Anatomie chirurgicale de la glande sublinguale


Because of its position, the sublingual gland is clinically important especially in the events of injuries and infections in the anterior part of the sublingual region.The morphology and relationships of this gland were studied by dissection methods applied on 80 fresh or formaldehyde fixed preparations of the mouth floor and of the tongue, which were partly (31 preparations) taken out together with the mandible.As for the shape of the gland, three main types were found: 1° the cuneiform type which was the most frequent (71 %), 2° the pyramidal type which was less frequent (16%) and the fusiform type (13%) which comprised the cases of a very elongated gland (up to 65 mm).The space in which the gland lied had four walls. Its internal wall consisted of the mylohyoid muscle and it comprised the hyoglossus muscle as well when the gland was very elongated. The inferior wall consisted of the mylohyoid muscle and sometimes it comprised also a narrow part of the superior surface of the geniohyoglossus muscle. An osseous depression on the internal side of the mandible represented the external wall of the sublingual gland space. The superior wall is clinically the most significant. It consists of the sublingual mucosa and a sublingual fold. This wall represents a main surgical access to the gland. In edentulous mandibles this mucous fold may be at the level of the upper mandibular border which may hinder the use of the lower dental prosthesis.La morphologie et les rapports de la glande sublinguale ont été étudiés par 80 dissections du plancher de la bouche et de la langue.Trois types différents de glandes ont été définis du point de vue forme: le type cunéiforme (71%), le type pyramidal (16%) et le type fusiforme (13%).La loge de la glande sublinguale possède quatre parois: deux (parois inférieure et interne) de nature musculaire, une (paroi externe) de nature osseuse et une (paroi supérieure) de nature muqueuse

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