53 research outputs found

    Evaluating the neurophysiological evidence for predictive processing as a model of perception

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    For many years, the dominant theoretical framework guiding research into the neural origins of perceptual experience has been provided by hierarchical feedforward models, in which sensory inputs are passed through a series of increasingly complex feature detectors. However, the long‐standing orthodoxy of these accounts has recently been challenged by a radically different set of theories that contend that perception arises from a purely inferential process supported by two distinct classes of neurons: those that transmit predictions about sensory states and those that signal sensory information that deviates from those predictions. Although these predictive processing (PP) models have become increasingly influential in cognitive neuroscience, they are also criticized for lacking the empirical support to justify their status. This limited evidence base partly reflects the considerable methodological challenges that are presented when trying to test the unique predictions of these models. However, a confluence of technological and theoretical advances has prompted a recent surge in human and nonhuman neurophysiological research seeking to fill this empirical gap. Here, we will review this new research and evaluate the degree to which its findings support the key claims of PP

    An electrophysiological signal that precisely tracks the emergence of error awareness

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    Recent electrophysiological research has sought to elucidate the neural mechanisms necessary for the conscious awareness of action errors. Much of this work has focused on the error positivity (Pe), a neural signal that is specifically elicited by errors that have been consciously perceived. While awareness appears to be an essential prerequisite for eliciting the Pe, the precise functional role of this component has not been identified. Twenty-nine participants performed a novel variant of the Go/No-go Error Awareness Task (EAT) in which awareness of commission errors was indicated via a separate speeded manual response. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to isolate the Pe from other stimulus- and response-evoked signals. Single-trial analysis revealed that Pe peak latency was highly correlated with the latency at which awareness was indicated. Furthermore, the Pe was more closely related to the timing of awareness than it was to the initial erroneous response. This finding was confirmed in a separate study which derived IC weights from a control condition in which no indication of awareness was required, thus ruling out motor confounds. A receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that the Pe could reliably predict whether an error would be consciously perceived up to 400 ms before the average awareness response. Finally, Pe latency and amplitude were found to be significantly correlated with overall error awareness levels between subjects. Our data show for the first time that the temporal dynamics of the Pe trace the emergence of error awareness. These findings have important implications for interpreting the results of clinical EEG studies of error processing

    Uncovering the Neural Signature of Lapsing Attention: Electrophysiological Signals Predict Errors up to 20 s before They Occur

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    The extent to which changes in brain activity can foreshadow human error is uncertain yet has important theoretical and practical implications. The present study examined the temporal dynamics of electrocortical signals preceding a lapse of sustained attention. Twenty-one participants performed a continuous temporal expectancy task, which involved continuously monitoring a stream of regularly alternating patterned stimuli to detect a rarely occurring target stimulus whose duration was 40% longer. The stimulus stream flickered at a rate of 25 Hz to elicit a steady-state visual-evoked potential (SSVEP), which served as a continuous measure of basic visual processing. Increasing activity in the band (8 –14 Hz) was found beginning20 s before a missed target. This was followed by decreases in the amplitude of two event-related components over a short pretarget time frame: the frontal P3 (3– 4 s) and contingent-negative variation (during the target interval). In contrast, SSVEP amplitude before hits and misses was closely matched, suggesting that the efficacy of ongoing basic visual processing was unaffected. Our results show that the specific neural signatures of attentional lapses are registered in the EEG up to 20 s before an error

    Neurochemical enhancement of conscious error awareness

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    How the brain monitors ongoing behavior for performance errors is a central question of cognitive neuroscience. Diminished awareness of performance errors limits the extent to which humans engage in corrective behavior and has been linked to loss of insight in a number of psychiatric syndromes (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, drug addiction). These conditions share alterations in monoamine signaling that may influence the neural mechanisms underlying error processing, but our understanding of the neurochemical drivers of these processes is limited.Weconducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design of the influence of methylphenidate, atomoxetine, and citalopram on error awareness in 27 healthy participants. The error awareness task, a go/no-go response inhibition paradigm, was administered to assess the influence of monoaminergic agents on performance errors during fMRI data acquisition. A single dose of methylphenidate, but not atomoxetine or citalopram, significantly improved the ability of healthy volunteers to consciously detect performance errors. Furthermore, this behavioral effect was associated with a strengthening of activation differences in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and inferior parietal lobe during the methylphenidate condition for errors made with versus without awareness. Our results have implications for the understanding of the neurochemical underpinnings of performance monitoring and for the pharmacological treatment of a range of disparate clinical conditions that are marked by poor awareness of errors

    CDC Botswana : sharing another partnership success

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    CDC Botswana, in partnership with the Ministry of Health since 1995--for a safer, healthier Botswana.Publication date from document properties.CDCBotswanaSharesSuccess_19_07_12.pd

    The Effects of Methylphenidate on the Neural Signatures of Sustained Attention

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is well established that methylphenidate (MPH) enhances sustained attention, the neural mechanisms underpinning this improvement remain unclear. We examined how MPH influenced known electro-physiological precursors of lapsing attention over different time scales

    Body composition, inflammation, and 5-year outcomes in colon cancer

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    Importance: Obesity, particularly visceral obesity and sarcopenia, are poor prognostic indicators in colon cancer. Objectives: To explore the association between body composition profiles and 5-year colon cancer outcomes and delineate the associated underlying inflammatory processes. Design, Setting, and Participants: This multicenter translational cohort study included patients with nonmetastatic colon cancer who did not have underlying chronic inflammatory disorders and were not receiving anti-inflammatory drugs referred to tertiary cancer centers from 2009 to 2015. Preoperative acute phase proteins (white cell count, C-reactive protein, and albumin), cytokines (interleukin [IL]-1b, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, interferon γ, and tumor necrosis factor α), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and cell surface receptor expression levels (CD11b and CD14) were measured. All patients underwent follow-up for at least 5 years. Data were analyzed in December 2020. Exposure: Nonmetastatic colon cancer. Main Outcomes and Measures: The associations of body composition profiles with 5-year cancer recurrence and disease-specific mortality were analyzed using Mantel Cox log-rank test and Kaplan-Meier curves. Results: A total of 28 patients were included (median [interquartile range] age, 67 [58-72] years; 22 [78.6%] men). Low skeletal muscle area (SMA) and high visceral to total fat ratio were associated with poor clinical and oncological outcomes, including increased 5-year recurrence (low SMA: hazard ratio [HR], 2.30 [95% CI, 1.41-2.89]; P = .04; high visceral to total fat ratio: HR, 5.78 [95% CI, 3.66-7.95]; P = .02). High visceral to total fat ratio was associated with increased 5-year disease-specific mortality (HR, 5.92 [95% CI, 4.04-8.00]; P = .02). Patients with low SMA who developed a cancer recurrence, compared with those who did not, had higher C-reactive protein (mean [SD], 31.24 [6.95] mg/dL vs 8.11 [0.58] mg/dL; P = .003), IL-6 (mean [SD], 1.93 [1.16] ng/mL vs 0.88 [0.14] ng/mL; P = .004), VEGF (mean [SD], 310.03 [122.66] ng/mL vs 176.12 [22.94] ng/mL; P = .007), and CD14 (mean [SD], 521.23 [302.02] ng/mL vs 322.07 [98.35] ng/mL; P = .03) expression and lower albumin (mean [SD], 3.8 [0.6] g/dL vs 43.50 [3.69] g/dL; P = .01), IL-2 (mean [SD], 0.45 [0.25] ng/mL vs 0.94 [0.43] ng/mL; P < .001), IL-10 (mean [SD], 8.15 [1.09] ng/mL vs 16.32 [4.43] ng/mL; P = .004), and interferon γ (mean [SD], 2.61 [1.36] ng/mL vs 14.87 [3.43] ng/mL; P = .02) levels. Patients with high visceral to total fat ratio who developed recurrence had higher levels of IL-6 (mean [SD], 5.26 [7.05] ng/mL vs 2.76 [3.11] ng/mL; P = .03) and tumor necrosis factor α (mean [SD], 5.74 [4.53] ng/mL vs 4.50 [1.99] ng/mL; P = .03). Conclusions and Relevance: These findings suggest that low SMA and high visceral to total fat ratio were associated with worse colon cancer outcomes and with increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines and VEGF and inhibition of anti-inflammatory cytokines

    Deletion of parasite immune modulatory sequences combined with immune activating signals enhances vaccine mediated protection against filarial nematodes

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: Filarial nematodes are tissue-dwelling parasites that can be killed by Th2-driven immune effectors, but that have evolved to withstand immune attack and establish chronic infections by suppressing host immunity. As a consequence, the efficacy of a vaccine against filariasis may depend on its capacity to counter parasite-driven immunomodulation.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methodology and Principal Findings: We immunised mice with DNA plasmids expressing functionally-inactivated forms of two immunomodulatory molecules expressed by the filarial parasite Litomosoides sigmodontis: the abundant larval transcript-1 (LsALT) and cysteine protease inhibitor-2 (LsCPI). The mutant proteins enhanced antibody and cytokine responses to live parasite challenge, and led to more leukocyte recruitment to the site of infection than their native forms. The immune response was further enhanced when the antigens were targeted to dendritic cells using a single chain Fv-αDEC205 antibody and co-administered with plasmids that enhance T helper 2 immunity (IL-4) and antigen-presenting cell recruitment (Flt3L, MIP-1α). Mice immunised simultaneously against the mutated forms of LsALT and LsCPI eliminated adult parasites faster and consistently reduced peripheral microfilaraemia. A multifactorial analysis of the immune response revealed that protection was strongly correlated with the production of parasite-specific IgG1 and with the numbers of leukocytes present at the site of infection.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions: We have developed a successful strategy for DNA vaccination against a nematode infection that specifically targets parasite-driven immunosuppression while simultaneously enhancing Th2 immune responses and parasite antigen presentation by dendritic cells.&lt;/p&gt

    Donepezil Impairs Memory in Healthy Older Subjects: Behavioural, EEG and Simultaneous EEG/fMRI Biomarkers

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    Rising life expectancies coupled with an increasing awareness of age-related cognitive decline have led to the unwarranted use of psychopharmaceuticals, including acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), by significant numbers of healthy older individuals. This trend has developed despite very limited data regarding the effectiveness of such drugs on non-clinical groups and recent work indicates that AChEIs can have negative cognitive effects in healthy populations. For the first time, we use a combination of EEG and simultaneous EEG/fMRI to examine the effects of a commonly prescribed AChEI (donepezil) on cognition in healthy older participants. The short- and long-term impact of donepezil was assessed using two double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. In both cases, we utilised cognitive (paired associates learning (CPAL)) and electrophysiological measures (resting EEG power) that have demonstrated high-sensitivity to age-related cognitive decline. Experiment 1 tested the effects of 5 mg/per day dosage on cognitive and EEG markers at 6-hour, 2-week and 4-week follow-ups. In experiment 2, the same markers were further scrutinised using simultaneous EEG/fMRI after a single 5 mg dose. Experiment 1 found significant negative effects of donepezil on CPAL and resting Alpha and Beta band power. Experiment 2 replicated these results and found additional drug-related increases in the Delta band. EEG/fMRI analyses revealed that these oscillatory differences were associated with activity differences in the left hippocampus (Delta), right frontal-parietal network (Alpha), and default-mode network (Beta). We demonstrate the utility of simple cognitive and EEG measures in evaluating drug responses after acute and chronic donepezil administration. The presentation of previously established markers of age-related cognitive decline indicates that AChEIs can impair cognitive function in healthy older individuals. To our knowledge this is the first study to identify the precise neuroanatomical origins of EEG drug markers using simultaneous EEG/fMRI. The results of this study may be useful for evaluating novel drugs for cognitive enhancement