Entrepreneurship for Students: The Relationship between Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation and Enterpreneurial Intention


Research on entrepreneurial intention and orientation for students has been done. The objectives of the study are: (1) to compare Individual Entrepreneurship Orientation (IEO) and entrepreneurial intention for two sub-samples according to gender and family background; and (2) to investigate the correlation between IEO and entrepreneurial intention. A hundred and fifty students from two faculties of economics and business were used and divided into male and female group. These groups were again divided into students whose parents are entrepreneur and civil servants.  T-test and Pearson correlation were applied to analyze the data.The result showed that  that there was no significant difference in IEO between male and female students but there was significant difference between those whose parents are entrepreneur and civil servants. There were also significant difference in entrepreneurial intention, both based on gender and family background. Additionally, there was a positive relationship between IEO and entrepreneurial intention. It is recommended that future research should use a sample of students from non-economic and business faculties because entrepreneurship is offered as an elective course for almost all students in higher education. Keywords: entrepreneurial, intention, orientation, student, famil

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