989 research outputs found

    Mapping the Physical Properties of Cosmic Hot Gas with Hyper-spectral Imaging

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    A novel inversion technique is proposed to compute parametric maps showing the temperature, density and chemical composition of cosmic hot gas from X-ray hyper-spectral images. The parameters are recovered by constructing a unique non-linear mapping derived by combining a physics-based modelling of the X-ray spectrum with the selection of optimal bandpass filters. Preliminary results and analysis are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; accepted by the 5th IEEE Workshop on Application of Computer Vision (WACV/MOTION 2005), Breckenridge, CO, USA, 2005; uses ieee.cls (included). For a pdf version with full-resolution figures, try http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~exc/Research/Papers/ieee_astro_05.pd

    Observation of HCN hyperfine line anomalies towards low- and high-mass star-forming cores

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    HCN is becoming a popular choice of molecule for studying star formation in both low- and high-mass regions and for other astrophysical sources from comets to high-redshift galaxies. However, a major and often overlooked difficulty with HCN is that it can exhibit non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) behaviour in its hyperfine line structure. Individual hyperfine lines can be strongly boosted or suppressed. In low-mass star-forming cloud observations, this could possibly lead to large errors in the calculation of opacity and excitation temperature, while in massive star-forming clouds, where the hyperfine lines are blended due to turbulent broadening, errors will arise in infall measurements that are based on the separation of the peaks in a self-absorbed profile. The underlying line shape cannot be known for certain if hyperfine anomalies are present. We present a first observational investigation of these anomalies across a range of conditions and transitions by carrying out a survey of low-mass starless cores (in Taurus & Ophiuchus) and high-mass protostellar objects (in the G333 giant molecular cloud) using hydrogen cyanide (HCN) J=1-0 and J=3-2 emission lines. We quantify the degree of anomaly in these two rotational levels by considering ratios of individual hyperfine lines compared to LTE values. We find that all the cores observed show some degree of anomaly while many of the lines are severely anomalous. We conclude that HCN hyperfine anomalies are common in both lines in both low-mass and high-mass protostellar objects, and we discuss the differing hypotheses for the generation of the anomalies. In light of the results, we favour a line overlap effect for the origins of the anomalies. We discuss the implications for the use of HCN as a dynamical tracer and suggest in particular that the J=1-0, F=0-1 hyperfine line should be avoided in quantitative calculations.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    A review of the pharmacotherapeutic considerations for managing epilepsy in people with autism.

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    INTRODUCTION: Autism, like other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), has a strong association with epilepsy. There are known common genetic pathways in both autism and epilepsy. There are also specific genetic syndromes associated with both complex epilepsy and the autism phenotype. AREAS COVERED: This review explores the evidence for common genetic etiologies and pathophysiological pathways in relation to both epilepsy and autism. Autism with comorbid epilepsy are associated with a high prevalence of medical and psychiatric comorbidities. This paper discusses how this influences assessment, treatment, and outcomes. The evidence for the treatment of specific seizure types in the context of NDDs is also examined alongside clinical commentary. EXPERT OPINION: Despite the strong association, there is a limited evidence base to support the efficacy and tolerability of anti-seizure medications specifically in autism, with no Level 1 evidence or National Guidance available. Autism and epilepsy should be approached under a NDD model with cautious introduction and titration of anti-seizure medication. Alongside this, there is evidence to support a move toward precision medicine in specific genetic syndromes such as Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and other genetic seizure disorders. The first-line treatments that should be considered for focal seizures include carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and levetiracetam

    Thermoelectric efficiency at maximum power in a quantum dot

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    We identify the operational conditions for maximum power of a nanothermoelectric engine consisting of a single quantum level embedded between two leads at different temperatures and chemical potentials. The corresponding thermodynamic efficiency agrees with the Curzon-Ahlborn expression up to quadratic terms in the gradients, supporting the thesis of universality beyond linear response.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Post-operative immune suppression is reversible with interferon gamma and independent of IL-6 pathways

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    Introduction The post-operative period is characterised by increased IL-6 production and clinical features of immune suppression. In vitro anti-inflammatory actions of IL-6 are mediated through suppression of interferon gamma (IFNγ) [1]. The clinical significance of IL-6 in mediating post-operative immune suppression remains unclear. Objectives To evaluate the role of IL-6 pathways in post-operative immune suppression and the reversibility of this phenomenon. Methods Patients over 45 years old undergoing elective surgery involving the gastrointestinal tract and requiring at least an overnight hospital stay were recruited. The primary outcome was hospital-acquired infection. IL-6 and IFNγ levels were assayed using ELISA preoperatively and at 24 and 48 hours. Pooled healthy control peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were cultured in perioperative serum and CD14+HLA-DR (mHLA-DR) geometric mean florescent intensity (MFI) measured in the presence and absence of interferon gamma (IFNγ) and IL-6 neutralising antibody. Data were analysed with non-parametric statistics. Results 119 patients were recruited and 44 (37%) developed a post-operative infection a median of 9 (IQR 5-11) days postoperatively (Figure 1). IL-6 levels increased from baseline to 24 hours postoperatively (P < 0.0001, Figure 1A) but were then unchanged between 24 and 48 hours (P = 0.06, Figure 1B). Postoperative IL-6 levels correlated with the duration of the procedure (P = 0.009). Higher preoperative IL-6 levels were observed in patients with cancer (P = 0.02). IL-6 levels at 24 (P = 0.0002) and 48 hours (P = 0.003) were associated with the later occurrence of infectious complications. This pattern remained similar after adjustment for baseline characteristics. Healthy donor PBMCs incubated with postoperative serum downregulated mHLA-DR MFI when compared with serum from baseline (n = 8, p = 0.008). Culturing in the presence of IFNγ 250IU (n = 4) prevented this decrease whereas culturing in the presence of IL-6 neutralising antibody 15ng/ml (n = 8) did not. Conclusions IL-6 levels increase following major surgery and are associated with an increased susceptibility to post-operative infections. Serum obtained from post-operative patients induces an immunosuppressive response through an IL-6 independent pathways which is reversible with IFNγ treatment

    Stability criteria for the consumption and exchange of essential resources

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    Models of consumer effects on a shared resource environment have helped clarify how the interplay of consumer traits and resource supply impact stable coexistence. Recent models generalize this picture to include the exchange of resources alongside resource competition. These models exemplify the fact that although consumers shape the resource environment, the outcome of consumer interactions is context-dependent: such models can have either stable or unstable equilibria, depending on the resource supply. However, these recent models focus on a simplified version of microbial metabolism where the depletion of resources always leads to consumer growth. Here, we model an arbitrarily large system of consumers governed by Liebig’s law, where species require and deplete multiple resources, but each consumer’s growth rate is only limited by a single one of these resources. Resources that are taken up but not incorporated into new biomass are leaked back into the environment, possibly transformed by intracellular reactions, thereby tying the mismatch between depletion and growth to cross-feeding. For this set of dynamics, we show that feasible equilibria can be either stable or unstable, again depending on the resource environment. We identify special consumption and production networks which protect the community from instability when resources are scarce. Using simulations, we demonstrate that the qualitative stability patterns derived analytically apply to a broader class of network structures and resource inflow profiles, including cases where multiple species coexist on only one externally supplied resource. Our stability criteria bear some resemblance to classic stability results for pairwise interactions, but also demonstrate how environmental context can shape coexistence patterns when resource limitation and exchange are modeled directly

    Solvent and stabilizer free growth of Ag and Pd nanoparticles using metallic salts/cyclotriphosphazenes mixtures

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    Cyclotriphosphazene is used as a sacrificial solid-state template to synthesize a range of Ag and Pd nanoparticles with diverse geometries by thermal treatment using MLn/N3P3(O2C12H8)3 mixtures. The Pd and Ag nanoparticles are synthesized by solid-state pyrolysis of AgPPh3[CF3SO3]/N3P3(O2C12H8)3 and PdCl2/N3P3(O2C12H8)3 mixtures with molar relationships of 1:1, 1:5 and 1:10 respectively, in air and at 800 °C. The morphology of the as-prepared nanoparticles is found to depend on the molar ratio of the precursor mixture, the preparation method and of the nature of the metal. Ag and Pd, microcrystals were thermally grown on Si from the respective 1:1 precursors while that metal foams were grown from 1:5 ratios precursors on SiO2 wafers. High resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations reveal in most cases small crystals of Pd. HRSTEM measurements indicate that the formation of the Pd and Ag nanoparticles occurs through a phase demixing and dewetting mechanism. This approach has potential to be a useful and facile method to prepare metallic nanoparticles without requiring solutions or surfactants for application in electronic, catalytic and sensor materials and devices

    Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in the elderly

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    The point prevalence and incidence of Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-sensitive and -resistant) carriage by inpatients on acute elderly care wards was estimated. The relationship to body site and to previous admissions to hospital or other institutions was determined. Fifty-five patients were included in the point prevalence study and 136 in the incidence study, which was performed over a two-month period. One in three patients carried S. aureus and 1 in 20 was infected. The incidence rate for MRSA was 2.9%. No endemic strain was found. Nostrils were significantly associated with carriage, and skin break isolates were significant in the point prevalence survey. Screening these sites alone would be most cost effective
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