38 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syariah Pada Masa Nabi Muhammad SAW. dan di Era Reformasi

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    Pengadilan Agama memiliki kewenangan absolut menyelesaikan perkara di tingkat pertama antara orang yang beragama Islam di bidang perkawinan, waris, wasiat, dan hibah yang dilakukan berdasarkan hukum Islam, wakaf, shadaqah dan ekonomi syariah. Allah memerintahkan terhadap hamba-nya untuk memutuskan suatu hukum atau menghukumi manusia seperti apa yang diturunkannya. Rasulullah SAW. langsung mengadili dan menghukumi semua perkara yang muncul di tengah-tengah masyarakat dengan hukum yang diturunkan oleh Allah SWT. yang berkenaan dengan harta benda. Ketika terjadi persengketaan ekonomi syari’ah, maka diperlukan instrument penting sebagai sebuah solusi yang adil bagi para pihak-pihak yang bersengketa, dengan menggunakan model perdamaian, arbitrase, dan kekuasaan kehakiman. Penyelesaian sengketa yang di aplikasikan saat ini tidak berbeda jauh dari masa Nabi, perbedaannya hanya terletak pada sistem dan perkembangan zaman yang semakin modern, yaitu semuanya penyelesaian sengketa baik itu sengketa ekonomi, keluarga, maupun sosial sudah tertuang dalam peraturan-peraturan yang telah dikodifikasi dalam kitab undang-undang, hanya saja pengadilan atau tahkim saat ini menyampaikan dari catatan kecil tersebut. (Religious Courts have absolute authority to resolve first-level cases between Muslims in the fields of marriage, inheritance, wills, and gifts based on Islamic law, waqf, shadaqah and Islamic economic. Allah orders His servants to decide a law or punish humans as He sent them. Rasulullah SAW. directly judge and punish all cases that arise in the midst of society with the laws sent by Allah SWT. property related. When there is an economic dispute of Islamic law, an important instrument is needed as a fair solution for the disputing parties, using the model of peace, arbitration and the judiciary. The dispute resolution that is currently applied is not very different from the time of the Prophet, the only difference lies in the increasingly modern system and the development of the time, that is, all dispute resolution, whether economic, family disputes or social, has been contained in the rules codified in the book. the law, it is just that the current court or tahkim is delivered from these little notes.

    Legal Aspects in Handling Criminal Acts in the 2019 Election

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    This research meticulously examines the legal framework and the procedures involved in addressing election crimes in Indonesia, as outlined in Law No. 7 of 2017, and evaluates the effectiveness of Sentra Gakkumdu, a pivotal coordination forum in the electoral crime enforcement process. The primary objective is to dissect and analyze the legal intricacies and practical challenges in enforcing laws against election crimes, with a spotlight on the ambiguities and potential conflicts within the current system. Through normative legal research methodology, the study delves into the statutory regulations and engages with various primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials to construct a comprehensive understanding of the election crime handling procedures. It highlights the absence of clear election crime definitions, identifies several weaknesses in Law No. 7 of 2017, and critiques the ambiguous role and limited effectiveness of Sentra Gakkumdu. The paper concludes by calling for significant improvements and clarifications in the existing legal frameworks to ensure fair, efficient, and effective handling of election crimes, thereby bolstering public confidence in the electoral process and upholding the principles of legal certainty and justice in the realm of Indonesian elections

    Determinants of Mudharabah Term Deposit: A Case of Indonesia Islamic Banks

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    The growth of Islamic finance industries in Indonesia has shown significant improvement. The increased number of surplus units depositing their funds in Islamic banks has become a significant factor in their trust and confidence in Islamic banking products. One of the products utilized by the depositor is the mudharabah deposit product, where the Islamic bank offers higher profit compared to other types of deposit or saving. This paper aims to analyze the issues in a mudharabah term deposit in the Islamic banking industry in Indonesian Islamic banks. The issues concern more on the profit and risk in the mudharabah concept that has been applied in Islamic banks and the variables that affect the changes in mudharabah deposit product. We used the sample to analyze the issues by selecting 14 Islamic banks in Indonesia from 2011-2020.  This research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis methods. Several variables are considered the independent variables to know the changes in the demand of mudharabah deposits in the Islamic bank, including interest rate, profit rate, number of office or branch units, and non-performing financing. Our analysis shows that the number of offices or branch units and non-performing financing positively impact the changes in demand of mudharabah deposits, while the interest rate and profit rate have a negative impact on mudharabah deposits


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: mengetahui kinerja BMT Bina Insan Mandiri Gondangrejo pada tahun 2009 dengan menggunakan metode balanced scorecard. Penilaian kinerja perusahaan melalui empat perspektif, yaitu perspektif keuangan, perspektif pelanggan, perspektif proses bisnis internal, dan perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, maka peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Strategi yang digunakan adalah strategi tunggal terpancang, bila ditinjau dari apek yang diteliti, penelitian ini merupakan study kasus (case study). Dalam penelitian ini penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan cara snowball sampling. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah informan, dokumen dan arsip. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Validitas data dengan trianggulasi sumber. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis model interaktif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Hasil pengukuran kinerja BMT Bina Insan Mandiri pada perspektif keuangan memberikan indikator nilai sebesar 0,5. Hal ini berarti bahwa BMT Bina Insan Mandiri menunjukkan kinerja yang cukup ditinjau dari perspektif keuangan. Perinciannya kenaikan asset mendapat 1, peningkatan keuntungan mendapat skor 1, optimalisasi asset mendapat skor 0 dan penyaluran pembiayaan mendapat 1. (2) Hasil pengukuran kinerja pada perspektif pelanggan memberikan indikator nilai 0,5. Hal ini berarti bahwa perspektif pelanggan pada BMT Bina Insan Mandiri menunjukkan kinerja yang cukup. Perinciannya untuk retensi pelanggan mendapat skor 0, akuisisi pelanggan mendapat 0, kepuasan pelanggan mendapat skor 1 dan untuk profitabilitas mendapat skor 1. (3) Hasil pengukuran kinerja perspektif proses bisnis internal memberi indikator nilai 1. Hal ini berarti bahwa perspektif proses bisnis internal menunjukkan kinerja baik. Dengan perincian bahwa semua ukuran mendapat skor 1, yaitu proses inovasi, proses operasi dan layanan purna jual. (4) Hasil pengukuran kinerja pada perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran memberi indikator nilai 0,75. Hal ini berarti bahwa BMT Bina Insan Mandiri menunjukkan kinerja baik ditinjau dari perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Dengan perincian skor 1 untuk retensi karyawan, produktivitas karyawan dan absesnsi karyawan. Untuk pelatihan karyawan mendapat skor 0. (5) Berdasarkan hasil penilaian kinerja BMT Bina Insan Mandiri tahun 2009 diperoleh hasil kinerja keseluruhan baik dengan nilai 0,67

    Usability Testing Pada PUSADBOT Menggunakan Black-Box dan System Usability Scale (SUS)

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    Chatbot didefinisikan sebagai program komputer yang dirancang untuk mensimulasikan percakapan dengan pengguna manusia dengan berbasis Natural Language Processing (NLP). Komputasi NLP memiliki kemampuan mempelajari komunikasi antara manusia dengan komputer melalui bahasa alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi usability pada PUSADBOT untuk melihat tingkatan efektifitas dan pengalaman pengguna yang diberikan. Usability testing dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi usability dari PUSADBOT. Evaluasi sistem dilakukan menggunakan Blackbox dan System Usability Scale (SUS) untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan dan kegunaan dari chatbot. Hasil usability testing pada PUSADBOT yang telah dilakukan menggunakan metode Black-Box dan System Usability Scale (SUS) berjalan dengan baik

    Cross-Species Amplification and Variability of Microsatellite DNA Markers in Domesticated Indonesian Mahseer; A Case Study with Tor soro, Tor douronensis and their Interspecific Hybrids

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    Indonesian mahseer (Tor spp.) are freshwater species of high economic, cultural, and conservatory values. Owing to their high values and environmental degradation, the population of Tor fish gradually decreased, and domestication efforts have been made to conserve the population. This study was aimed to assess the cross-species amplification and microsatellite genetic diversity in Indonesian mahseer Tor soro (SS), Tor douronensis (DD), and their interspecific hybrids using primers developed for Tor putitora. Eleven primer sets were used to test for amplifiability and screen genetic diversity in 40 progenies derived from those three groups. Results showed that seven primer sets (64%) successfully amplified loci. Genetic screening using the three most consistently amplifying primers showed that the number of alleles in the three populations was low, ranging from 2 to 5 alleles. The observed heterozygosity (HO) was high ranging from 0.650 to 0.789, and the fixation index (FIS) was negative, indicating heterozygosity excess. In line with other parameters, the P-values of the HW parameter of several loci-population combinations were significantly departed from equilibrium (P <0.05). A few private alleles were observed in parental line DD and the hybrids. Overall, the cross-species primers developed from T. putitora were able to amplify loci in T. soro, T. douronensis and their hybrids and genetic diversity in the hybrid population was slightly higher than those in parental lines. Possible factors driving the phenomena and practical implications of these findings on the conservation measures are discussed

    BIO-MASTIC (Mastitis Natural Antiseptic), Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Kersen sebagai Antiseptik Tear Dipping

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    "BIO-MASTIC" is based natural antiseptic compounds containing antibacterial protection cherry leaves. thing more support in making this antiseptic is a special antiseptic product innovation Teat Dipping that has never existed in the market, another advantage with natural ingredients that have been tested, so as to provide protection of live stock against the disease through treatment mastitis post-milking TeatDipping. This productis more economical prices so that farmers do not spend a lotto take care of their animals. "BIO-MASTIC" has great potential to be developed areas such as dairy cattle centers in poor districts and Kota batu and can earn big profit. The Progress of programs divided into six stages including market research and planning, the purchase of means of production, the search for raw materials, implementing production, testing and marketing of products. Stage of market research conducted in the central areas of the dairy farm, the method used is to interview farmers to dairy farmers. Production Stage conducted in the Laboratory of FKM(Microtechnic Physiology and Plant Tissue Culture, the amount of production for 4 months obtained 248 liters. Stage product testing carried out in the laboratory of FKM (Physiology, Plant Tissue culture and Microtechnic) Faculty of Biology and Bacteriology laboratory Brawijaya University. at the marketing stage, we aim at a target market that is central areas of the dairy farm. Mean while applied marketing strategy is to go to the breeder directly and in cooperation with Prosperous UD.Sumber. Moreover, we follow the bazaars both campus and national levels. "BIO-MASTIC" business innovation antiseptict eat dipping first in Indonesia in the field of prospective and sustainable farms, so as to address the needs of animals in an effort to overcome the problems of lack of antiseptics for milking. hoped would also createa goodbrand image and product support antiseptic"BIO- MASTIC", so it has the potential to be commercialized in Indonesia