377 research outputs found

    Les rapports du canal mandibulaire avec les faces externes du corps de la mandibule et risques qui en découlent de le léser

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    The investigations of relations and position of the mandibular canal (CM) were carried out on 80 mandibles (33 dentulous, 27 partly edentulous and 20 completely edentulous).The studies of relations of CM to the sides of mandibular body were accomplished by morphometric analysis of CM on consecutive transversal sections of mandibular body (54 preparations). The relation of the CM to be buccal or to the lingual side is expressed as the distance from the surface of the correspondent side of the mandibular body, which is shown in Table 1. According to these data, the position of the canal is at first proximate to the lingual side, and from the first molar tooth (M1) it approaches the buccal surface of the mandibular body.The position of the entire CM was determined by analysis of mandibular preparations (26) after removing the buccal osseous lamina. These investigations revealed that the position of the CM is predominantly buccal. Reconstruction of relations of the CM to the sides of mandibular body, according to the data obtained from transversal sections, and the real position of the CM are presented in Scheme I.The difference in direction lines of relations and of predominant position of the CM is a consequence of morphological characteristics of mandibular body.Le CM a été étudié sur 80 mandibules (dont 33 avec la denture conservée, 27 peu édentées et 20 totalement édentées). L’analyse morphométrique des rapports du CM a été faite sur les coupes frontales de la mandibule (54). La position du CM en entier a été examinée après la trépanation du corps mandibulaire (26 préparations). La reconstruction des rapports du CM d’après les données obtenues sur les coupes fait apparaître que le canal a d’abord une position linguale, ensuite il croise la M1 et se termine dans une position buccale. Dans la plupart des cas, le CM a, dans la majeure partie de son trajet, une position buccale à cause de la configuration caractéristique du corps mandibulaire

    La structure osseuse de la branche montante de la mandibule

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    Osseous structure of the ramus of mandible (RM) is of a practical clinical significance. Osteosynthesis of fractured segments and the success of the sagittal or the horizontal ramus split osteotomy depends on the cortical bone disposition and thickness.After morphometric investigations of the RM, conducted on 70 mandibles of adults, consecutive horizontal and frontal sections were made. On these sections, the cortical layer was studied and the cortical bone thickness was measured at four previously marked points.In the regard of morphometry, the significant datum is that nearly half of all the cases is grouped round the mean value of any parameter.Cortical bone is continuous and its two main sheets are the buccal and the lingual cortical plates. In its entirety, the buccal cortical plate is thicker than the lingual. The thickness of both cortical plates increases in the direction from the coronoid process to the angle of mandible.L’ostéosynthèse de la branche montante de la mandibule et le succès de l’ostéotomie sagittale ou horizontale de cette branche dépendent de la disposition et de l’épaisseur de sa couche osseuse compacte. Les examens morphométriques qui ont été faits sur 70 mandibules des sujets adultes montrent que presque la moitié de tous les cas se groupent autour de la valeur moyenne des paramètres mesurés (schéma 1 et tableau I).Sur les coupes horizontales et frontales, l’épaisseur des lames compactes buccale et linguale a été mesurée dans certains points prédéterminés et il a été établi que la lame buccale est toujours plus épaisse (schéma 2 et tableau II)

    Altérations athéroscléreuses de l’artère dentaire inférieure en corrélation avec celles de la bifurcation carotidienne et de l’aorte abdominale

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    50 corpses from adults aged 20 to 75 have been used in order to study the atherosclerotic lesions occurring in typical regions (bifurcation of the common carotid artery and the abdominal aorta) and their relationship to atherosclerotic changes in the inferior alveolar artery. Histological analysis revealed that atherosclerotic alterations of the inferior alveolar artery may appear sometimes earlier than it would be expected on the ground of age. Intima cell proliferation and thickening of elastic elements in the middle layer of the arterial wall, the first signs of atherosclerosis, were found already at the beginning of the third decade of life when the signs of this process in the typical regions were not yet evident. Atherosclerosis affects essentially the functional capacity of the inferior alveolar artery. The development of atherosclerosis in the wall of this artery favours an hypovascularization of the mandible, which must be of certain importance in every operative procedure in oral surgery, especially in those inducing a severe and long traumatism in bone and soft tissues, such as dental implantations.Cette étude, faite sur 50 cadavres (de 20 à 75 ans) concerne les altérations athéroscléreuses de l’artère dentaire inférieure et leurs rapports avec les altérations athéroscléreuses dans les territoires typiques (bifurcation carotidienne et aorte abdominale). L’examen histologique a fait apparaître que les altérations athéroscléreuses de l’artère dentaire inférieure peuvent être relativement plus évidentes et précoces que l’on ne s’y attendrait compte tenu de l’âge. Une prolifération cellulaire de l’intima et un épaississement de la lame élastique moyenne dans la paroi artérielle, premiers signes de l’athérosclérose, peuvent apparaître dès30 ans, alors que l’on ne trouve pas encore d’altérations de ce type dans les territoires typiques. L’athérosclérose a une influence cruciale sur la capacité fonctionnelle de l’artère dentaire inférieure puisque celle-ci chemine dans le canal osseux, qui empêche sa dilatation. Le développement de l’athérosclérose dans la paroi de cette artère favorise une hypovascularisation de la mandibule, ce qui a une importance certaine lors de toute intervention en chirurgie orale, surtout lorsqu’elle entraîne un traumatisme grave et prolongée de l’os et des parties molles, comme c’est le cas lors de l’insertion d’implants dentaires

    Anatomie chirurgicale de la glande sublinguale

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    Because of its position, the sublingual gland is clinically important especially in the events of injuries and infections in the anterior part of the sublingual region.The morphology and relationships of this gland were studied by dissection methods applied on 80 fresh or formaldehyde fixed preparations of the mouth floor and of the tongue, which were partly (31 preparations) taken out together with the mandible.As for the shape of the gland, three main types were found: 1° the cuneiform type which was the most frequent (71 %), 2° the pyramidal type which was less frequent (16%) and the fusiform type (13%) which comprised the cases of a very elongated gland (up to 65 mm).The space in which the gland lied had four walls. Its internal wall consisted of the mylohyoid muscle and it comprised the hyoglossus muscle as well when the gland was very elongated. The inferior wall consisted of the mylohyoid muscle and sometimes it comprised also a narrow part of the superior surface of the geniohyoglossus muscle. An osseous depression on the internal side of the mandible represented the external wall of the sublingual gland space. The superior wall is clinically the most significant. It consists of the sublingual mucosa and a sublingual fold. This wall represents a main surgical access to the gland. In edentulous mandibles this mucous fold may be at the level of the upper mandibular border which may hinder the use of the lower dental prosthesis.La morphologie et les rapports de la glande sublinguale ont été étudiés par 80 dissections du plancher de la bouche et de la langue.Trois types différents de glandes ont été définis du point de vue forme: le type cunéiforme (71%), le type pyramidal (16%) et le type fusiforme (13%).La loge de la glande sublinguale possède quatre parois: deux (parois inférieure et interne) de nature musculaire, une (paroi externe) de nature osseuse et une (paroi supérieure) de nature muqueuse

    Large-scale manipulation of promoter DNA methylation reveals context-specific transcriptional responses and stability

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    BACKGROUND: Cytosine DNA methylation is widely described as a transcriptional repressive mark with the capacity to silence promoters. Epigenome engineering techniques enable direct testing of the effect of induced DNA methylation on endogenous promoters; however, the downstream effects have not yet been comprehensively assessed. RESULTS: Here, we simultaneously induce methylation at thousands of promoters in human cells using an engineered zinc finger-DNMT3A fusion protein, enabling us to test the effect of forced DNA methylation upon transcription, chromatin accessibility, histone modifications, and DNA methylation persistence after the removal of the fusion protein. We find that transcriptional responses to DNA methylation are highly context-specific, including lack of repression, as well as cases of increased gene expression, which appears to be driven by the eviction of methyl-sensitive transcriptional repressors. Furthermore, we find that some regulatory networks can override DNA methylation and that promoter methylation can cause alternative promoter usage. DNA methylation deposited at promoter and distal regulatory regions is rapidly erased after removal of the zinc finger-DNMT3A fusion protein, in a process combining passive and TET-mediated demethylation. Finally, we demonstrate that induced DNA methylation can exist simultaneously on promoter nucleosomes that possess the active histone modification H3K4me3, or DNA bound by the initiated form of RNA polymerase II. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have important implications for epigenome engineering and demonstrate that the response of promoters to DNA methylation is more complex than previously appreciated. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13059-022-02728-5

    Methylome of human skeletal muscle after acute & chronic resistance exercise training, detraining & retraining

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    DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification that can regulate gene expression following environmental encounters without changes to the genetic code. Using Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip Arrays (850,000 CpG sites) we analysed for the first time, DNA isolated from untrained human skeletal muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) at baseline (rest) and immediately following an acute (single) bout of resistance exercise. In the same participants, we also analysed the methylome following a period of muscle growth (hypertrophy) evoked via chronic (repeated bouts-3 sessions/wk) resistance exercise (RE) (training) over 7-weeks, followed by complete exercise cessation for 7-weeks returning muscle back to baseline levels (detraining), and finally followed by a subsequent 7-week period of RE-induced hypertrophy (retraining). These valuable methylome data sets described in the present manuscript and deposited in an open-access repository can now be shared and re-used to enable the identification of epigenetically regulated genes/ networks that are modified after acute anabolic stimuli and hypertrophy, and further investigate the phenomenon of epigenetic memory in skeletal muscle

    Robertson Intelligent States

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    Diagonalization of uncertainty matrix and minimization of Robertson inequality for n observables are considered. It is proved that for even n this relation is minimized in states which are eigenstates of n/2 independent complex linear combinations of the observables. In case of canonical observables this eigenvalue condition is also necessary. Such minimizing states are called Robertson intelligent states (RIS). The group related coherent states (CS) with maximal symmetry (for semisimple Lie groups) are particular case of RIS for the quadratures of Weyl generators. Explicit constructions of RIS are considered for operators of su(1,1), su(2), h_N and sp(N,R) algebras. Unlike the group related CS, RIS can exhibit strong squeezing of group generators. Multimode squared amplitude squeezed states are naturally introduced as sp(N,R) RIS. It is shown that the uncertainty matrices for quadratures of q-deformed boson operators a_{q,j} (q > 0) and of any k power of a_j = a_{1,j} are positive definite and can be diagonalized by symplectic linear transformations. PACS numbers: 03.65.Fd, 42.50.DvComment: 23 pages, LaTex. Minor changes in text and references. Accepted in J. Phys.

    The Current Status of Binary Black Hole Simulations in Numerical Relativity

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    Since the breakthroughs in 2005 which have led to long term stable solutions of the binary black hole problem in numerical relativity, much progress has been made. I present here a short summary of the state of the field, including the capabilities of numerical relativity codes, recent physical results obtained from simulations, and improvements to the methods used to evolve and analyse binary black hole spacetimes.Comment: 14 pages; minor changes and corrections in response to referee
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