1,203 research outputs found

    Institutions and the Emergence of Markets - Transition in the Murmansk Forest Sector

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    The research for this report was part of the project "Institutional Change in Forestry Management in Murmansk Oblast" funded by NFR, the Research Council of Norway (Program for East- and Central Europe). NFR is the Norwegian National Member Organization of IIASA and the work has been performed in collaboration with IIASA's Sustainable Boreal Forest Resources (FOR) project

    Policy Exercise for Stakeholders in the Forest Sector in the Murmansk Region

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    Last ned gratis This document consists of a working paper from a policy exercise for stakeholders in the forest sector in Murmansk region. The exercise was organised by three research institutions: NIBR from Norway, IEP from Russia and IIASA from Austria. The working paper presents the programme and discussion of the exercise, and have attachments of some of the presentations and materials prepared

    Three-body recombination rates near a Feshbach resonance within a two-channel contact interaction model

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    We calculate the three-body recombination rate into a shallow dimer in a gas of cold bosonic atoms near a Feshbach resonance using a two-channel contact interaction model. The two-channel model naturally describes the variation of the scattering length through the Feshbach resonance and has a finite effective range. We confront the theory with the available experimental data and show that the two-channel model is able to quantitatively describe the existing data. The finite effective range leads to a reduction of the scaling factor between the recombination minima from the universal value of 22.7. The reduction is larger for larger effective ranges or, correspondingly, for narrower Feshbach resonances.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Geriatric Rehabilitation as an Integral Part of Geriatric Medicine in the Nordic Countries

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: Firstly to outline the theoretical and practical framework for geriatric rehabilitation in Iceland and other Nordic countries and secondly to survey the scientific medical publications for evidence based geriatric rehabilitation. Methods: Brain storming on geriatric rehabilitation in a working group of Nordic teachers in geriatric medicine. Papers on scientific programs for geriatric rehabilitation from Internet sources were collected and analyzed. All articles describing randomized studies in geriatric rehabilitation were selected for overview. The papers were divided into four groups according to diseases, infirmity and resource settings; 1) stroke, 2) hip-fractures, 3) acute admissions and 4) programs conducted in nursing homes, day hospitals and home services. Results: A spectrum of biological and social events creates the conditions underlying most causes for illness and disability in old people. The process of established geriatric services promotes the efficiency of geriatric rehabilitation. The literature survey included 27 scientific studies (8586 patients) on randomized studies with valid endpoints. Geriatric rehabilitation programs for stroke patients in geriatric settings, six studies (1138 patients), reduced mortality and the need for nursing home placement but the outcome for ADL. Function and length of stay was more variable between the studies. The outcome of geriatric rehabilitation was even more decisive in the randomized hip-fracture studies, six studies (2171 patients). Eight studies were found comparing the outcome between acute admission of frail elderly to either geriatric (GEMU, GRU) or general medical wards. The outcome as regards to mortality rate at one year, placement to a nursing home, physical function, contentment with services, readmission rate and cost was all significantly better in the geriatric settings. Internal comparisons of geriatric programs in nursing homes, day hospitals and in home service, seven studies (1261 patient), revealed some differences in outcomes in function, contentment and costs. Conclusions: Specialized geriatric rehabilitation is complicated but effective when properly performed. Interdisciplinary teamwork, targeting of patients, comprehensive assessment and intensive and patient-targeted rehabilitation seem to characterize the most effective programs. Rehabilitation of frail elderly people poses a major challenge for the future and has to be developed further for the sake of quality of life of elderly people as well as for economic reasons.Markmið: Að gera úttekt á öldrunarendurhæfingu á Íslandi og öðrum Norðurlöndum, marka hinn hugmyndafræðilega grunn, tengja hann norrænum veruleika og taka saman vísindalegar niðurstöður um árangur öldrunarendurhæfingar. Aðferð: Hugarflugsfundir vinnuhóps kennara í öldrunarlækningum um öldrunarendurhæfingu. Sértæk leit í helstu læknatímarita á Medline í greinum sem fjalla um aðferðir og meðferðarleiðir endurhæfingar fyrir aldraða á vísindalegan hátt. Um er að ræða samantekt á rannsóknum sem notast við slembiúrtök og taka til elstu aldurshópa. Greinunum var skipt niður í fjóra flokka eftir sjúkdómum, færni og staðsetningu; 1) heilablóðfall, 2) mjaðmarbrot, 3) bráðveikir og hrumir, 4) prógrömm á hjúkrunarheimilum, dagspítölum og í heimaþjónustu. Niðurstöður: Lífeðlisfræðilegir og félagslegir þættir marka veikindaferli og fötlun aldraðra. Verklag öldrunarþjónustunnar skiptir miklu um árangur öldrunarendurhæfingar. Leit í 27 tímaritsgreinum náði til 8586 sjúklinga en þær báru saman slembiúrtök og höfðu haldbærar viðmiðanir. Endurhæfing aldraðra heilablóðfallssjúklinga á öldrunarlækningadeild, sex rannsóknir (1138 sjúklingar), dró úr dánarlíkum og minnkaði þörf fyrir stofnanavist en breyting á mælanlegri færni og legudagafjöldi varð ekki afgerandi hjá öllum. Enn betri árangur náðist við endurhæfingu eftir mjaðmarbrot, sex rannsóknir (2171 sjúklingur). Átta rannsóknir (4016 sjúklingar) báru saman árangur öldrunarlækningadeilda borið saman við almennar lyflæknisdeildir í meðhöndlun bráðveikra og hrumra sjúklinga. Niðurstöður voru flestar afgerandi betri á öldrunarlækningadeildum hvað varðar dánartíðni að ári, vistun á hjúkrunarheimili, líkamlega færni, ánægju, endurinnlagnir og kostnað. Innbyrðis samanburður á endurhæfingaraðferðum fyrir aldraða á hjúkrunarheimilum, dagspítölum og í heimaþjónustu, sjö rannsóknir (1261 sjúklingur), sýndu mun á nokkrum viðmiðunum í færniþáttum, ánægju og kostnaði. Ályktanir: Sérhæfð endurhæfing aldraðra er flókin en skilar árangri þegar rétt er á haldið. Bestur árangur næst með fjölfaglegri teymisvinnu, val á þeim sjúklingum sem mestu áhættuna hafa, alhliða öldrunarmati og virkri og einstaklingsmiðaðri endurhæfingu. Endurhæfing á hrumu gömlu fólki er og verður vaxandi viðfangsefni fyrir heilbrigðisþjónustuna og mikilvægt að hún nái því markmiði að auka lífsgæði aldraðs fólks. Benda rannsóknir einnig til að við það skapist einnig efnahagslegur ávinningur fyrir land og þjóð

    Efimov three-body states on top of a Fermi sea

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    The stabilization of Cooper pairs of bound electrons in the background of a Fermi sea is the origin of superconductivity and the paradigmatic example of the striking influence of many-body physics on few-body properties. In the quantum-mechanical three-body problem the famous Efimov effect yields unexpected scaling relations among a tower of universal states. These seemingly unrelated problems can now be studied in the same setup thanks to the success of ultracold atomic gas experiments. In light of the tremendous effect of a background Fermi sea on two-body properties, a natural question is whether a background can modify or even destroy the Efimov effect. Here we demonstrate how the generic problem of three interacting particles changes when one particle is embedded in a background Fermi sea, and show that Efimov scaling persists. It is found in a scaling that relates the three-body physics to the background density of fermionic particles.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 2 appendices, revised and updated version, in pres

    Short-term effects of Vertical sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on glucose homeostasis

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    The objective of this study was to compare the biochemical changes related to glucose tolerance and lipid metabolism in non-diabetic patients shortly after vertical sleeve gastrectomy (SG) or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Non-diabetic women and men with morbid obesity were studied the day before and six days after SG (N = 15) or RYGB (N = 16). Patients completed an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; 75 g glucose) at both visits. SG and RYGB similarly improved fasting glucose homeostasis six days after surgery, with reduced glucose and insulin concentrations. The OGTT revealed differences between the two surgery groups that were not evident from the fasting serum concentrations. Postprandial (120 min) glucose and insulin concentrations were lower after RYGB but not after SG, whereas concentrations of glucagon-like peptide-1, peptide YY, glucagon and non-esterified fatty acids were elevated after both SG and RYGB. Fasting triacylglycerol concentration did not change after surgery, but concentrations of high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein cholesterols were reduced in both surgery groups, with no differences between the groups. To conclude, RYGB induced a more pronounced improvement in postprandial glucose homeostasis relative to SG, possibly due to improved insulin sensitivity rather than augmented insulin concentration.publishedVersio

    Identifying Ligand Binding Conformations of the β2-Adrenergic Receptor by Using Its Agonists as Computational Probes

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    Recently available G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) structures and biophysical studies suggest that the difference between the effects of various agonists and antagonists cannot be explained by single structures alone, but rather that the conformational ensembles of the proteins need to be considered. Here we use an elastic network model-guided molecular dynamics simulation protocol to generate an ensemble of conformers of a prototypical GPCR, β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR). The resulting conformers are clustered into groups based on the conformations of the ligand binding site, and distinct conformers from each group are assessed for their binding to known agonists of β2AR. We show that the select ligands bind preferentially to different predicted conformers of β2AR, and identify a role of β2AR extracellular region as an allosteric binding site for larger drugs such as salmeterol. Thus, drugs and ligands can be used as "computational probes" to systematically identify protein conformers with likely biological significance. © 2012 Isin et al

    Surgery for extraforaminal lumbar disc herniation: a single center comparative observational study

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    Background Surgery on extraforaminal lumbar disc herniation (ELDH) is a commonly performed procedure. Operating on this type of herniation is known to come with more difficulties than on the frequently seen paramedian lumbar disc herniation (PLDH). However, no comparative data are available on the effectiveness and safety of this operation. We sought out to compare clinical outcomes at 1 year following surgery for ELDH and PLDH. Methods Data were collected through the Norwegian Registry for Spine Surgery (NORspine). The primary outcome measure was change at 1 year in the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Secondary outcome measures were quality of life measured with EuroQol 5 dimensions (EQ-5D); and numeric rating scales (NRSs). Results Data of a total of 1750 patients were evaluated in this study, including 72 ELDH patients (4.1%). One year after surgery, there were no differences in any of the patient reported outcome measurements (PROMs) between the two groups. PLDH and ELDH patients experienced similar changes in ODI (- 30.92 vs. - 34.00, P = 0.325); EQ-5D (0.50 vs. 0.51, P = 0.859); NRS back (- 3.69 vs. - 3.83, P = 0.745); and NRS leg (- 4.69 vs. - 4.46, P = 0.607) after 1 year. The proportion of patients achieving a clinical success (defined as an ODI score of less than 20 points) at 1 year was similar in both groups (61.5% vs. 52.7%, P = 0.204). Conclusions Patients operated for ELDH reported similar improvement after 1 year compared with patients operated for PLDH.Scientific Assessment and Innovation in Neurosurgical Treatment Strategie