6 research outputs found

    Cholera diagnosis in human stool and detection in water: protocol for a systematic review of available technologies

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    Background Cholera is a highly infectious diarrheal disease spread via fecal contamination of water and food sources; it is endemic in parts of Africa and Asia and recent outbreaks have been reported in Haiti, the Zambia and Democratic Republic of the Congo. If left untreated, the disease can be fatal in less than 24 h and result in case fatality ratios of 30–50%. Cholera disproportionately affects those living in areas with poor access to water and sanitation: the long-term public health response is focused on improving water and hygiene facilities and access. Short-term measures for infection prevention and control, and disease characterization and surveillance, are impaired by diagnostic delays: culture methods are slow and rely on the availability of infrastructure and specialist equipment. Rapid diagnostic tests have shown promise under field conditions and further innovations in this area have been proposed. Methods This paper is the protocol for a systematic review focused on identifying current technologies and methods used for cholera diagnosis in stool, and detection in water. We will synthesize and appraise information on product technical specifications, accuracy and design features in order to inform infection prevention and control and innovation development. Embase, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Proquest, IndMed and the WHO and Campbell libraries will be searched. We will include studies reporting on field evaluations, including within-study comparisons against a reference standard, and laboratory evaluations reporting on product validation against field stool or water samples. We will extract data according to protocol and attempt meta-analyses if appropriate given data availability and quality. Discussion The systematic review builds on a previous scoping review in this field and expands upon this by synthesising data on both product technical characteristics and design features. The review will be of particular value to stakeholders engaged in diagnostic procurement and manufacturers interested in developing cholera or diarrheal disease diagnostics. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42016048428

    Validity of hepatitis B and hepatitis C case definitions

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    From Elsevier via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2019-01-22, epub 2019-07-02, issue date 2019-08-31Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedAbstract Background Globally, an estimated 257 million people are living with chronic hepatitis B (HBV) infection and an estimated 71 million people with the chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV). The true public health dimensions and impact of hepatitis epidemics are poorly understood. Case definitions are fundamental parts of disease surveillance, representing sets of standardised criteria used to assess whether or not a person has a certain disease. The study evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of hepatitis B and hepatitis C case definitions, current at the time of data collection, recommended by the European Commission (EC) and the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). Methods The study involved 150 hospital referrals with suspected cases of hepatitis from a Serbian clinic during 2014/2015. Case definitions of hepatitis B and C were tested for their sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. Results EC 2008 and the CDC 2012 case definitions for acute hepatitis B, and the CDC 2012 case definition for probable case of chronic hepatitis B have low sensitivity. Case definitions which rely on laboratory confirmation only have maximal sensitivity. EC case definitions showed maximal sensitivity and specificity for hepatitis C confirmed cases. The CDC case definition for chronic hepatitis C showed low sensitivity (36.8%) and low negative predictive value (65.6%) for probable cases and maximal sensitivity and specificity for confirmed cases. Hepatitis C case definitions requiring presence of clinical criteria have low sensitivity and high specificity, resulting from presence of infection and absence of any clinical manifestation, but have high positive and negative predictive values. Conclusion Syndromic case definitions show low sensitivity and are of limited use. They highlight the importance of laboratory diagnostics (offering maximal sensitivity and specificity, and high positive and negative predictive values), as well as the need for universal case definitions, for confirmed cases only

    Cholera diagnosis in human stool and detection in water: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    From PLOS via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-07-27, collection 2022, accepted 2022-06-19, epub 2022-07-06Publication status: PublishedFunder: National Institutes of Health, USA; Grant(s): 5R01AI110794Funder: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship; Grant(s): DGE-11-44155Background: Cholera continues to pose a problem for low-resource, fragile and humanitarian contexts. Evidence suggests that 2.86 million cholera cases and 95,000 deaths due to cholera are reported annually. Without quick and effective diagnosis and treatment, case-fatality may be 50%. In line with the priorities of the Global Task Force on Cholera Control, we undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy and other test characteristics of current tests for cholera detection in stool and water. Methods: We searched 11 bibliographic and grey literature databases. Data was extracted on test sensitivity, specificity and other product information. Meta-analyses of sensitivity and specificity were conducted for tests reported in three or more studies. Where fewer studies reported a test, estimates were summarised through narrative synthesis. Risk of Bias was assessed using QUADAS-2. Results: Searches identified 6,637 records; 41 studies reporting on 28 tests were included. Twenty-two tests had both sensitivities and specificities reported above 95% by at least one study, but there was, overall, wide variation in reported diagnostic accuracy across studies. For the three tests where meta-analyses were possible the highest sensitivity meta-estimate was found in the Cholera Screen test (98.6%, CI: 94.7%-99.7%) and the highest specificity meta-estimate in the Crystal VC on enriched samples (98.3%, CI: 92.8%-99.6%). There was a general lack of evidence regarding field use of tests, but where presented this indicated trends for lower diagnostic accuracy in field settings, with lesser-trained staff, and without the additional process of sample enrichment. Where reported, mean test turnaround times ranged from over 50% to 130% longer than manufacturer’s specification. Most studies had a low to unclear risk of bias. Conclusions: Currently available Rapid Diagnostic Tests can potentially provide high diagnostic and detection capability for cholera. However, stronger evidence is required regarding the conditions required to secure these levels of accuracy in field use, particularly in low-resource settings. Registration: PROSPERO (CRD42016048428)

    The Effect of Psychological First Aid Training on Knowledge and Understanding about Psychosocial Support Principles: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2019-12-23, pub-electronic 2020-01-11Publication status: PublishedFunder: Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance; Grant(s): 21163Funder: United States Agency for International Development; Grant(s): AID-OAA-A-12-00047Psychological first aid (PFA) is a world-wide implemented approach to helping people affected by an emergency, disaster, or other adverse event. Controlled evaluations of PFA’s training effects are lacking. We evaluated the effectiveness of a one-day PFA training on the acquisition and retention of knowledge of appropriate responses and skills in the acute aftermath of adversity in Peripheral Health Units (PHUs) in post-Ebola Sierra Leone. Secondary outcomes were professional quality of life, confidence in supporting a distressed person, and professional attitude. PHUs in Sierra Leone (n = 129) were cluster-randomized across PFA (206 participants) and control (202 participants) in March 2017. Knowledge and understanding of psychosocial support principles and skills were measured with a questionnaire and two patient scenarios to which participants described helpful responses. Professional attitude, confidence, and professional quality of life were assessed using self-report instruments. Assessments took place at baseline and at three- and six-months post-baseline. The PFA group had a stronger increase in PFA knowledge and understanding at the post-PFA training assessment (d = 0.50; p 0.001) and at follow-up (d = 0.43; p = 0.001). In addition, the PFA group showed better responses to the scenarios at six-months follow-up (d = 0.38; p = 0.0002) but not at the post-assessment (d = 0.04; p = 0.26). No overall significant differences were found for professional attitude, confidence, and professional quality of life. In conclusion, PFA training improved acquisition and retention of knowledge and understanding of appropriate psychosocial responses and skills in providing support to individuals exposed to acute adversity. Our data support the use of PFA trainings to strengthen capacity for psychosocial support in contexts of disaster and humanitarian crisis. Future studies should examine the effects of PFA on psychosocial outcomes for people affected by crises

    How to analyze time and change in qualitative longitudinal materials? : Insights from a literature review of longitudinal qualitative studies in nursing.

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    Background Longitudinal qualitative research can give new insights in social processes and experiences over time. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in conducting longitudinal qualitative research within nursing. However, the definition of what constitutes longitudinal qualitative research is unclear, the methodological literature scarce, and the variation of procedures great. This review of longitudinal qualitative articles within the nursing field aims to identify and describe various types of qualitative longitudinal approaches. Materials and Method Searches in pubmed identified over a hundred qualitative nursing articles with data collection over time. These articles were analyzed regarding 1) described analysis procedure, 2) how the results related to aspects of time and change, and 3) if results were person oriented vs category oriented. Results Five different types of longitudinal qualitative approaches were identified. In total, a large part of the papers described as having a longitudinal design performed a data collection over time, but did not integrate ideas of time or change in their analysis or results. Four fruitful approaches to analyzing longitudinal qualitative data were identified; time-line, pool, phase and pattern-oriented approaches. Articles classified as using any of these approaches have a clear perspective of time or change in the results. However, depending on type of approach different aspects of time, change, and process are in focus. Further, using different approaches yielded different kinds of results. Conclusion All approaches have pros and cons and researchers need to make informed decisions when choosing which approach they will take when analyzing qualitative longitudinal material