19 research outputs found

    Dimensi E-Servqual dan Dampaknya Terhadap E-Satisfaction Layanan Mobile Banking

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    This study aims to determine the effect of e-servqual on e-satisfaction on mobile banking customers. The population in this study was all customers of BRI Syariah at State Islamic University sultan Syarif Kasim. The sampling method in this study uses non probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique where this technique takes samples with certain considerations. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression methods. The results showed the facts of the six e-servqual variables offered in this study, only the fulfillment, privacy, and responsiveness variables have a significant relationship. While the 3 other variables namely efficiency, reliability and contact do not have a significant influence on e-satisfaction customers of BRI Syariah mobile banking in UIN Suska Riau. These six e-servqual variables have an effect of 62.7% on the e-satisfaction variable while the remaining 37% are approved by other variables not included in this study

    Pengaruh Instagram Sebagai Social Media Marketing Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Wanita Karir Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Instagram as social media marketing on consumer behavior. The population in this study were all career women in Pekanbaru with an age range of 17 to 45 years and had used Instagram as a medium for shopping or reference before making a product purchase. The sampling method in this study uses non random sampling with a purposive sampling technique. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method used is a simple linear regression method. The results showed that Instagram as social media marketing had a significant effect on the consumptive behavior of career women in the city of Pekanbaru. The influence of Instagram as social media marketing on the consumptive behavior of career women in the city of Pekanbaru is shown by a coefficient of determination of 0.563. This shows that 56.3% of consumer behavior is influenced by social media marketing and the remaining 43.7% is influenced by other variables not used in this study.   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Instagram sebagai social media marketing terhadap perilaku konsumtif. Adapun populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh wanita karir di Kota Pekanbaru dengan rentang usia 17 hingga 45 tahun yang menggunakan Instagram sebagai salah satu media untuk berbelanja atau referensi sebelum melakukan pembelian suatu produk . Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan nonrandom sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling dimana teknik ini mengambil sampling dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Instagram sebagai social media marketing berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif  wanita karir di kota Pekanbaru. Besar pengaruh Instagram sebagai social media marketing terhadap perilaku konsumtif  wanita karir di kota Pekanbaru ditunjukkan dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,563. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa 56,3% Perilaku konsumtif di pengaruhi oleh social media marketing dan sisanya sebesar 43,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci: instagram, social media marketing dan perilaku konsumti

    Punishment for Polygamy Doer in The Perspective of Islamic Law in Indonesia

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    Abstract This paper explores the Indonesian regulation on polygamy for government officers. Some regulations have formally issued and amended in terms of issues on polygamy; regulation number 45 in 1990 is specially regulated polygamy doer to get permission for marriage and divorce. Hence, aims of this paper are to find out what punishments are given for civil servants doing polygamy in terms of Indonesian regulation and how the punishments given for civil servants in terms of Islamic Marriage Law/fiqh are. As a library research, the regulation number 45 in 1990 has been used as the data sources besides Holly Qur’an, Hadist, fiqh books and compilation of Islamic Laws. Thus, this research found out that civil servants who broke the polygamy law could be fined by mount of IDR 7500 and some other punishments if his new marriage had no consent from applied rules. Meanwhile, female civil servant whose status was as second, third, or forth wife would be ceased disrespectfully from her position as a civil servant. Secondly, in Islamic law or fiqh, polygamy is obligated to fulfill ascertain requirements. In sum, regulation also prohibited to do polygamy since its negative impacts (mafsadah) are bigger than positive one (mashlahah). Keywords Polygamy; Civil Servant; Fiqh; Indonesian Regulation; societ

    Poligami dan Kasus Hukum

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    Hukum Kepemimpinan Politik Perempuan

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    Human Rights In The Learning Process: The Implementation Of High Touch

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    The Government of Indonesia has made progressive efforts to fulfil the human rights of learners as human beings who have dignity, talents and interests in a learning process. The evidences of it are the existence of Law No. 20 of 2003 and Government Regulation No. 32 of 2013 which state that every educator must be able to make various approaches and strategies in the learning process that will give meaning to the fulfilment of human rights in learning. High touch approach was a fundamental base for teacher to fulfil the students’ human rights in learning process through its five elements. They were recognition, affection and tenderness, direction, strengthening, and exemplary. The purpose of this study was to find out about: (1) the implementation of the strategies which considered human rights in learning, (2) the influence of the strategies on student learning outcomes. The method used in this research was quantitative. The data collected through a questionnaire from 211 respondents at 23 Islamic Schools in Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia. The Data analysis was done by using descriptive analysis to see the implementation of high touch approach and regression analysis to find out the contribution of the implementation of high touch approach toward the students’ learning achievement as the basis for making prediction and estimation. The findings of this research revealed that the teacher's strategy implemented in the students’ learning showed the combination of the five elements of high touch approach. The lowest score was 115 (0.5%), the highest was 168 (0.9%), the mean was 141.24, and the highest score appeared (mode) was 137 (5.7%). %). In general, the implementation of high touch learning approach was categorized as good with the scores obtained 29,802 (70.62%). The contribution of the implementation of high touch approach toward students learning achievement was 35, 9%. It is expected that the findings of this research will bring impact on teacher awareness of the need to apply learning model that accommodate students’ right to grow optimal in their learning. KEYWORDS: human rights, learning process, high touch learning approach, student achievemen


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    Ada beberapa Lembaga Amil Zakat di Indonesia yang mendistribusikan zakat ke mustahik dengan cara meminjamkannya. Mustahik zakat menerima zakat bukan sebagai hak miliknya tetapi hanya sebagai pinjaman yang ia harus mengembalikannya sebagai hutang kepada amil. Padahal ulama berpendapat bahwa harta zakat apabila telah dibayarkan kepada Amil, maka wajib segera dikeluarkan, karena harta tersebut kepemilikannya menjadi milik mustahik zakat tidak diperbolehkan bagi lembaga atau badan amil mendistribusikan zakat dalam bentuk al-qardh (pinjaman). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana hukum meminjamkan (al-qardh) zakat kepada mustahik menurut fuqaha dan bagaimana proses pelaksanaan (al-qardh) zakat kepada mustahik di lembaga atau badan amil Indonesia dan Malaysia.Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengkai buku Fiqh al-Zakah, karya Yusuf Al-Qardhawi dan Majmu’al-Fatawa wa Rasail, Muhammad Bin Sholih Al-Utsaimin, dan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) di Indonesia dan Pusat Pungutan Zakat (PPZ) di Malaysia.Hasil penelitian menemukan dua kelompok ulama fiqih yang berbeda pendapat tentang kebolehannya. Kelompok pertama, seperti Yusuf al-Qardhawi, Abu Zahrah, Khallaf dan Hasan mengatakan boleh harta zakat dipinjamkan berdasarkan qias terhadap orang yang berhutang. Kelompok kedua, seperti Muhammad Bin Shalih Utsaimin dan Husein Shahatah berpendapat bahwa harta zakat apabila telah dibayarkan, maka wajib untuk segera dikeluarkan, kepemilikannya menjadi milik mustahik dan tidak diperbolehkan bagi lembaga atau badan amil mendistribusikan zakat dalam bentuk al-qardh (pinjaman). Baitul Qiradh Baznas merupakan satu program dari Indonesia makmur dan bagian program pendayagunaan zakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan fakir dan miskin. Baitul Qiradh Baznas menerapkan pola bagi hasil atau syariah, agar usaha mikro kecil terbebas dari sistem bunga (riba). Produk yang dikelola Baitul Qiradh BAZNAS adalah simpanan dan pembiayaan yang memakai prinsip syariah. Baitul Qiradh BAZNAS diharapkan dapat membantu peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat kecil melalui sistem ekonomi syariah, khususnya qardhul hasan. Lembaga Baitulmal MAIWP sebagai perpanjangan tangan PPZ tidak mempraktekkan jenis bantuan keuangan zakat dalam bentuk pinjaman lunak kepada mustahik. Key Words: Zakat, pinjaman, Qardh, BAZNAS, PP