution of the multiple branches of the pathway to the resistance response in soybean. Transcript abundance in leaves was determined from analysis of soybean cDNA microarray data and hybridizations to RNA blots with specific gene probes. RESULTS: The majority of the genes surveyed presented patterns of increased transcript accumulation. Some increased rapidly, 2 and 4 hours after inoculation, while others started to accumulate slowly by 8 – 12 hours. In contrast, transcripts of a few genes decreased in abundance 2 hours post inoculation. Most interestingly was the opposite temporal fluctuation in transcript abundance between early responsive genes in defense (CHS and IFS1) and F3H, the gene encoding a pivotal enzyme in the synthesis of anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and flavonols. F3H transcripts decreased rapidly 2 hours post inoculation and increased during periods when CHS and IFS transcripts decreased. It was also determined that all but one (CHS4) family member genes (CHS1, CHS2, CHS3, CHS5, CHS6 and CHS7/8) accumulated higher transcript levels during the defense response provoked by the avirulent pathogen challenge. CONCLUSION: Based on the mRNA profiles, these results show the strong bias that soybean has towards increasing the synthesis of isoflavonoid phytoalexins concomitant with the down regulation of genes required for the synthesis of anthocyanins and proanthocyanins. Although proanthocyanins are known to be toxic compounds, the cells in the soybean leaves seem to be programmed to prioritize the synthesis and accumulation of isoflavonoid and pterocarpan phytoalexins during the resistance response. It was known that CHS transcripts accumulate in great abundance rapidly after inoculation of the soybean plants but our results have demonstrated that all but one (CHS4) member of the gene family member genes accumulated higher transcript levels during the defense response

    Evolution of the IBDM Structural Latch Development into a Generic Simplified Design

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    This paper presents the evolution in the development of the structural latch for the International Berthing Docking Mechanism (IBDM, see Figure 1). It reports on the lessons learned since completion of the test program on the engineering development unit of the first generation latching system in 2007. The initial latch design has been through a second generation concept in 2008, and now evolved into a third generation of this mechanism. Functional and structural testing on the latest latch hardware has recently been completed with good results. The IBDM latching system will provide the structural connection between two mated space vehicles after berthing or docking. The mechanism guarantees that the interface seals become compressed to form a leak-tight pressure system that creates a passageway for the astronauts
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