28 research outputs found

    Evaluating national guidelines for monitoring early growth using routinely collected data in Bergen, Norway

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    Aims: The overarching aim of this study was to evaluate the Norwegian guidelines for growth monitoring using routinely collected data from healthy children up to five years of age. We analysed criteria for both status (size for age) and change (centile crossing) in growth. Methods: Longitudinal data were obtained from the electronic health record (EHR) at the well-baby clinic for 2130 children included in the Bergen growth study 1 (BGS1). Measurements of length, weight, weight-for-length, body mass index (BMI) and head circumference were converted to z-scores and compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) growth standards and the national growth reference. Results: Using the WHO growth standard, the proportion of children above +2SD was generally higher than the expected 2.3% for all traits at birth and for length at all ages. Crossing percentile channels was common during the first two years of life, particularly for length/height. By the age of five years, 37.9% of the children had been identified for follow-up regarding length/height, 33% for head circumference and 13.6% for high weight-for-length/BMI. Conclusions: The proportion of children beyond the normal limits of the charts is higher than expected, and a surprisingly large number of children were identified for rules concerning length or growth in head circumference. This suggests the need for a revision of the current guidelines for growth monitoring in Norway.publishedVersio

    The Danish National Lymphoma Registry:Coverage and Data Quality

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    BACKGROUND:The Danish National Lymphoma Register (LYFO) prospectively includes information on all lymphoma patients newly diagnosed at hematology departments in Denmark. The validity of the clinical information in the LYFO has never been systematically assessed. AIM:To test the coverage and data quality of the LYFO. METHODS:The coverage was tested by merging data of the LYFO with the Danish Cancer Register and the Danish National Patient Register, respectively. The validity of the LYFO was assessed by crosschecking with information from medical records in subgroups of patients. A random sample of 3% (N = 364) was made from all patients in the LYFO. In addition, four subtypes of lymphomas were validated: CNS lymphomas, diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, peripheral T-cell lymphomas, and Hodgkin lymphomas. A total of 1,706 patients from the period 2000-2012 were included. The positive predictive values (PPVs) and completeness of selected variables were calculated for each subgroup and for the entire cohort of patients. RESULTS:The comparison of data from the LYFO with the Danish Cancer Register and the Danish National Patient Register revealed a high coverage. In addition, the data quality was good with high PPVs (87% to 100%), and high completeness (92% to 100%). CONCLUSION:The LYFO is a unique, nationwide clinical database characterized by high validity, good coverage and prospective data entry. It represents a valuable resource for future lymphoma research

    The state of health of Norwegian forests. Results from the national forest damage monitoring 2018

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    Source at http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2616613Skogens helsetilstand påvirkes i stor grad av klima og værforhold, enten direkte ved tørke, frost og vind, eller indirekte ved at klimaet påvirker omfanget av soppsykdommer og insektangrep. Klimaendringene og den forventede økningen i klimarelaterte skogskader gir store utfordringer for forvaltningen av framtidas skogressurser. Det samme gjør invaderende skadegjørere, både allerede etablerte arter og nye som kan komme til Norge i nær framtid. I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i Norge i 2018 og trender over tid for følgende temaer: (i) Landsrepresentativ skogovervåking; (ii) Skogøkologiske analyser og målinger av luftkjemi på de intensive overvåkingsflatene; (iii) Overvåking av bjørkemålere i Troms og Finnmark; (iv) Granbarkbilleovervåking – utvikling av barkbillepopulasjonene i 2018; (v) Ny barkbille på vei – vil den like klimaet?; (vi) Phytophthora i importert jord på prydplanter og faren det utgjør for skog; (vii) Overvåking av askeskuddsyke; (viii) Skog- og utmarksbranner i 2018; (ix) Andre spesielle skogskader i 2018...….Forest health is to a large extent affected by climate and weather conditions, either directly by e.g. drought, frost and wind, or indirectly when climatic conditions influence the occurrence and abundance of pests and diseases. Climate change and the expected increase in abiotic damage are a challenge to the management of future forest resources. The same is true for invasive damage agents, both species which are already established and species which can possibly migrate to Norway in the future. This report presents results from the Norwegian forest damage monitoring in 2018 and trends over time for: (i) Forest monitoring on the large-scale Level I plots; (ii) Ecological analyses and measurements of air quality on the intensive Level II plots; (iii) Monitoring of birch moths in northern Norway; (iv) Spruce bark beetle monitoring – status of the bark beetle population in 2018; (v) New bark beetle at Norway’s doorstep – will it like the climate?; (vi) Phytophthora in soil from imported ornamental plants and the danger that poses to forests; (vii) Monitoring of ash dieback; (viii) Forest fires in 2018; (ix) Other special incidents of forest damage in 2018..

    Breakthrough infections with the omicron and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2 result in similar re-activation of vaccine-induced immunity

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    Background: Results showing that sera from double vaccinated individuals have minimal neutralizing activity against Omicron have been interpreted as indicating the need for a third vaccine dose for protection. However, there is little information about early immune responses to Omicron infection in double vaccinated individuals. Methods: We measured inflammatory mediators, antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid proteins, and spike peptide-induced release of interferon gamma in whole blood in 51 double-vaccinated individuals infected with Omicron, in 14 infected with Delta, and in 18 healthy controls. The median time points for the first and second samples were 7 and 14 days after symptom onset, respectively. Findings: Infection with Omicron or Delta led to a rapid and similar increase in antibodies to the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of Omicron protein and spike peptide-induced interferon gamma in whole blood. Both the Omicron- and the Delta-infected patients had a mild and transient increase in inflammatory parameters. <p<Interpretation: The results suggest that two vaccine doses are sufficient to mount a rapid and potent immune response upon infection in healthy individuals of with the Omicron variant

    Green Innovation in Recycling - A Preliminary Analysis of Reversed Logistics in Norway

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    Abstract There has been an exponential growth of new electronic products in the global consumer market. New electronic consumer products generate a growing need for new methods, processes and entrepreneurship in recycling. In this study, we examine how entrepreneurs involved in the recycling of electronic products innovate to create a more sustainable circular economy. The recycling system must take care of electronics that contains hazardous materials. Also, a recycling system should prevent the waste of potentially useful materials. Thus, entrepreneurship is crucial to improve the handling of toxic material and processing technology to reuse valuable elements. Innovation therefore is essential to facilitate a sustainable recycling process. In this study, we analyse entrepreneurial innovation in the light of the organisational structure of the recycling system. Following a study of 108 recycling entrepreneurs, competition and specific investments are found to be important factors that drive the sustainable innovation that make Norway one of the countries with the highest recycling rates of electronic and electric waste

    Exploring the Pursuit of Sustainability in Reverse Supply Chains for Electronics

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    Abstract: This study examines reverse supply chains in the electronics industry. The analysis characterizes the flow of resources among firms in a reverse supply chain in the Norwegian electronics industry. The study subsequently examines influences of governance mechanisms and culture on the social, ecological, and economic performance in the supply chain. Based on principal-agency theory, the authors implicate collaboration, monitoring, and specific assets as determinants of the interfirm culture operating in the reverse supply chain. The interfirm culture and collaboration serve as antecedents to triple bottom line performance. Data collected with Norwegian electronics collectors indicate that collaboration and interfirm culture influence ecological, economic, and relational components of sustainable performance

    Green Innovation in Recycling, - A Preliminary Analysis of Reversed Logistics in Norway.

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    Abstract There has been an exponential growth of new electronic products in the global consumer market. New electronic consumer products generate a growing need for new methods, processes and entrepreneurship in recycling. In this study, we examine how entrepreneurs involved in the recycling of electronic products innovate to create a more sustainable circular economy. The recycling system must take care of electronics that contains hazardous materials. Also, a recycling system should prevent the waste of potentially useful materials. Thus, entrepreneurship is crucial to improve the handling of toxic material and processing technology to reuse valuable elements. Innovation therefore is essential to facilitate a sustainable recycling process. In this study, we analyse entrepreneurial innovation in the light of the organisational structure of the recycling system. Following a study of 108 recycling entrepreneurs, competition and specific investments are found to be important factors that drive the sustainable innovation that make Norway one of the countries with the highest recycling rates of electronic and electric waste

    Work Experiences During and After Treatment Among Self-Employed People with Cancer

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    Purpose The proportion of self-employed people in the workforce is growing. However, most research on work participation among cancer survivors has focused on salaried workers. We aimed to explore how self-employed people experience work during and after cancer treatment. Methods In this qualitative study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with seven self-employed people who had been treated for cancer. To provide a variety of perspectives on work-related aspects of self-employed cancer survivors we also interviewed seven counselors in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) who had long experience in supporting self-employed people and cancer patients around work participation. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematic analysis was undertaken. Results Five themes related to owning a business during and after cancer treatment emerged: entrepreneurship and engagement; cancer treatment and late-effects; business-related worries; shame; and support. Because of high job engagement and high autonomy the self-employed survivors often worked during treatment. While working could provide a sense of normalcy and a distraction from cancer, it was also essential to keep the business running. Survivors struggled with several work-related issues (e.g. high work demands, low work ability), but financial issues related to running their business caused particular worry. Getting cancer and, consequently, struggling with financial problems elicited a sense of shame that was closely connected to their strong identity as (successful) self-employed business (wo)men. Conclusion To support self-employed cancer survivors to retain work following a cancer diagnosis it is necessary to focus on the specific challenges faced by this group of workers, particularly related to financial issues and keep-ing the business afloat. Support measures to secure production and thus prevent loss of customers and bankruptcy are needed. It is important for health and social care personnel to be aware that self-employed cancer survivors may suffer from shame related to the cancer, low work ability and financial struggles, but that they may have difficulties talking about this shame