74 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Paket Data Internet Telkomsel (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Ngurah Rai, Denpasar)

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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagiamana pengaruh harga, kualitas produk dan promosi secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap keputusan pembelian paket data internet telkomsel pada  konsumen pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Ngurah Rai Denpasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  pengaruh harga, kualitas produk dan promosi paket data internet telkomsel  terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen secara parsial dan simultan serta untuk mengetahui variabel harga, kualitas produk dan promosi yang memiliki pengaruh paling dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengguna paket data internet telkomsel pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Ngurah Rai Denpasar dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 80 responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji validitas, uji realibilitas dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil uji validitas dan Realibilitas semua valid dan reabel. Hasil uji t terhadap variabel harga (X1) sebesar 4.540 lebih besar dari t-tabel maka X1 memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian paket data telkomsel, hasil uji t terhadap variabel kualitas produk (X2) secara parsial sebesar 2.316 lebih besar dari t-tabel maka X2 memiliki pengaruh positif tapi tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian paket data internet telkomsel di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Ngurah Rai Denpasar, dan hasil uji t secara parsial terhadap variabel promosi (X3) sebesar 4.876 lebih besar dari t-tabel maka X3 memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian paket data telkomsel. sedangkan Hasil uji F terhadap ketiga variabel penelitian yaitu harga (X1), kualitas produk (X2) dan promosi (X3) sebesar 19.346 lebih besar dari f-tabel menunjukkan bahwa ketiga variabel tersebut secara bersama-sama (simultan) mempunyai pengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian sepeda paket data internet telkomsel. Adapun saran dari penelitian ini yaitu perlu ditingkatkanya teknik promosi sehingga konsumen bisa  mengenal lebih luas mengenai produk paket data internet telkomsel serta. Upaya komunikasi intensif agar lebih ditingkatkan untuk mendekati mitra usaha agar produk-produk paket data internet telkomsel lebih dikenal oleh masyaraka

    Entrepreneurship for Students: The Relationship between Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation and Enterpreneurial Intention

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    Research on entrepreneurial intention and orientation for students has been done. The objectives of the study are: (1) to compare Individual Entrepreneurship Orientation (IEO) and entrepreneurial intention for two sub-samples according to gender and family background; and (2) to investigate the correlation between IEO and entrepreneurial intention. A hundred and fifty students from two faculties of economics and business were used and divided into male and female group. These groups were again divided into students whose parents are entrepreneur and civil servants.  T-test and Pearson correlation were applied to analyze the data.The result showed that  that there was no significant difference in IEO between male and female students but there was significant difference between those whose parents are entrepreneur and civil servants. There were also significant difference in entrepreneurial intention, both based on gender and family background. Additionally, there was a positive relationship between IEO and entrepreneurial intention. It is recommended that future research should use a sample of students from non-economic and business faculties because entrepreneurship is offered as an elective course for almost all students in higher education. Keywords: entrepreneurial, intention, orientation, student, famil

    Studi kasus: Canine chronic ulcerative stomatitis pada anjing Pomeranian

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    Chronic inflammation of the oral cavity accompanied by ulcers called Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis (CCUS). A Pomeranian dog was examined at the Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University with complaints of decreased appetite and drinking accompanied, in the dog that would not close his mouth. Clinical examination showed that there is bleeding and swelling of the gums and lips, torn sores and ulcer on the lower lip, redness on the edge of the tongue, blackish plaque in almost all of his teeth, halitosis, and enlargement of the mandibular lymph nodes, and routine hematological examination showed a normochromic and normocytic anemia, elevated monocyte levels, and neutrophilia, so dogs were diagnosed with CCUS. Treatment using Amoxicillin, Meloxicam, Vitamin C, Ferrous Sulfate, and fluid therapy using NaCl initially gave quite good results, but the dog died on the sixth day after therapy which possibly due to severe malnutrition and anemia


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    Avian Influenza (AI) is a strategic communicable and zoonotic disease. The cause is a virus with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) subtype H5N1. The poultry market has important roles in the preservation, propagation, and spreads of the Avian Influenza (AI) virus from poultry to other species and humans. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of seroprevalence of Avian Influenza (H5N1) in free-range chickens at the Beringkit and Galiran market. A total of 120 free-range chickens were used as a sample. They have taken 60 serum samples per market. Serum removal is made from 5 merchants under the provisions of 3 samples from merchants who sell 6 to 10 free-range chickens. The sampling period is carried out for 2 months every 2 weeks 4 times. Sample testing was performed at the Denpasar Veterinary Centre with Haemagglutination (HA) and Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) as barriers. The data titer of the antibodies obtained was analyzed by Non-Parametric Statistic Test Chi-Square (χ2) using IBM SPSS for windows. The results of the study showed that the AI subtype of the H5N1 subtype in both Beringkit Markets is 3.3% and Galiran Market is 6.7%, with seroprevalence in the two markets of 5.0% which is statistically not dissimilar (P<0.05). To prevent the transmissions of AI disease at the Beringkit Market and Galiran is recommended for vaccination and more attention to the market management and the free-range chicken maintenance system

    Laporan Kasus: Penanganan Dipylidiasis pada Kucing Anggora dengan Praziquantel

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    Dipylidiasis is a tapeworm disease that attacks cats and dogs and classified as a zoonotic disease because it can be transmitted to humans. A 2 years old female angora cat weighing 3 kg was examined with complaints of bloody diarrhea for 2 weeks. The results of native faecal examination showed the presence of D. caninum worm eggs. Animals diagnosed with dipylidiasis. Cat cases were treated by administering 50 mg praziquantel therapy with the recommendation of 1 tablet for 10 kg/BW orally. In conclusion, the treatment of dipylidiasis by administering praziquantel therapy has proven to be effective

    MP-17 Avian Influenza Virus-H5N1 Is Circulating Among Backyard Chicken in Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali

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    Avian Influenza or bird flu is ani nfectious pandemic disease (Horimoto and Kawaoka, 2001). AI viruses can cause high mortality in poultry and infect humans in Indonesia (Daniels et al., 2013). Pet and backyard animals can be infected with the HPAI-H5N1 virus (Mahardika et al., 2018).  Monitoring of the virus needs to be done so that the Avian Influenza outbreak casesare not occurred. Isolation of AI virus can be done on 9-day-old hatched chicken eggs injected through the allantois’ space. The virus can be tested by hemagglutination (HA/HI) and Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Rection (RT-PCR) tests (FAO, 2014)

    Gentle Yoga Untuk Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Menghadapi Persalinan

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    Latar Belakang: Masa kehamilan merupakan masa yang rentang terjadinya kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Kecemasan yang dirasakan ibu hamil berkaitan dengan diri sendiri dan bayi dalam kandungannya yang dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman pada kehamilan sebelumnya atau pertama kali mengalami persalinan. Tujuan Penelitian Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh gentle yoga terhadap kecemasan pada ibu hamil dalam menghadapi persalinan di Puskesmas Penebel I. Metedologi: Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pre-eksperimen design dengan rancangan one group pretest-postest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling&nbsp; dengan cara purposive sampling yang terdiri dari 36 responden. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu wilcoxon signed rank-test. Hasil: Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah nilai p value 0,001 yang berarti ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kecemasan ibu hamil sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi Gentle Yoga. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan untuk pengembangan ilmu keperawatan sehingga dapat mengurangi kecemasan pada ibu hamil melalui metode non farmakologi

    Hubungan Motivasi Ibu Menyusui Dengan Keberhasilan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif

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    ASI merupakan makanan terbaik bagi bayi yang penting untuk tumbuh kembangnya secara optimal baik fisik maupun mental. Saat ini angka pemberian ASI eksklusif di Indonesia masih rendah yaitu sebesar 30,2%. Faktor penyebab rendahnya pemberian ASI eksklusif meliputi pengetahuan, informasi, motivasi dan dukungan suami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi ibu menyusui dengan keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif, dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan retrospektif. Sampel penelitian diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dan didapatkan 76 ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 6-12 bulan. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan uji statistik kendall's tau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dari 76 responden sebagian besar motivasi ibu menyusui kuat dengan persentase 68,4% dan pemberian ASI eksklusif sebagian besar berhasil dengan persentase 73,7%. Uji statistik menunjukkan p value 0,001 &lt; α 0,05, r = 0,635, yang menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi ibu menyusui dengan keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif, dengan hubungan yang kuat antar variabel serta arah yang positif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu ditingkatkan peran perawat sebagai edukator maupun konselor untuk memberikan motivasi ibu dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif selama masa nifas

    Seroprevalence and detection of H5N1 avian influenza virus in local chickens in Tabanan Regency, Bali, Indonesia

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    Aim: Avian Influenza (AI) is a zoonotic disease that causes death in poultry and humans. Monitoring the virus needs to be carried out continuously to prevent outbreaks of the disease. Seroprevalence and detection of H5N1 and H9N2 AI virus antigen were intended to monitor the presence of viruses in local chickens in Tabanan, a Regency of the Indonesian island Province of Bali. The research aims were to detect the presence of H5N1 AI virus, and to know the distribution of this virus in Tabanan Regency. Materials and Methods: Research located in six districts of Tabanan regency namely Baturiti, Penebel, Marga, Kediri, Tabanan, and Kerambitan. A total of 1,398 local chickens that never been vaccinated with AI were randomly sampled in this study. The samples collected were serum, cloacal and tracheal swabs. Serum samples were tested with hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. While samples of cloacal and tracheal swabs were isolated in 9-day-old germinated chicken eggs, followed by hemagglutination assay and RT-PCR test using H5N1 and H9N2 primers. Results: AI seroprevalence in local chickens in Tabanan Regency was 1% with the distribution in each district as follows; Penebel 1.6%, Kerambitan 1.2%, Marga 1%, while Tabanan, Kediri, and Baturiti 0.7% each. H5N1 AI virus was detected in 11 samples,&nbsp; i.e. five in Marga district and three in Penebel district, two in Kediri, and one in Tabanan, while the H9N2 AI virus was not detected. Conclusion: These results indicate that H5N1 AI virus may still circulate in local chickens in Tabanan Regency, Bali

    Frekuensi Respirasi Sapi Bali Betina Dewasa Di Sentra Pembibitan Sapi Bali Desa Sobangan, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung (RESPIRATION FREQUENCYON A BALI CATTLE ADULT FEMALE AT BALI CATTLE BREEDING CENTERS SOBANGAN VILLAGE, MENGWI, BADUNG)

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    Bali cattle females to be one of the priorities in repairing genetic local cattle because of its superiority in the field of production and reproduction compared to other cattles. This research aims to determine the respiration profile on a bali cattle adult female at Bali cattle breeding centers Sobangan village, Mengwi sub district, Badung regency, which has an average altitude of 350 meters above sea level and rainfall reached around 2029.0 mm. This research used 20 bali cattle adult female age 1.5 years to 4 years. Data collected by examination and observation were performed in the morning, afternoon and evening. The observed parameters are the frequency of respiration. The results obtained by the average frequency of respiration morning of 16.05±0.82 at 25°C ambient temperature, daylight 20.95±0.88 at 32°C ambient temperature, and the afternoon of19.80±1.57 at 29°C ambient temperature. These results indicate that the frequency of respiration in Bali cattle females can be changed according to environmental conditions and other contributing factors
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