39,068 research outputs found

    An adelic causality problem related to abelian L-functions

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    I associate to a global field K a Lax-Phillips scattering which has the property of causality if and only if the Riemann Hypothesis holds for all the abelian L-functions of K. As a Hilbert space closure problem this provides an adelic variation on a theme initiated by Nyman and Beurling. The adelic aspects are related to previous work by Tate, Iwasawa and Connes.Comment: 18 pages, latex2e with amsfonts. Final version, accepted for publicatio

    Inequalities for the h- and flag h-vectors of geometric lattices

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    We prove that the order complex of a geometric lattice has a convex ear decomposition. As a consequence, if D(L) is the order complex of a rank (r+1) geometric lattice L, then for all i \leq r/2 the h-vector of D(L) satisfies h(i-1) \leq h(i) and h(i) \leq h(r-i). We also obtain several inequalities for the flag h-vector of D(L) by analyzing the weak Bruhat order of the symmetric group. As an application, we obtain a zonotopal cd-analogue of the Dowling-Wilson characterization of geometric lattices which minimize Whitney numbers of the second kind. In addition, we are able to give a combinatorial flag h-vector proof of h(i-1) \leq h(i) when i \leq (2/7)(r + 5/2).Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. Typos fixed; most notably in Table 1. A note was added regarding a solution to problem 4.

    Presència d’Orobanche olbiensis (Coss.) Nyman (Orobanchaceae) a les Illes Balears

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    Es dóna a conèixer la presència d’Orobanche olbiensis (Coss.) Nyman, per primera vegada per a les Illes Balears, a partir de poblacions localitzades en ecosistemes dunars i penya-segats costaners de Mallorca, espècie que parasita Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench i H. cf. crassifolium (L.) D. Don (Compositae). Es tracta de la segona cita per a la Flora Ibèrica. S'aporta la seva descripció així com dades sobre la seva ecologia, fitosociologia, distribució, biogeografia i estatus de conservacióOrobanche olbiensis (Coss.) Nyman is reported for the first time in the Balearic flora growing in sanddune and cliff coastal ecosystems of Mallorca, it is parasitic on Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench and H. cf. crassifolium (L.) D. Don (Compositae). It is the second reference for the Iberian Flora. A detailed description and data on their ecology, phytosociology, distribution, biogeography and conservation status are presented

    A contribution to the karyological knowledge of the genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Sect. Seridia (Juss.) DC.

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    Se da a conocer el número cromosómico de 10 taxones del género Centaurea pertenecientes a la sección Seridia (Juss.) DC. presentes en la Península Ibérica. En el caso de Centaurea lusitanica var. crassifolia P. Silva, C. aspera subsp. stenophylla (Dufour) Nyman y C. barrasii Pau se trata, al parecer, del primer recuento. El número diploide 2n = 22 es el más frecuente en el grupo estudiado, mientras que el nivel tetraploide 2n = 44 sólo se ha detectado en C. seridis L. y C. sphaerocephala L.A karyological study of taxa of genus Centaurea L. sect. Seridia (Juss.) DC. in the Iberian Peninsula is reported. We have studied 10 taxa and the reports for 3 of them are given for the first time: Centaurea lusitanica var. crassifolia P. Silva, C. aspera subsp. stenophylla (Dufour) Nyman and C. barrasii Pau. Diploid number 2n = 22 is the most frequent whereas tetraploid level 2n = 44 has been found only in C. seridis L. and C. sphaerocephala L

    Перспективи інтродукції видів роду Hypericum L.

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    Comparative introductive research of 73 Hypericum L. species from all 30 sections of the genus, not growing in wild conditions in Ukraine, has been carried out in M.M. Grishko National Botanical Gardens (Kyiv, Ukraine). It is revealed that 18 species from 10 sections are perspective for industrial culture in Ukraine (Ascyreia Choisy, Androsaemum (Duhamel) Godron, Inodora Stef., Roscyna (Spach) R. Keller, Hypericum sectio typicum generis, Olympia (Spach) Nyman, Drosocarpium Spach, Oligostema (Boiss.) Stef., Crossophyllum Spach. and Adenosepalim Spach).Проведено порівняльне інтродукційне вивчення в умовах Національного ботанічного саду ім. М.М. Гришка HAH України 73 не представлених у флорі України видів роду Hypericum L., що належать до всіх 30 секцій роду. Виявлено, що перспективними для промислового вирощування в Україні за вмістом біологічно активних речовин є 18 видів із 10 секцій (Ascyreia Choisy, Androsaemum (Duhamel) Godron, Inodora Stef., Roscyna (Spach) R. Keller, Hypericum sectio typicum generis, Olympia (Spach) Nyman, Drosocarpium Spach, Oligostema (Boiss.) Stef., Crossophyllum Spach. та Adenosepalum Spach)

    De pulvere pro lupis occidendis: wolf poisoning in Southern Italy during the XIII century

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    In this study, we present some documents showing the official knowledgement of the role of luparius in Southern Italy during the XIII century. Luparii were professional wolf-killers, prevalently coming from three regions of the Kingdom of Naples: Abruzzo, Terra di Lavoro, Apulia, but active throughout the kingdom. Different techniques were adopted by luparii, but one of the most widespread was the so called pulvis, a powder probably obtained from an unknown poisonous plant. Dioscorides and Galen reported that a plant named akoniton was used in the Mediterranean world to poison wild animals, and according to the XVI century physician Pietro Andrea Mattioli, luparii used the Aconitum to kill wolves. Historical sources show that the problems related to the identification of Aconitum was harshly debated among the botanists contemporary to Mattioli, and that Doronicum pardalianches L. and Aconitum napellus L. were the species most frequently proposed. However, in Southern Italy both plants are scarcely present, whereas cognate species are diffused, as Doronicum columnae Ten. and two subspecies of Aconitum lycoctonum, A. lycoctonum L. subsp. neapolitanum (Ten.) Nyman or A. lycoctonum L. subsp. vulparia (Rchb. ex Spreng.) Nyman

    On the difference between type E and A OH/IR stars

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    The observed SEDs of a sample of 60 OH/IR stars are fitted using a radiative transfer model of a dusty envelope. Among the whole sample, 21 stars have reliable phase-lag distances while the others have less accurate distances. L*-P,Mlr-P and Mlr-L* relations have been plotted for these stars. It is found that type E (with emission feature at 10um and type A (with absorption feature at 10um) OH/IR stars have different L*-P and Mlr-L* relations while both of them follow a single Mlr-P relation. The type E stars are proven to be located in the area without large scale dense interstellar medium while the type A stars are located probably in dense interstellar medium. It is argued here that this may indicate the two types of OH/IR stars have different chemical composition or zero age main sequence mass and so evolve in different ways. This conclusion has reinforced the argument by Chen et al.(2001) who reached a similar conclusion from the galactic distribution of about 1000 OH/IR stars with the IRAS low-resolution spectra (LRS).Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, 2 table