70 research outputs found

    New Nanomaterials and Luminescent Optical Sensors for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide

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    Accurate methods that can continuously detect low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) have a huge application potential in biological, pharmaceutical, clinical and environmental analysis. Luminescent probes and nanomaterials are used for fabrication of sensors for H2O2 that can be applied for these purposes. In contrast to previous reviews focusing on the chemical design of molecular probes for H2O2, this mini-review highlights the latest luminescent nanoparticular materials and new luminescent optical sensors for H2O2 in terms of the nanomaterial composition and luminescent receptor used in the sensors. The nanomaterial section is subdivided into schemes based on gold nanoparticles, polymeric nanoparticles with embedded enzymes, probes showing aggregation-induced emission enhancement, quantum dots, lanthanide-based nanoparticles and carbon based nanomaterials, respectively. Moreover, the sensors are ordered according to the type of luminescent receptor used within the sensor membranes. Among them are lanthanide complexes, metal-ligand complexes, oxidic nanoparticles and organic dyes. Further, the optical sensors are confined to those that are capable to monitor the concentration of H2O2 in a sample over time or are reusable. Optical sensors responding to gaseous H2O2 are not covered. All nanomaterials and sensors are characterized with respect to the analytical reaction towards H2O2, limit of detection (LOD), analytical range, electrolyte, pH and response time/incubation time. Applications to real samples are given. Finally, we assess the suitability of the nanomaterials to be used in membrane-based sensors and discuss future trends and perspectives of these sensors in biomedical research

    Woodworking facilities: Driving efficiency through Automation applied to major process steps

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    The investment scenario applied to forestry development analyzes the fundamental changes in the production structure, among other things. These changes refer to the priority development of the pulp and paper industry through the chain of large-scale woodworking facilities, where pulp, paper and cardboard manufacturing plants are the key links. Such facilities include sawmilling facilities, wood-processing factories, and timber factories. Those provide a significant economic benefit, so improving them is one of the top priorities. Considering this priority is the purpose of this article. The goal was achieved using common and scientific research methods, including mathematical modeling. Theoretical research resulted in three sets of formulas adapted for evaluating the pulpwood barking from theoretical findings on image recognition. © 2018 Authors

    Neurocognitive functions as an indicator of subjective adaptation to involutionary processes

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    This neuropsychological study focuses on cognitive correlates of a successful process of adaptation to involutional processes. We examined 94 elderly people without pronounced cognitive impairments. It was shown that adaptation positively correlates with cognitive functions and negatively with comorbidity; the most significant predictors of successful adaptation to involutional processes are semantic memory and the rate of anticipatory processes

    Using Machine Vision to Improve the Efficiency of Lumber Mills

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    This work provides rationale for the implementation of a machine vision-based approach for promoting timber processing efficiency. With efforts to combat the climate change, criteria for the success of wood industries shifted. Now, they need to ensure economic efficiency while taking the reduction in carbon intensity into account. This may be achieved in either of two ways, through the improvement of energy efficiency in production and by minimizing waste. So far, the traditional methods for the improvement of timber processing efficiency became obsolete. Hence, using advances in electronic engineering and machine vision may be viewed as a promising step. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Рецидив туберкулеза легких у больных с изониазид-резистентным туберкулезом

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    The objective: to study the incidence of relapses over a two-year period after successful completion of chemotherapy in patients with isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis (Hr TB), to determine the risk factors for relapses in this cohort.Subjects and Methods. The medical records of 1860 Hr-TB patients who started treatment in 2015 in TB hospitals in 18 regions of the Russian Federation were retrospectively studied. Of these, 1271 (68.3 ± 1.08%) patients successfully completed a full course of chemotherapy, which were divided into two groups depending on the presence/absence of relapse in the next two years.Results. Tuberculosis relapse was observed in 131/1271 (10.31%; CI 8,75–12,10%) (R+ Group) patients, the remaining 1140 patients(R– Group) developed no relapse. For R+ and R– Groups, the first episode of the disease (FED) was analyzed, for R+ Group, the episode of the disease recurrence detection (DRD) was also analyzed. The risk factors for relapse development include the following parameters that were available in patients during first episode of the disease: unemployment at working age (OR=1,98; 95% CI [1,36–2,88]), diabetes mellitus or chronic alcohol addiction (OR=3,93; 95% CI [2,13–7,26%] and OR=2,25; 95% CI [1,02–5,01]), lung tissue decay OR=2,01; 95% CI [1,31–3,07], and drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H+Ag+Fq) (OR=7,26; 95% CI [3,90–10,62]).With the disease recurrence detection, out of 131 patients of R+ Group, the positive results of the sputum test was recorded only in 117 (89,3%) patients, 41/131 (31,3%) patients developed a different clinical form of tuberculosis versus the first episode of the disease, and in 12/41 ( 29,3%) or 12/131 (9,2%) patients, the disease was more severe. 44/117 (37,6%) patients had been already resistant to rifampicin. It means they had developed MDR TB before the relapse was detected.Цель исследования: изучить частоту рецидивов за двухлетний период после успешного завершения химиотерапии у больных с изониазид-резистентным туберкулезом (Hr ТБ), определить факторы риска развития рецидивов в данной когорте.Материалы и методы. Ретроспективно изучены медицинские документы 1860 больных Hr ТБ, начавших лечение в 2015 году в противотуберкулезных стационарах 18 регионов РФ. Из них успешно завершили полный курс химиотерапии 1271 (68,3±1,08%) пациент, которые были распределены в две группы в зависимости от наличия/отсутствия рецидива в последующие два года.Результаты. Рецидив туберкулеза наблюдался у 131/1271 (10,31%; ДИ 8,75–12,10%) (группа «Р+») пациентов, у остальных 1140 (группа «Р–») – рецидива не было. Для групп «Р+» и ««Р–» анализировался первый эпизод заболевания (ПЭЗ), для группы «Р+» еще и эпизод выявления рецидива заболевания (ВРЗ). К факторам риска развития рецидива отнесены следующие показатели, имевшиеся у пациентов на момент ПЭЗ: отсутствие работы в трудоспособном возрасте (ОШ=1,98; 95%ДИ [1,36–2,88]), наличие сахарного диабета или хронического алкоголизма (ОШ=3,93; 95%ДИ [2,13–7,26%] и ОШ=2,25; 95%ДИ [1,02–5,01]), распад легочной ткани ОШ=2,01; 95%ДИ [1,31–3,07]; ЛУ МБТ (H+Ag+Fq) (ОШ=7,26; 95%ДИ [3,90–10,62]).При ВРЗ из 131 пациента группы «Р+» бактериовыделение было зафиксировано только у 117 (89,3%), у 41/131 (31,3%) пациента развилась другая клиническая форма туберкулеза, чем при ПЭЗ, и у 12/41 (29,3%) или 12/131 (9,2%) она была более тяжелой. У 44/117 (37,6%) уже наблюдалась устойчивость МБТ к рифампицину, то есть формирование МЛУ МБТ произошло до выявления рецидива

    Анализ структуры бактериемий и чувствительности к антибиотикам микроорганизмов, выделенных в отделениях реанимации и интенсивной терапии в скоропомощном стационаре в период с 2003 по 2021 г.: ретроспективное наблюдательное исследование

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Создание протоколов эффективной эмпирической антимикробной терапии невозможно без анализа актуальных данных чувствительности к антибиотикам. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Анализ изменения этиологической значимости ведущих возбудителей бактериемий в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ) в период с 2003 по 2021 г. и их чувствительности к антибиотикам; изучение типов карбапенемаз у наиболее актуальных возбудителей — Klebsiella pneumoniae и Acinetobacter baumannii. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: В анализ были включены все клинически значимые микроорганизмы, выделенные из крови пациентов, находившихся ОРИТ общего профиля, рассчитанном на 12 коек, в скоропомощном стационаре г. Москвы в период с 2003 по 2021 г. Идентификацию микроорганизмов и определение чувствительности к антибиотикам проводили в автоматическом анализаторе PHOENIX и стандартизированным диско-диффузионным методом. Детекцию карбапенемаз осуществляли методом полимеразной цепной реакции. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Исследовано 17 034 образца крови, из которых было выделено 6372 микроорганизма. В указанный период доля грамотрицательных микроорганизмов увеличилась с 21,0 до 52,8 %, преимущественно за счет K. pneumoniae (1,0–24,5 %) и A. baumannii (0–9,1 %). Устойчивость этих микроорганизмов к карбапенемам с 2008 по 2021 г. значительно увеличилась: K. pneumoniae — с 2,3 до 70,3 %, A. baumannii — с 7,5 до 99,5 %. Штаммы K. pneumoniae продуцировали следующие типы карбапенемаз: OXA-48 (73,8 %), KPC (6,2 %), NDM (1,5 %), NDM + OXA-48 (15,4 %), KPC + OXA-48 (3,1 %). Все штаммы A. baumannii продуцировали карбапенемазы OXA-40. Продуценты карбапенемазы OXA-48 были устойчивы к колистину и тигециклину в 14,6 и 44,8 % случаев соответственно, к цефтазидиму/авибактаму — в 4,2 % случаев. ВЫВОДЫ: Увеличение уровня антимикробной резистентности в последние годы среди доминирующих в бактериемии грамотрицательных микроорганизмов является очень значимой проблемой в ОРИТ. Большинство штаммов K. pneumoniae характеризуются множественной резистентностью и около 10 % — экстремальной, или панрезистентностью. Практически все штаммы A. baumannii относятся к категории экстремально резистентных

    National institutional systems’ hybridisation through interdependence. The case of EU-Russia gas relations

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    International audienceThe interdependencies between the EU and its external natural gas suppliers and Russia question the transformative impact of interdependence linked to hybridization processes. Our approach combines theories of institutional change, and French Regulation Theory. These approaches lead to a new look to characterize the way in which the confrontation of two regulatory systems (EU and Russia) is resolved today. The importance of the European market leads however to an adaptation of the Russian governance model for gas exchanges. But it also implies a transformation of the European model. The competitive norm acts as a lever to bring about hybridization of regulations in the Russian gas sector and EU energy policy

    Aberrant upregulation of the glycolytic enzyme PFKFB3 in CLN7 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

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    CLN7 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is an inherited lysosomal storage neurodegenerative disease highly prevalent in children. CLN7/MFSD8 gene encodes a lysosomal membrane glycoprotein, but the biochemical processes affected by CLN7-loss of function are unexplored thus preventing development of potential treatments. Here, we found, in the Cln7∆ex2 mouse model of CLN7 disease, that failure in autophagy causes accumulation of structurally and bioenergetically impaired neuronal mitochondria. In vivo genetic approach reveals elevated mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) in Cln7∆ex2 neurons that mediates glycolytic enzyme PFKFB3 activation and contributes to CLN7 pathogenesis. Mechanistically, mROS sustains a signaling cascade leading to protein stabilization of PFKFB3, normally unstable in healthy neurons. Administration of the highly selective PFKFB3 inhibitor AZ67 in Cln7∆ex2 mouse brain in vivo and in CLN7 patients-derived cells rectifies key disease hallmarks. Thus, aberrant upregulation of the glycolytic enzyme PFKFB3 in neurons may contribute to CLN7 pathogenesis and targeting PFKFB3 could alleviate this and other lysosomal storage diseases

    Aberrant upregulation of the glycolytic enzyme PFKFB3 in CLN7 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

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    CLN7 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is an inherited lysosomal storage neurodegenerative disease highly prevalent in children. CLN7/MFSD8 gene encodes a lysosomal membrane glycoprotein, but the biochemical processes affected by CLN7-loss of function are unexplored thus preventing development of potential treatments. Here, we found, in the Cln7∆ex2 mouse model of CLN7 disease, that failure in autophagy causes accumulation of structurally and bioenergetically impaired neuronal mitochondria. In vivo genetic approach reveals elevated mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) in Cln7∆ex2 neurons that mediates glycolytic enzyme PFKFB3 activation and contributes to CLN7 pathogenesis. Mechanistically, mROS sustains a signaling cascade leading to protein stabilization of PFKFB3, normally unstable in healthy neurons. Administration of the highly selective PFKFB3 inhibitor AZ67 in Cln7∆ex2 mouse brain in vivo and in CLN7 patients-derived cells rectifies key disease hallmarks. Thus, aberrant upregulation of the glycolytic enzyme PFKFB3 in neurons may contribute to CLN7 pathogenesis and targeting PFKFB3 could alleviate this and other lysosomal storage diseases.This work was funded by the European Regional Development Fund, European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (BATCure grant No. 666918 to J.P.B., S.E.M., D.L.M., S.S., and T.R.M.; PANA grant No. 686009 to A.A.), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-105699RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and RED2018‐102576‐T to J.P.B.; SAF2017-90794-REDT to A.A.), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CB16/10/00282 to J.P.B.; PI18/00285; RD16/0019/0018 to A.A.), Junta de Castilla y León (CS/151P20 and Escalera de Excelencia CLU-2017-03 to J.P.B. and A.A.), Ayudas Equipos Investigación Biomedicina 2017 Fundación BBVA (to J.P.B.), and Fundación Ramón Areces (to J.P.B. and A.A.). SM benefits from MRC funding to the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology University Unit at UCL (award code MC_U12266B) towards lab and office space. Part of this work was funded by Gero Discovery L.L.C. M.G.M. is an ISCIII-Sara Borrel contract recipient (CD18/00203)