27 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Disiplin terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pegawai di Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

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    Although the discipline rules of civil servent is dearly and distinct define the obligations andprobubitions, but the fact shows that there still a lot of discipline violations done by the civil servent. The purpose ofthis research is to find out the influence of discipline on employee\u27s work achievement of the social services indistrict of West Halmahera. The type of this research is exploratory research with quantitative approach. Theresearch sample are 35 respondents drawn by random at the social services in district of west Halmahera. For thedata collection used questionnaire and interview technique.The data analysis tehniques used statistic analysis of linear reqression and product moment correlation.Based on the data analysis is thengwen coclusions as follows : (1). The discipline has a funcional relationship orpositive influence and significant as wel as shape or linear pattern on employee\u27s work achievement of the socialservices in district of west Halmahera. That, the increasing of the work achievement. (2). The discipline has acorrelation and the significant determination forwards the development on employee\u27s work achievement of thesocial services in district of west Halmahera.That, the more discipline, the more it gets achievement. Based on the conclusions is then developed somesuggestions as follows : (a). The preventive discipline needs to be improved on employee\u27s of the social services indistrict of west Halmahera. For that, the coaching of discipline is necessary to do continuously. (b). The repressivediscipline needs to applying for the employee\u27s who violate the rules of discipline. For that the punishment ofdiscipline should be done consistenly

    Kinerja Pemerintah Desa dalam Pelayanan Publik di Kampung Kiliarma Distrik Agimuga Kabupaten Mimika Propinsi Papua

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    Kebijakan otonomi daerah diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja pemerintah desa dalampelayanan publik; namun dalam Kenyataan masih banyak pemerintah desa yang belum dapat mewujudkankinerja pelayanan publik sesuai yang diharapkan tersebut. Bertolak dari Kenyataan itu maka penelitian inibertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan “bagaimana “Bagaimana kinerja Pemerintah Desa KampungKiliarma Distrik Agimuga Kabupaten Mimika dalam pelayanan publik ?”Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Kinerja pemerintah kampung dalampelayanan public dilihat dari empat indikator yaitu efektivitas, efisiensi, responsivitas dan kualitaspelayanan. Sumber data/responden penelitian adalah semua kepala keluarga di kampung Kiliarma yaitusebanyak 46 orang KK. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan dibantu dengan teknikwawancara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis dekriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) tingkat efektivitas pelayanan publik masih terkategori sedang danrendah dilihat dari tingkat kemampuan dalam menyusun, mengembangkan dan melaksanakan program dankegiatan pelayanan publik secara berhasil; (2) tingkat efisiensi pelayanan publik masih terkategori sedangdan rendah dilihat dari kemampuan melaksanakan pelayanan publik secara cepat (waktu), tepat (biaya), danmudah (prosedur dan mekanisme pelayanan); (3) Tingkat responsivitas pelayanan publik masih terkategorisedang dan rendah dilihat dari tingkat keselarasan program dan kegiatan pelayanan yangditetapkan/dilaksanakan dengan kebutuhan dan kepentingan masyarakat; (4)Tingkat kualitas pelayananmasih terkategori sedang dan rendah dilihat dari kemampuan dalam menyenggaarakan pelayanan publikyang berkualitas dan memuaskan masyarakat dari segi prosedur dan mekanisme pelayanan, persyaratanteknis dan administratif pelayanan, transparansi biaya pelayanan, waktu penyelesaian pelayanan, dantanggung jawab dalam memberikan pelayanan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kinerja pemerintah KampungKiliarma Distrik Agimuga Kabupaten Mimika Propinsi Papua masih terkategori rendah sampai sedangdilihat dari indikator efektivitas, efisiensi, responsivitas, dan kualitas layanan.Bertolak dari kesimpulan hasil penelitian tersebut maka perlu direkomendasikan saran : untukmewujudkan peningkatan kinerja pemerintah Kampung Kiliarma dalam pelayanan publik, maka perludilakukan peningkatan kompetensi aparat pemerintah kampung, peningkatan prasarana dan saranapelayanan publik, dan pembinaan penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik

    Tectono-stratigraphic response of the Sandino Forearc Basin (N-Costa Rica and W-Nicaragua) to episodes of rough crust and oblique subduction

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    The southern Central American active margin is a world-class site where past and present subduction processes have been extensively studied. Tectonic erosion/accretion and oblique/orthogonal subduction are thought to alternate in space and time along the Middle American Trench. These processes may cause various responses in the upper plate, such as uplift/subsidence, deformation, and volcanic arc migration/ shut-off. We present an updated stratigraphic framework of the Late Cretaceous– Cenozoic Sandino Forearc Basin (SFB) which provides evidence of sedimentary response to tectonic events. Since its inception, the basin was predominantly filled with deep-water volcaniclastic deposits. In contrast, shallow-water deposits appeared episodically in the basin record and are considered as tectonic event markers. The SFB stretches for about 300 km and varies in thickness from 5 km (southern part) to about 16 km (northern part). The drastic, along-basin, thickness variation appears to be the result of (1) differential tectonic evolutions and (2) differential rates of sediment supply. (1) The northern SFB did not experience major tectonic events. In contrast, the reduced thickness of the southern SFB (5 km) is the result of at least four uplift phases related to the collision/accretion of bathymetric reliefs on the incoming plate: (i) the accretion of a buoyant oceanic plateau (Nicoya Complex) during the middle Campanian; (ii) the collision of an oceanic plateau (?) during the late Danian–Selandian; (iii) the collision/accretion of seamounts during the late Eocene–early Oligocene; (iv) the collision of seamounts and ridges during the Pliocene–Holocene. (2) The northwestward thickening of the SFB may have been enhanced by high sediment supply in the Fonseca Gulf area which reflects sourcing from wide, high relief drainage basins. In contrast, sedimentary input has possibly been lower along the southern SFB, due to the proximity of the narrow, lowland isthmus of southern Central America. Moreover, two phases of strongly oblique subduction affected the margin, producing strike-slip faulting in the forearc basin: (1) prior to the Farallon Plate breakup, an Oligocene transpressional phase caused deformation and uplift of the basin depocenter, triggering shallowing-upward of the Nicaraguan Isthmus in the central and northern SFB; (2) a Pleistocene–Holocene transtensional phase drives the NW-directed motion of a forearc sliver and reactivation of the graben-bounding faults of the late Neogene Nicaraguan Depression. We discuss arguments in favour of a Pliocene development of the Nicaraguan Depression and propose that the Nicaraguan Isthmus, which is the apparent rift shoulder of the depression, represents a structure inherited from the Oligocene transpressional phase

    Crustal and basin evolution of the southwestern Barents Sea: from Caledonian orogeny to continental breakup

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    A new generation of aeromagnetic data documents the post-Caledonide rift evolution of the southwestern Barents Sea (SWBS) from the Norwegian mainland up to the continent-ocean transition. We propose a geological and tectonic scenario of the SWBS in which the Caledonian nappes and thrust sheets, well-constrained onshore, swing from a NE-SW trend onshore Norway to NW-SE/NNW-SSE across the SWBS platform area. On the Finnmark and Bjarmeland platforms, the dominant inherited magnetic basement pattern may also reflect the regional and post-Caledonian development of the late Paleozoic basins. Farther west, the pre-breakup rift system is characterized by the Loppa and Stappen Highs, which are interpreted as a series of rigid continental blocks (ribbons) poorly thinned as compared to the adjacent grabens and sag basins. As part of the complex western rift system, the Bjørnøya Basin is interpreted as a propagating system of highly thinned crust, which aborted in late Mesozoic time. This thick Cretaceous sag basin is underlain by a deep-seated high-density body, interpreted as exhumed high-grade metamorphic lower crust. The abortion of this propagating basin coincides with a migration and complete reorganization of the crustal extension toward a second necking zone defined at the level of the western volcanic sheared margin and proto-breakup axis. The abortion of the Bjørnøya Basin may be partly explained by its trend oblique to the regional, inherited, structural grain, revealed by the new aeromagnetic compilation, and by the onset of further weakening later sustained by the onset of magmatism to the west

    Investigación, reflexión y acción de la realidad socio-educativa a principios del siglo XXI : vol. II

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    Consciente de la importancia de la investigación educativa para promover las transformaciones que permitan ofrecer a la sociedad nacional e internacional una educación pertinente y relevante que al mismo tiempo, contribuya con el desarrollo humano, en febrero del 2011 y en el marco de la celebración del 30 aniversario de su fundación, el Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE) organiza el II Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa: Su Incidencia en la Realidad Social. Los aportes presentados durante este II Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa, se han recopilado en la publicación del libro digital: Investigación, reflexión y acción de la realidad socio-educativa a principios del siglo XXI. Estos trabajos tienen por objetivo ofrecer propuestas para repensar la educación y los procesos educativos que se desarrollan en las aulas, así como valorar la importancia de realizar las transformaciones que se requieren a partir de los resultados de las investigacione

    From incipient island arc to doubly-vergent orogen: A review of geodynamic models and sedimentary basin-fills of southern Central America

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    Southern Central America is a Late Mesozoic/Cenozoic island arc that evolved in response to the subduction of the Farallón Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate in the Late Cretaceous and, from the Oligocene, the Cocos and Nazca Plates. Southern Central America is one of the best studied convergent margins in the world. The aim of this paper is to review the sedimentary and structural evolution of arc-related sedimentary basins in southern Central America, and to show how the arc developed from a pre-extensional intra-oceanic island arc into a doubly-vergent, subduction orogen. The Cenozoic sedimentary history of southern Central America is placed into the plate tectonic context of existing Caribbean Plate models. From regional basin analysis, the evolution of the southern Central American island arc is subdivided into three phases: (i) non-extensional stage during the Campanian; (ii) extensional phase during the Maastrichtian-Oligocene with rapid basin subsidence and deposition of arc-related, clastic sediments; and (iii) doubly-vergent, compressional arc phase along the 280 km long southern Costa Rican arc segment related to either oblique subduction of the Nazca plate, west-to-east passage of the Nazca–Cocos–Caribbean triple junction, or the subduction of rough oceanic crust of the Cocos Plate. The Pleistocene subduction of the Cocos Ridge contributed to the contraction but was not the primary driver. The architecture of the arc-related sedimentary basin-fills has been controlled by four factors: (i) subsidence caused by tectonic mechanisms, linked to the angle and morphology of the incoming plate, as shown by the fact that subduction of aseismic ridges and slab segments with rough crust were important drivers for subduction erosion, controlling the shape of forearc and trench-slope basins, the lifespan of sedimentary basins, and the subsidence and uplift patterns; (ii) subsidence caused by slab rollback and resulting trench retreat; (iii) eustatic sea-level changes; and (iv) sediment dispersal systems