23 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Errors in English Writing: A Case Study the Third Semester Students of UBSI

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    The objectives of this research are to know the errors in the third semester students’ writing of Bina Sarana Informatika University and the most frequent error. It is concerned to the grammatical and semantic and substance errors. The data is analyzed by using James’ theory in (Mungungu, 2010). The findings show that errors done by the students are spelling 50.9%, fragment 15.7%, punctuation 9.8%, adjective 3%, subject- verb agreement 3.9%, preposition 3.9%, capitalization 3.9%, tenses 2%, verb 2%, literal translation 2%. It can be concluded that the most frequent error is spelling. It because the students missed a letter, added more letter in a word, and exchange the letter. While In grammatical category, the most frequent error is fragment. It is because the most students do not put a subject in a sentence

    Utilizing WhatsApp Application in English Language Learning Classroom

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    WhatsApp (WA) is one of the most popular messaging applications which can be accessed by using mobile phone and Personal Computer (PC). Nowadays, most people prefer to use this application for communicating with other. In education field, WhatsApp also give beneficial features such as text, call, send video, audio, links, location, document, and pictures. This research is aimed at observing WA which is tailored to support English Language Learning (ELL) activities.  For gathering data, this study applied case study using observation and questionnaire as main instrument.  A case study is drawn from participants of 5th semester students at English Department Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika. It is found that WA was significant in helping ELL activities since it was used by both teachers and students for ELL related activities. The results are: 1) In the field of technical advantages, WA provides simple operation; 2) WA can enhance learning opportunities outside classroom for students.  In brief, WA facilitated ELL activities as an effort toward MALL (Mobile-Assisted Language Learning) implementation


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    The objectives of this research are to know the types of implicature translation in the dialogue of A Game of Thrones, the strategy of translation used by the translator in translating the dialogue consisiting implicature, the equivalence, and deviation of translation. This research uses qualitative method which is comparative content analysis. The data is the dialog taken from A Game of Thrones. All the dialogues in the source text and in the target text are analyzed by using the comparative model. To analyze the types of implicature used Desilla’s Theory. To analyze the strategy of translation used Molena and Albir and Newmark’s theories. To analyze the equivalence uses Koller’s theory, and to analyze the deviation of translation used Newmark’s theory. The risult of this research shows there are three types of implicature transference in translation. They are presevation about 129 (96.3%), explicitation 2 (1.5%), and modification 3 (2.3%). The most types of implicature is preservation. It means most of implicature in the dialogues are transfered into the equivalent implicature. For strategy of translation, there are eleven strategies of translation used by the translator. They are transposition 50 (26.3%), transference 11 (6%), modulation 37 (19.4%), cultural equivalence 16 (8.4%), addition 7 (3.6%), reduction 12 (6.3%), literal translation 34 (18%), explicitation 13 (6.8%), implicitation 8 (4.2%), calque 1 (0.5%), and parahrasing 1 (0.5%). For equivalence can be concluded that the most of the dialogue reaches the equivalence. The equivalence of konotative 37 (28%), denotative 38 (28.8%), normatif text 2 (1.5%), pragmatic 22 (16.7%), and formal 33 (25%). For the deviation of translation there are three types deviation. The first is the deviation caused by the grammatical differences 2 dialogues. The second is the deviation caused by modulation 1 dialogue, and the third is the deviation caused by reduction 1 dialogu

    Code Switching Usage in 50 First Dates Movie

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    The objectives of this research are to know the used of Code-Switching in 50 First Date movie. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The final results indicate the three types of code-switching are used in 50 first dates movie, namely tag switching 47.8%, intra-sentential 39.1%, and inter-sentential 13.2%. The most used type is tag switching, it shows that switching done by the character of the movie, Ula, are tag and exclamation. The most reason Ula switches the language is that he wants to change the hearers' perception. They are two reasons for code-switching; metaphorical code-switching 69.6% and situational code-switching 30.4%.  The function of switching the code is mostly to involve the hearer directly into the conversation. They are five functions of code-switching referential 8.7%, directive 39.1, expressive 34.8%, phatic 13.1%, and metalinguistic 4.3%


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    Penelitian in bertujuan untuk menelusuri pelarian diri Alice pada konteks hiperrealitas dalam Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland oleh Lewis Caroll. Dengan menggunakan teori hiperrealitas dari Jean Baudrillard yang berfokus pada urutan gambaran simulakrum, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bagaimana pelarian diri Alice pada konteks hipperealitas ter-refleksi di dalam novel. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif sebagai desain penelitian dalam menganalisis narasi dan dialog yang diklasifikasikan dengan teori Jean Baudrillard. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ada beberapa faktor yang menuntun Alice kepada pelarian diri yang menjadi peran penting sebagai model konseptual atau gambaran. Gambaran tersebut berubah tahap demi tahap yang kemudian berbelok kepada tingkat simulasi yang merepresentasikan masalah-masalah dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan Alice. Faktor-faktor tersebut sebagai simulasi yang menutupi simulakrum, menyerap gambaran, kemudian menghasilkan apa yang Alice sebut dengan Wonderland. Akan tetapi, dunia ini (Wonderland) berkembang menjadi sesuatu yang mengontrol Alice. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa Wonderland diciptakan oleh Alice untuk meniru cara Alice berfikir, membuat dan menentukan keputusan. Perkembangan Wonderland telah menunjukkan bagaimana hal tersebut berkembang menjadi sesuatu yang lebih dari sekedar alat namun sebuah ketergantungan dan simulakrum sebagai hasil dari kebutuhannya untuk melarikan diri dari realitas. Penelitian in bertujuan untuk menelusuri pelarian diri Alice pada konteks hiperrealitas dalam Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland oleh Lewis Caroll. Dengan menggunakan teori hiperrealitas dari Jean Baudrillard yang berfokus pada urutan gambaran simulakrum, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bagaimana pelarian diri Alice pada konteks hipperealitas ter-refleksi di dalam novel. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif sebagai desain penelitian dalam menganalisis narasi dan dialog yang diklasifikasikan dengan teori Jean Baudrillard. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ada beberapa faktor yang menuntun Alice kepada pelarian diri yang menjadi peran penting sebagai model konseptual atau gambaran. Gambaran tersebut berubah tahap demi tahap yang kemudian berbelok kepada tingkat simulasi yang merepresentasikan masalah-masalah dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan Alice. Faktor-faktor tersebut sebagai simulasi yang menutupi simulakrum, menyerap gambaran, kemudian menghasilkan apa yang Alice sebut dengan Wonderland. Akan tetapi, dunia ini (Wonderland) berkembang menjadi sesuatu yang mengontrol Alice. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa Wonderland diciptakan oleh Alice untuk meniru cara Alice berfikir, membuat dan menentukan keputusan. Perkembangan Wonderland telah menunjukkan bagaimana hal tersebut berkembang menjadi sesuatu yang lebih dari sekedar alat namun sebuah ketergantungan dan simulakrum sebagai hasil dari kebutuhannya untuk melarikan diri dari realitas. This study concerns on investigating Alice’s escapism in the context of hyperreality in Lewis Caroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. By using Jean Baudrillard’s theory of Hyperreality which focuses on the order of image of simulacrum, this study aims to find out how Alice’s escapism in the context of hyperreality reflected in the novel. This study uses descriptive analytical method as the research design in analyzing the classified narrations based on Baudrillard’s theory. The result of this study is there are some factors that lead Alice into escapism that becomes the important roles as conceptual model or images which are society’s pressure, searching of identity, boredom, self pretending, and transition age and growing up . The images changing step by step which turn to the stage of simulation which represents Alice’s problem and needs. The factors as the simulation covered by simulacrum, absorbed the images, then proceeds what Alice called as Wonderland. However, this world (Wonderland) develops into something that controls Alice. It reveals that Wonderland has been created by Alice to imitate Alice’s ways of thinking, making and deciding something. The development of Wonderland has shown how it develops into something more than just as the tool but the addiction and simulacrum as the result of her need to escape reality

    Pengaruh metode Field Trip terhadap kemampuan komunikasi siswa pada materi pencemaran lingkungan : Penelitian quasi eksperimen pada siswa kelas VII SMP Al-Islam Bandung

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    INDONESIA : Penelitian ini didasari pada kedudukan guru dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran yang masih mengandalkan metode ceramah dan ditinjau dari hasil belajar siswa masih kurang dari 50% dengan Kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) yaitu 70. Maka peneliti mencari alternatif lain, berharap agar tujuan pembelajaran tercapai dengan baik dan mendeskripsikan perencanaan serta keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan metode field trip. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasi eksperimental dengan melibatkan siswa kelas VII SMP Al-Islam Bandung. Populasi seluruh siswa ada tiga kelas dengan mengambil dua kelas untuk dilakukan penelitian, yaitu kelas VII C dengan jumlah siswa 30 dijadikan sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII A dengan jumlah siswa 29 sebagai kelas kontrol. Sehingga total sampel yaitu 59 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi siswa dengan menggunakan metode field trip diperoleh rata-rata nilai pretest sebesar 24,87 dan posttest 71,33. Kemampuan komunikasi siswa pada kelas eksperimen meningkat dengan N-Gain sebesar 0,61 dengan kategori sedang dan pada kelas kontrol diperoleh nilai rata-rata pretest sebesar 20,24 dan rata-rata nilai posttest 50,93 dan N-Gain 0,28 dengan kategori rendah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh thitung = 6,10 > ttabel = 2,66 atau thitung > ttabel. Disimpulkan bahwa metode field trip berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan komunikasi siswa pada materi pencemaran lingkungan. Keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran menggunakan metode field trip berjalan dengan sangat baik dengan rata-rata persentase keterlaksanaan aktivitas guru sebesar 89,97% dan siswa 88,38% berkriteria sangat baik. Respon siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran menggunakan metode field trip memiliki rata-rata 71,97% dengan kriteria kuat. Hasil penelitian, maka metode field trip berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan komunikasi siswa pada materi pencemaran lingkungan. ENGLISH : "The Effect of Field Trip Methods on Students' Communication Capabilities on Environmental Pollution Materials" (Quasi-Experimental Research in Class VII Students of Al-Islam Bandung Middle School). This research is based on the position of the teacher in conducting the learning process that still relies on the lecture method and in terms of student learning outcomes are still less than 50% with a minimum completeness criteria (KKM) of 70. Then the researcher looks for other alternatives, hoping that the learning objectives are achieved well and describe the planning and implementation of learning using the field trip method. The research method used is quasi experimental involving students of class VII Al-Islam Bandung Middle School. The population of all students there are three classes by taking two classes to do research, namely class VII C with the number of students 30 used as an experimental class and class VII A with the number of students 29 as a control class. So that the total sample is 59 students. The results showed that students' communication skills using the field trip method obtained an average pretest value of 24.87 and 71.33 posttest. The communication skills of students in the experimental class increased with N-Gain of 0.61 in the medium category and in the control class obtained an average pretest score of 20.24 and an average post-test score of 50.93 and N-Gain of 0.28 with the category low. Based on the analysis results obtained tcount = 6.10> t table = 2.66 or t count> t table. It was concluded that the field trip method had a positive effect on students' communication skills on environmental pollution material. The implementation of the learning process using the field trip method runs very well with an average percentage of the implementation of the activities of the teacher of 89.97% and 88.38% of students have very good criteria. Student responses to the learning process using the field trip method has an average of 71.97% with strong criteria. The results of the study, the field trip method affects the communication skills of students on environmental pollution material


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    GROWING POTENTIAL THROUGH CALLIGRAPHY EXTRACURRICULAR FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS This study aims to explore calligraphy extracurricular activities that can increase the interests, talents and potential of students. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. To obtain research data, researchers used interview, observation, documentation, and literature studies, which were sourced from relevant books, previous research, school principals, PAI teachers, calligraphy trainers, and students at SDN Cimahi II, Klari District, Karawang. The results of the study prove that there is an increase in the ability of students in all aspects, both in terms of affective, cognitive and psychomotor through calligraphy extracurricular activities. In the process, the teacher plays an important role as a facilitator for the development of students' talents and interests, therefore this activity needs to be supported by conducive and pleasant conditions and atmosphere so that the process of this activity can realize achievements not only in the non-academic field (calligraphy art), but can develop towards academic achievement as well


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    This research is based on the observations and experiences of researchers, because the many extracurricular activities in schools make it difficult for students to determine extracurricular activities that can develop their personality, talents, and abilities outside the academic field, therefore the system is created to select extracurricular activities. The aim is to help students deal with extracurricular selection problems. The application of the Profile Matching method in the decision support system for the selection of extracurricular activities is expected to help provide recommendations for extracurricular activities to overcome the problem of selecting extracurricular activities and can facilitate students in selecting extracurricular activities