202 research outputs found

    Kogebog for Soldaten i Felten (1864)

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    I 1864 udgav Anna Marie Mangor Kogebog for Soldaten i Felten, som blev omdelt gratis til de danske soldater. Bogen er et eksempel på et privat fædrelandskærligt rygstød, og udgivelsen  markerer desuden den trykte kogebogs gennembrud på det danske bogmarked.I 1864 udgav Anna Marie Mangor Kogebog for Soldaten i Felten, som blev omdelt gratis til de danske soldater. Bogen er et eksempel på et privat fædrelandskærligt rygstød, og udgivelsen  markerer desuden den trykte kogebogs gennembrud på det danske bogmarked

    I den gode smags tjeneste

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    This article examines the distinctive expression of the gastronomic movement as it was presented in Danish cookbooks printed in the years 1950 to 1973. In the article I approach gastronomy as a fluid concept, which took form and gained momentum as a response to the perceived threats of canned foodstuffs, effortless cooking, and overly embellished dishes. The article argues that the pursuit of pleasure and taste particular to the Danish cookbooks at the time, can be viewed as a form of consumer empowerment, emphasizing cooking as a cultural and political practice

    Syn for sagn. Tre fotografiske dokumentationsprojekter, 1895â1927

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    Picturing the Past â Three Photographical Projects, 1895â1927This article analyses the use of photography in Danish folkloristic documentation of immaterial culture. In particular, it focuses on the work of Axel Olrik (1864â1917), the first president of the Danish Folklore Archives and a representative of the early folkloristic movement, and his engagement in three different photographical projects during the years 1895â1927. Through a study of the actual pictures as well as readings of Olrikââ¬â¢s personal letters, applications for funding, and academic writings, two main arguments for the use of photography are identified: one line of argumentation pertains to the potential of photography as a conservatory technology; another series of reasons promotes photographs as a particularly well-suited medium for conveying the past in a holistic way. Furthermore, the article shows how these arguments hinge on a coalescence of time and space, comparable to that of concurrent ethnographic photography


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    Artiklen præsenterer en samtidshistorisk analyse af de seneste 10 års sorgpraksisser i forbindelse med dødsfald på websitet Mindet.dk. Vi undersøger, hvordan brugerne af dette website mindes afdøde og interagerer omkring døden, og hvordan sådanne praksisser gestalter sorgen som følelse. Vi opererer med tre overordnede analytiske begreber, nemlig følelsespraksis, emotionelt rum og emotionelt fællesskab. Vi argumenterer for, at Mindet.dk kan forstås som et særligt emotionelt rum, der muliggør etableringen af et nyt og mere vidtrækkende emotionelt fællesskab end det, der kendertegner sorgpraksisser offline. I de dynamiske udvekslinger på websitet konfigureres sorgen som en udpræget social følelse og som en form for social kritik. Desuden hersker der blandt brugerne af sitet en konsensus om, at Mindet.dk giver mulighed for at udtrykke en sorg, der ikke tillades i andre sammenhænge. Ikke desto mindre er mindesiden – akkurat som alle andre emotionelle rum – klart struktureret, dels gennem formelle retningslinjer (”netiketten”) og overvågning, dels gennem gensidigt regulerende interventioner brugerne imellem.&nbsp

    Spise reprise. Historiebrug i Brd. Prices madprogrammer

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    Fortiden spiller i disse år en central rolle i den danske madkultur. Med denne artikel argumenterer vi for, at denne tendens kan undersøges som et udtryk for banal historiebrug. Artiklen bruger tv-programmet Spise med Price som konkret eksempel i en analyse af, hvad det er i samtiden, der er med til at reaktualisere fortidige madlavningspraksisser. Formålet med artiklen er således dels at undersøge, hvad der er på spil, når gamle madlavningspraksisser vækkes til live, dels at udvide den eksisterende forskning i historiebrug med et madkulturelt perspektiv

    Modermælken og dens erstatninger 1867-1980. En fødevarebiografi

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    Danish Breast Milk Substitutes 1867-1980. A Food BiographyThis article investigates the ways in which knowledge about nutrition has been embedded in different types of homemade and commercial breast milk substitutes in Denmark from 1867, when the first commercial product was introduced, to 1980, at which point WHO issued a codex banning the advertisement of infant formula. Over this time span, we identify three main breast milk substitutes that were marketed and/or recommended to Danish caretakers: børnemel (children’s flour), homemade milk mixtures, and infant formula.The aim of the article is twofold: first, to explore the historicity of foodstuffs, their contents and the kinds of knowledge that went into their composition; second, to find a baseline which, across time, allows for a macro nutrition comparison of infant formulas. We argue that the history of breast milk substitutes cannot be written independently from the history of breast milk itself, as knowledge about both was stabilised in a reciprocal process that began with modern nutritional science. The focus on macronutrients and energy percentages allows us to show that non-breastfed Danish infants were likely offered alternatives with a relative high content of protein, compared to present day nutritional recommendations – a diet that, according to modern hypotheses, includes an obesity risk in later life

    Capturing the web at large: a critique of current web referencing practices

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    The Internet and the cultural phenomena that exist online are increasingly attracting academic awareness, and e-materials both supplement and replace physical materials. These new opportunities come with a range of challenges. Websites are connected in new and unfamiliar ways, the amount of data easily surpasses what we have experienced previously, and we do not yet have an infrastructure that can lend prober support to the increased scholarly use of web resources [1-2]. This paper is an attempt to grapple with one of the core challenges, namely our ability to provide precise and persistent references to web material. The paper charts prevailing ideals and practices regarding web references within the Humanities. We highlight the challenges based on an analysis of web references in two case studies – a selection of Danish master’s theses from 2015 and academic books on contemporary Danish literature. We propose a new best practice that is consistent with good scientific practice in terms of both precision and persistency, which cannot be obtained following the existing standards


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