378 research outputs found

    Quality of Service Improvement in Femto based Cellular Networks

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    A cellular network serve the high service demands of the indoor users it is very expensive to obtain macrocell coverage which results in requirement of new methods to solve problem of high capacity indoor coverage femto cell is one of the solutions. Deployment of femto cell networks embedded into macro cell coverage improves the coverage, capacity and quality of service in indoor environments. Due to its ad-hoc nature, the information about its density and location is not known a-priori. As femtos and macros share the same licensed spectrum, interference is one of the major problems observed and has to be mitigated. In this paper two existing channel allocation schemes such as opportunistic channel allocation scheme and orthogonal channel allocation scheme are discussed and their performance is compared to the proposed Max-SINR scheme. To reduce the interference further a self-organized and intelligent resource allocation is also proposed .Parameter such as average SINR experienced by each femto user is calculated by varying the percentage of active Femto cells in a network. Simulation results are carryout using MATLAB

    City bus performance evaluation

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    City bus performance evaluation

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    Pathways for CO2 regulation in NRMM

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    Information on energy use and emissions from non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) is scattered. Based on available information from 2010, it can be estimated that the NRMM sector represents about 2% of GHG emissions in Europe. Agriculture machinery covers around 50% and construction machinery around 25% of NRMM total CO2 emissions. The remaining 25% is covered by the various machinery in other categories. This clearly indicates that the highest potential in CO2 reduction is in agriculture and construction machinery. The remainder of the machinery covers machine types, for example mining and cargo handling, where market driven electrification has developed furthest. Currently, NRMM is the only vehicle/machinery category which is not subjected to CO2 emission standard regulations. Only regulations for air pollutant emissions are in place. Therefore, one can anticipate that there will be a growing interest to extend CO2 emission standard regulations also to the NRMM sector. For example, California Air Resources Board (CARB) has started discussions on updating NRMM emission standards and at the same time introducing CO2 standards. However, the wide variety in types of NRMM and their use patters pose challenges in setting possible CO2 emission standards to NRMM based on current engine only type-approval process. Current NRMM engines type approval process will enable only a very limited reduction potential for CO2 emissions. By estimation, a 15% efficiency improvement in engine level could be achievable in the long term. For greater CO2 reduction, new measures are needed to take into an account the unique nature of the NRMM sector. Tank-to-wheel based approach only will not provide the required toolbox for NRMM Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to develop products that achieve emission reductions and fulfil the requirements of the end-users. The necessary approach should be holistic and technology neutral, combining multiple measures and recognizing also upstream energy carrier emissions. Speeding up RDI investments (e.g. more prominent role in EU RDI funding schemes and regulations) on energy efficient NRMMs, renewable and sustainable energy carriers and powertrains for NRMM use would contribute to market driven approach for CO2 reduction. Public procurement is another effective way for establishing market demand for low carbon NRMM solutions. Clean vehicle directive (CVD) could be used as exemplary framework for setting up a “Clean Machinery Directive”. A variety of energy carriers is needed in the NRMM sector due to complex use cases. Thus, investigation of possible methodologies how to include all renewable and sustainable energy carriers in NRMM regulation would be highly important. At the same time, alternative energy sources require new infrastructure that should be investigated. Finally, introduction of on-road HDV’s CO2 regulation-based approach for defining CO2 emissions in machine level would provide a comprehensive measure to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in machine level.<br/

    A ação voluntåria em Aristóteles como objeto da virtude.

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    Este artigo pretende definir o objeto da virtude (aretĂ©) aristotĂ©lica na ação voluntĂĄria. A ‘excelĂȘncia’ ou ‘virtude’ em AristĂłteles, a partir desse ponto de vista, Ă© sempre uma excelĂȘncia do agir, isto Ă©, nĂŁo Ă© a excelĂȘncia do homem que leva a uma excelĂȘncia da ação, mas uma excelĂȘncia da ação que possibilita a excelĂȘncia do agente. Pretende-se com isso dar bases a uma futura sistematização da voluntariedade da ação como norteadora da lei e do Direito


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    AbstrakPrakerin merupakan pola pembelajaran dengan mendekatkan kesesuaian mutu tamatan dengan kemampuan kerja, pembelajaran iniberlangsung di dua tempat (di sekolah dan di industri). Di sekolah, para siswa diajarkan teori dan praktik, sedangkan di industri siswa dituntut mempraktikkannya. Dengan proses belajar seperti ini, siswa SMK akan memperoleh pengalaman yang sangat berharga dalam hal soft skillsseperti kedisiplinan, kemampuan berkomunikasi, kejujuran, etos kerja yang tinggi, kreatifitas, kepemilikan jiwa entrepreneurship, dan kemampuan bekerjasama sebagai bekal memasuki bursa kerja; serta kompetensi teknis siswa (hard skill) dapat mengalami peningkatan saat siswa kembali belajar di sekolah.Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelaksanan Praktik Kerja Industri terhadap penguasaan skill dalam menghadapi dunia kerja di SMK Nahdlatul Ulama Bululawang Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian termasuk penelitian korelasional untuk mencari pengaruh antara 2 (dua) variabel. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian survei. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa Kelas XII yang tersebar pada bidang studi akuntansi, administrasi perkantoran, dan teknik kendaraan ringan berjumlah 62 siswa.Teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket, yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitasnya.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji Analisis Regresi linier sederhana dengan berbatuan SPSS 20.0 for windows.Hasil pengujian hipotesis diketahui besarnya thitung (5,866) &gt; ttabel (2,036) dan nilai Sig. 0,000 &lt; 0,05 maka Ho ditolak (Ha diterima) dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa variabel prakerin memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variabel penguasaan skill siswa dalam menghadapi dunia kerja.Nilai koefisien Determinasi (R Square) sebesar 0,364 memiliki makna bahwa prakerin memberikan kontribusi sebesar 36,4% terhadap perubahan penguasaan skill siswa dalam menghadapi dunia kerja, dengan kata lain sisanya sebesar 63,6% perubahan penguasaan skill siswa dalam menghadapi dunia kerja ditentukan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti.Kata Kunci: Prakerin, Penguasaan SkillsAbstractPrakerin is learning patterns closer conformity with the quality of the graduates with the ability to work, learning takes place in two places (at school and in the industry). In school, students are taught the theory and practice, while the students are required to practice in the industry. With this kind of learning process, vocational students will gain invaluable experience in terms of soft skills such as discipline, communication skills, honesty, high work ethic, creativity, ownership entrepreneurial spirit, and ability to cooperate as a preparation to enter the labor market; as well as the technical competence of students (hard skills) can be increased when students return to school. The purpose of the conduct of studies to analyze the influence of the Prakerin tomastery skill in dealing with the world of work in SMK NU Bululawang Malang. Research including correlational research for influence between the two (2) variables. This study uses quantitative data with survey research design. The sample was all students of Class XII scattered on the field of study of accounting, administrative offices, and engineering light vehicles totaled 62 students. Data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire, previously tested the validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used is simple linear regression analysis test with SPSS 20.0 for windows. Results of testing the hypothesis in mind the magnitude of t count (5.866)&gt; t table (2,036) and the Sig. 0.000 &lt;0.05 then Ho is rejected (Ha accepted) can thus be stated that prakerin variables have a significant effect on the variable student skill mastery in dealing with the world of work. The coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.364 has a meaning that prakerin contributed 36.4% to changes in student skill mastery in dealing with the world of work, in other words, the balance of 63.6% change in students' mastery of skills in dealing with the world of work is determined by variable others were not examined.Keywords: Prakerin, Mastery Skill

    On route to clean bus services

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    On route to clean bus services

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    Spectrum, Volume 19, Number 2

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    Highlights include: Flik gets a facelift --On September 13 a conference was held with a wide range of guest speakers including Dr. Cenera, Dr. Amy Van Buren, Dr. Linda Strong, Dr. Stiltner, Dr. Gary Rose and Dr. Kikoski to offer insight on 9/11 attacks --The university has had two interim librarians, the first being Mary Rogers and the current, acting librarian Susan Broadstone, since University Librarian Dorothy Kijanka retired during the 1998-1999 academic year --Welcome from Tom Pesce, student government president --Commentary from Keri Blair: Americans re-discover pride in time of tragedy --Meet your student government --SHU salutes Public Safety (photos) --“Hardball” Hits a Home Run; Entertainment World Still In Mourning --SHU Art Gallery kicks off with “Common Threads”, which brings together the work of four artists who include the use of thread, cloth, lace or images of clothing, traditional materials and skills -- --Fencer junior Sean “Ronnie” Robenson from Bethpage Long Island is athlete of the week --Sports world put on hold: University and professional athletes lend hand to rescue relief efforts
