3,751 research outputs found

    Quantum dots in suspended single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We present a simple technique which uses a self-aligned oxide etch to suspend individual single-wall carbon nanotubes between metallic electrodes. This enables one to compare the properties of a particular nanotube before and after suspension, as well as to study transport in suspended tubes. As an example of the utility of the technique, we study quantum dots in suspended tubes, finding that their capacitances are reduced owing to the removal of the dielectric substrate

    Methods for anticipating governance breakdown and violent conflict

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    In this paper, authors Sarah Bressan, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, and Dominic Seefeldt present the evolution and state of the art of both quantitative forecasting and scenario-based foresight methods that can be applied to help prevent governance breakdown and violent conflict in Europe’s neighbourhood. In the quantitative section, they describe the different phases of conflict forecasting in political science and outline which methodological gaps EU-LISTCO’s quantitative sub-national prediction tool will address to forecast tipping points for violent conflict and governance breakdown. The qualitative section explains EU-LISTCO’s scenario-based foresight methodology for identifying potential tipping points. After comparing both approaches, the authors discuss opportunities for methodological advancements across the boundaries of quantitative forecasting and scenario-based foresight, as well as how they can inform the design of strategic policy options

    Vidareutveckling av projekthanteringssystem

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    Syftet med detta examensarbete var att vidareutveckla Indevit Solutions egna webbaserade projekthanteringssystem. Webbapplikationen skulle utvecklas till att ha en responsiv webbdesign med asynkron funktionalitet, samt till att förenkla rapporteringen inom byggnadsbranschen. Byggnadsbranschens rapportskyldighet till skatteverket fastslogs 01.07.2014, och skall göras för alla byggnads- och renoveringsprojekt vars värde överstiger 15 000 € eller som behöver bygglov. Alla som har behörighet till ett projekt, skall med webbapplikationen kunna lägga till sina egna arbetsprestationer. Baserat på dessa prestationer skall administratorn eller projektansvarig kunna generera en rapport för skatteverket. Webbapplikationen konstruerades med hjälp av teknikerna ASP.NET MVC 5 och SQL. Användargränssnittet utvecklades med hjälp av ramverket Bootstrap, samt ASP.NET MVC extensionen DevExpress. Examensarbetet blev en responsiv webbapplikation med asynkron funktionalitet och med de grundfunktioner som behövs för att administrera ett projekt. En rapport på de användare som har arbetat med projektet under en specifik månad går att generera.The purpose of this thesis was to further develop Indevit Solutions' own web-based project management system. The web application was to be developed to have a responsive web design with asynchronous functionality, and it should simplify reporting in construction industry. The construction industry's duty to report to the tax office was established on 01.07.2014 and reports must be made for all building and renovation projects whose value exceeds € 15,000, or which need a building permit. All who have access to a project shall, with the web application, be able to add their own work performance. Based on these achievements, the administrator or project manager can generate a report for submission to the tax office. The web application was constructed using the techniques ASP.NET MVC 5 and SQL. The user interface was developed using the Bootstrap framework and the DevExpress ASP.NET MVC extension. The work became a responsive web application with asynchronous functionality and with the basic functions needed to manage a project. A report on those users who have worked on the project during a specific month can be generated

    Datorspelsberoende: en kvalitativ litteraturstudie

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    Under de senaste 40 åren har spel i digitalform växt fram som ett stort fritidsintresse i den västerländska kulturen. Trots det stora nöjet som många får ut av spelandet, finns det också en baksida med den rådande spelkulturen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ge ökad förståelse och förmedla kunskap om vad fenomenet datorspelsberoende är, hur utbrett fenomenet är och vilka olika behandlings- och vårdformer som finns för att råda bukt på denna typ av beroende. Detta arbete görs för att sammanställa en översikt över den forskning som finns på området för att ge en inblick i problematiken med denna form av beroende och missbruk, för att utveckla den praktiska verksamheten. I denna undersökning analyserades material från artiklar, böcker samt Internet sidor. Resultatet från dessa analyser har sammanställts för att läsaren skall få en översikt över vad som framkommit i materialet. På det analyserade materialet har en kvalitativ innehållsanalysmetod använts. I resultatet har datorspelsberoendets natur, förekomst och behandling beskrivits. I arbetet kunde konstateras att mera forskning behövs på behandlingsområdet.During the last 40 years, games in digital form has grown to be an enormous leisure time activity in the western culture. Although the great satisfaction many get from this activity, there is also a darker side to the present gaming culture. The aim of this thesis is to give a heightened and deliver knowledge about the phenomenon that is computer gaming addiction. How widespread the phenomenon is and what kinds of treatment is available to help with this kind of addiction. This thesis aims to present an overview of the research that has been done in the field to give insight into the problems associated with this kind of addiction and abuse in order to develop practical treatment and nursing care strategies. The material for this study were gathered from articles, books and webpages and where analysed, the result from these analyses were compiled to give the reader an overview of the results in the material. The analysis was based on a qualitative content analysis research method. In the result the nature, prevalence and treatment of computer gaming addiction were described. It appears that further research about the treatment of this phenomenon is need

    Tuning Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States in a Quantum Dot

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    We present transport spectroscopy of sub-gap states in a bottom gated InAs nanowire coupled to a normal lead and a superconducting aluminium lead. The device shows clearly resolved sub-gap states which we can track as the coupling parameters of the system are tuned and as the gap is closed by means of a magnetic field. We systematically extract system parameters by using numerical renormalization group theory fits as a level of the quantum dot is tuned through a quantum phase transition electrostatically and magnetically. We also give an intuitive description of sub-gap excitations.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    El Making of ... Top Trendit! - Anglicisms in Women's Magazine Advertising in Finland and Spain.

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    Englanninkielistä alkuperää olevien sanojen eli anglismien määrä mainonnassa kasvaa jatkuvasti ja ne herättävät reaktiota sekä puolesta että vastaan. Sekä Suomessa että Espanjassa englannin kielen käyttö yleistyy koko ajan. Nämä kaksi maata ovat kulttuuriltaan ja kielitilanteeltaan erilaisia: suomi on pieni kieli kun taas espanja on maailman toiseksi puhutuin kieli ja sen asema näyttää vakaalta myös englannin kieleen verrattuna. Mainonta heijastaa yhteiskuntaamme ja englannin kielen määrä sekä käyttötavat osoittavat kuinka hyväksytyksi tämä kieli koetaan. Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan Suomessa ja Espanjassa julkaistuissa naistenlehdissä olevaa mainontaa ja tarkastellaan miten paljon ja minkälaisia anglismeja niissä esiintyy. Lisäksi tutkitaan missä kohdissa mainoksia anglismeja esiintyy. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat Elle ja Cosmopolitan lehdet. Hypoteesi on, että suomalaisissa mainoksissa käytetään enemmän anglismeja kuin espanjalaisissa mainoksissa kulttuuriin, historiaan ja kielelliseen identiteettiin liittyvien syiden vuoksi. Tutkimus osoitti, että suomalaisissa mainoksissa esiintyy enemmän anglismeja kuin espanjalaisissa mainoksissa, mutta jälkimmäisessä anglismityyppien skaala oli laajempi. Kummassakin aineistossa yleisimmät anglismit olivat ns. koodinvaihtoja, mikä tarkoittaa, että anglismit olivat suurimmaksi osaksi yksittäisiä englanninkielisiä sanoja tai lauseita. Eniten anglismeja kummastakin aineistosta löytyi tuotteiden nimistä ja mainosten informaatio-osioista. Myös prosentuaalisesti kummankin maan tutkimusaineistossa oli enemmän mainoksia, jotka sisälsivät vähintään yhden anglisimin kuin mainoksia, joissa niitä ei ollut yhtään.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    gg-factor anisotropy in nanowire-based InAs quantum dots

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    The determination and control of the electron gg-factor in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are fundamental prerequisites in modern concepts of spintronics and spin-based quantum computation. We study the dependence of the gg-factor on the orientation of an external magnetic field in quantum dots (QDs) formed between two metallic contacts on stacking fault free InAs nanowires. We extract the gg-factor from the splitting of Kondo resonances and find that it varies continuously in the range between g=5|g^*| = 5 and 15.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Uncompensated and compensated backgrounds in homeostatic controllers: Analogies to retinal light adaptation

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    Integral controllers with single negative feedbacks were subjected to a step-perturbation at constant but different backgrounds. Response amplitudes of the controlled variable, here called A, decreased monotonically with increasing backgrounds, which was opposed and corrected for by compensatory actions of the manipulated variable E. The controllers divided equally into two classes, in which the compensatory fluxes were either based on derepression or activation. Controllers with derepression-based compensatory fluxes showed decreased sensitivity but accelerated response kinetics, which is analogous to the resetting kinetics seen in vertebrate photoreceptors. Retinal light adaptation also involves compensating backgrounds according to remarks in the literature. We therefore became interested in understanding the underlying feedback mechanisms of background compensation. As such, we created controllers or oscillators that show robust background compensation independent of the applied background. These controllers need a second feedback layer, where the additional integral controllers (I1 and I2) feed directly or coherently back to the controlled variable. These feedback conditions were termed "coherent feedback" in analogy to a similar feedback mechanism used in quantum control theory and optics. Finally, simple three-neuron retinal light adapation (RLA) models, representing the retina as a whole, were subjected to the same perturbations. It was the feedback organization in the two-layered oscillator that was responsible for eliminating backgrounds. Robust background compensation, here described theoretically, could be of interest in terms of regulatory properties. Although, no biological relevanse of the concept has been identified