19 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Sumber Daya Genetik Kedelai Tahan Penyakit Virus Kerdil Kedelai

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    Identification of Soybean Germplasm Resistant to Soybean Stunt Virus (SSV). The experiment was conducted at screen cage and laboratory of the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD), Bogor. The objective was to obtain genotypes (accessions) which were resistant to SSV. The experiment consisted of two activities (1) virulent test of SSV isolates, (2) evaluation and identification of soybean germplasm for resistance to Soybean stunt virus. Evaluation and identification consisted of three steps. Step I, 900 soybean accessions were evaluated for their resistance to SSV. In this trial, each accession or genotype was planted in a pot, 8-14 plants/pot. One week after planting, each plant was inoculated with selected SSV isolate. The disease incidence was observed visually one month after inoculation. In step II, the soybean genotypes considered resistant in step I or about 10% of the total accessions were reevaluated using the Dot-ELISA technique. Finally, in the last step, the resistances of the selected genotypes from step II were reconfirmed using the same technique as that in the step I. The result showed that among two SSV isolates that were tested, isolate J (Jakarta) was more virulent than isolate B, and it is used as inocula source for the next evaluation. Seventeen soybean genotypes were identified resistant to SSV, three of the them showed good agronomic performances, i.e., Mlg 2521, B3570, and Taichung will be used as resistant parents in the subsequent soybean breeding for resistance to SSV


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    ABSTRAK Pengabdian ini berjudul Dampak Buruk Pemakaian  Media Sosial Terhadap Semangat dan Capaian Belajar Siswa SMP Arraisiyah  PamulangTujuan dilakasanakan pengabdian ini adalah  untukmembantu siswa dan siswi dalam memahami literasi internet dan  media sosial, dan memberikan wawasan siswa dan siswa tentang dampak  buruk yang terjadi dari ketergantungan media sosial serta bagaimana Implementasi  yang baik dengan pemakaian media sosial dengan bijaksana untuk meningkatkan semangat dan capaian belajar siswa                        Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah dengan  mengadakan kunjungan kepada siswa dan siswi di SMPArraisiyah  Pamulang dan  memberikan pelatihan dan penyuluhan  di lokasi tersebut.Persiapan yang dilakukan adalah segala hal yang terkait dengan materi, bahan dan alat sesuai dengan tema secara baik dan benar. Hasil persiapan tersebut dimaksudkan agar materi tersampaikan dengan dan mudah dimengerti serta dipahami oleh para siswa siswi SMP Arraisiyah  Pamulangdan serta kami tidak lupa akan selalu memantau hasil dari pasca PKM ini apakah berhasil diterapkan sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang diharapkan dari tujuan PKM ini.Kesimpulan dari pengabdian ini adalahMedia sosial  di gemari oleh siswa-siswi SMP Arraisiyah  Pamulangdalam memperoleh informasi, Namun tidak sedikit para kalangan siswa-siswi melakukan penyalahgunaan media sosial mereka tidak sesuai aturan waktu sehingga menganggu waktu belajar dan  menurunkan semangat dan capaian belajar.Denganadanya  pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dalam rangka pencegahan dampak buruk pemakaian media sosial terhadap semangat dan capaian belajar siswa. Dengan adanya materi ini siswa SMP ARRAISIYAH PAMULANG diharapkan dapat bertambah wawasan intelektual dalam pembentukan karakter yang baik dan bijaksana terhadap pemakaian media sosial sehingga dapat di manfaatkan untuk meningkatkan semangat dan capaian belajar siswa di sekolah menjadi lebih tinggi.Kata Kunci: Dampak Buruk Pemakaian Media Sosial, Semangat dan Capaian Belajar Mahasi

    Pemanfaatan Teknik Kultur in Vitro Untuk Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Ubi-ubian

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    Except for potato, sweet potato, taro, yam, andcassava, most of tuber crops are considered as underutilizedcrops. However, tuber crops are potential as alternativecarbohydrate sources, so they can be used as food reservesto face global climate change that affects food security incertain area throughout the world, including Indonesia.Having high diversity in tuber crops germplasm, Indonesiamust be able to conserve those germplasm to ensure theiravailability in the future. In the future, without ignoring allthe probable constraints, the prospect in utilization of in vitroculture technique will be higher for improvement ofconservation and management of genetic resources in theform of active and base collections. In this paper, strategy indeveloping in vitro collection of tuber crops germplasm, i.e.slow growth technique for medium term storage andcryopreservation technique for long term storage, isdiscussed including how to analyze genetic stability of thecollections. Several national and International researchcenters dealing with research and development of in vitroconservation technique are presented

    Pemanfaatan Teknik Kultur In Vitro untuk Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Ubi-ubian

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    Except for potato, sweet potato, taro, yam, andcassava, most of tuber crops are considered as underutilizedcrops. However, tuber crops are potential as alternativecarbohydrate sources, so they can be used as food reservesto face global climate change that affects food security incertain area throughout the world, including Indonesia.Having high diversity in tuber crops germplasm, Indonesiamust be able to conserve those germplasm to ensure theiravailability in the future. In the future, without ignoring allthe probable constraints, the prospect in utilization of in vitroculture technique will be higher for improvement ofconservation and management of genetic resources in theform of active and base collections. In this paper, strategy indeveloping in vitro collection of tuber crops germplasm, i.e.slow growth technique for medium term storage andcryopreservation technique for long term storage, isdiscussed including how to analyze genetic stability of thecollections. Several national and international researchcenters dealing with research and development of in vitroconservation technique are presented

    Examination of Multiple Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) to the Development of Leaf Blight Disease Caused by Curvularia oryzae

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    Hamidson H, Effendy E, Dewi WN, Ayundra SD. 2020. Test of multiple rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) to the development of leaf blight disease caused by curvularia oryzae. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(2): 109-116.  Rice is the main food commodity in Indonesia, since the  majority of  Indonesian populations use rice as their staple food. One of the common diseases that attack rice plants is leaf blight caused by pathogenic Curvularia oryzae. The objective of this research was to determine the reaction of five varieties of rice resistance to diseases caused by Curvularia oryzae. This research was conducted at Experimental Research Station and Phytopathology Laboratory of the Departement of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University from August to December 2016. Randomized block design was applied in this experiment by using 5 treatments and 10 replications. The Results showed that the highest percentage of leaf blight disease occured in P3 (Inpari 30) by 22,36% and the lowest percentage was found in P5 (varieties IR 10) by 2,85%.Â

    Pengaruh Word of Mouth dan World Class University terhadap Pemilihan Perguruan Tinggi

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    Higher education competition is currently highly competition in Indonesia. Both state universities and private universities are competing to get students. Various methods are used to attract prospective students, one of them is Telkom University. This study aims to see the influence of Word of Mouth and World Class University on student decision to select the university. With a total sample of 130 respondents who are new students at Telkom University year academic 2022/2023 and data analysis was carried out with PLS-SEM. The results of the study show that the World of Mouth influences the decision for student  to select the university , then world class university also influences the decision of student to select the universit

    Kultur Embrio Pisang Liar Musa Acuminata Ssp. Sumatrana yang Langka (Embryo Culture Of Endangered Wild Banana Musa Acuminata Ssp. Sumatrana)

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    Musa acuminata ssp. sumatrana adalah pisang liar yang langka dan perlu dilestarikan. Teknik kultur in vitro dapat diterapkan untuk melestarikannya. Penerapan teknik konservasi secara in vitro memerlukan penguasaan metode regenerasi, termasuk formulasi media tumbuh. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh BA, TDZ, dan PVP terhadap daya hidup dan regenerasi embrio M. acuminata ssp. sumatrana. Rancangan percobaan disusun secara faktorial dalam lingkungan rancangan acak lengkap dengan empat ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah BA (0, 1, 3, dan 5 mg/L), faktor kedua adalah TDZ (0 dan 0,1 mg/L) dan faktor ketiga adalah PVP (100 dan 300 mg/L). Peubah yang diamati adalah persentase daya hidup, persentase daya tumbuh, persentase pembentukan akar, jumlah tunas, jumlah akar, dan jumlah daun yang terbentuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara taraf BA, TDZ, dan PVP terhadap seluruh peubah yang diamati. Kombinasi perlakuan BA 5 mg/L dengan TDZ 0,1 mg/L dan PVP 300 mg/L menghasilkan persentase hidup, persentase tumbuh, jumlah tunas, dan jumlah daun yang paling tinggi, berturut-turut 100% daya hidup, 100% daya tumbuh, lima tunas/eksplan, dan 15 daun/tunas. Media tersebut dapat diterapkan untuk perbanyakan in vitro M. acuminata ssp. sumatrana dalam penyediaan materi untuk konservasi in vitro.KeywordsMusa acuminata ssp. sumatrana; Pisang liar langka; Regenerasi embri