1,267 research outputs found

    Beam Modulation System for the Qweak Experiment at Jefferson Lab

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    The Qweak experiment aims to measure the weak charge of the proton to 4% via the parity-violating asymmetry (\sim-200 ppb) in elastic e+p scattering. The scattering rate is largely influenced by five beam parameters: horizontal position (X), angle (X'), vertical position (Y), angle (Y'), and beam energy (E). Changes in these parameters when the beam polarization is reversed will create a false asymmetry. To measure the detector sensitivities, we modulate X, X', Y, Y' using four air-core dipoles in the Hall C beamline as well as beam energy with a superconducting RF cavity. Linear regression is then used to remove the false asymmetry. The beam modulation system has also proven valuable for tracking changes in the Hall-C beamline optics including dispersion at the target.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, CIPANP 201

    Manajemen Redaksional Pada Surat Kabar Harian Umum Radar Cirebon (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Manajemen Redaksional pada Surat Kabar Harian Umum Radar Cirebon Periode Januari-Mei 2013)

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    Mass media after the era of reform becomes the mass communication facility and instrument shaper of public opinion , it is helping in human life to exchanging ideas, sharing of experience and information in the volume of a relatively large. This research aims to understand planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervision in the management of editorial on daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon. A method of this research is descriptive qualitative, data was gathered by direct interview, observasion and availability of literature studies. Based on covered can be drawn conclusions that ( 1 ) In the planning stages, daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon well to plan, it is seen from the success of meeting and a meeting of the editor. ( 2 ) the organizing stages, the editor management has forming the organization structure and their duty to each personel.( 3 ) The mobilization phase is very important to editor management in daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon, because of mobilizarion, the management of material goes well, start from the reporting process, writing, editing till becoming the news. (4) In the phase supervision in editorial management of daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon conducted in the form of direct briefing to reporters during a news manuscript edited by the editor still experiencing a shortage of data


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    Abstrak Pandemi covid-19 memberikan dampak negatif pada sektor pendidikan di Indonesia, yaknik pembelajaran tatapmuka yang biasanya dilakukan disekolah diganti dengan pembelajaran daring, tidak terkecuali sekolah menengah kejuruan di Kabupaten Sumenep. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana kesiapan dan upaya SMK di Kabupaten Sumenep dalam menghadapi pembelajaran daring. Subjek penelitian adalah guru SMK di Kabupaten Sumenep. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Instrumen penelitian adalah angket dalam bentuk google form. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kesiapan guru SMK berdasarkan indikator infrastuktur sebesar 3,5 atau 70,6% dikategorikan siap, indikator sebesar 3,8 atau 77% dikategorikan siap, sedangkan indikator siswa mendapatkan hasil 3,1 atau 62% dikategorikan belum siap. Secara keseluruan dalam tingkat kesiapan SMK di Kabupaten Sumenep dalam menghadapi pembelajaran daring dapat dikategorikan dalam kategori siap, namun membutuhkan sedikit peningkatan dengan skor kesiapan sebesar 3,5. Upaya yang telah dilakukan SMK di Kabupaten Sumenep dalam menghadapi pembelajaran daring adalah menambahkan kapasitas wifi internet dengan kapasitas 50Mbps menjadi 100Mbps, penggantian komputer/laptop yang lebih mendukung terhadap pembelajaran daring dan mengirim guru untuk malakukan workshop pembelajaran daring di era pandemi. Kata kunci: Kesiapan, Upaya, Pembelajaran online.   &nbsp

    Pelaksanaan Pengangkatan Anak di Pengadilan Agama (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Agama Klaten)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan atau memperoleh pengetahuan yang lebih mendalam tentang pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak di Pengadilan Agama Klaten, dan untuk mengetahui secara jelas mengenai akibat hukum yang akan timbul dalam pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak. Penelitian ini termasuk pada penelitian yang diskriptif yaitu suatu penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan suatu data seteliti mungkin tentang manusia, keadaan, dan gejala-gejala lainnya. Data yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang akan dibahas, diambil dari Pengadilan Agama Klaten. Jenis data yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, studi pustaka, perundang-undangan, buku atau tulisan yang berhubungan dengan obyek penelitian. Data yang diperoleh disusun dalam bentuk metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian tentang pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak didapatkan yaitu pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak di Pengadilan Agama Klaten dilaksanakan melalui persetujuan kedua belah pihak antara orang tua yang akan mengangkat dengan anak yang akan diangkat tanpa memutus hubungan darah dengan orang tua kandungnya. Adapun akibat hukum yang timbul yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak didapatkan pada pengadilan negeri daerah Klaten terdapat tiga kategori yaitu: hubungan darah, hubungan pewarisan, hubungan perwalian yaitu antara lain: a) perwalian dalam pemeliharaan anak, dan b) perwalian nikah. Penulis menyadari bahwa keterbatasan kemampuan penulis miliki dalam membuat penulisan hukum ini. Namun penulis berharap apa yang penulis berikan dalam penulisan hukum ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca sekalian

    Web development productivity improvement through object-oriented application framework

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    Most of the commercial and industrial web applications are complex, difficult to implement, risky to maintain and requires deep understanding of the requirements for customization. As today's software market is more competitive, productivity has become a major concern in software development industry. The aim of this research is to design and develop an application framework for accelerating web development productivity through object-oriented technology. It allows customization, design reuse and automatic code generation to support productivity improvement as a breakthrough solution for the given problem. This research employed systematic literature review (SLR) to identify the source of complexity and productivity factors. Agile development methodology was used to design the framework and it was validated by empirical data from two commercial projects. Results showed that object-oriented application framework (OOAF) has significant factors that affect productivity and dramatically improve higher productivity over traditional approach. It has fulfilled the current needs by reducing complexities, development efforts and accelerates web development productivity. This research contributes in the area of software engineering, specifically in the field of software productivity improvement and software customization. These will lead to faster development time for software industries

    “Green Means Knock!”

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    Making the transition from reading basic science textbooks to interacting with real live patients can seem like a daunting mountain to climb for any medical student. Follow one second year medical student’s journey as she hikes her way up to the top of Mt. Morchand

    Improving competitiveness of readymade garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh - analysis of supply chains

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    This study attempts to develop a model of improving competitiveness through analysing the supply chain (SC) of RMG industry in Bangladesh. The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of external stakeholders’ of RMG SC to the demand side and supply side issues for improving competitiveness. Mixed method research is adopted in this study and data are analyzed by Partial Least Square-based Structural Equation Modelling. This study revealed that stakeholders have influence to improve competitiveness

    Observability and scientific realism

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    The goal of this thesis is to explore the debate between Bas van Fraassen’s constructive empiricism and scientific realism. For this purpose I discuss the existence of observable and unobservable entities, the observation/theoretical dichotomy, inference to the best explanation, the no miracles argument, pessimistic induction, and epistemic risk. I strive to show that, contrary to the view of constructive empiricism, there is no clear demarcation line between observable and unobservable entities, and that not only naked eye observation but also the instrument-based observation plays an important role in acquiring knowledge. I agree with scientific realists that there is no highest point to the human power of observation; it is open-ended for further development. Moreover, naked eye observations are not themselves beyond doubt, as sometimes even naked eye observations deceive us. In that context, theoretical explanations help us to understand the real situation. As such, there is no reason to give more credit to naked eye observations than to instrument-mediated, theory-informed observations. Scientific realists are confident in their knowledge of unobservables, and reject the epistemic significance of the observable/unobservable distinction. To justify their knowledge of unobservables, they use inferences to the best explanation. Such inferences play an important role in choosing the best theory amongst a group of theories. For their part, constructive empiricists use what is called the ‘bad lot’ argument to refute these inferences. I try to show that such ‘bad lot’ arguments fail to succeed at undermining inferences to the best explanation. Following scientific realists, I assert that nothing is miraculous in the domain of science, and that we can be assured of the approximate truth of successful scientific theories. It is true that many contemporary scientific theories contradict previously successful scientific theories, but that does not compel us to be pessimistic about such contemporary theories. Instead of pessimism, we can have an optimistic attitude about the progress of science. Considering the different arguments of constructive empiricism and scientific realism, this thesis gives more credit to scientific realism than to constructive empiricism

    Comparative Study between Analytical Method and Finite Element Method of a Cylindrical Bore Journal Bearing Behaviour

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    This thesis describes a comparative study between analytical method and finite element method of a cylindrical bore journal bearing behaviour. In calculating the performance characteristics of a journal bearing such as pressure distribution, load capacity, flow requirement and power loss, isothermal analysis was carried out. Using both analytical method and finite element method, the effects of variations in operating variables such as eccentricity ratio and shaft speed on the bearing design parameters were calculated. With regard to CPU time, analytical method performs better than finite element method; but in terms of obtained results, finite element method shows better performance than analytical method. The analytical results and finite element results are compared. In order to check the validity, when these results are compared with the available published results, on the whole, finite element results show better agreement than analytical results