77 research outputs found

    Efektivitas penggunaan media digital dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar PAI pada siswa SDN Ngaliyan 03 Semarang

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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembelajaran PAI di sekolah dan efektivitas penggunaan media digital dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar PAI sehingga dapat mengetahui perbedaan pembelajaran antara penggunaan media digital dengan pembelajaran konvensional dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar PAI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari penggunaan media digital dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar PAI di SDN Ngaliyan 03 Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui tes dan dokumentasi. Tes disebarkan kepada kelas kontrol dan kelas ekperimen yang masing-masing kelas berjumlah 30 siswa, dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Teknik sampling jenuh. Desain penelitian yang dipakai yaitu quasi experimental design. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan memberikan pre-test dan post-test pada kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis yang ada. Pengujian hipotesis ini menggunakan uji independent sample t-test pada program SPSS . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media digital dalam pembelajaran dinilai efektif dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar PAI ditandai dengan rata-rata post-test kelas ekperimen lebih tinggi dari pada kelas kontrol yaitu (43,40 dan 36,90). Dan adanya perbedaan antara pembelajaran yang menggunakan media digital dengan pembelajaran konvensional dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar PAI yang ditunjukkan dari uji independent sample t-test hasil signifikansi (2-tailed) pada equal variances assumed yaitu 0,043 < 0,05 (taraf signifikansi 5%). Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis diterima

    Correlating Parameters With Hydrogen Purity And Recovery By Psa In Hydrogen Purification From Syngas

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    The pressure swing adsorption model (PSA) on ASPEN Adsorption platform using Cu-BTC as the adsorbent was used to simulate the hydrogen purification performances (purity and recovery) from binary syngas feed (containing 80% H2 and 20% CO2). Results showed the simulated breakthrough curves from the Aspen simulation fit well with the experiment data from the literature. The results also showed that increasing adsorption pressure and prolonging adsorption time would lead to decrease of both hydrogen purity and recovery. Meanwhile, increasing hydrogen feed concentration, increased the hydrogen purity but reduced its recovery. The optimization was also carried out to find the maximum product purity and recovery. The optimized purity and recovery were recorded at 90.12% and 93.22% respectively when the adsorption pressure of 2 bar, adsorption time of 150s and hydrogen feed concentration of 75% were used. Through a maximisation section, this model was confirmed could meet the standard hydrogen purity for fuel cells by setting the adsorption pressure, adsorption time and hydrogen feed concentration to 2 bar, 102.48s and 80% respectively

    Istisna-based product for project financing : a case study in Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad / Nurul Asyiqin Zakirah Anuar

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    The evolution in the country of Malaysia especially in Islamic Banking and Finance called for a study to be made in regards with the Islamic Financial Institutions’ services and product in order to be in line with the development progression. Istisnabased product for project financing in Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad has been chosen as the subject of study. This study intends to find out the application, effectiveness and challenges related to the product known as “Project Financing/Bridging (Istisna’) in BIMB from the year of 2014 up to 2017. The product of the contract of istisna’ is in the interest of this study as it is an ideal option in financing any infrastructure project aside from the other financing tools like bay’ bithaman ‘ajil, murabaha, ijara, salam, mudaraba, musharaka and sukuk. This study is also conducted to raise public awareness regarding the product to stimulate and enhance the application as well as the utilization of the product in project financing

    The factors influencing work-life balance among gen Y during pandemic Covid-19 in Malaysia

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    Work-life balance (WLB) has recently taken the attention of both scholars and organizational members and the widespread interest is due to the pandemic Covid-19 circumstances. The pandemic has caused many organizations to adopt work from home arrangement whereby if not properly managed can lead to work life imbalance. Understanding the factors that may influence WLB is important so that proper policy can be developed to ensure effective implementation of work from home arrangement. Therefore, this study aims to examine the factors influencing work-life balance among Gen Y during pandemic Covid-19 in Klang Valley. Employees in Gen Y group were chosen as they contribute to highest number in today’s workforce. The dependent variable is work-life balance, while the independent variables are perceived organizational support, perceived supervisory support, and self-efficacy. Data have been collected in various industry (i.e. banking, oil and gas, fashion retail, manufacturing, education, medical, food retail and etc.) located in Klang Valley area. The survey employed five points likert scales. Using SPSS version 26, Pearson correlation analysis was applied to test the relationship between perceived organizational support, perceived supervisory support, and self-efficacy and work-life balance. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the effect of perceived organizational support, perceived supervisory support and self-efficacy on work-life balance among Gen Y during pandemic Covid-19. Based on the Pearson correlation results, all the independent variables have a positive relationship with work-life balance. On the other hand, regression analysis found that only perceived organizational support and self-efficacy have significant effect on work-life balance among Gen Y during pandemic Covid-19. Hence, based on the findings of this study, it is suggested that in order to enhance work life balance among Gen Y, organizations need to pay attention to providing appropriate organizational support and developing employee’s self-efficacy

    A Review of Disputes in Claims for Loss and Expense Related to the PWD Form of Contract Based on Malaysian Legal Cases

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    Construction disputes arising from claims have become common in this unique and complex industry. Resolving disputes leads to extra costs and is time-consuming. Most of the disputed claims in construction occur due to project delays. A claim for loss and expense is one of the claims incurred due to certain events that usually arise from the delay. Therefore, this paper aimed to identify disputes in claims for loss and expense related to the PWD form of contract based on Malaysian legal cases. Understanding why disputes occur in construction contracts can reduce the chances of their occurrence, and parties can establish a quick, cost-effective resolution process that will not jeopardise their potential in future business relationships when disputes arise. The research adopted a review related to construction law cases from 'Malayan Law Journal Report/Unreported'. Findings indicate that disputes in claims for loss and expenses related to the Public Works Department (PWD) form of contract can be categorised into contractual, documentation, and procedure. Understanding the contract provisions is a must for every construction party to obtain successful claims. This paper suggests identifying disputes related to PAM forms of contracts in the Malaysian construction industry, so that the contracting parties can understand the impact of the disputes


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    The purpose of this project is to replace the current system that still uses the manual ways that makes it difficult for students to use the store system. In this new era of technology, the rapid changing of technology always happens around us. Thus, the students are more reliable on the technology hence it can help them in many ways. The old system is replaced and has been improved by using the latest technology as the old system can be difficult to maintain. The technology that has been implemented in the project is more flexible for the students in terms of time and their energy as with the new system they can access anytime and anywhere. The only thing that they will need to access the system is the smartphone and internet access which is most of the students have. Besides that, this system can act as a platform for other Colleges to change their old system to the new system using the technology

    A study on distribution of assets and liabilities upon separation of non-muslim cohabitants in Malaysia / Nurul Asyiqin Shukri...[et al.]

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    Despite fast changing ways of life, the modern living arrangement namely 'cohabitation' has been hesitantly recognised either by the society or law in Malaysia. Most researchers and scholars believe that though the society welcomes technological changes in their lives, in the case of family ties, most people stick to the traditionally accepted way of bringing up a family, which is a legally registered marriage. However, it must be noted that the number of people who practice cohabitation in Malaysia has been increasing over the years and like other relationships, some are meant to last forever and some end up halfway for various reasons. The lack of legal recognition of cohabitation has caused problems particularly in the division of assets and financial rights. As cohabitants are also part of the society, it would be necessary for the state to look into this matter and assist them in any possible way. Therefore, this research looks into the problems faced by cohabitants post their relationship and examine whether the law provides them with any form of protection.. This research also compares the situation in other countries such as Scotland, India, United States and others in relation to the division of assets and liabilities post cohabitation. It also proposes recommendations to assist the cohabitants in facing their problems

    Anatomy of musculoskeletal system in the light of the Qur’an and hadith

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    The integration of human knowledge between the medical and health care sciences with revealed knowledge was established since the era of Al-Razi (Rhazes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Al- Zahrawi (Albucasis) and others. However, the glorious period of Islamic medicine gradually declined after the period of 'Abbasiyyah and 'Uthmaniyyah. At present, many scholars tend to separate the modern medicine and the revealed knowledge, resulting in the disconnection between these two fields. There is little to suggest the presence of reference collections that integrate the Qur’an and Hadith with medicine. This review aimed to fill that gap. Relevant Qur’anic verses and authentic Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him; henceforth PBUH) in relation to a specific field in medicine i.e. the anatomy of human musculoskeletal system was extracted. The musculoskeletal system is unique in which it forms the ‘backbone’ of normal human posture. The system plays a vital role in maintaining human daily activities. From this review, it is noted that many Qur’anic verses and Hadith relate to the musculoskeletal system. A few examples include the number human joints and its relationship with the daily prayers (Salah), the daily charitable act recommended to all Muslim, the coccyx bone that is indestructible and shall be the source for human resurrection during the hereafter, and others. These examples necessitate for a more in-depth analysis to enlighten the revealed knowledge from the medical perspective

    Carotenoids of Capsicum fruits: pigment profile and health-promoting functional-attributes

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    Pepper of the Capsicum species is a common ingredient in various food preparations by different cultures worldwide. The Capsicum is recognised by its five main domesticated species, namely Capsicum annuum, C. baccatum, C. chinense, C. frutescens and C. pubescens. The genetic diversity in Capsicum offers fruits in wide ranges of morphology and carotenoid profile. Carotenoids enhance the value of pepper from a nutritional standpoint, despite being commonly prized for the pharmacologically active pungent capsaicinoids. Carotenoids of pepper comprise mainly of the unique, powerful and highly stable capsanthin and capsoroubin, together with β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, antheraxanthin and violaxanthin. These carotenoids are present at diverse profile and varying levels, biosynthetically connected to the fruit maturity stages. This review describes the health-promoting functional attributes of the carotenoids that are mainly associated with their excellent role as lipophilic antioxidants. Capsicum as a great source of carotenoids is discussed in the aspects of main domesticated species, biosynthesis, pigment profile, antioxidant activity and safety. Findings from a number of in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies provided appreciable evidence on the protective effects of pepper’s carotenoids against degenerative diseases. Hence, pepper with its functional carotenoids might be recommended in health-promoting and disease preventing strategies


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    The purpose of this study is to find out the students' perceptions on the use of Google Classroom on listening comprehension subjects during the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, the method was quantitative research and the instrument used was a questionnaire designed by Chyntia (2018) and Shaharanee et al. (2016). There were 20 items in the questionnaire. Eighty-five students from the English Study Program at Universitas Riau participated in this study. The data were analyzed using frequency and mean. The findings indicate that the students positively perceive the use of Google Classroom on listening comprehension subjects. The results show that the Google Classroom used in listening comprehension subjects was efficient because the application became an alternative way to conduct learning activities from home. The students agree that Google Classroom is an efficient, comfortable, and economical application for listening comprehension subjects