243 research outputs found

    Representacions i pràctiques envers la discapacitat en una escola ordinària

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Antropologia Social i Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Julio Zino TorrazzaEn aquest text es pretén relacionar les representacions envers la discapacitat amb les dinàmiques d’aprenentatge i sociabilitat que es produeixen en una escola ordinària de titularitat pública, regida pel principi d’inclusió, segons la Llei d’Educació de Catalunya (2009). L’estudi de cas que serveix de base per aquesta etnografia és un procés d’escolarització d’un infant amb la Síndrome de Down. Mitjançant el treball de camp, i molt especialment, les dades etnogràfiques, es reflexiona sobre com, qui i en base a què es (re)construeix el significat de discapacitat, i quines intervencions o pràctiques educatives i socials se’n deriven. A partir d’una perspectiva relacional, es contextualitzen les representacions i dinàmiques escolars, recorrent a les aportacions teòriques del model social de la discapacitat, així com d’altres que ajuden a establir relacions entre l’experiència i l’internalització de categories socials. Alhora aquesta perspectiva permetrà establir algun lligam entre els diferents processos de diferenciació en el context escolar emprant també autors que han estudiat el camp escolar i educatiu, com Apple, Giroux, McLaren i Bourdieu

    Proyecto de obra y memoria de apertura de local comercial destinado a restauración

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    [ES] El Trabajo Final de Grado que se desarrolla en este documento trata sobre el desarrollo del proyecto de obra y memoria de apertura de un local comercial destinado a la actividad de restauración. La hipótesis utilizada para el desarrollo del proyecto trata de que el titular, un cocinero de cocina italiana, encarga la redacción del proyecto y toda la documentación requerida para la obtención de la licencia de apertura del establecimiento, con el desarrollo de dicha actividad, por parte del Excelentísimo Ayuntamiento de Valencia. El primero paso de todos, ha sido la realización de un estudio del entorno y del emplazamiento del local, para investigar si ese tipo de actividad es viable en el local comercial escogido. La localización del local que se ha escogido para la realización del proyecto, está situado en la Calle Enrique Navarro, número 13 – bajo, en el distrito de Benimaclet de la ciudad de Valencia.[EN] The Final Grade Work that is developed in this document deals with the development of the work project and the opening memory of a commercial space destined to the restoration activity. The hypothesis used for the development of the project is that the owner, an Italian cook, orders the writing of the project and all the documentation required to obtain the license to open the establishment, with the development of this activity, by Of the Excellency town hall of Valencia. The first step of all has been the carrying out of a study of the environment and the location of the premises, to investigate if this type of activity is viable in the chosen commercial place. The location of the premises chosen for the project is located at street Enrique Navarro, number 13, in the Benimaclet district of the city of Valencia.Martín Pardo, N. (2017). Proyecto de obra y memoria de apertura de local comercial destinado a restauración. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/86856.TFG

    Medida y modelización de los flujos de energía y Co2 en una parcela agrícola en Castilla y León

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    Para un periodo de cuatro años de medidas, 2008-2011, se han medido tanto datos meteorológicos como flujos de CO2 y de energía para una misma parcela destinada al cultivo de secano cuyo ciclo de rotación durante el periodo de medidas incluyó diferentes cultivos: colza, trigo, guisantes y centeno. Los flujos de energía han sido evaluados y posteriormente modelados utilizando el modelo SEBS. En esta tesis se ha propuesto una nueva versión del modelo, denominada SEBS-NDVI, que ha mejorado notablemente la evolución estacional de dichos flujos, en particular para el caso del calor latente y de la fracción evaporativa. Todos los cultivos estudiados se comportaron como sumideros netos de carbono. Además, los flujos de CO2, en particular los valores de GPP, se utilizaron para aplicar y calibrar un modelo de eficiencia en el uso de la luz, LUE, a la zona de estudio, obteniéndose valores característicos de la eficiencia para cada uno de los cultivos estudiados.Departamento de Física Aplicad

    Estudio de la patología por fisuración de la estructura del edificio situado en la parcela 4N del Campus de Vera de la Universitat Politécnica de València

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    [EN] This final project is proposed as a professional work commissioned by the Universitat Politècnica de València, whose main target is to study the cracking found in the Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón. This study focuses on the internal basement walls and ground floor slabs of the building, where the cracking is concentrated. Firstly, the research includes a first visual inspection and mapping of cracking, which was made in 2013. Subsequently, a monitoring of cracks progress and behaviour is performed. This concludes with a final technical inspection carried out in February of 2016. The aim of this inspection was to check whether cracking was still evolving. Secondly, a thorough analysis of the most affected structural elements is conducted in order to ascertain the main cause of this pathology. This analysis is divided into two different parts. On the one hand, the linear behaviour of basement and ground floors of the building is analysed. After stablishing that the observed cracking has not been originated by the application of direct loads, the possible causes of indirect loads are taken into account. The effect of concrete shrinkage and thermal shrinkage due to the loss of cement's heat of hydration after casting both ground floor slabs is studied, and it confirms that these both processes are the main causes of the pathology. On the other hand, a modelling based on a detailed non-linear analysis of the current behaviour of the most affected slab is carried out. The modelling enables to check the different Serviceability Limit States and the structural security of this slab when subjected to the peak design load. Finally, it is shown the corrective measures of the structure that are needed by durability.[CA] Aquest treball es planteja com un treball professional encarregat per la Universitat Politècnica de València, que pretén estudiar la patologia de la fissuració trobada al Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón. Aquest estudi es centra en els murs del soterrani i les lloses de la planta baixa de l'edifici, on es concentra principalment aquesta fissuració. En primer lloc, l'estudi inclou una primera inspecció visual i un alçament de l'estat de fissuració realitzada a l'any 2013. Aquest alçament va ser revisat en el marc d'aquest treball, realitzant un seguiment complet del progrés i del comportament de les fissures, concloent amb una última inspecció tècnica realitzada a febrer del 2016. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta inspecció es comprovar si es tracta d'una fissuració en evolució o de fissures estabilitzades. En segon lloc, es planteja una anàlisi exhaustiva dels elements estructurals més afectats amb la finalitat d'esbrinar la causa principal d'aquesta patologia. Aquesta anàlisi es divideix en dos grans blocs diferenciats. D'una banda, s'analitza el comportament lineal de l'estructura formada per la planta baixa i el soterrani de l'edifici. Es pretén estudiar l'efecte que generarien en la estructura les principals hipòtesis de les causes de la fissuració. Una vegada descartat que l'origen de la fissuració siga per les càrregues aplicades directament a l'estructura, s'analitzan els possibles origens per accions indirectes on els efectes coincidesquen amb la distribució de les fissures recollida en l'alçament previ. S'estudia l'efecte de la retracció del formigó i la contracció tèrmica deguda a la pèrdua del calor d'hidratació del cement, després del formigonat de les dues lloses de la planta baixa. La seua anàlisi confirma que aquestes accions indirectes són les principals causes de la fissuració ja que el seu comportament s'ajusta perfectament al de la patologia estudiada. D'altra banda es realitza una simulació, mitjançant una anàlisi completa no lineal per elements finits, del comportament de la llosa més afectada per la patologia. Aquesta simulació ha permés verificar tant el comportament en servei com la seguretat davant les accions de projecte. Finalment, es proposen les mesures correctores oportunes que per durabilitat l'estructura necessitaria.[ES] El presente trabajo se plantea como un trabajo profesional encargado por la Universitat Politècnica de València que, pretende estudiar la patología de fisuración encontrada en el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón. Este estudio se centra en los muros de sótano y losas de planta baja del edificio, donde se concentra principalmente esta fisuración. En primer lugar, el estudio incluye una primera inspección visual y levantamiento del estado de la fisuración que fueron realizados en el año 2013. Este levantamiento fue revisado en el marco de este trabajo, realizando un completo seguimiento del progreso y comportamiento de las fisuras que, concluyó con la última inspección técnica realizada en febrero de 2016. El objetivo principal de esta inspección era comprobar si se trataba de una fisuración en evolución o se trataban de fisuras estabilizadas. En segundo lugar, se plantea un análisis exhaustivo de los elementos estructurales más afectados con el fin de averiguar la principal causa de la patología. Este análisis se divide en dos grandes bloques diferenciados. Por un lado, se analiza el comportamiento lineal de la estructura formada por la planta baja y planta sótano del edificio en cuestión. Se pretende estudiar el efecto que generarían en la estructura las principales hipótesis de causas de la fisuración. Tras descartar que el origen de la fisuración sea por cargas aplicadas directamente a la estructura, se analizan los posibles orígenes debidos a acciones indirectas cuyos efectos coincidan con la distribución de fisuras recogida en el levantamiento previo. Se estudia el efecto de la retracción del hormigón y la contracción térmica debida a la pérdida del calor de hidratación del cemento tras el hormigonado de ambas losas de planta baja. Su análisis confirma que estas acciones indirectas son las principales causas de la fisuración, puesto que su comportamiento se ajusta a la perfección al de la patología estudiada. Por otro lado, se realiza una simulación mediante un completo análisis no lineal por elementos finitos, del comportamiento de la losa más afectada por la patología. Esta simulación ha permitido verificar tanto el comportamiento en servicio como la seguridad frente a las acciones de proyecto. Finalmente, se proponen las medidas correctoras oportunas que por durabilidad la estructura necesitaría.Pardo García, N. (2017). Estudio de la patología por fisuración de la estructura del edificio situado en la parcela 4N del Campus de Vera de la Universitat Politécnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/89957Archivo delegad

    The Phytotoxic Potential of the Flowering Foliage of Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius), as Pre-Emergent Weed Control in Maize in a Glasshouse Pot Experiment

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    In our previous studies, the phytotoxicity of Ulex europaeus (gorse) and Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom) was demonstrated in vitro and argued to be caused by the release of volatile and water-soluble compounds from fresh plant foliage. In light of these positive results, there was a need to test the effects ex vitro. In this work, gorse and Scotch broom were used as soil amendments in pot experiments in a glasshouse by incorporating slashed plant material into the soil at a ratio of 1% w/w on a dry mass basis. The phytotoxic effects on the emergence and early growth of maize and five accompanying weed species were analyzed, as were the effect on soil fertility and soil community-level physiological profiles. Thirty days after incorporation, significant decreases in weed density of 32.2% and 59.5% were found for gorse and Scotch broom soil amendments, respectively. Gorse soil amendment was notably effective impairing the establishment of Amaranthus retroflexus and diminishing the plant height of Digitaria sanguinalis and Portulaca oleracea. Scotch broom soil amendment was capable of significantly inhibiting the emergence of D. sanguinalis, Convolvulus arvensis, P. oleracea, and A. retroflexus, with a notable reduction of weed biomass. No undesirable side effects on maize crop or soil quality, including microbial activity, were detected. Our results suggest that the incorporation of gorse and Scotch broom foliage is promising for pre-emergent weed control in maize; however, field trials that support and expand these glasshouse results are essentialThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (http://www.mineco.gob.es/; BIOINPUT (CGL2016-78660-R)) (NP)S

    Trend analysis of CO2 and CH4 recorded at a semi-natural site in the northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula

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    CO2 and CH4 were recorded from October 2010 to February 2016 with a Picarro G1301 analyser at the centre of the upper plateau of the Iberian Peninsula. Large CO2 values were observed during the vegetation growing season, and were reinforced by the stable boundary layer during the night. Annual CH4 evolution may be explained by ecosystem activity and by the dispersion linked with the evolution of the boundary layer. Their trends were studied using an equation that considers one polynomial and one harmonic part. The polynomial part revealed an increasing trend from 0.8 to 2.3 ppm year 1 for CO2 and from 0.004 to 0.011 ppm year 1 for CH4. The harmonic part considered four harmonics whose amplitudes were noticeable for the first and second harmonics for CO2 and for the first harmonic for CH4. Long-term evolution was similar with alternative equations. Finally, seasonal study indicated summer minima for both gases, which may be explained by the lack of vegetation in this season. Harmonic analysis showed two maxima for CO2, one in spring linked with vegetation growth, which decreased with time, and another in autumn related with the onset of plant activity after the summer, which increased with time. CH4 presented only one maximum in winter and a short time with steady concentration in spring where the evolution of the boundary layer may play a noticeable role. The harmonic equation, which takes into account all the observations, revealed opposite behaviour between CO2, whose minima decreased, and CH4, whose maxima increased.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and ERDF funds (projects CGL2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P)

    Features of the annual evolution of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere of a Mediterranean climate site studied using a nonparametric and a harmonic function

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    Concentrations of CO2 and CH4 measured over 3 years at a rural site in the Spanish northern plateau were investigated together with vegetation and meteorological variables. Two procedures were implemented to study the annual evolution. Kernel estimation provided a detailed time description, and the harmonic model may be fitted easily. The site was characterised by grass from autumn to spring. However, vigorous growth was observed during the latter season due to the biological cycle of plants under favourable meteorological conditions. A CO2 peak was observed a fortnight before the time of maximum NDVI, and was attributed to the prevalence of respiration over photosynthesis. A pronounced trough was apparent in summer and was explained by the death of vegetation and active dispersion in a highly developed boundary layer. CH4 evolution was characterised by a deficit period from May to October, indicating that meteorological evolution played a key role. The harmonic model showed that annual and half-annual cycles evidenced a similar contribution for CO2, whereas said weight for the half-annual cycle was considerably smaller for CH4.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and ERDF funds (grant numbers CGL2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P

    Influence of wind speed on CO2 and CH4 concentrations at a rural site

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    Producción CientíficaMeteorological variables have a noticeable impact on pollutant concentrations. Among these variables, wind speed is typically measured, although research into how pollutants respond to it can be improved. This study considers nine years of hourly CO2 and CH4 measurements at a rural site, where wind speed values were calculated by the METEX model. Nine wind speed intervals are proposed where concentrations, distribution functions, and daily as well as annual cycles are calculated. Contrasts between local and transported concentrations are around 5 and 0.03 ppm for CO2 and CH4, respectively. Seven skewed distributions are applied, and five efficiency criteria are considered to test the goodness of fit, with the modified Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency proving to be the most sensitive statistic. The Gumbel distribution is seen to be the most suitable for CO2, whereas the Weibull distribution is chosen for CH4, with the exponential function being the worst. Finally, daily and annual cycles are analysed, where a gradual decrease in amplitude is observed, particularly for the daily cycle. Parametric and nonparametric procedures are used to fit both cycles. The latter gave the best fits, with the agreement being higher for the daily cycle, where evolution is smoother than for the annual cycle.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (Projects CGL-2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P)Junta de Castilla y León - (Project VA027G19

    Trend analysis and outlier distribution of CO2 and CH4: A case study at a rural site in northern Spain

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    Producción CientíficaCO2 and CH4 outliers may have a noticeable impact on the trend of both gases. Nine years of measurements since 2010 recorded at a rural site in northern Spain were used to investigate these outliers. Their influence on the trend was presented and two limits were established. No more than 23.5% of outliers should be excluded from the measurement series in order to obtain representative trends, which were 2.349 ± 0.012 ppm year−1 for CO2 and 0.00879 ± 0.00004 ppm year−1 for CH4. Two types of outliers were distinguished. Those above the trend line and the rest below the trend line. Outliers were described by skewed distributions where the Weibull distribution figures prominently in most cases. A qualitative procedure was presented to exclude the worst fits, although five statistics were considered to select the best fit. In this case, the modified Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency is prominent. Finally, three symmetrical distributions were added to fit the observations when outliers are excluded, with the Gaussian and beta distributions providing the best fits. As a result, certain skewed functions, such as the lognormal distribution, whose use is frequent for air pollutants, could be questioned in certain applications.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y fondos FEDER, (project numbers CGL-2009-11979 and CGL2014-53948-P