885 research outputs found

    Differences in the epidemiology of theileriosis on smallholder dairy farms in contrasting agro-ecological and grazing strata of highland Kenya

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    A prospective cohort study was conducted in five purposively-sampled agro-ecological zone (AEZ)-grazing system strata in Murang’a District, Kenya, between March 1995 and June 1996. The study strata were selected based on a preliminary characterization study to represent the widest range of risks to East Coast fever (ECF) in the District and included zero-grazing and open-grazing farms. In total, 225 calves from 188 smallholder farms were examined from birth to 6 months of age and visited within the first 2 weeks of life and thereafter at bi-weekly intervals for up to 14 visits. The purpose of the study was to characterize the differences in epidemiology (risks of infection, morbidity and mortality) and potential control of ECF between the selected strata. Evidence of Theileria parva infection was assessed by increased antibody levels as measured in an indirect ELISA assay by the percent positivity (PP) of serum samples relative to a strong positive reference serum. Sero-conversion risks of T. parva were highest in the open-grazing strata. Antibody prevalence in adult cattle and ECF morbidity and mortality risks were also highest in open-grazing strata. While different, all five AEZ-grazing strata were considered to be endemically unstable for ECF. East Coast fever challenge was low in all zero-grazing strata and this challenge is likely to remain low due to continuing intensification of smallholder farming in the central highlands. In the open-grazing strata, there was higher challenge and a greater impact of ECF. ILRI publication no.: 99017

    Ratcheting Heat Flux against a Thermal Bias

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    Merely rocking the temperature in one heat bath can direct a steady heat flux from cold to hot against a non-zero thermal bias in stylized nonlinear lattice junctions that are sandwiched between two heat baths. Likewise, for an average zero-temperature difference between the two contacts a net, ratchet-like heat flux emerges. Computer simulations show that this very heat flux can be controlled and reversed by suitably tailoring the frequency (\lesssim 100 MHz) of the alternating temperature field.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Supporting future scholars of engaged research

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    Researchers in the UK are taking on new roles and responsibilities to meet the requirements of an expanded agenda for generating and evidencing social and economic impacts from research. Within this wider context, culture change programmes have identified learning as an important driver of change. Here we outline a professional development programme designed to train postgraduate researchers studying environmental sciences in core engagement, influence and impact, governance and organization skills for research. We argue that training is an important step in further catalysing progressive culture change. However, our research- and experience-informed critical reflections in supporting researchers suggest that there is still significant work to be done: (1) to offer consistent messages to researchers at all grades about social impacts from research and (2) to ensure that engagement is seen as an aspirational activity, embedded within research


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    In the southwest of Ireland and the Celtic Sea (ICES Divisions VIIaS, g & j), herring are an important commercial species to the pelagic and polyvalent fleet. For a period in the 1970s and1980s, larval surveys were conducted for herring in this area. However, since 1989, acoustic surveys have been carried out, and currently are the only tuning indices available for this stock. In the Celtic Sea and VIIj, herring acoustic surveys have been carried out since 1989. Since 2004 the survey has been fixed in October and carried out onboard the RV Celtic Explorer. The geographical confines of the annual 21 day survey have been modified in recent years to include areas to the south of the main winter spawning grounds in an effort to identify the whereabouts of winter spawning fish before the annual inshore spawning migration. Spatial resolution of acoustic transects has been increased over the entire south coast survey area. The acoustic component of the survey has been further complemented since 2004 by detailed hydrographic, marine mammal and seabird surveys

    Phage inducible islands in the gram-positive cocci

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    The SaPIs are a cohesive subfamily of extremely common phage-inducible chromosomal islands (PICIs) that reside quiescently at specific att sites in the staphylococcal chromosome and are induced by helper phages to excise and replicate. They are usually packaged in small capsids composed of phage virion proteins, giving rise to very high transfer frequencies, which they enhance by interfering with helper phage reproduction. As the SaPIs represent a highly successful biological strategy, with many natural Staphylococcus aureus strains containing two or more, we assumed that similar elements would be widespread in the Gram-positive cocci. On the basis of resemblance to the paradigmatic SaPI genome, we have readily identified large cohesive families of similar elements in the lactococci and pneumococci/streptococci plus a few such elements in Enterococcus faecalis. Based on extensive ortholog analyses, we found that the PICI elements in the four different genera all represent distinct but parallel lineages, suggesting that they represent convergent evolution towards a highly successful lifestyle. We have characterized in depth the enterococcal element, EfCIV583, and have shown that it very closely resembles the SaPIs in functionality as well as in genome organization, setting the stage for expansion of the study of elements of this type. In summary, our findings greatly broaden the PICI family to include elements from at least three genera of cocci

    Matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3)-mediated gene therapy for glaucoma.

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    Approximately 80 million people globally are affected by glaucoma, with a projected increase to over 110 million by 2040. Substantial issues surrounding patient compliance remain with topical eye drops, and up to 10% of patients become treatment resistant, putting them at risk of permanent vision loss. The major risk factor for glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure, which is regulated by the balance between the secretion of aqueous humor and the resistance to its flow across the conventional outflow pathway. Here, we show that adeno-associated virus 9 (AAV9)-mediated expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) can increase outflow in two murine models of glaucoma and in nonhuman primates. We show that long-term AAV9 transduction of the corneal endothelium in the nonhuman primate is safe and well tolerated. Last, MMP-3 increases outflow in donor human eyes. Collectively, our data suggest that glaucoma can be readily treated with gene therapy-based methods, paving the way for deployment in clinical trials

    Cosmic Super-Strings and Kaluza-Klein Modes

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    Cosmic super-strings interact generically with a tower of relatively light and/or strongly coupled Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes associated with the geometry of the internal space. In this paper, we study the production of spin-2 KK particles by cusps on loops of cosmic F- and D-strings. We consider cosmic super-strings localized either at the bottom of a warped throat or in a flat internal space with large volume. The total energy emitted by cusps in KK modes is comparable in both cases, although the number of produced KK modes may differ significantly. We then show that KK emission is constrained by the photo-dissociation of light elements and by observations of the diffuse gamma ray background. We show that this rules out regions of the parameter space of cosmic super-strings that are complementary to the regions that can be probed by current and upcoming gravitational wave experiments. KK modes are also expected to play an important role in the friction-dominated epoch of cosmic super-string evolution.Comment: 35pp, 5 figs, v2: minor modifications and Refs. added, matches published versio

    Comprehensive circuit model of autolimiting superconductor devices

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    ©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a phenomenological equivalent circuit to model the phenomenon occurring when a section of superconducting transmission line transits from a superconducting state to a normal state. This phenomenon allows the use of superconductors for the design of autolimiting structures based on superconducting transmission line sections. Although this autolimiting effect happens when the current density achieved in the superconductor exceeds the critical current inherent to the superconducting material, heating effects also play a significant role in this behavior. The equivalent circuit presented in this work accounts for both electric and thermal effects, and the interaction between them. The circuit model is then used for the evaluation of a practical microwave and frequency selective IMUX configuration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    The WESPAS survey program is the consolidation of two existing survey programs carried out by FEAS. The Main Shelf herring acoustic survey has been carried out annually since 2008 and reports on the annual abundance of summer feeding aggregations of herring to the west of Scotland and north of Ireland from 54N to 59N. The boarfish survey has been carried out since 2011using a chartered fishing vessel and reports on the abundance of spawning aggregations of boarfish 47N to 57N. In 2016 both surveys were combined and carried out onboard the RV Celtic Explorer over a 42 day period providing synoptic coverage of shelf waters from 59N southwards to 47N