2,416 research outputs found

    New Electricity Technologies for a Sustainable Future

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    There is a growing concern over our reliance on conventional electricity sources and their long-term environmental, climate change, and security of supply implications, and much hope is vested in the ability of future technological progress to tackle these issues. However, informed academic analysis and policy debates on the future of electricity systems must be based on the current state, and prospects of, technological options. This paper is the introductory chapter in the forthcoming book Future Electricity Technologies and Systems. The book comprises contributions from leading experts in their respective technology areas. The chapters present state of the art and likely progress paths of conventional and new electricity generation, networks, storage, and end-use technologies. In this paper we review the growth trend in electricity demand and carbon emissions. We then present a concise overview of the chapters. Finally, we discuss the main contextual factors that influence long-term technological progress

    Evidence that process simulations reduce anxiety in patients receiving dental treatment: randomized exploratory trial

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    Process simulations – mental simulations that ask people to imagine the process of completing a task – have been shown to decrease anxiety in students facing hypothetical or psychological threats in the short term. The aim of the present study was to see whether process simulations could reduce anxiety in a sample of the general population attending a dental practice, and whether these effects could be sustained throughout treatment. Participants (N = 75) were randomized to an experimental condition where they were asked to simulate mentally the process of seeing the dentist, or to a control condition where they were asked to simulate mentally the outcome of seeing the dentist. Findings showed that participants in the experimental condition were significantly less anxious both before and after their consultations. Self-efficacy and self-esteem remained unchanged. This study suggests that process simulation is one active ingredient in anxiety treatment programs and further research is required to enhance its effects

    Control of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes without weight loss by modification of diet composition

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    BACKGROUND: Over the past several years our research group has taken a systematic, comprehensive approach to determining the effects on body function (hormonal and non-hormonal) of varying the amounts and types of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet. We have been particularly interested in the dietary management of type 2 diabetes. Our objective has been to develop a diet for people with type 2 diabetes that does not require weight loss, oral agents, or insulin, but that still controls the blood glucose concentration. Our overall goal is to enable the person with type 2 diabetes to control their blood glucose by adjustment in the composition rather than the amount of food in their diet. METHODS: This paper is a brief summary and review of our recent diet-related research, and the rationale used in the development of diets that potentially are useful in the treatment of diabetes. RESULTS: We determined that, of the carbohydrates present in the diet, absorbed glucose is largely responsible for the food-induced increase in blood glucose concentration. We also determined that dietary protein increases insulin secretion and lowers blood glucose. Fat does not significantly affect blood glucose, but can affect insulin secretion and modify the absorption of carbohydrates. Based on these data, we tested the efficacy of diets with various protein:carbohydrate:fat ratios for 5 weeks on blood glucose control in people with untreated type 2 diabetes. The results were compared to those obtained in the same subjects after 5 weeks on a control diet with a protein:carbohydrate:fat ratio of 15:55:30. A 30:40:30 ratio diet resulted in a moderate but significant decrease in 24-hour integrated glucose area and % total glycohemoglobin (%tGHb). A 30:20:50 ratio diet resulted in a 38% decrease in 24-hour glucose area, a reduction in fasting glucose to near normal and a decrease in %tGHb from 9.8% to 7.6%. The response to a 30:30:40 ratio diet was similar. CONCLUSION: Altering the diet composition could be a patient-empowering method of improving the hyperglycemia of type 2 diabetes without weight loss or pharmacologic intervention

    Tick-borne Thogoto virus infection in mice is inhibited by the orthomyxovirus resistance gene product Mx1

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    We show that tick-transmitted Thogoto virus is sensitive to interferon- induced nuclear Mx1 protein, which is known for its specific antiviral action against orthomyxoviruses. Influenza virus-susceptible BALB/c mice (lacking a functional Mx1 gene) developed severe disease symptoms and died within days after intracerebral or intraperitoneal infection with a lethal challenge dose of Thogoto virus. In contrast, Mx1-positive congenic, influenza virus- resistant BALB·A2G-Mx1 mice remained healthy and survived. Likewise, A2G, congenic B6·A2G-Mx1 and CBA·T9-Mx1 mice (derived from influenza virus- resistant wild mice) as well as Mx1-transgenic 979 mice proved to be resistant. Peritoneal macrophages and interferon-treated embryo cells from resistant mice exhibited the same resistance phenotype in vitro. Moreover, stable lines of transfected mouse 3T3 cells that constitutively express Mx1 protein showed increased resistance to Thogoto virus infection. We conclude that an Mx1-sensitive step has been conserved during evolution of orthomyxoviruses and suggest that the Mx1 gene in rodents may serve to combat infections by influenza virus-like arboviruses.</p

    Modeling the Measurements of Cochlear Microcirculation and Hearing Function after Loud Noise

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    Objective: Recent findings support the crucial role of microcirculatory disturbance and ischemia for hearing impairment especially after noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). The aim of this study was to establish an animal model for in vivo analysis of cochlear microcirculation and hearing function after a loud noise to allow precise measurements of both parameters in vivo. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Animal study. Subjects and Methods: After assessment of normacusis (0 minutes) using evoked auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), noise (106-dB sound pressure level [SPL]) was applied to both ears in 6 guinea pigs for 30 minutes while unexposed animals served as controls. In vivo fluorescence microscopy of the stria vascularis capillaries was performed after surgical exposure of 1 cochlea. ABR measurements were derived from the contralateral ear. Results: After noise exposure, red blood cell velocity was reduced significantly by 24.3% (120 minutes) and further decreased to 44.5% at the end of the observation (210 minutes) in contrast to stable control measurements. Vessel diameters were not affected in both groups. A gradual decrease of segmental blood flow became significant (38.1%) after 150 minutes compared with controls. Hearing thresholds shifted significantly from 20.0 ± 5.5 dB SPL (0 minutes) to 32.5 ± 4.2dB SPL (60 minutes) only in animals exposed to loud noise. Conclusion: With regard to novel treatments targeting the stria vascularis in NIHL, this standardized model allows us to analyze in detail cochlear microcirculation and hearing function in vivo

    Oil and Gas Map of the Middlesboro 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, Kentucky

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    The purpose of the oil and gas map series is to portray the distribution of oil and gas resources in a manner useful to the oil and gas industry and to others interested in subsurface research

    Statistical Communication Theory

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    Contains reports on four research projects

    Addressing Missing Data in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) : Implications for the Use of PROMS for Comparing Provider Performance

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    Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are now routinely collected in the English National Health Service and used to compare and reward hospital performance within a high-powered pay-for-performance scheme. However, PROMs are prone to missing data. For example, hospitals often fail to administer the pre-operative questionnaire at hospital admission, or patients may refuse to participate or fail to return their post-operative questionnaire. A key concern with missing PROMs is that the individuals with complete information tend to be an unrepresentative sample of patients within each provider and inferences based on the complete cases will be misleading. This study proposes a strategy for addressing missing data in the English PROM survey using multiple imputation techniques and investigates its impact on assessing provider performance. We find that inferences about relative provider performance are sensitive to the assumptions made about the reasons for the missing data

    Experiences of disabled women during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting services: implications for occupational therapy

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    The aim of this study was to understand the experiences of women with physical and sensory disability during their interaction with maternity services. The study was funded by a national charity whose previous research identified that disabled women had more negative experiences than non-disabled women (Birthrights, 2013). This paper specifically discusses implications for occupational therapy. Two-phase, inter-professional mixed methods research was used involving online surveys in phase 1 and narrative interviews in phase 2. Recruitment was through disability and parenting networks and social media. Survey data were analysed descriptively and open questions were themed. Phase 2 telephone interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically. Although overall satisfaction with care was scored highly in phase 1, negative experiences were described. Key challenges included a lack of continuity of carer; women feeling that they were not being listened to; feeling they were treated less favourably because of disability; and 56% feeling that maternity care providers did not have appropriate attitudes to disability. Interview themes echoed these, when women described implications of not being listened to, including that their judgement about their own bodies was ignored or undermined. The research revealed that occupational therapists did little to support women during this time. While some occupational therapy input was described, this focused on equipment provision. Minimal support with the occupations of parenting was described. The results suggest a clear need for interprofessional working and the need for occupational therapists to liaise between midwifery staff and disabled women
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