721 research outputs found

    Tratamiento de la fibromialgia en pacientes con afectación emocional durante programas cognitivo-conductuales y sin componente de expresión de las emociones a través del dibujo

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    [ES]Introducción: la fibromialgia afecta a una parte importante de la población y conlleva importantes consecuencias tanto en la calidad de vida de las personas afectadas como a nivel socioeconómico. El perfil de las personas afectadas es muy heterogéneo y existe una parte importante de personas diagnosticadas de fibromialgia que presentan síntomas de depresión y/o ansiedad y peor funcionalidad. Objetivo: el objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer un protocolo estructurado de intervención cognitivo-conductual tradicional y otro protocolo de intervención cognitivo-conductual con un componente añadido e integrado de expresión emocional a través del dibujo y comparar la eficacia de ambos. Metodología: es un diseño pre-postest, con dos grupos (tratamiento A y tratamiento B) en los que participan 22 personas en cada uno; además, se cuenta con un pequeño grupo control de 8 participantes que cumplimentaron el protocolo de evaluación en dos momentos temporales pero no quisieron recibir el tratamiento. Resultados: se han obtenidos diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los resultados del pretratamiento y los del postratamiento y elevados tamaños del efecto en prácticamente todas las dimensiones evaluadas (funcionalidad, percepción del dolor, malestar emocional, catastrofismo, miedo al movimiento, percepción de autoeficacia y estrategias de afrontamiento activo) con ambos tratamientos propuestos. La única dimensión en la que no se han encontrado diferencias es en las estrategias de afrontamiento pasivo. Conclusiones: nuestros datos apoyan la eficacia de ambos tratamientos propuestos, así mismo aportan un plus de eficiencia ya que se componen únicamente de 6 sesiones

    Biostimulants as an Alternative to Improve the Wine Quality from Vitis vinifera (cv. Tempranillo) in La Rioja

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    The application of biostimulants appears to be an environmentally friendly, innovative, and sustainable agronomical tool to mitigate the negative effects induced by adverse climatology in traditional grape-growing regions such as La Rioja (Spain). However, their mechanism of action in grapevines is still unclear. We evaluated how commercial substances (two from Ascophyllum nodosum extraction and one amino acids-based biostimulant) and the non-proteinogenic amino acid β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) affect the quality and quantity of musts and grapes in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo from a semi-arid region of La Rioja during two seasons. We hypothesized an enhancement in organic metabolites in berries and leaves in response to these treatments, changing the organoleptic characteristics of the final products. The treatments altered the primary metabolites such as carbohydrates, organic acids (AcOrg), and free amino acids, first in the leaves as the effect of the foliar application and second in grapes and musts. As the main result, the biostimulant efficiency depended on the climatology and vineyard location to improve the final yield. Whereas biostimulant application enhanced the yield in 2018 (less dry year), it did not help production in 2019 (dry year). BABA was the most efficient biostimulant, enhancing plant production. Regarding yield quality, the biostimulant application improved the musts mainly by enhancing the fumaric acid content and by reducing carbohydrates, except in BABA-treated plants, where they were accumulated. These results corroborate biostimulants as an exciting approach in wine production, especially for improving wine quality.This work was funded by the ERDF project “Plants as a tool for sustainable global development” (no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000827) within the program Research, Development and Education (OP RDE), and by the Basque Government, Research Groups of the Basque University System (project no. IT925-16)

    Transcriptional And Molecular Pathways Activated In Mesenteric Adipose Tissue And Intestinal Mucosa Of Crohn's Disease Patients

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder, characterized by cytokine imbalance and transcription signaling pathways activation. In addition, the increase of mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) near the affected intestinal area is a hallmark of CD. Therefore, we evaluated the transcription signaling pathways and cytokines expression in intestinal mucosa and MAT of active CD patients. Ten patients with ileocecal CD and eight with noninflammatory diseases were studied. The biopsies of intestinal mucosa and MAT were snap-frozen and protein expression was determined by immunoblotting. RNA levels were measured by qPCR. The pIkB/IkB ratio and TNF alpha level were significantly higher in intestinal mucosa of CD when compared to controls. However, STAT1 expression was similar between intestinal mucosa of CD and controls. Considering the MAT, the pIkB/IkB ratio was significantly lower and the anti-inflammatory cytokine ILl0 was significantly higher in CD when compared to controls. Finally, the protein content of pSTAT1 was higher in MAT of CD compared to controls. These findings reinforce the predominance of the proinflammatory NF-kB pathway in CD intestinal mucosa. For the first time, we showed the activation of STATI pathway in MAT of CD patients, which may help to understand the physiopathology of this immune mediated disease.FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)FAEPEX (Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino, a Pesquisa e Extensao)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Efecto de la suplementación con celobiosa en el agua de bebida y del nivel e fibra soluble del pienso sobre los parámetros de crecimiento en conejos en cebo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto que tiene suplementar el agua con dosis de celobiosa inferiores a 7,5 g/l, en gazapos alimentados con dos niveles de fibra soluble sobre los parámetros productivos en gazapos en crecimiento. Se utilizaron 3 niveles de celobiosa en agua: 0, 3,5 y 7,0 g/l NPC Cello-Oligo combinados con 2 niveles de fibra soluble en el pienso (BF: 8,2 vs. AF: 10,5% sobre MS). Se utilizaron 240 gazapos destetados a los 26 d de edad (40/tratamiento), parte de los cuáles se sacrificaron a los 39 d de edad (8/tratamiento), momento en el que se sustituyeron los piensos experimentales por un pienso común estándar. La celobiosa se retiró a los 42 d de edad. En el periodo de 26 a 39 d de edad, los gazapos alimentados con el mayor nivel de fibra soluble redujeron un 6,4% el consumo de pienso respecto aquéllos alimentados con el nivel bajo de fibra soluble (P = 0,002), por lo que redujeron su ganancia de peso en un 7,0% (P = 0,002). En este periodo la ganancia de peso y la eficacia alimenticia de los animales alimentados con un bajo nivel de fibra soluble y 3,5 g celobiosa/l aumentaron en comparación con el promedio del grupo control y el de la dosis de 7 g/l (PBF(0+7 vs. 3,5) = 0,004 y 0,012, respectivamente), resultando en un peso mayor a los 39 d de edad (PBF(0+7 vs. 3,5) = 0,004). Los tratamientos no afectaron la actividad específica de la sacarasa en el yeyuno a los 39 d de edad. En el periodo global del cebo, el incremento de celobiosa redujo linealmente la ingestión (P = 0,040), tendiendo a mejorar la eficacia alimenticia (P = 0,10). Los gazapos que recibieron 3,5 g celobiosa/l en combinación con el pienso BF ganaron más peso que los que recibieron la dosis 0 ó 7 g celobiosa/l (PBF(0+7 vs 3,5) = 0,019). Por el contrario, los animales que recibieron la concentración intermedia de celobiosa en combinación con el pienso AF ganaron menos peso (PAF(0+7 vs 3,5) = 0,035). El nivel de fibra soluble no afectó a los rendimientos productivos ni a la mortalidad durante todo el periodo de cebo 26 a 56 d, pero el aumento de la concentración de celobiosa tendió a disminuir linealmente la mortalidad en los animales del grupo BF (PBF(0 vs 3,5 vs 7) = 0,069), mientras que los del grupo AF y que recibieron la concentración intermedia de celobiosa la mortalidad tendió a ser más baja (PAF(0+7 vs 3,5) = 0,11)

    Las implicaciones del desarrollo de la agricultura durante la Edad del Hierro en el norte de la península ibérica: el caso de la Peña del Castro (La Ercina, León, España)

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    The archaeological work carried out at Peña del Castro documented four occupation phases from the First Iron Age to the Roman Empire. The present work aims to analyse the importance of agriculture during the third phase, dating to the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. In this phase various carpological remains have been preserved carbonised, together with, a complete set of agricultural tools and mills. For this paper, the different agricultural processes have been evaluated, as well as the impact of agriculture on the economy and society of the settlement during the Late Iron Age. The carpological elements have been identified according to external morphological criteria. Moreover, the macroscopic analysis of the remains of the building walls has been carried out, as well as a typological analysis of the lithic and metallic materials. All these factors have made it possible to identify a complex agriculture with an important influence from the “Meseta” area. This agricultural model also coincides with the time of maximum development of the settlement, as well as of greater social stratification, phenomena related to agricultural surpluses.Los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en la Peña del Castro documentaron cuatro fases de ocupación en este poblado desde la I Edad del Hierro hasta el Imperio Romano. El presente trabajo analiza la relevancia de la agricultura durante la tercera fase, desarrollada entre los siglos II-I a. C. De la misma se conservan carbonizados diferentes restos carpológicos junto a un completo conjunto de herramientas agropecuarias y molinos. Se han evaluado los diferentes procesos agrícolas, así como el impacto de la agricultura en la economía y sociedad del poblado durante los últimos momentos de la Edad del Hierro. Los restos carpológicos han sido identificados atendiendo a su morfología externa. Además, se ha acompañado el análisis macroscópico de restos de paredes de los edificios con otro tipológico de los materiales líticos y metálicos. Gracias a todos estos factores se ha definido una agricultura compleja con una importante influencia del área meseteña. Este modelo agrícola coincide con el momento de máximo desarrollo del asentamiento, junto con una creciente estratificación social, fenómenos relacionados con los excedentes agrícolas

    Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) as a Marine Functional Source of Gamma-Tocopherol

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    Gamma tocopherol (gT) exhibits beneficial cardiovascular effects partly due to its anti-inflammatory activity. Important sources of gT are vegetable oils. However, little is known to what extent gT can be transferred into marine animal species such as Atlantic salmon by feeding. Therefore, in this study we have investigated the transfer of dietary gT into salmon. To this end, fish were fed a diet supplemented with 170 ppm gT for 16 weeks whereby alpha tocopherol levels were adjusted to 190 ppm in this and the control diet. Feeding gT-rich diets resulted in a three-fold increase in gT concentrations in the liver and fillet compared to non-gT-supplemented controls. Tissue alpha tocopherol levels were not decreased indicating no antagonistic interaction between gamma- and alpha tocopherol in salmon. The concentration of total omega 3 fatty acids slightly increased in response to dietary gT. Furthermore, dietary gT significantly decreased malondialdehyde in the fillet, determined as a biomarker of lipid peroxidation. In the liver of gT fed salmon we observed an overall down-regulation of genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Additionally, gT improved the antioxidant capacity by up-regulating Gpx4a gene expression in the pyloric caeca. We suggest that Atlantic salmon may provide a marine functional source capable of enriching gT for human consumption

    Design culture:from product to process. Building a network to develop design processes in Latin countries

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    The essay presents the results of a 2 years survey within 7 European and Latin American countries (Italy, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico), focusing on the scientific and professional initiatives accomplished by universities and research centres in the field of designdriven innovation. The survey shows a growing interest towards the methodological aspects of design by the observed actors and urges the formation of a "Latin network" aimed at experimenting proper design processes for Latin countries' socio-cultural and productive systems. The basic idea is that design culture, considered as a process culture, has relevant advantages in the actual relationship between production and consumption: − Offering design a mediator's role between the crucial knowledge for sustainable development: economy, art/creativity, technology and humanities; − Producing a "phantasmagoric" capacity (the possibility to visualize and share what is immaterial and upcoming); − Mediating between the productive and consumption systems' interest

    Mangrove species found in contrasting environments show differing phytohormonal responses to variation in soil bulk density

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    Background and aims Mangrove species respond to variation in soil bulk density (BD). However, very little is known about the regulatory mechanisms that trigger these responses.Methods Endogenous concentrations of different phytohormones were measured in the roots of two mangrove species (Avicennia marina and Rhizophora stylosa) grown in low and high BD soils. The potential involvement of ethylene in regulating plant growth responses was tested by applying the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors cobalt chloride (CoCl2) and aminoisobutyric acid (AIB).Results The two mangrove species responded differently to variation in soil BD. High BD decreased root growth of R. stylosa, but not A. marina. Soil BD had no effect on root phytohormone levels in R. stylosa, but loose soils increased 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid whilst decreasing salicylic acid and gibberellin in A. marina. Applying ethylene inhibitors enhanced R. stylosa root growth, while increasing indole-3-acetic acid but decreasing isopentenyl adenine levels. In contrast, AIB inhibited A. marina root growth, while increasing trans-zeatin levels. Ethylene inhibitors affected salicylic acid levels in both species.Conclusion Salicylic acid is central to root growth responses to variation in BD in A. marina. Conversely, the interaction of ethylene and gibberellin drives responses in R. stylosa. Hormonal interactions involving ethylene potentially reflect the adaptations of the two species to differing conditions within the intertidal zone, with A. marina behaving like an aquatic species and R. stylosa behaving like a terrestrial species