57 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Peran Kualitas Gender dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi

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    Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh pembangunan gender terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi pada kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan selama periode tahun 2011-2020. Penelitian menggunakan model penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasikan ke dalam struktur data panel yaitu gabungan antara data yang berbentuk time series dan cross section dalam bentuk tahunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data 24 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan metode Teknik Analisis Regresi Data Panel dengan pendekatan Fixed Effect. Hasil empiris membuktikan bahwa seluruh variabel yang digunakan yaitu Indeks Pembangunan Gender secara parsial dan simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

    Implementation of Fiscal Decentralization in Indonesia: 2001-2009

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    In Indonesia, the implementation of fiscal decentralization has entered the 9th year, however, so far many problems and obstacles which is faced during the implementation to stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty. This study aims to analyze: trend of government expenditure in decentralization era and regional autonomy during 2001-2009 and fiscal decentralization degree in Indonesia. This objective is achieved through descriptive analysis using secondary data for 2001-2009. The result shows central government expenditure tends to decreased and transfer expenditure increased significantly every year in absolutely, but annual growth rate fluctuated considerably. This indicates the allocation portion of the transfers was unstable. The largest component of transfers is fund balance and tends to increase every year significantly, fiscal decentralization degree at districts/city and province increased in 2007-2008. It is recommended to regional government to allocate public interest bigger than for government administration such as personnel government spending


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    This research aimed to investigate the effect of electrical energy costs, the business capital, and the total of the laborers on the profits of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in Teluk Wondama Regency.This research used the regression equation. The Objects of the study were Micro Small and Medium Enterprises who were business actors who were impacted doe to the establishment of the cooperation between the Government of Teluk Wondama Regency and PT. PLN in term of supply of the electrical energy. The data were collected using the technique of questionnaires distributed to 90 micro small and medium enterprises. The types of data used were the primary data. The analysis model used in this research was the multiple linear regression.The research result indicated that (1) The electrical costs had a positive and significant effect on the profits of SME in Teluk Wondama Regency; (2) The business capital had a positive and significant effect on the profits of SME in Teluk Wondama Regency; (3) The number of laborers had a positive and significant effect on the profits of SME in Teluk Wondama Regency. The roles of the three factors together had the effect of 46.5%, while the rest of about 53.5% was determined by other factors

    Analisis Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Investasi dan Pengeluaran Pemerintah Terhadap Ketimpangan Pembangunan Wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Penelitian ini adalah mengukur dan menganalisa pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, investasi dan pengeluaran pemerintah terhadap ketimpangan pembangunan wilayah di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap ketimpangan pembangunan wilayah di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Investasi berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap ketimpangan pembangunan wilayah di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pengeluaran pemerintah dapat memberikan pengaruh yang bermakna dengan rendahnya ketimpangan pembangunan wilayah di Sulawesi Selatan


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    This research aims: (i) to identify the problems faced by rice and maize farmers, (ii) to design a\ud model for the development of food crops in South Sulawesi, and (iii) to know whether the\ud model is effectively and appropriate implemented in the farmers. The dat a used are secondary\ud and primary data which are analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis model. This research\ud is conducted in Sidenreng Rappang, Pinrang, Bantaeng, and Jeneponto. The study found: (i)\ud the problems face by rice and maize farmers includes high production costs, declining land\ud productivity, price instability, low level of income, the lack of infrastructure (irrigation) and low\ud farm management and farmer groups role; (ii) the appropriate model for food groups\ud development is the one that focuses on strengthening farmer groups institution and improving\ud sinergism among stakeholders, and (iii) the implementation of the model is effective and strong\ud supported by the farmers. This is because the farmers can improve their capacity to solve their\ud problems and to formulate program and activity planning which contributed to local/village\ud planning mechanis

    Pengaruh Sektor Parawisata Pada Kapasitas Fiskal Daerah: Studi Kasus Toraja Utara

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        Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kunjungan wisatawan, jumlah obyek wisata, hotel/akomodasi lainnya, serta restoran/rumah makan terhadap pendapatan asli daerah sektor pariwisata di Kabupaten Toraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang didapat melalui Kantor Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Kantor Badan Pendapatan Daerah, dan Kantor Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Toraja Utara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari tahun 2009-2019, kunjungan wisatawan dan obyek wisata, berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah di Kabupaten Toraja Utara. Namun  hotel/akomodasi lainnya dan restoran/rumah makan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah di Kabupaten Toraja Utara


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    This study utilized knowledge of the utilization level of foreign loans based on economic growth areas. The metrology of foreign loan effectiveness was explained through the utilization by both the government and private sectors in foreign involvement. The primary zone was elucidated based on economic areas, while the growth percentage served as secondary and tertiary metrology of economic growth. Data was gathered through data sorting and downloading from the Central Bank's (Bank Indonesia) and Central Statistics Agency's websites. The research instrument employed was PLS SEM, with data management conducted using Smart PLS 3.0. The impact of the sectors showed a positive and significant effect on economic growth. On the other hand, the utilization of foreign loans demonstrated a significant but inverse impact on economic growth, as revealed by the output of the structural model estimation. Recommendations from the findings include expanding the production frontlines, which would be associated with an increase in the demand for services in the labor market. Additionally, the technical capabilities, particularly those aligned with the era of Society 5.0, need to be expanded and improved by job seekers. Furthermore, another suggestion involves converting short-term loan conventions into long-term periods, which would yield benefits in terms of utilization period. Finally, a recommendation is to reduce the usage of foreign loans by leveraging import mechanisms, aiming to meet the structural requirements domestically and contribute to the equitable growth of local production capacity


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    The policy of limiting population mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic caused a slow economic turnaround. The economic slowdown has had an impact on the economic conditions of the poor, especially in coastal areas. This research aimed to analyze the income of poor households during the co-19 pandemic and analyze the effect of the large-scale social restriction (PSBB) policy and cash social assistance on poor household income. This study used a survey method in Makassar City and Pangkep Regency. Determination of the location used stratified random sampling. Unit of analysis of this research was the head of a poor household whose source of income is more dependent on fisheries and marine resources. This study used primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from in-depth interviews with respondents and secondary data was obtained from the publication of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The data were analyzed using a statistical-descriptive model and multiple regression. This study found that the average income of respondents during the Covid-19 pandemic decreased by 14.5%. The PSBB policy variable significantly reduced the income of poor households in the study locations, but the cash social assistance variable did not significantly affect income because the amount was quite low and the value of cash social assistance received by poor households was uneven. To encourage poor households in coastal areas to get out of poverty problems

    Effect of Fiscal Policy and Trade Openness on Economic Growth in Indonesia:1990-2015

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    This study examines empirically the effect of fiscal policy and trade openness on economic growth in Indonesia for the period 1990-2015. Fiscal policy includes government spending on infrastructures, human resources, and routine spending, while tax revenue and foreign loans is as source of financing. This study finds government spending on infrastructure and human resources have positive and significant effect on economic growth if they are financed by tax revenue and insignificant if they are financed by foreign loans. Routine government spending has negative and insignificant effect on economic growth for both financed by taxes and foreign loans. Trade openness has positive and significant effect on economic growth. The implication is the proportion of spending on infrastructure and human resources should be increased by taxes financing rather than foreign loans. Competitiveness of domestic industries should be improved to achieve a positive impact of free trade.  Keywords: Fiscal, Trade openness, Economic Growth JEL Classifications:E62; F13; F41; H5; H6
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