68 research outputs found

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    Is Reconstruction of the Sella Necessary to Prevent Optic Chiasm Prolapse and Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage Following Endoscopic Resection of Pituitary Macroadenomas?

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    Visual compromise is a common presentation of pituitary macroadenomas and is related to direct optic nerve and chiasm compression. Although the extent of visual recovery following treatment depends on the duration and severity of the visual compromise, the majority of patients experience gradual improvement in their vision. Delayed visual deterioration following treatment is typically related to either tumor recurrence or radiation-induced optic neuropathy, although visual worsening due to prolapse of the optic apparatus into a secondary empty sella has rarely been reported. In 1968, Guiot reported the first a case of reversible visual deterioration associated with optic chiasm prolapse following resection of a large pituitary macroadenoma (Guiot). Based on their observations, Guiot and collaborators recommended that a “prop” be placed in the sella at the time of transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma resection to prevent progressive herniation of the optic structures. Similarly, Hardy coined the term “preventive chiasmopexy” to describe filling of the sella cavity with autologous tissue such as muscle or fat following resection of large tumors to prevent this herniation phenomenon. While optic chiasm prolapse with associated visual deterioration appears to represent a rare occurrence, its true incidence and pathophysiological basis remain uncertain. Reconstruction of the sella with autologous tissues is also widely employed as a means to prevent postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage with these tissues typically harvested from a secondary operative site such as the abdomen. Although not frequently reported in the pituitary literature, complications of abdominal fat graft harvest include hematoma and seroma formation as well as infection with an incidence ranging from 1-7%. At our institution, we do not routinely perform dural reconstruction following transsphenoidal resection of pituitary macroadenomas using adipose tissue to prevent cerebrospinal fluid leakage or optic chiasm prolapse. In this study, we sought to determine the incidence of optic chiasm prolapse into the sellar defect by determining the radiographic position of the optic chiasm following surgery and incidence of delayed visual deterioration. Pages: 13-1

    The Zelensky Phenomenon: Youth, Social Media and Political Engagement in Ukraine

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    Феномен Зеленського: молодь, соціальні мережі та залученість у політичні процеси в Україні  Завдяки соціальним мережам молодь отримала можливість брати безпосередню участь у політичних подіях протягом українських революцій останніх років. У цій статті ми досліджуємо види взаємодії молоді з політичними процесами та задіяність у цих процесах соцмереж. Ми аналізуємо президентські вибори 2019 року і обрання Володимира Зеленського президентом України. Наша методологія включає кількісні (анкети-опитування, аналіз даних) і якісні (фокус-групи) дослідницькі методи; розмови онлайн і наживо із студентськими фокус-групами з різних міст України; слідкування у соцмережах за рядовими дописувачами і за впливовими топ-блогерами. Ми розповсюдили анкети опитувань до, після, і між виборчими турами. Учасникам було запропоновано питання кількох типів – відкриті і такі, що вимагали вибору між варіантами відповідей. Наше дослідження тривало із січня по липень 2019 року і включало робочу шеститижневу поїздку в Україну, де ми мали зустрічі з лідерами молодіжних організацій і представниками політичних рухів. Для опитувань ми обирали учасників віком 18-24 роки і намагалися представити  якнайбільше регіонів та різні соціальні верстви. Під час роботи ми зіткнулися з рядом викликів, таких як необхідність взяти до уваги політичну, регіональну та культурну різницю між регіонами України, а також численність зібраних даних. Однак, це дозволило нам суттєво поглибити висновки. У статті ми розглядаємо використання соцмереж як ознаку включеності молодих громадян у політичне життя, а «феномен Зеленського»  - як приклад і наслідок їхньої участі. Західні вчені висловлювалися про потенціал соцмереж у встановленні авторитарних режимів. Зваживши їхні міркування і проаналізувавши зібрані дані, ми прийшли до висновку, що соцмережі фундаментально змінили ритми і можливості політичної участі громадян і спонукали молодь до надзвичайно високого рівня участі у виборах. Використання соцмереж В. Зеленським та його командою  - приклад того, як Інстаграм-революція принесла реальні результати виборів

    The Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT): a cluster-randomized comparison of respirator and medical mask effectiveness against respiratory infections in healthcare personnel.

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    BACKGROUND: Although N95 filtering facepiece respirators and medical masks are commonly used for protection against respiratory infections in healthcare settings, more clinical evidence is needed to understand the optimal settings and exposure circumstances for healthcare personnel to use these devices. A lack of clinically germane research has led to equivocal, and occasionally conflicting, healthcare respiratory protection recommendations from public health organizations, professional societies, and experts. METHODS: The Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT) is a prospective comparison of respiratory protective equipment to be conducted at multiple U.S. study sites. Healthcare personnel who work in outpatient settings will be cluster-randomized to wear N95 respirators or medical masks for protection against infections during respiratory virus season. Outcome measures will include laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections, acute respiratory illness, and influenza-like illness. Participant exposures to patients, coworkers, and others with symptoms and signs of respiratory infection, both within and beyond the workplace, will be recorded in daily diaries. Adherence to study protocols will be monitored by the study team. DISCUSSION: ResPECT is designed to better understand the extent to which N95s and MMs reduce clinical illness among healthcare personnel. A fully successful study would produce clinically relevant results that help clinician-leaders make reasoned decisions about protection of healthcare personnel against occupationally acquired respiratory infections and prevention of spread within healthcare systems. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov, number NCT01249625 (11/29/2010)

    Preschool-Aged Household Contacts as a Risk Factor for Viral Respiratory Infections in Healthcare Personnel

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    BACKGROUND: Viral respiratory infections (VRIs) are common and are occupational risks for healthcare personnel (HCP). VRIs can also be acquired at home and other settings among HCPs. We sought to determine if preschool-aged household contacts are a risk factor for VRIs among HCPs working in outpatient settings. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from a cluster randomized trial at 7 medical centers in the United States over 4 influenza seasons from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015. Adult HCPs who routinely came within 6 feet of patients with respiratory infections were included. Participants were tested for respiratory viruses whenever symptomatic and at 2 random times each season when asymptomatic. The exposure of interest was the number of household contacts 0-5 years old (preschool-aged) at the beginning of each HCP-season. The primary outcome was the rate of polymerase chain reaction-detected VRIs, regardless of symptoms. The VRI incidence rate ratio (IRR) was calculated using a mixed-effects Poisson regression model that accounted for clustering at the clinic level. RESULTS: Among the 4476 HCP-seasons, most HCPs were female (85.4%) and between 30 and 49 years of age (54.6%). The overall VRI rate was 2.04 per 100 person-weeks. In the adjusted analysis, HCPs having 1 (IRR, 1.22 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.05-1.43]) and ≥2 (IRR, 1.35 [95% CI, 1.09-1.67]) preschool-aged household contacts had higher VRI rates than those with zero preschool-aged household contacts. CONCLUSIONS: Preschool-aged household contacts are a risk factor for developing VRIs among HCPs working in outpatient settings

    The Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT): a cluster-randomized comparison of respirator and medical mask effectiveness against respiratory infections in healthcare personnel

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    BACKGROUND: Although N95 filtering facepiece respirators and medical masks are commonly used for protection against respiratory infections in healthcare settings, more clinical evidence is needed to understand the optimal settings and exposure circumstances for healthcare personnel to use these devices. A lack of clinically germane research has led to equivocal, and occasionally conflicting, healthcare respiratory protection recommendations from public health organizations, professional societies, and experts. METHODS: The Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT) is a prospective comparison of respiratory protective equipment to be conducted at multiple U.S. study sites. Healthcare personnel who work in outpatient settings will be cluster-randomized to wear N95 respirators or medical masks for protection against infections during respiratory virus season. Outcome measures will include laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections, acute respiratory illness, and influenza-like illness. Participant exposures to patients, coworkers, and others with symptoms and signs of respiratory infection, both within and beyond the workplace, will be recorded in daily diaries. Adherence to study protocols will be monitored by the study team. DISCUSSION: ResPECT is designed to better understand the extent to which N95s and MMs reduce clinical illness among healthcare personnel. A fully successful study would produce clinically relevant results that help clinician-leaders make reasoned decisions about protection of healthcare personnel against occupationally acquired respiratory infections and prevention of spread within healthcare systems. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov, number NCT01249625 (11/29/2010)

    Exome chip analysis identifies low-frequency and rare variants in MRPL38 for white matter hyperintensities on brain MRI

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