435 research outputs found

    The many flavours of mechanochemistry and its plausible conceptual underpinnings

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    Recovering the mass and the charge of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole by an inverse scattering experiment

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    In this paper, we study inverse scattering of massless Dirac fields that propagate in the exterior region of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. Using a stationary approach we determine precisely the leading terms of the high-energy asymptotic expansion of the scattering matrix that, in turn, permit us to recover uniquely the mass of the black hole and its charge up to a sign

    Aerosol Remote Sensing in Polar Regions

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    Multi-year sets of ground-based sun-photometer measurements conducted at 12 Arctic sites and 9 Antarctic sites were examined to determine daily mean values of aerosol optical thickness tau(lambda) at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, from which best-fit values of ngstrm's exponent alpha were calculated. Analyzing these data, the monthly mean values of tau(0.50 micrometers) and alpha and the relative frequency histograms of the daily mean values of both parameters were determined for winter-spring and summer-autumn in the Arctic and for austral summer in Antarctica. The Arctic and Antarctic covariance plots of the seasonal median values of alpha versus tau(0.50 micrometers) showed: (i) a considerable increase in tau(0.50 micrometers) for the Arctic aerosol from summer to winter-spring, without marked changes in alpha; and (ii) a marked increase in tau(0.50 micrometer) passing from the Antarctic Plateau to coastal sites, whereas alpha decreased considerably due to the larger fraction of sea-salt aerosol. Good agreement was found when comparing ground-based sun-photometer measurements of tau(lambda) and alpha at Arctic and Antarctic coastal sites with Microtops measurements conducted during numerous AERONET/MAN cruises from 2006 to 2013 in three Arctic Ocean sectors and in coastal and off-shore regions of the Southern Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, and the Antarctic Peninsula. Lidar measurements were also examined to characterize vertical profiles of the aerosol backscattering coefficient measured throughout the year at Ny-lesund. Satellite-based MODIS, MISR, and AATSR retrievals of tau(lambda) over large parts of the oceanic polar regions during spring and summer were in close agreement with ship-borne and coastal ground-based sun-photometer measurements. An overview of the chemical composition of mode particles is also presented, based on in-situ measurements at Arctic and Antarctic sites. Fourteen log-normal aerosol number size-distributions were defined to represent the average features of nuclei, accumulation and coarse mode particles for Arctic haze, summer background aerosol, Asian dust and boreal forest fire smoke, and for various background austral summer aerosol types at coastal and high-altitude Antarctic sites. The main columnar aerosol optical characteristics were determined for all 14 particle modes, based on in-situ measurements of the scattering and absorption coefficients. Diurnally averaged direct aerosol-induced radiative forcing and efficiency were calculated for a set of multimodal aerosol extinction models, using various Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function models over vegetation-covered, oceanic and snow-covered surfaces. These gave a reliable measure of the pronounced effects of aerosols on the radiation balance of the surface-atmosphere system over polar regions

    Sacrificial Mechanical Bond is as Effective as a Sacrificial Covalent Bond in Increasing Cross-Linked Polymer Toughness.

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    Sacrificial chemical bonds have been used effectively to increase the toughness of elastomers because such bonds dissociate at forces significantly below the fracture limit of the primary load-bearing bonds, thereby dissipating local stress. This approach owes much of its success to the ability to adjust the threshold force at which the sacrificial bonds fail at the desired rate, for example, by selecting either covalent or noncovalent sacrificial bonds. Here, we report experimental and computational evidence that a mechanical bond, responsible for the structural integrity of a rotaxane or a catenane, increases the elastomer's fracture strain, stress, and energy as much as a covalent bond of comparable mechanochemical dissociation kinetics. We synthesized and studied 6 polyacrylates cross-linked by either difluorenylsuccinonitrile (DFSN), which is an established sacrificial mechanochromic moiety; a [2]rotaxane, whose stopper allows its wheel to dethread on the same subsecond time scale as DFSN dissociates when either is under tensile force of 1.5-2 nN; a structurally homologous [2]rotaxane with a much bulkier stopper that is stable at force >5.5 nN; similarly stoppered [3]rotaxanes containing DFSN in their axles; and a control polymer with aliphatic nonsacrificial cross-links. Our data suggest that mechanochemical dethreading of a rotaxane without failure of any covalent bonds may be an important, hitherto unrecognized, contributor to the toughness of some rotaxane-cross-linked polymers and that sacrificial mechanical bonds provide a mechanism to control material fracture behavior independently of the mechanochemical response of the covalent networks, due to their distinct relationships between structure and mechanochemical reactivity

    Gravitomagnetism in the Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT spacetime

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    We study the motion of test particles and electromagnetic waves in the Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT spacetime in order to elucidate some of the effects associated with the gravitomagnetic monopole moment of the source. In particular, we determine in the linear approximation the contribution of this monopole to the gravitational time delay and the rotation of the plane of the polarization of electromagnetic waves. Moreover, we consider "spherical" orbits of uncharged test particles in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime and discuss the modification of the Wilkins orbits due to the presence of the gravitomagnetic monopole.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX iopart style, uses PicTex for 1 Figur

    Histopathologic characterization of the BTBR mouse model of autistic-like behavior reveals selective changes in neurodevelopmental proteins and adult hippocampal neurogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The inbred mouse strain BTBR T+ tf/J (BTBR) exhibits behavioral deficits that mimic the core deficits of autism. Neuroanatomically, the BTBR strain is also characterized by a complete absence of the corpus callosum. The goal of this study was to identify novel molecular and cellular changes in the BTBR mouse, focusing on neuronal, synaptic, glial and plasticity markers in the limbic system as a model for identifying putative molecular and cellular substrates associated with autistic behaviors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forebrains of 8 to 10-week-old male BTBR and age-matched C57Bl/6J control mice were evaluated by immunohistochemistry using free-floating and paraffin embedded sections. Twenty antibodies directed against antigens specific to neurons, synapses and glia were used. Nissl, Timm and acetylcholinesterase (AchE) stains were performed to assess cytoarchitecture, mossy fibers and cholinergic fiber density, respectively. In the hippocampus, quantitative stereological estimates for the mitotic marker bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) were performed to determine hippocampal progenitor proliferation, survival and differentiation, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA was quantified by <it>in situ </it>hybridization. Quantitative image analysis was performed for NG2, doublecortin (DCX), NeuroD, GAD67 and Poly-Sialic Acid Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (PSA-NCAM).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In midline structures including the region of the absent corpus callosum of BTBR mice, the myelin markers 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) and myelin basic protein (MBP) were reduced, and the oligodendrocyte precursor NG2 was increased. MBP and CNPase were expressed in small ectopic white matter bundles within the cingulate cortex. Microglia and astrocytes showed no evidence of gliosis, yet orientations of glial fibers were altered in specific white-matter areas. In the hippocampus, evidence of reduced neurogenesis included significant reductions in the number of doublecortin, PSA-NCAM and NeuroD immunoreactive cells in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, and a marked reduction in the number of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) positive progenitors. Furthermore, a significant and profound reduction in BDNF mRNA was seen in the BTBR dentate gyrus. No significant differences were seen in the expression of AchE, mossy fiber synapses or immunoreactivities of microtubule-associated protein MAP2, parvalbumin and glutamate decarboxylase GAD65 or GAD67 isoforms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We documented modest and selective alterations in glia, neurons and synapses in BTBR forebrain, along with reduced neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Of all markers examined, the most distinctive changes were seen in the neurodevelopmental proteins NG2, PSA-NCAM, NeuroD and DCX. Our results are consistent with aberrant development of the nervous system in BTBR mice, and may reveal novel substrates to link callosal abnormalities and autistic behaviors. The changes that we observed in the BTBR mice suggest potential novel therapeutic strategies for intervention in autism spectrum disorders.</p

    The core of the nearby S0 galaxy NGC 7457 imaged with the HST planetary camera

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    We have observed the nearby S0 galaxy NGC 7457 with the Planetary Camera of the Hubble Space Telescope. Spatial structure is observable at the diffraction-limited resolution of the 2.4 m HST primary despite the effects of spherical aberration. The central distribution of starlight appears consistent with a y ~ -1.0 power law for r 3 x 10^4 L_☉ pc^(-3) (V band). This is now the second densest core known after M32. From the ground, NGC 7457 resembles any number of unresolved elliptical galaxies, which suggests that compact dense cores may be common. The images of NGC 7457 demonstrate that HST can still provide unique and astrophysically interesting information on the central structure of galaxies

    The Postcollapse core of M15 imaged with the HST planetary camera

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    We have obtained U-band images of the M15 core with the Planetary Camera of the Hubble Space Telescope. We are able to resolve stars down to the main-sequence turnoff (m_v≈ 19.4) into the cluster center. We use crowded field photometry techniques to decompose M15 into bright resolved stars and a residual component consisting of stars at turnoff brightness or fainter. The residual component comprises 59% of the cluster light and follows a y = -0.71 power-law distribution for r > 1". The residual component flattens off interior to this radius and has a large core with r_c = 2".2 = 0.13 pc. The core size may reflect postcollapse core expansion. The resolved stars have a slightly shallower distribution (y = - 0.53) but have an abrupt overdensity for r < 1".5, which accounts for the unresolved surface brightness cusp at ground resolution. The bright stars do not become more highly concentrated at still smaller radii, however; neither the bright stars nor the residual component form a cusp at subarcsecond resolution. The total central density of light in all components is 8 x 10^5 L_☉ pc^(-3) (U-band). The Peterson, Seitzer, and Cudworth central velocity dispersion implies a high core M/L ≈ 8 (U-band). The existence of a core rather than a cusp at the 0.1 pc scale may imply that the centrally deduced dark matter is in a diffuse form rather than a massive black hole

    Pelagic distribution of Gould’s Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera): linking shipboard and onshore observations with remote-tracking data

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    This study describes and compares the pelagic distribution and migratory patterns of the two subspecies of Gould’s Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera), and contrasts data obtained from tracking birds at sea using geolocators with observational data (shipboard sightings, by-catch records and beachcast specimens). While breeding, tracked individuals of both subspecies (P. l. leucoptera and P. l. caledonica) foraged within the Tasman Sea and south of the Australian continent, with forays west into the Indian Ocean before laying. After breeding, both subspecies migrated to distinct non-breeding ranges within the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Observational data identified the general pattern of migration and foraging areas of the species, whereas data from geolocators provided details of routes and timing of migration, core foraging ranges, and marked spatial and temporal segregation between the two subspecies. However, by attaching geolocators only to established breeders, as is typical of studies of small and medium-sized seabirds, these devices failed to identify that non-breeding birds (pre-breeders and adults that are deferring breeding) may not follow the same migratory schedules or have the same at-sea distribution. We conclude that integrating data from electronic tracking with observational data substantially improves our understanding of the pelagic distribution of seabird populations
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