2,068 research outputs found

    Sobre el Ordenamiento de Zamora, 1274

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    The so-called Ordenamiento de Zamora of 1274 has received scant critical attention, but it prompts several questions: (1) is the extant text an official Ordenamiento of the royal court; (2) was the date affixed by the royal chancery; (3) was it enacted in the Cortes at Zamora; (4) what is the substance of the text? The Ordenamiento is incomplete as it lacks the proper introduction characteristic of authentic royal documents and the customary chancery dating formula. Apart from the inscription, no other document speaks of the Cortes of Zamora and the text makes no reference to the Cortes or to the presence of representatives of municipalities ordinarily summoned to the Cortes. In order to facilitate the prompt resolution of lawsuits, the Ordenamiento focused on four topics: 1. Advocates; 2. Judges; 3. Scribes; and 4. The King. It also listed the casos de corte that belonged exclusively to royal jurisdiction.El llamado Ordenamiento de Zamora de 1274 ha recibido escasa atención crítica, pero plantea varias preguntas: (1) ¿es el texto existente un ordenamiento oficial de la corte real? (2) ¿fue la fecha fijada por la cancillería real? (3) ¿fue decretado en las Cortes de Zamora? (4) ¿cuál es la sustancia del texto? El Ordenamiento es incompleto ya que carece de la introducción característica de los auténticos documentos reales y de la fórmula acostumbrada empleada por la cancillería para fechar tales documentos. Aparte de la inscripción, ningún otro documento habla de las Cortes de Zamora y el texto no hace referencia a las Cortes ni a la presencia de representantes de los concejos ordinariamente convocados a las Cortes. Con el fin de facilitar la pronta resolución de los pleitos, el Ordenamiento se centró en cuatro temas: 1. Abogados; 2. Alcaldes; 3. Escribanos; y 4. El Rey. También enumeró los casos de corte que pertenecían exclusivamente a la jurisdicción real

    Development and the G20

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    This publication examines what role the G20 can play in international development. Key findings: Development is a key component of the G20, but there are concerns over the effectiveness of the current development agenda. The criticism includes that the development agenda is too diffuse and mostly distant to the G20’s main activities. But the G20 development agenda has made progress in some important areas, including increasing the resources of the international financial institutions, infrastructure, food security, financial inclusion and reducing the cost of remittances. However development and global economic issues cannot be treated in isolation; development must be ‘mainstreamed’ and clearly seen as part of the G20’s core agenda. To the extent that Australia can help strengthen the G20 when it assumes the chair in 2014, and make tangible progress in such areas as - economic growth, financial regulation, trade, financial inclusion, infrastructure and climate change financing – it can make a significant contribution to promoting development and reducing poverty. Authored by Mike Callaghan AM, Annmaree O’Keeffe AM, Robin Davies, Susan Harris Rimmer , Steve Price-Thomas, Sabina Curatolo, Julia Newton-Howes and Michelle Lettie

    Obesidad y sobrepeso en relación con la alimentación y la actividad física en alumnos de 4º de enfermería

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    Introducción: La obesidad, según la OMS, es una acumulación anormal o excesiva de grasa que puede ser perjudicial para la salud. Es una enfermedad multicausal, siendo la alimentación y la actividad física los factores más relevantes en su génesis. Justificación: La prevalencia de la obesidad en España no deja de crecer, siendo un factor de riesgo para múltiples enfermedades. Por ello, el personal sanitario tiene el deber de actuar ante esta situación estableciendo medidas para la prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso en relación a la alimentación y la actividad física en los alumnos de 4º de enfermería de Palencia. Material y método: Estudio observacional, transversal, analítico. Se envió una encuesta anónima a los alumnos de 4º de enfermería de Palencia. Se obtuvieron datos sociodemográficos, el nivel de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea mediante el test Kidmed y el nivel de actividad física mediante el test RAPA de 62 alumnos. Resultados: Hubo 62 participantes en estudio con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 38 años, el 87,1% eran mujeres. El IMC medio de la muestra es de 22,39 kg/m2 . El 80,64% de los participantes presentan normopeso. Un 55% eran físicamente activos. Tan solo un 9,68% presenta alta adherencia a la dieta mediterránea. Los alumnos con alta adherencia a la dieta mediterránea son los más activos físicamente. Conclusiones: La realización de la actividad física y los hábitos alimentarios son factores mejorables en los alumnos de 4º de Enfermería de Palencia.Grado en Enfermerí

    The effect of exercise on depressive symptoms in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: The purpose of this review was to examine the treatment effect of physical exercise on depressive symptoms for adolescents aged 13 to 17 years. Method: A systematic search of 7 electronic databases identified relevant randomized controlled trials. Following removal of duplicates, 543 texts were screened for eligibility. Screening, data extraction, and trial methodological quality assessment (using the Delphi list) were undertaken by 2 independent researchers. Standardized mean differences were used for pooling postintervention depressive symptom scores. Results: Eleven trials met the inclusion criteria, 8 of which provided the necessary data for calculation of standardized effect size. Exercise showed a statistically significant moderate overall effect on depressive symptom reduction (standardized mean difference [SMD] = −0.48, 95% CI = −0.87, −0.10, p = .01, I2 = 67%). Among trials with higher methodological scoring, a nonsignificant moderate effect was recorded (SMD = −0.41, 95% CI = −0.86, 0.05, p = .08). In trials with exclusively clinical samples, exercise showed a statistically significant moderate effect on depressive symptoms with lower levels of heterogeneity (SMD = −0.43, 95% CI = −0.84, −0.02, p = .04, I2 = 44%). Conclusion: Physical exercise appears to improve depressive symptoms in adolescents, especially in clinical samples in which the moderate antidepressant effect, higher methodological quality, and lowered statistical heterogeneity suggest that exercise may be a useful treatment strategy for depression. Larger trials with clinical samples that adequately minimize the risk of bias are required for firmer conclusions on the effectiveness of exercise as an antidepressant treatment

    Working with schools and communities: a postgraduate module where students undertake a mental health or well-being intervention in a school or community setting

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    The case study reports on a module called 'Working with schools and communities' which forms part of the MSc in Child and Adolescent Mental Health at The University of Northampton. The module involves students designing, planning, delivering and evaluating mental health or well-being interventions in school or community settings. Through detailing the module approach, assessment strategy and applied examples of students' work, we show how the work students do on this module embraces Changemaking, both for them in terms of their own skills and experience, but also for the schools and community settings where they are based

    Institutional and policy issues in the management of fisheries and coastal resources in Cambodia

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    Fishery management, Governments, Fishery policies, Resource conservation, Resource management, Cambodia,

    Slow fatigue and highly delayed yielding via shear banding in oscillatory shear

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    We study theoretically the dynamical process of yielding in cyclically sheared amorphous materials, within a thermal elastoplastic model and the soft glassy rheology model. Within both models we find an initially slow accumulation, over many cycles after the inception of shear, of low levels of damage in the form strain heterogeneity across the sample. This slow fatigue then suddenly gives way to catastrophic yielding and material failure. Strong strain localisation in the form of shear banding is key to the failure mechanism. We characterise in detail the dependence of the number of cycles before failure on the amplitude of imposed strain, the working temperature, and the degree to which the sample is annealed prior to shear. We discuss our finding with reference to existing experiments and particle simulations, and suggest new ones to test our predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure