134 research outputs found

    Oluliselt suurenenud haigestumus emakakaelavähki Eestis perioodil 1998–2008

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    Taust. Emakakaelavähki on võimalik ennetada vähisõeluuringu ja vaktsineerimise abil.Eesmärk. Analüüsida emakakaelavähi haigestumust Eestis aastatel 1998–2008 vanuserühmiti ja morfoloogiliste tüüpide kaupa.Metoodika. Aastatel 1998–2008 Eesti vähiregistris registreeritud esmastest emakakaelavähi juhtudest eristati lamerakk-kartsinoomid, adenokartsinoomid ning muu morfoloogiaga kasvajad. Koos 95% usaldusvahemikuga arvutati standarditud haigestumuskordajad ja haigestumuskordajad vanuserühmiti (20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70+). Haigestumuse aastase protsentuaalse muutuse leidmiseks kasutati muutuspunkti regressioonanalüüsi.Tulemused. Kokku diagnoositi 1998.–2008. aastal 1826 esmast emakakaelavähi juhtu, neist 1555 olid lamerakk-kartsinoomid, 116 adenokartsinoomid ning 155 muu morfoloogiaga kasvajad. Emakakaelavähi patsiendi keskmine vanus oli 54 aastat. Lamerakk-kartsinoomi standarditud haigestumuskordaja oli vahemikus 12,7–17,9/105, haigestumus oli suurim vanuserühmas 40–49 aastat. Uuritud ajavahemikul suurenes lamerakk-kartsinoomi haigestumuskordaja aastas 2,2% (95% usaldusvahemik (uv) 0,8–3,6) ja adenokartsinoomi haigestumus 8,0% (95% uv 4,9–12,3).Järeldused. Olemasolevate emakakaelavähi ennetusmeetmete ebaotstarbeka kasutuse (või kasutamata jätmise) tõttu on emakakaelavähi haigestumuskoormus Eesti naiste hulgas suurenenud ning on suur võrreldes põhjamaade ja teiste Euroopa riikidega.Eesti Arst 2016; 95(1):20–2

    Talespråkssyntaks: en analyse av norske diskursellipser

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    Tema for denne artikkelen er diskursellipser i norsk talespråk. Dette er setninger der én eller flere konstituenter er fonologisk urealiserte. Særlig er det foranstilte subjekter og objekter, men også hjelpeverb, som utelates. Jeg presenterer en syntaktisk analyse av disse konstruksjonene. Mer spesifikt diskuterer jeg (i) hvorvidt ellipsene har fullstendige setningsstrukturer, og (ii) hvilke syntaktiske og semantiske lisensieringsrestriksjoner som styrer dem. Jeg argumenterer for at norske diskursellipser lisensieres både av semantiske gjenfinnbarhetsvilkår og av syntaktiske restriksjoner basert på kongruensforhold i C-T-domenet

    Real-world data on cervical cancer risk stratification by cytology and HPV genotype to inform the management of HPV-positive women in routine cervical screening

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    Background HPV16/18 detection may improve cervical cancer risk stratification and better guide which HPV-positive women warrant immediate colposcopy/biopsy. We estimated risks of cervical precancer and cancer by HPV genotype and cytology during the implementation phase of primary HPV testing in Norway. Methods A total of 3111 women, aged 34–69 years, testing HPV-positive at baseline and undergoing cytology testing from February 2015 to April 2018 had data available for analysis. Risk estimates with 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or more severe (CIN3+) were estimated for cytology results and HPV genotypes (HPV16, HPV18, and other high-risk HPV). Results CIN3+ risks were higher for HPV16/18 than other high-risk HPV genotypes. Among women with any cytologic abnormality [atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or worse], immediate risks were 57.8% (95%CI = 53.0–62.6%) for HPV16, 40.2% (95%CI = 32.3–49.2%) for HPV18, and 31.4% (95%CI = 28.7–34.3%) for other high-risk HPV. Among those with normal cytology, CIN3+ risks were 19.9% (95%CI = 15.0–26.1%) for HPV16 positives, 10.8% (95%CI = 5.6–20.5%) for HPV18 positives, and 5.5% (95%CI = 4.2–7.1%) for other high-risk HPV. Conclusions The benefits and harms of managing women based on HPV positivity and cytology results can be better balanced by inclusion of HPV genotyping in screening and choosing more conservative management for other high-risk HPV compared to HPV16/18.publishedVersio

    Impact of the Mobile Game FightHPV on Cervical Cancer Screening Attendance: Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: The wide availability of mobile phones has made it easy to disseminate health-related information and make it accessible. With gamification, mobile apps can nudge people to make informed health choices, including attending cervical cancer screening. Objective: This matched retrospective cohort study examined the association between exposure to the FightHPV mobile app gamified educational content and having a cervical exam in the following year. Methods: Women aged 20 to 69 years who signed an electronic consent form after downloading the FightHPV app in 2017 (intervention group) were matched 1:6 with women of the same age and with the same screening history (reference group) in 2015. To estimate the impact of exposure to the FightHPV app, we estimated cumulative incidence and hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% CIs. We used data from the Norwegian Cervical Cancer Screening Program database and Statistics Norway to determine screening participation and outcomes, respectively. Results: We matched 3860 women in the control group to 658 women in the intervention group; 6 months after enrollment, 29.6% (195/658) of the women in the intervention group and 15.21% (587/3860) of those in the reference group underwent a cervical exam (P<.01). Women exposed to the FightHPV app were 2 times more likely to attend screening (adjusted HR 2.3, 95% CI 2.0-2.7), during which they were 13 times more likely to be diagnosed with high-grade abnormality (adjusted HR 12.7, 95% CI 5.0-32.5) than the women in the reference group. Conclusions: Exposure to the FightHPV app significantly increased cervical cancer screening attendance across the various analyses and improved detection of women with high risk for cervical cancer. For the first time, we demonstrated the effectiveness of gamification combined with mobile technology in cancer prevention by empowering women to make active health-related decisions. Gamification can significantly improve the understanding of complicated scientific concepts behind interventions and increase the acceptance of proposed cancer control measures.publishedVersio

    Elimination of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers in Nordic countries

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    Incidence of human papillomavirus (HPV, most notably HPV type 16) associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) among middle-aged (50?69 year-old) males has tripled in four high income Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) over the last 30 years. In Finland and Sweden, this increase was preceded by an HPV16 epidemic in fertile-aged populations in the 1980?s. The recent implementation of school based prophylactic HPV vaccination in early adolescent boys and girls will gradually decrease the incidence, and eventually eliminate the HPV-associated OPSCCs (especially tonsillar and base of tongue carcinomas) in the Nordic countries. However, beyond the adolescent and young adult birth cohorts vaccinated, there are approximately 50 birth cohorts (born in 1995 or before) that would benefit from screening for HPV-associated OPSCC. This article reviews the need, prerequisites, proof-of-concept trial and prospects of preventing HPVassociated OPSCC in the Nordic countries.Peer reviewe

    Short-term activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors α and γ induces tissue-specific effects on lipid metabolism and fatty acid composition in male Wistar rats

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    Dietary fatty acids (FAs) affect certain metabolic routes, including pathways controlled by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), but tissue-specific effects are not well-defined. Thus, the aim was to compare the metabolic response in hepatic, adipose, and cardiac tissues after treatment with specific PPAR agonists. Male Wistar rats were randomized into three groups: a control group receiving placebo (n=8); a PPARα agonist group receiving WY-14,643 (n=6); and a PPARγ agonist group receiving rosiglitazone (n=6) for 12 days. All animals received a low-fat standard chow diet and were given a daily dose of placebo or agonist orally. Lipids and FA methyl esters were measured in plasma, liver, and heart and gene expression was measured in liver and adipose tissue, while enzyme activities were measured in liver. Treatment with the PPARα agonist was associated with higher liver mass relative to body weight (liver index), lower plasma, and hepatic total cholesterol, as well as lower plasma carnitine and acylcarnitines, compared with control. In heart, PPARα activation leads to overall lower levels of free FAs and specific changes in certain FAs, compared with control. Furthermore, β-oxidation in liver and the enzymatic activities of well-known PPARα targeted genes were higher following PPARα administration. Overall, rats treated with the PPARα agonist had higher hepatic saturated FAs (SFAs) and monounsaturated FAs (MUFAs) and lower n-6 and n-3 PUFAs, compared to control. Treatment with the PPARγ agonist was associated with a lower liver index, lower plasma triglycerides (TAG) and phospholipids, and higher hepatic phospholipids, compared with control. PPARγ target genes were increased specifically in adipose tissue. Moreover, lower total cardiac FAs and SFA and higher cardiac n-6 PUFA were also associated with PPARγ activation. Altogether, there were characteristic effects of PPARα activation in liver and heart, as well as in plasma. PPARγ effects were not only confined to adipose tissue, but specific effects were also seen in liver, heart, and plasma. In conclusion, short-term treatment with PPAR agonists induced tissue-specific effects on FA composition in liver and heart. Moreover, both PPARα and PPARγ activation lowered plasma TAG and phospholipids, most likely through effects on liver and adipose tissue, respectively. In future studies we aim to reveal whether similar patterns can be found through diet-induced activation of specific pathways.publishedVersio