126 research outputs found

    Lagrangian Volume Deformations around Simulated Galaxies

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    We present a detailed analysis of the local evolution of 206 Lagrangian Volumes (LVs) selected at high redshift around galaxy seeds, identified in a large-volume Λ\Lambda cold dark matter (Λ\LambdaCDM) hydrodynamical simulation. The LVs have a mass range of 11500×1010M1 - 1500 \times 10^{10} M_\odot. We follow the dynamical evolution of the density field inside these initially spherical LVs from z=10z=10 up to zlow=0.05z_{\rm low} = 0.05, witnessing highly non-linear, anisotropic mass rearrangements within them, leading to the emergence of the local cosmic web (CW). These mass arrangements have been analysed in terms of the reduced inertia tensor IijrI_{ij}^r, focusing on the evolution of the principal axes of inertia and their corresponding eigendirections, and paying particular attention to the times when the evolution of these two structural elements declines. In addition, mass and component effects along this process have also been investigated. We have found that deformations are led by dark matter dynamics and they transform most of the initially spherical LVs into prolate shapes, i.e. filamentary structures. An analysis of the individual freezing-out time distributions for shapes and eigendirections shows that first most of the LVs fix their three axes of symmetry (like a skeleton) early on, while accretion flows towards them still continue. Very remarkably, we have found that more massive LVs fix their skeleton earlier on than less massive ones. We briefly discuss the astrophysical implications our findings could have, including the galaxy mass-morphology relation and the effects on the galaxy-galaxy merger parameter space, among others.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures. Minor editorial improvement

    Inhomogeneous Reionization Models in Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations

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    In this work we present a new hybrid method to simulate the thermal effects of the reionization in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The method improves upon the standard approach used in simulations of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and galaxy formation without a significant increase of the computational cost allowing for efficient exploration of the parameter space. The method uses a small set of phenomenological input parameters and combines a semi-numerical reionization model to solve for the topology of reionization and an approximate model of how reionization heats the IGM, with the massively parallel \texttt{Nyx} hydrodynamics code, specifically designed to solve for the structure of diffuse IGM gas. We have produced several large-scale high resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (204832048^3, Lbox=40L_{\rm box} = 40 Mpc/h) with different instantaneous and inhomogeneous HI reionization models that use this new methodology. We study the IGM thermal properties of these models and find that large scale temperature fluctuations extend well beyond the end of reionization. Analyzing the 1D flux power spectrum of these models, we find up to 50%\sim 50\% differences in the large scale properties (low modes, k0.01k\lesssim0.01 s/km) of the post-reionization power spectrum due to the thermal fluctuations. We show that these differences could allow one to distinguish between different reionization scenarios already with existing Lyα\alpha forest measurements. Finally, we explore the differences in the small-scale cutoff of the power spectrum and we find that, for the same heat input, models show very good agreement provided that the reionization redshift of the instantaneous reionization model happens at the midpoint of the inhomogeneous model.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. Minor changes to match published versio

    La masa no se crea ni se destruye ¿Estáis seguros?

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    From the very outset of the study of chemistry, the concepts of mass, physical and chemical transformations of matter and the law of conservation are fundamental. However, in reality, the learning of these concepts that pupils believe they understand is not very secure. When they try to apply their ideas to simple questions they make mistakes and the reasoning they use does not correspond to the explanations or definitions that they are able to repeat

    Dificultades en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los problemas de física y química : I. Opiniones del alumno

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    Analysing the ideas with which teachers and pupils confront problems in physics and chemistry. The starting point for this analysis is the compilation of the difficulties and causes of failure involved in solving problems raised during a didactic investigation of these subjects. This part shows the results obtained in relation to the pupils. They show their opinions on the difficulties they came across, their evaluations, relationships between these and other groups of students showing similar characteristics. Another paper will be dedicated to the teacher's opinions and a comparison between both groups

    Dificultades en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los problemas de física y química : II. Opiniones del profesor

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    Analysing the ideas with which teachers and pupils confront problems in physics and chemistry. The starting point for this analysis is the compilation of difficulties and causes of failure involved in solving problems raised in a didactic investigation of the subjects. This second part -referring to the teachers- shows the relationships between difficulties faced as well as distinguishing between groups of teachers who share similar ideas about problem solving education. Finally a comparison is made between the two sections -teachers and pupils- with implications to teaching and learning

    Large-scale gas dynamics in the adhesion model: Implications for the two-phase massive galaxy formation scenario

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2011 RAS © 2011 The AuthorsPublished by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reservedWe have studied the mass assembly and star formation histories of massive galaxies identified at low redshift in different cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. To this end, we have carried out a detailed follow-up backwards in time of their constituent mass elements (sampled by particles) of different types. After that, the configurations they depict at progressively higher zs were carefully analysed. The analyses show that these histories share common generic patterns, irrespective of particular circumstances. In any case, however, the results we have found are different depending on the particle type. The most outstanding differences follow. We have found that by z∼ 3.5-6, mass elements identified as stellar particles at z= 0 exhibit a gaseous cosmic-web-like morphology with scales of ∼1 physical Mpc, where the densest mass elements have already turned into stars by z∼ 6. These settings are in fact the densest pieces of the cosmic web, where no hot particles show up, and dynamically organized as a hierarchy of flow convergence regions (FCRs), that is, attraction basins for mass flows. At high z FCRs undergo fast contractive deformations with very low angular momentum, shrinking them violently. Indeed, by z∼ 1 most of the gaseous or stellar mass they contain shows up as bound to a massive elliptical-like object at their centres, with typical half-mass radii of rmass star∼ 2-3kpc. After this, a second phase comes about where the mass assembly rate is much slower and characterized by mergers involving angular momentum. On the other hand, mass elements identified at the diffuse hot coronae surrounding massive galaxies at z= 0 do not display a clear web-like morphology at any z. Diffuse gas is heated when FCRs go through contractive deformations. Most of this gas remains hot and with low density throughout the evolution. To shed light on the physical foundations of the behaviour revealed by our analyses (i.e. a two-phase formation process with different implications for diffuse or shocked mass elements), as well as on their possible observational implications, these patterns have been confronted with some generic properties of singular flows as described by the adhesion model (i.e. potential character of the velocity field, singular versus regular points, dressing, locality when a spectrum of perturbations is implemented). We have found that the common patterns the simulations show can be interpreted as a natural consequence of flow properties that, moreover, could explain different generic observational results from massive galaxies or their samples. We briefly discuss some of themThis work was partially supported by the DGES (Spain) through the grants AYA2009-12792-C03-02 and AYA2009-12792- C03-03 from the PNAyA, as well as by the regional Madrid V PRICIT programme through the ASTROMADRID network (CAM S2009/ESP-1496

    Measurement of the small-scale structure of the intergalactic medium using close quasar pairs

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    The distribution of diffuse gas in the intergalactic medium (IGM) imprints a series of hydrogen absorption lines on the spectra of distant background quasars known as the Lyman-α\alpha forest. Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations predict that IGM density fluctuations are suppressed below a characteristic scale where thermal pressure balances gravity. We measured this pressure-smoothing scale by quantifying absorption correlations in a sample of close quasar pairs. We compared our measurements to hydrodynamical simulations, where pressure smoothing is determined by the integrated thermal history of the IGM. Our findings are consistent with standard models for photoionization heating by the ultraviolet radiation backgrounds that reionized the universe.Comment: Accepted for publication on Scienc