175 research outputs found

    Переселення та адаптація холмщаків на Волині в історичній пам’яті

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    Савчук Олег Анатолійович - кандидат історичних наук, докторант Католицького університету імені Івана Павла II (м. Люблін, Польща)


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    The influence of kidney beans pods extract on obesity development was investigated. It was found that administration of P. vulgaris pods extract led to decrease of body weight and body mass index of the animals which were on high-calorie diet. Found changes could be result of decrease of food intake by rats treated with extract in compare with rats in high-calorie diet group

    Філософія природознавства і спеціальна теорія відносності: український контекст

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    This article focuses on this aspect of the philosophy of science in Ukraine as the attitude of domestic philosophers of the first half of the 20th century to the special theory of relativity, its conceptual ideas. The article reveals their interpretation of the concepts of «space», «time», «speed of light» in the special theory of relativity. Particular attention is paid to the works of S. Yu. Semkovsky. In the context of the organization of science in Ukraine, the organizational and scientific activities of S. Yu. Semkovsky are also considered. A conclusion is drawn about the active position of Ukraine philosophers in the process of perception of the special theory of relativity. The authors came to the conclusion that the reflection of natural science philosophers in Ukraine on STR was mostly positive. It is emphasized that the substantiation of the objective nature of the special theory of relativity and its philosophical interpretation were mainly considered through the prism of dialectical materialism. The duality of the attitude of professional physicists to the philosophical understanding of the theory of relativity is highlighted. An analysis of reviews and overviews of famous physicists and astronomers (L. Ya. Shtrum, О. D. Khvolson, B. P. Gerasimovich) on the work of S. Yu. Semkovsky. The key points considered by these physicists in the reviews are highlighted. In particular, L. Ya. Shtrum points out the relevance of S. Semkovsky’s consideration of the question of the finiteness of the speed of light and the interaction of the theory of relativity with various philosophical systems. O. Khvolson especially notes the section «Relative and absolute movement», considering it to be impeccable. B. P. Gerasimovich noted the role of S. Semkovsky’s book in the struggle against physicists and philosophers who do not recognize the theory of relativity. The authors of the article draw attention to critical remarks addressed to S. Yu. Semkovsky in connection with a number of physical inaccuracies admitted by him. Some papers of PS Yushkevich and P. Puchkovsky are also considered, in which a theoretical and cognitive evaluation of the principle of relativity is given. It is noted that in the work «The Principle of Relativity and the new doctrine of Time», P. S. Yushkevich does not analyze the mathematical foundations of the theory of relativity, but focuses his attention on its philosophical interpretation. Based on the analysis of reviews of famous physicists and astronomers (L. Ya. Shtrum, AD Khvolson, B. P. Gerasimovich), it was concluded that they generally highly appreciated the works philosophers of natural Science, in particular S. Yu. Semkovsky.В статье впервые в историографии комплексно исследовано отношение к СТО отечественных философов первой половины ХХ века (С. Ю. Семковский, М. Пучковский, П. Юшкевич и другие) к ее концептуальным идеям, раскрыта интерпретация ими понятий «пространство», «время», «скорость света» в специальной теории относительности. Особое внимание уделено С. Ю. Семковскому. Сделан вывод об активной позиции отечественных философов в процессе восприятия специальной теории относительности. Авторы пришли к выводу, что рефлексия философов естествознания в Украине на СТО в основном была положительной. Отмечено, что обоснование объективного характера специальной теории относительности и ее философская интерпретация рассматривались преимущественно через призму диалектического материализма. Освещена неоднозначность отношения профессиональных физиков к философскому осмыслению теории относительности. На основании анализа рецензий известных физиков и астрономов (Л. Я. Штрум, А. Д. Хвольсон, Б. П. Герасимович) сделан вывод, что они в целом достаточно высоко оценивали труды философов естествознания, в частности С. Ю. Семковского.У статті вперше в історіографії комплексно досліджено ставлення до СТВ вітчизняних філософів першої половини ХХ століття (С. Ю. Семковський, М. Пучковський, П. Юшкевич та інші) до її концептуальних ідей, розкрито інтерпретацію ними понять «простір», «час», «швидкість світла» у спеціальній теорії відносності. Особливу увагу приділено С. Ю. Семковському. Зроблено висновок про активну позицію вітчизняних філософів у процесі сприйняття спеціальної теорії відносності. Автори дійшли висновку, що рефлексія філософів природознавства в Україні на СТВ в основному була позитивною. Зазначено, що обґрунтування об’єктивного характеру спеціальної теорії відносності та її філософська інтерпретація розглядалися переважно через призму діалектичного матеріалізму.  Висвітлено неодно­значність ставлення професійних фізиків до філософського осмислення теорії відносності. На підставі аналізу рецензій відомих фізиків та астрономів (Л. Я. Штрум, О. Д. Хвольсон, Б. П. Герасимович) зроблено висновок, що вони в цілому досить високо оцінювали праці філософів природознавства, зокрема С. Ю. Семковського

    Inverse spectral problems for energy-dependent Sturm-Liouville equations

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    We study the inverse spectral problem of reconstructing energy-dependent Sturm-Liouville equations from their Dirichlet spectra and sequences of the norming constants. For the class of problems under consideration, we give a complete description of the corresponding spectral data, suggest a reconstruction algorithm, and establish uniqueness of reconstruction. The approach is based on connection between spectral problems for energy-dependent Sturm-Liouville equations and for Dirac operators of special form.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 28 page

    Web quest method in online teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language in higher educational institutions

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    Introduction. The research is topical due to the need to find effective methods of teaching Ukrainian to foreign students. The development of information technology urged the development of communicative competencies in foreign students. So, the web quest method is becoming increasingly popular in the study of foreign languages in higher educational institutions around the world. This method is an effective tool that allows a full involvement of foreign students in learning Ukrainian as a foreign language. Methods: testing students for the level of proficiency in Ukrainian as a foreign language, statistical and mathematical processing of results using Pearson’s formulas. Results: The results of the study showed the high efficiency of the web quest method in the experimental group in comparison with traditional teaching methods. According to all the criteria studied, the students of the experimental group showed higher results than the students of the control group, which proves the effectiveness of this method. Namely, the indicator of lexical skills of the experimental group with the excellent grade exceeds the indicator of the control group by 10.2%. The indicator of grammar skills of the experimental group with the excellent grade exceeds the indicator if the control group by 7.7%. And the indicator of phonetic skills of the experimental group with the excellent grade exceeds the indicator of the control group by 8.4%. There were 55.74% of foreign students who showed a high level of information search and analysis skills. Conclusion: The study notes the high efficiency of using the web quest method in the development of various communicative competencies in foreign students. Therefore, the expediency of using the web quest method in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to foreign students has been established. Prospects: further research will be aimed at studying the effectiveness of web quests for the development of professional communicative competencies for other subjects

    Regional Analysis of Digital Inclusion in the C2C Market of Russia

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    Economy digitalisation creates new market mechanisms and regional development opportunities. In certain circumstances, the C2C (consumer-to-consumer) Internet market can act as a basis for establishing an entrepreneurial culture; subsequently, it can turn into an economic growth point of a region. However, since the entrepreneurial potential of regional digital markets varies, it is crucial to investigate these differences and the reasons for their occurrence. In the present study, the entrepreneurial potential of residents is measured through their digital inclusion in C2C Internet markets. The article analyses and characterises the active sellers of the Avito online classified in Russian regions. The data were collected using the content analysis of ads posted by individuals on the Avito platform (n = 1,597). Correlation and factor analysis were used for interpretation. The conducted analysis showed the following results. First, the study revealed a relationship between regional digitalisation and the size of the group of active sellers: a higher level of digitalisation of a territory (federal district) means that more residents start to actively use Avito for e-commerce. Second, the paper demonstrated the importance of locality, since the number of active sellers among Avito users is bigger in large cities. Third, it was proved that additional opportunities provided by the C2C market are more attractive for women than for men. The obtained findings can be used by authorities planning the regional development, as well as by researchers of the Internet economy describing and analysing the digitalisation processes. Further studies may identify and examine in detail the factors defining digital inclusion in C2C markets of Russian regions. © 2022 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe article has been prepared with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within Ural Federal University Program of Development in accordance with the program of strategic academic leadership «Priority-2030»

    Why young people create content about healthy lifestyles: Factor analysis of thematic blogs

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    The article attempts to explore how young people's motivation to create and maintain blogs related to healthy lifestyle is reflected in the blog content and investigates the relationship between the blog popularity and types of content. Using the motives (to bring the common good, to present the experience and personal growth, interactions with friends, opportunity to earn money) revealed through unstructured interviews, the authors develop a hypothesis stating that motivation can shape blog's content, thus it can be discovered through the corresponding symbolic representation. The authors use Factor Analysis (principal component technique) to test this hypothesis. The findings suggest that popularization of healthy lifestyles can be achieved through growing social responsibility of young bloggers, their striving towards socially approved patterns to be discussed and proposed to their audience, as well as commercialization of blogs due to the growing popularity of this topic and the followers' attention. Only those bloggers who are predominantly oriented towards interaction with their audience (with the remainder motives being secondary) have more opportunities than others: they have the largest number of follow-ers who actively react to their content. © 2020 Russian Public Opinion Research Center, VCIOM. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 1901000850The study is funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 1901000850 “Institutional Modeling of Russian Cyberspace Economy”)

    Sampling Plans for Control-Inspection Schemes Under Independent and Dependent Sampling Designs With Applications to Photovoltaics

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    The evaluation of produced items at the time of delivery is, in practice, usually amended by at least one inspection at later time points. We extend the methodology of acceptance sampling for variables for arbitrary unknown distributions when additional sampling infor- mation is available to such settings. Based on appropriate approximations of the operating characteristic, we derive new acceptance sampling plans that control the overall operating characteristic. The results cover the case of independent sampling as well as the case of dependent sampling. In particular, we study a modified panel sampling design and the case of spatial batch sampling. The latter is advisable in photovoltaic field monitoring studies, since it allows to detect and analyze local clusters of degraded or damaged modules. Some finite sample properties are examined by a simulation study, focusing on the accuracy of estimation

    Effect of different oral doses of glucose on the blood serum content of serotonin in rats

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    The analysis of the effect of different doses of oral glucose content of serotonin in blood serum of rats. The increasing content of serotonin in blood serum of rats with diabetes and with the administration of glucose. The increase in the studied parameters in the serum of the control group of animals under conditions of a glucose. It is concluded that glucose has a direct positive effect on the endogenous flow of serotonin into the bloodstream