20 research outputs found

    National Catholic School Standards: Focus on Governance and Leadership

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    The recently published National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools (NSBECS) (Ozar & Weitzel-O鈥橬eill, 2012) provides Catholic school educators and stakeholders with research-based criteria for operating a mission-driven, program-effective, well-managed, responsibly governed Catholic school. The standards serve as the framework within which discussion of Catholic school governance and leadership must now take place

    Notificaci贸n enfermera en proyectos de investigaci贸n

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    La Farmacovigilancia tiene como objetivo lograr la m谩xima seguridad en el uso de medicamentos; para ello, resulta fundamental la notificaci贸n de las reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAM). Se ha llevado a cabo una revisi贸n de los datos registrados en el Estudio 脥caro con la finalidad de analizar, en forma de frecuencias y porcentajes, las RAM notificadas por la enfermera-monitora durante los 6 meses de seguimiento de una cohorte de 137 pacientes en tratamiento antipsic贸tico. Los resultados del estudio determinan que 49 pacientes presentaron al menos un efecto adverso, siendo menor la frecuencia de RAM en los mayores de 55 a帽os (22,5%); en relaci贸n al sexo, no se pueden establecer diferencias. El patr贸n de tratamiento preferente ha sido: risperidona (46,7%), quetiapina (21,9%) y olanzapina (18,2%). El antipsic贸tico con mayor n煤mero de RAM fue risperidona (46,2%), mientras que al comparar la frecuencia de notificaciones de cada f谩rmaco con su uso, el que present贸 mayor porcentaje fue olanzapina (64%). Los principales efectos adversos producidos por los antipsic贸ticos son los trastornos metab贸licos, destacando el aumento de peso (43%), seguido por los trastornos del sistema nervioso y los psicol贸gicos. En conclusi贸n, el uso de antipsic贸ticos at铆picos ha incrementado en los 煤ltimos a帽os, aumentando el n煤mero de RAM. Para una mayor detecci贸n y tratamiento de 茅stas, es necesario formar a Enfermer铆a en materia de notificaci贸n de RAM en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica y en la monitorizaci贸n de proyectos de investigaci贸n,adem谩s de fomentar la educaci贸n para la salud como prevenci贸n de las alteraciones producidas por los antipsic贸ticos.Grado en Enfermer铆

    Concurrent panel session 1: Environmental sustainability and Las Vegas

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    Moderator: Dr. Stan Smith, UNLV School of Life Sciences Scribe: Crystal Jackson, UNLV Department of Sociology Conference white paper & Full summary of panel session, 6 page

    Imprints, Vol. 5

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    This 1989 edition includes winners of the T. E. Ferguson writing Contest, two honorable mentions, and a number of other entries that we felt deserved to be published. I would like to give special thanks to all the judges of the Ferguson Writing Contest who helped make this publication possible, and especially to Dr. Patricia Russell, who one again proved to be an invaluable asset. Her dedication and love for the organization and all it stands for has made this one of the most successful years ever

    Peer-Assisted Tutoring in a Chemical Engineering Curriculum: Tutee and Tutor Experiences

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    Peer-Assisted Tutorials (PATs), a form of Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL), were introduced to a conventional 4-year honours degree programme in Chemical Engineering. PATs were designed to support students in becoming more self-directed in their learning, to develop student confidence in tackling Chemical Engineering problems and to promote effective group work. They were implemented as part of a core undergraduate module (Unit Operations). For each PAT, 3rd Year students (Tutees) worked together in groups of 5-6, led by a trained Peer Tutor, a 4th Year student who had previously taken and passed the Unit Operations modules. PATs were well-structured, with each session involving two parts: (i) review of a previously assigned homework problem and (ii) introduction and group discussion of a new homework problem. PATs were evaluated on the basis of feedback from both Tutees and Tutors. PATs attracted high participation rates and yielded high levels of Tutee and Tutor satisfaction, in terms of student perceptions of their understanding of relevant material and enhancement of professionally relevant transferable skills. Although developed for Chemical Engineering, PATs are an effective teaching and learning tool, which could be adapted for any cognate discipline

    Black-tailed Gull Sighting

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