515 research outputs found

    The analysis of preschool teacher candidates’ attitudes about early mathematics education in the views of various variables

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    AbstractIn this research, to reveal the attitudes of the preschool teacher candidates about early mathematics education, to get their suggestions and opinions about this issue is aimed. 150 third and fourth grade teacher candidates receiving education in the Department of Early Childhood Education of the universities in Ankara Province comprise teacher candidates in the study group of this research. The data of this research is gathered by applying ‘Okulöncesi Öğretmenlerinin Erken Matematik Eğitimine İlişkin Tutumlarını Belirleme Aracı (The Identification Tool for the Preschool Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes about Early Mathematics Education)’ developed by Tokgoz(2006)with the aim of revealing the attitudes of the teacher candidates in the fall semester in 2008-2009 and for the demographical data by applying ‘Kisisel Bilgi Formu(Personal Information Form)’. ‘Okulöncesi Öğretmenlerinin Erken Matematik Eğitimine İlişkin Tutumlarını Belirleme Aracı (The Identification Tool for the Preschool Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes about Early Mathematics Education)’ developed by Tokgoz(2006)is a 22-point likert type of scale used for setting preschool teacher candidates’ attitudes about early mathematics education. As a result of factor analysis carried out for this research, 18 points are used by eliminating 4 points. The data collected in‘Okulöncesi Öğretmenlerinin Erken Matematik Eğitimine İlişkin Tutumlarını Belirleme Aracı (The Identification Tool for the Preschool Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes about Early Mathematics Education)’ developed by Tokgoz(2006)will be analyzed in Spss 15 packaged software. By converting the conversations which will be interviewed with the teachers into data texts, content analysis has been carried out on these texts. In consequence of the performed statistical processes, it is determined that the attitudes of the preschool teacher candidates about early mathematics education do not change according to their graduation field in high school, and meaningfully differentiated according to the grade in which they are undergoing education

    The effect of yeast culture products (Rumisacc and Intertotal) on fattening performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male kids

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of live yeast culture and the combination of live yeast culture with vitamin-mineral supplementation as a feed additive on fattening performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male kids. Totally 18 male Saanen goat kids were divided in to one control and two treatment groups each containing 6 kids. Rations of groups were formulated as isonitrogenic and isocaloric. Live yeast culture (YC) and the combination product (YVM) (RumiSacc® and Intetotal® respectively,by Integro Food Industry and Trade Co., Istanbul, Turkey; Live yeast cell 344 x 1010 cfu per gram) was included in the concentrates at 0 (C), 1% (YC) and 1% (YVM) on feed basis, respectively. Feeding schedule was established with only concentrate. Feed was given ad libitum and roughage was not given. Dietary yeast culture at the level of 1% increased final live weight (+4.7% regarding control group). All investigated fattening performance with rumen fluid and blood parameters were not statistically affected with the supplements. It is concluded that live yeast culture and its vitamin-mineral combination did not have adverse affect in male kids fed without roughage

    Kur’an kursuna giden kadınlar üzerine bir din sosyolojisi araştırması: İzmir Bornova örneği

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    x, 104 sayfa29 cm. 1 CDÖZETBu araştırmada Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın açtığı Kur’an Kurslarına katılan kadınların dindarlık algısı incelenmiştir. İzmir İli Bornova İlçesi’nde bu kurslara devam eden 30 kadın katılımcıdan elde edilen veriler değerlendirilmiş, katılımcıların dindarlık algısını tespit etmeye yönelik sorular din-inanç, ibadetler ve gündelik hayat olmak üzere üç alt boyutta ele alınmıştır.Katılımcılar, İslam inancının temel bileşenleri konusunda ortak düşüncede olup Kur’an’a iman, peygamberlere, meleklere, ahirete iman gibi konularda tereddütsüz bir iman içerisindedir. Ancak katılımcıların alimlere güven, mezhepler, tarikatlar, başkalarına tebliğ gibi konularda aynı düşüncede olmadığı görülmektedir.ABSTRACTIn this research, the religiousness perception of women who attended the Quran Courses opened by the Presidency of Religious Affairs was examined. The data obtained from 30 female participants who attended these courses in Bornova District of Izmir Province were evaluated, questions to determine the participants' perception of religiosity were discussed in three sub-dimensions as religion-belief, worship and daily life.The participants agree on the basic components of the Islamic belief and have an unwavering belief in matters such as belief in the Quran, belief in the prophets, angels, and the hereafter. However, it is seen that the participants do not agree on issues such as trust in scholars, sects, cults, and apostatizing to others

    The trends and outcomes of flipped learning research between 2012 and 2018: A descriptive content analysis

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    As an innovative active learning method, flipped learning provides students with several opportunities. This study was conducted to reveal the trends and outcomes in research into the flipped learning approach published between 2012 and 2018. Descriptive content analysis was used to review 316 research and conceptual articles published in academic journals included in five significant databases that ascribe to journals the highest impact factor. The results indicate that most of the studies are conducted with students as the most frequent study group and with a mixed-method research design in the subject areas of education and medicine. The flipped learning approach is mostly conducted in higher education. As a region, Asia has taken the lead in flipped learning studies. Finally, the outcomes of flipped learning indicate an increase in student performance and positive influence on cognitive, affective, and soft skills.WOS:000616425700001Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Emerging Sources Citation IndexArticle; Early AccessUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılan - HAYIRŞubat2021YÖK - 2020-2

    The effects of the addition of baker's yeast on the functional properties and quality of tarhana, a traditional fermented food

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    As a fermented product, tarhana is the dry form of yogurt-cereal mixture and represents an important part of the diets of many people in different countries including Turkey. In the present study, the effects of the addition of baker's yeast on the quality and functional properties of tarhana were investigated. Tarhana was produced under laboratory conditions (uncontrolled and controlled conditions) using two formulas. Some physicochemical, functional, and sensory properties of the samples were analysed. An increase was found in the acidity value of all samples during the fermentation period. The addition of baker's yeast affected the functional properties (water absorption capacity, foaming capacity, foaming stability, emulsifying activity) of the samples (P < 0.05). The tarhana samples produced by the addition of yeast and under controlled conditions had shorter fermentation times and better sensory properties. This research suggests that the addition of baker's yeast and the employment of controlled conditions can be recommended in the production of the commercial type of tarhana

    Cytokine gene polymorphism frequencies in Turkish population living in Marmara region

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    Objectives Sequence variants in cytokine genes are related to affect cytokine gene levels. In this study, it was aimed to examine eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in five cytokine genes (TNF-alpha, INF-gamma, IL-6, IL10, TGF-beta) for the Turkish population living in Marmara region and to reveal the genetic distance between the study group and other populations. Methods In this study, three-hundred unrelated healthy individuals were involved and all genotyping were performed by using sequence-specific primers PCR (PCR-SSP) method. The SNP data were analyzed for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium fit by calculating expected genotype frequencies and comparing them to the observed values using Arlequin software version 3.1. The genetic distances between the study group and other populations were calculated and a neighbor-joining tree was constructed by PHYLIP. Results The observed genotypes of TNF-alpha (-308), IFN-gamma (+874), TGF-beta (codon 10), and TGF-beta (codon 25) of the subjects were found to be similar with other populations investigated in this study. However, there is a significant frequency difference for IL-6 and IL-10 genotypes between populations. Conclusions The current population study provided more reference values for these polymorphisms and generated a control group to be used in further association studies especially for transplantation, GVHD, autoimmune and malign disease


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    Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant chemical used asa bleach in the textile industry and it is important to remove it from water before being released to the environment. The oxidizing substrate of peroxidase (HRP) enzyme is hydrogen peroxide. In this study, cross-linked aggregates (CLEA) of HRP enzyme were used to remove hydrogen peroxide and glutaraldehyde (GA) was used as a crosslinking agent.When the kinetic constants of the free peroxidase enzyme were calculated, saturation constant was 0,06965 mmol H2O2/L and maximum specific rate constant was found as 0.0232mmol H2O2/L.sec. Average saturation constant, Kmof HRP-CLEA was found as 0,00625 mmol H2O2/L, and average maximum specific rate constant value, Vm, was calculated as 0.0699x10-3 mmol H2O2/L.sec in wastewater without dye. More then 90 % H2O2removal was achieved in 15 minutes with HRP-CLEA. The removal of the wastewater containing H2O2(0.02M) was completed in five minutes.In the scale-up approach, the data was evaluated using the Euler solution algorithm and the H2O2removal in the efficiency factor range where the kinetic constants change was calculated. Assuming the reaction rate changes linearly, the activity variations that will occur during scaling up with the enzyme in aggregate form were determined in the range of 125% -50%, and the industrial-scale design was modelled by taking into account the activity factors. In scaling up, concentrations that will occur in the increased reaction volume have been simulated. The results obtained showed that HRP-CLEAs are more advantageous than free enzyme in terms of time and cost

    An Investigation of Preschool Children’s Usage Level of Concepts Related to Position-in-Space

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    Çocuklar için mekânda konum kavramlarının kazanımı erken yıllarda başlayarak, okul öncesi dönemde eğitimin etkisi ile hızlı bir ilerleme kaydetmektedir. Bu çalışmada, okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 83 çocuğun mekânda konum kavramlarını kullanımları incelenmek için örnek bir resim kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya dört farklı ilde eğitim gören 43 kız ve 40 erkek çocuk katılmış olup, resimde görülen dokuz farklı kişinin yerleri tarif edilerek, alınan cevaplar kaydedilip, daha sonra araştırmacıların analizleri sonucu, her bir kişi için dört farklı (mekanda konum ifadeleri kullanarak tarif edenler, mekanda konum ifadelerini kullanmadan doğru tarif edenler, mekanda konum ifadelerini kullanarak yanlış tarif edenler ve mekanda konum ifadelerini kullanmadan yanlış tarif edenler) başlık ortaya çıkarak, bu başlıklara göre değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, çocuklar mekânda konum ifadelerini kullanarak doğru tarif edenler olduğu kadar mekânda konum ifadelerini kullanmadan doğru tarif eden cevaplar da olduğu görülerek, genel olarak çocukların doğru cevabı bildikleri fakat kavramsal gelişimlerin yeterli olmadığı görülmüştür.The acquisition of spatial location concepts for children starts in the early years and has significant progress with the impact of education in the early years. In this study, a sample picture was used to examine the usage of the concept of location in space for 83 children attending preschool education. 43 girls and 40 boys attending preschools in four different cities participated in this research. In the sample picture, the locations of nine different people were described, and the answers were recorded. Then, four different categories (those who described using location concepts, those who described correctly without using location concepts, those who failed to describe using location concepts, and those who failed to describe without using location concepts) were determined for each person as a result of the researchers’ analysis. Children’s responses for each person were evaluated according to these categories. As a result of the research, some answers describe the children correctly using location concepts as well as those that describe them correctly without using location expressions. Thus children generally know the correct answer, but their conceptual development may not be sufficient to describe using conceptual words

    Sabah ve Gece Yapılan Aerobik Egzersizin Antrenmanlı Deneklerde Serum İrisin Düzeyine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Amaç: Egzersizin enerji homeostazisinin düzenlenmesinde önemli yararlı etkileri olduğu bilinmektedir. Enerji düzenlenmesi ile ilgili hormon düzeylerinin değişiminde egzersizin etkisi araştırmacılar arasında yoğun bir ilgiye sahip olan ilginç bir konudur ve irisin bu konuda özel bir öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada antrenmanlılarda irisin düzeyine sabah ve gece yapılan akut egzersizin olası yararlı etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Yirmi antrenmanlı erkek denek sabah ve geceaerobik egzersiz koşu egzersizine katılmışlardır. Egzersizden önce ve sonra venöz kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Serum irisin düzeyi ELISA yöntemiyle ölçülmüştür.Bulgular: Bazal irisin düzeyi her iki testte de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değişmemiştir. Fakat irisin düzeyi sabah 262.01±37 ng/ml’den 299.74±39 ng/ml’ye ve gece 268.57±30 ng/ml’den 316.04±33 ng/ml’ye istatistiksel olarak anlamlı oranda artış göstermiştir p < 0.0001 . Sonuç: Bu çalışma sonuçları egzersiz antrenmanı zamanının antrenmanlı deneklerde irisin düzeyinde farklı etkilere sahip olmadığını göstermektedir.Bu deneysel düzenek egzersizin enerji düzenlenmesinde bir role sahip olan irisini artırdığını açıkça göstermektedi