158 research outputs found

    Metode Peningkatan Ketahanan Retak Resin Polyester Terhadap Penambahan Serat Sekam Padi

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    Polymer materials have been widely developed as alternative materials to replace metal materials due to various advantages such as having low density and an easy manufacturing process. Still, polymers have many disadvantages, including not having high mechanical strength, easy to crack when hit by impact. One of the materials studied is an unsaturated polyester polymer widely used for composite matrices in vehicle structural components, aircraft and ship bodies, and vehicle components.  One of the studied fibers is rice husk particle fiber. The study of cracks is essential because it causes the material to no longer be able to support the load according to the previous plan and causes failure to occur more quickly. One way to overcome material failure due to cracks in the composite material is to prevent crack propagation by adding reinforcing material. In this study, a composite material was made using rice husk fiber to increase the crack resistance of the polyester composite matrix. From the results of crack testing, there is a tendency to increase the percentage of rice husks by 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The value expected to be obtained for determining the crack resistance of the material is the value of the stress intensity factor (K1). The most significant K1 value was obtained at a 15% rice husk percentage variable of 1,558 MPa.m0.5. This price could increase the value of the pure polyester stress intensity factor K1 by 0.667 MPa.m0.5, indicating an increase of 233.58%

    Studi Musuh Alami (Spodoptera Exigua Hbn) Pada Agroekosistem Tanaman Bawang Merah

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    Study natural enemy Spodoptera Exigua was condetd on onion agro ekosistem in farmers field Sungai Nanam Alahan Panjang West Sumatera from August to October 2009. Methode of the Riset was with sampling with out sprayed and sprayed insecticide of served with each week from plant age 20 days in one planting season. In land with out application insecticide and application insecticide there were no eggs and larva were paraside. The Natural enemy in land area with aut application insecticide and application lend. The bigger from dominand were from family Braconidae ordo Hymenoptera, followed by family Aracnidae ordo aracnida, family Forficulidae ordo Demaptera, family Coccinelidae Ordo Coleoptera, family Braconidae Ordo Hymenoptera dan family Tachinidae Ordo Dipter

    Metode Penurunan Respon Dinamik Sistem Poros-rotor Dengan Peredam Viscous Rotary

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    Viscosity or viscosity is one of the quantities that are very important in the analysis of the behavior and movement of fluids that come into contact with other objects such as solids {solid body). Viscous dampers can be used to reduce the amplitude of the response due to the unbalanced mass, rotation critically, noise and shock loads. Absorbers working with fluid film bearing securities which are placed at a certain point, which is connected to the shaft-rotating rotor. Certain viscosity fluid will be forced to pass through a narrow slit with a certain pressure that can absorb the energy supplied by the shaft, this damping effects that can provide resistance to the rotor shaft system because the fluid has a linear damping and damping effect histeriktik. Viscous dampers can be used to reduce vibration amplitude response at a fixed price in accordance with the physical nature of the damper, the use of viscous dampers are widely used to control engine speed and turbine rotational speeds are like a helicopter rotor. From the test we can produce the damping effect on the engine rotation can reduce the response time domain vibration with an amplitude reduction of approximately 60% for the damping ratio ζ = 0.5


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    Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian mengenai salah satu pendekatan pendidikan yaitu pendekatan pendidikan humanistik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh pendekatan pendidikan humanistik terhadap peningkatan kamanpuan insya’ mahasiswa program studi pendidikan Bahasa Arab jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Watampone. Penelitian ini didesain dalam bentuk penelitian eksperimen yang terdiri atas kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan linguistik, pedagogis, humanistik, sosiologis, dan filosofis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebelum diberi perlakuan menggunakan pendidikan humanistik nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen adalah 130,56, sedangkan kelas kontrol adalah 130,44. Berdasarkan uji kesamaan dua rata-rata pretest dengan menggunakan uji statistik non-parametric dengan uji Mann Whitney pada SPSS 16, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua kelas memiliki kemanpuan yang sama dalam mengarang insya’. Setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan pendekatan pendidikan humanistik pada kelas eksperimen, maka nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen adalah 186,61, sedangkan kelas kontrol tanpa pendekatan humanistik nilai rata-rata 165,22. Adanya perbedaan nilai rata-rata antara kelas kontrol dengan kelas eksperimen membuktikan bahwa adanya peningkatan secara signifikan kemanpuan insya’ mahasiswa kelas eksperimen setelah diberikan perlakuan. Hal ini berarti bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pendekatan pendidikan humanistik terhadap peningkatan kemanpuan insya’ kelas eksperimen.ABSTRACTThis article is a study on one of educational approaches that is humanistic educational approach. The purposes of this study are to analyze the influence of humanistic educational approach in improving the insya’ ability of the student of Arabic Language Education, Department of Tarbiyah, STAIN Watampone. This study is designed in the form of experiment research which involves a control class and an experimenttal class. The types of approach used are linguistic, pedagogical, humanistic, sociological and philosophical approach. The result of this study indicate that prior to being treated with a humanistic educational approach the everage value of the experimental class was 130,56, while the control class was 130,44. Based on the equation of two averages of pretest by using non-parametric statistical test and Mann-Whitney test in SPSS 16, it can be concluded that both classes have the same ability in writing (insya’i). After the classes were treated by using a humanistic educational approach, the everage value of the experimental class was 186.61, while the mean score of the control class without a humanistic approach was 165,22. The difference in the everage value of gain between experimental class and control class proves the existence of significat increase in insya’ ability experimental class student after treatment. This means that there ia siginificant influence of humanistic educational approach on the improvement of insya’  ability of the experimetal class

    Metode Pengering Gabah Aliran Massa Kontinu Dengan Wadah Pengering Horizontal dan Pengaduk Putar

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    Peralatan pengeringan yang ada dipasaran mengeringkan massa gabah secara statis. Pengeringan statis gabah dikeringkan dalam massa tertentu dengan jumlah luas wadah tertentu dan tidak bisa ditambah secara secara secara langsung . Proses pengeringan dengan kwantitas yang besar pengeringan harus dilakukan secara dinamis. Yang dimaksud dengan pengeringan secara dinamis adalah massa gabah yang dikeringkan dapat mengalir secara kontinu yaitu massa massa masuk dapat ditambah setiap waktu sedangkan prodak yang dikeringkan dapat dihasilkan setiap waktu juga. Salah satu alat pengering yang memenuhi sarat adalah alat pengering putar atau alat pengering yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan pengaliran massa. Salah satu yang dilakukan adalah pengering dengan wadah berbentuk silinder dengan pengering putar yang dapat mengaduk dan mengalirkan material dari sisi masuk ke sisi keluar dan laju aliran massa dapat diatur sesuai dengan putaran pengaduk. Pengeringan dilakukan dalam dua siklus yang lama waktu pengeringan 60 menit per siklus. Dari hasil pengeringan siklus pertama belum cukup tercapat kadar air yang diinginkan. Massa gabah diumpankan kembali untuk siklus kedua . Pada sklus kedua ini pengeringan telah tercapai dengan kadar air maksimal yang dihilangkan adalah 47 % . Kata kunci: Grain mass, Rotary Dryer

    Konsep Manusia Sempurna

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    Human being is the highest creature among all creatures. Even, he is higher than the world and it is very important for it. The perfection of the world depends on him. Human being in relation to the universe is like spirit for body.The world without human being is like a unclear mirror which can not refract a picture. The picture of God can not be seen in the mirror cleary so God command that the clear mirror of the world can refract His picture clearly. The human being is the clearness of mirror and the shape of the picture.The most perfect mirror for God is the perfect human being because he refracts all the names and the behaviour of God However, other refract only a few parts of the parts of the names and the behaviour of God.The perfect human being, faces all existances of individualism. Spiritually he faces higher individualism; the body he faces lower individualism. His heart faces to (al-Arsh). His soul faces to apen (Al-Qalam) and his spirit faces (luah-Mahfudz

    Konsep Manusia Sempurna

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    Human being is the highest creature among all creatures. Even, he is higher than the world and it is very important for it. The perfection of the world depends on him. Human being in relation to the universe is like spirit for body.The world without human being is like a unclear mirror which can not refract a picture. The picture of God can not be seen in the mirror cleary so God command that the clear mirror of the world can refract His picture clearly. The human being is the clearness of mirror and the shape of the picture.The most perfect mirror for God is the perfect human being because he refracts all the names and the behaviour of God However, other refract only a few parts of the parts of the names and the behaviour of God.The perfect human being, faces all existances of individualism. Spiritually he faces higher individualism; the body he faces lower individualism. His heart faces to (al-Arsh). His soul faces to apen (Al-Qalam) and his spirit faces (luah-Mahfudz

    Studi Musuh Alami (Spodoptera Exigua Hbn) pada Agroekosistem Tanaman Bawang Merah

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    Study natural enemy Spodoptera Exigua was condetd on onion agro ekosistem in farmers field Sungai Nanam Alahan Panjang West Sumatera from August to October 2009. Methode of the Riset was with sampling with out sprayed and sprayed insecticide of served with each week from plant age 20 days in one planting season. In land with out application insecticide and application insecticide there were no eggs and larva were paraside. The Natural enemy in land area with aut application insecticide and application lend. The bigger from dominand were from family Braconidae ordo Hymenoptera, followed by family Aracnidae ordo aracnida, family Forficulidae ordo Demaptera, family Coccinelidae Ordo Coleoptera, family Braconidae Ordo Hymenoptera dan family Tachinidae Ordo Dipter


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    PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) is a system with electronic design for industrial needs. The idea of PLC use memory to save the program, which more instruction need to move function, logically program, sequence, timer, counter, and mathematical operation. It can use for several of machine
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