17 research outputs found

    Holographic Symmetries and Generalized Order Parameters for Topological Matter

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    We introduce a universally applicable method, based on the bond-algebraic theory of dualities, to search for generalized order parameters in disparate systems including non-Landau systems with topological order. A key notion that we advance is that of {\em holographic symmetry}. It reflects situations wherein global symmetries become, under a duality mapping, symmetries that act solely on the system's boundary. Holographic symmetries are naturally related to edge modes and localization. The utility of our approach is illustrated by systematically deriving generalized order parameters for pure and matter-coupled Abelian gauge theories, and for some models of topological matter.Comment: v2, 10 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review B Rapid Communication

    Unified approach to Quantum and Classical Dualities

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    We show how classical and quantum dualities, as well as duality relations that appear only in a sector of certain theories ("emergent dualities"), can be unveiled, and systematically established. Our method relies on the use of morphisms of the "bond algebra" of a quantum Hamiltonian. Dualities are characterized as unitary mappings implementing such morphisms, whose even powers become symmetries of the quantum problem. Dual variables -which were guessed in the past- can be derived in our formalism. We obtain new self-dualities for four-dimensional Abelian gauge field theories.Comment: 4+3 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetry and Topological Order

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    We prove sufficient conditions for Topological Quantum Order at both zero and finite temperatures. The crux of the proof hinges on the existence of low-dimensional Gauge-Like Symmetries (that notably extend and differ from standard local gauge symmetries) and their associated defects, thus providing a unifying framework based on a symmetry principle. These symmetries may be actual invariances of the system, or may emerge in the low-energy sector. Prominent examples of Topological Quantum Order display Gauge-Like Symmetries. New systems exhibiting such symmetries include Hamiltonians depicting orbital-dependent spin exchange and Jahn-Teller effects in transition metal orbital compounds, short-range frustrated Klein spin models, and p+ip superconducting arrays. We analyze the physical consequences of Gauge-Like Symmetries (including topological terms and charges), discuss associated braiding, and show the insufficiency of the energy spectrum, topological entanglement entropy, maximal string correlators, and fractionalization in establishing Topological Quantum Order. General symmetry considerations illustrate that not withstanding spectral gaps, thermal fluctuations may impose restrictions on certain suggested quantum computing schemes and lead to "thermal fragility". Our results allow us to go beyond standard topological field theories and engineer systems with Topological Quantum Order.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Minimal changes relative to published version- most notably the above shortened title (which was too late to change upon request in the galley proofs). An elaborate description of all of the results in this article appeared in subsequent works, principally in arXiv:cond-mat/0702377 which was published in the Annals of Physics 324, 977- 1057 (2009

    Repulsive interactions in quantum Hall systems as a pairing problem

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    23 págs.; 4 figs.; 5 tabs. ; PACS number(s): 73.43.Cd, 02.30.Ik, 74.20.RpA subtle relation between quantum Hall physics and the phenomenon of pairing is unveiled. By use of second quantization, we establish a connection between (i) a broad class of rotationally symmetric two-body interactions within the lowest Landau level and (ii) integrable hyperbolic Richardson-Gaudin-type Hamiltonians that arise in (px+ipy) superconductivity. Specifically, we show that general Haldane pseudopotentials (and their sums) can be expressed as a sum of repulsive noncommuting (px+ip y)-type pairing Hamiltonians. The determination of the spectrum and individual null spaces of each of these noncommuting Richardson-Gaudin-type Hamiltonians is nontrivial yet is Bethe ansatz solvable. For the Laughlin sequence, it is observed that this problem is frustration free and zero-energy ground states lie in the common null space of all of these noncommuting Hamiltonians. This property allows for the use of a new truncated basis of pairing configurations in which to express Laughlin states at general filling factors. We prove separability of arbitrary Haldane pseudopotentials, providing explicit expressions for their second quantized forms, and further show by explicit construction how to exploit the topological equivalence between different geometries (disk, cylinder, and sphere) sharing the same topological genus number, in the second quantized formalism, through similarity transformations. As an application of the second quantized approach, we establish a >squeezing principle> that applies to the zero modes of a general class of Hamiltonians, which includes but is not limited to Haldane pseudopotentials. We also show how one may establish (bounds on) >incompressible filling factors> for those Hamiltonians. By invoking properties of symmetric polynomials, we provide explicit second quantized quasihole generators; the generators that we find directly relate to bosonic chiral edge modes and further make aspects of dimensional reduction in the quantum Hall systems precise. © 2013 American Physical Society.This work has been partially supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF Grants No. DMR-1206781 (A.S.) and No. DMR-1106293 (Z.N.), and by the Spanish MICINN Grant No. FIS2012-34479. G.O. would like to thank the Max-Planck-Institute in GarchingPeer Reviewe

    Exact results on the Kitaev model on a hexagonal lattice: spin states, string and brane correlators, and anyonic excitations

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    In this work, we illustrate how a Jordan-Wigner transformation combined with symmetry considerations enables a direct solution of Kitaev's model on the honeycomb lattice. We (i) express the p-wave type fermionic ground states of this system in terms of the original spins, (ii) adduce that symmetry alone dictates the existence of string and planar brane type correlators and their composites, (iii) compute the value of such non-local correlators by employing the Jordan-Wigner transformation, (iv) affirm that the spectrum is inconsequential to the existence of topological quantum order and that such information is encoded in the states themselves, and (v) express the anyonic character of the excitations in this system and the local symmetries that it harbors in terms of fermions.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Partons as unique ground states of quantum Hall parent Hamiltonians: The case of Fibonacci anyons

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    We present microscopic, multiple Landau level, (frustration-free and positive semi-definite) parent Hamiltonians whose ground states, realizing different quantum Hall fluids, are parton-like and whose excitations display either Abelian or non-Abelian braiding statistics. We prove ground state energy monotonicity theorems for systems with different particle numbers, demonstrate S-duality in the case of toroidal geometry and establish an exact zero-energy mode counting. The emergent Entangled Pauli Principle, introduced in Phys. Rev. B 98, 161118(R) (2018) and which defines the "DNA" of the quantum Hall fluid, is behind the exact determination of the topological characteristics of the fluid, including charge and braiding statistics of excitations, and effective edge theory descriptions. When the closed-shell condition is satisfied, the densest (i.e., the highest density and lowest total angular momentum) zero-energy mode is a unique parton state. As a corollary, it follows that the Moore-Read Pfaffian and Read-Rezayi states (both of which may be expressed as linear combinations of parton-like states) cannot be densest ground states of two-body parent Hamiltonians. We conjecture, based on the algebra of polynomials in holomormorphic and anti-holomorphic complex variables, that parton-like states span the subspace of many-body wave functions with the two-body MM-clustering property, that is, wave functions with MMth-order coincidence plane zeroes. We illustrate our framework by presenting a parent Hamiltonian whose excitations are rigorously proven to be Fibonacci anyons and show how to extract the DNA of the fluid whose entanglement pattern manifests in the form of a matrix product state.Comment: 49 pages, 17 figure

    Dualities and the phase diagram of the pp-clock model

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    A new "bond-algebraic" approach to duality transformations provides a very powerful technique to analyze elementary excitations in the classical two-dimensional XY and pp-clock models. By combining duality and Peierls arguments, we establish the existence of non-Abelian symmetries, the phase structure, and transitions of these models, unveil the nature of their topological excitations, and explicitly show that a continuous U(1) symmetry emerges when p5p \geq 5. This latter symmetry is associated with the appearance of discrete vortices and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-type transitions. We derive a correlation inequality to prove that the intermediate phase, appearing for p5p\geq 5, is critical (massless) with decaying power-law correlations.Comment: 48 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Nuclear Physics

    On thermalization in Kitaev's 2D model

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    The thermalization process of the 2D Kitaev model is studied within the Markovian weak coupling approximation. It is shown that its largest relaxation time is bounded from above by a constant independent of the system size and proportional to exp(2Δ/kT)\exp(2\Delta/kT) where Δ\Delta is an energy gap over the 4-fold degenerate ground state. This means that the 2D Kitaev model is not an example of a memory, neither quantum nor classical.Comment: 26 page

    Breakdown of a perturbed Z_N topological phase

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    We study the robustness of a generalized Kitaev's toric code with Z_N degrees of freedom in the presence of local perturbations. For N=2, this model reduces to the conventional toric code in a uniform magnetic field. A quantitative analysis is performed for the perturbed Z_3 toric code by applying a combination of high-order series expansions and variational techniques. We provide strong evidences for first- and second-order phase transitions between topologically-ordered and polarized phases. Most interestingly, our results also indicate the existence of topological multi-critical points in the phase diagram.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Generalized Toric Codes Coupled to Thermal Baths

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    We have studied the dynamics of a generalized toric code based on qudits at finite temperature by finding the master equation coupling the code's degrees of freedom to a thermal bath. As a consequence, we find that for qutrits new types of anyons and thermal processes appear that are forbidden for qubits. These include creation, annihilation and diffusion throughout the system code. It is possible to solve the master equation in a short-time regime and find expressions for the decay rates as a function of the dimension dd of the qudits. Although we provide an explicit proof that the system relax to the Gibbs state for arbitrary qudits, we also prove that above a certain crossing temperature, qutrits initial decay rate is smaller than the original case for qubits. Surprisingly this behavior only happens with qutrits and not with other qudits with d>3d>3.Comment: Revtex4 file, color figures. New Journal of Physics' versio