210 research outputs found

    Perceived customer care and privacy protection behavior: The mediating role of trust in self-disclosure

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has been a chance and a boost for those retailers that develop their online profile. This new context can raise privacy issues on the consumer side. For this reason, here we explore the determinants of online self-disclosure, and its relationship with customer care. We collected the data through an online survey (n = 426) and tested a variance-based structural equations model. The findings unriddle the role of perceived customer care as an antecedent of both perceived control and trust, the latter emerging as a key mediator of the impact of both perceived customer care and privacy concern on self-disclosure. Moreover, in line with previous studies, perceived control was found to be positively related with trust, and negatively with privacy concerns. According to the findings, we draw several managerial implications and suggest future research pathsThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation under the grant PID 2021-125155NB-10

    Biokinetic model for nitrogen removal in free water surface constructed wetlands

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    [EN] In this article, a mechanistic biokinetic model for nitrogen removal in free water surface constructed wetlands treating eutrophic water was developed, including organic matter performance due to its importance in nitrogen removal by denitrification. Ten components and fourteen processes were introduced in order to simulate the forms of nitrogen and organic matter, the mechanisms of autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms in both aerobic and anoxic conditions, as well as macrophytes nitrogen uptake and release. Dissolved oxygen was introduced as an input variable with a time step of 0.5 days for mimicking eutrophic environments: aerobic conditions were assigned during daylight hours and anoxic conditions during the night. The sensitivity analysis showed that the most influential parameters were those related to the growth of heterotrophic and autotrophic microorganisms. The model was properly calibrated and validated in two full scale systems working in real conditions for treating eutrophic water from Lake L'Albufera (Valencia). In the studied systems, ammonium was mainly removed by the growth of autotrophic microorganisms (nitrification) whereas nitrate was removed by the anoxic growth of heterotrophic microorganisms (denitrification). Macrophyte uptake removed between 9 and 19% of the ammonium entering to the systems, although degradation of dead standing macrophytes returned a significant part to water column.We would like to acknowledge the support of Confederation Hidrografica del Jucar (CHJ, MMARM) and the staff members in Tancat de la Pipa. We also acknowledge the anonymous reviewers and the editor for their valuable comments to improve this paper.Gargallo Bellés, S.; Martín Monerris, M.; Oliver Rajadel, N.; Hernández Crespo, C. (2017). Biokinetic model for nitrogen removal in free water surface constructed wetlands. The Science of The Total Environment. 587:145-156. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.089S14515658

    Estudio para la mejora del rendimiento de la canal en conejos de engorde en el momento del sacrificio

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar diferentes estrategias nutricionales para mejorar el rendimiento de la canal de los conejos en crecimiento. Para ello se realizaron dos ensayos en los que el objetivo principal era conseguir reducir el contenido digestivo de los animales para así, mejorar el rendimiento de la canal, y estudiar su influencia sobre los parámetros productivos, la composición de la canal y el balance energético y de nitrógeno durante el cebo. En el primer ensayo se realizaron dos experimentos: a) Experimento 1: el objetivo de este experimento fue comparar la inclusión de un complejo enzimático de origen fúngico (actividad de 100 XU/g pentosanasa, 40 CMC/g de celulasa, 30 FAU/g amilasa, 100 XU/g de xilanasa, 700 HUT/g de proteasa, 4000 AJDU/g de pectinasa y 200 BGU/g de β-glucanasa) en el pienso de cebo a distintas dosis (0, 100, 200, 400 y 800 ppm), sobre los parámetros productivos, las características de la canal y el balance de nitrógeno y energía de los gazapos en crecimiento. Se utilizaron 360 gazapos destetados a los 34 días de edad, alojados en jaulas individuales y asignados aleatoriamente en cinco tratamientos. Se formuló un pienso basal (PB: 15,8 %; Almidón: 16 %; FND: 31,6 %; EB: 4319 Kcal/kg), al que se suplementó con las distintas dosis del complejo enzimático. Se controló el consumo y el peso de los animales desde los 34 a los 48 días de edad y desde los 49 a los 60 días. En 11 gazapos por tratamiento, se estimó la composición corporal mediante la técnica de Impedancia Bioeléctrica a los 34 y 60 días de edad para estimar el balance de nitrógeno. Al final del cebo, 24 gazapos por tratamiento fueron sacrificados y se midió el peso de la canal, de todo el tracto digestivo, del estómago lleno, del estómago vacío y del ciego lleno. Entre los días 53 y 57 días de vida, se realizó una prueba de digestibilidad (MS, MO, PB, EE, FND; n=11), excepto para la dosis de 100 ppm. En el primer periodo del cebo (34-48 d), la suplementación enzimática mejoró linealmente (P0,05) por el nivel de suplementación del complejo enzimático. b) Experimento 2: el objetivo fue comparar el efecto de la suplementación del complejo enzimático en dos piensos con distintos niveles de energía digestible (ED) y de proteína digestible (PD) sobre los rendimientos productivos, las características de la canal y el balance del nitrógeno y energético de gazapos en crecimiento. Para ello, se utilizó el mismo complejo enzimático a tres dosis (0, 100 y 200 ppm) y se formularon dos piensos basales distintos (Pienso A: PD: 11,9% MS; almidón: 17,7% MS; FND: 35,6% MS; ED: 10,5 MJ/kg MS y Pienso B: PD: 10,7% MS; almidón: 17,5% MS; FND: 37,4% MS; ED: 9,79 MJ/kg MS). Se utilizaron un total de 240 gazapos destetados a 34 días, que fueron alojados en jaulas individuales. Se controlaron los mismos parámetros que en la prueba anterior. La prueba de digestibilidad (entre los días 53 y 57 de vida), se realizó en los dos piensos (A y B) pero sólo para las dosis 0 y 200 ppm. La adición de enzimas no afectó a la digestibilidad ni a ninguno de los parámetros productivos estudiados durante el cebo. El pienso B empeoró (P<0,01) la digestibilidad de la MS, MO, FND y EB con respecto al Pienso A (un 5,98; 5,66; 4,91 y 22,59%, respectivamente). El consumo de nitrógeno digestible (NDi) y ED fueron menores para el Pienso B que para el A (un 10% y 7%, respectivamente; P<0,01). Este menor consumo de ND en los animales del pienso B, dio lugar a que a pesar de que presentaron una mayor eficacia de retención del ND con respecto a los del pienso A (43 vs 40%; P<0,05), la retención de ND en la canal fuera un 3% menor (P<0,05) y la excreción de nitrógeno en la orina (P<0,05) y en las heces (P=0,062) fueran también un 18,6 y un 6,4 %, respectivamente, más bajas. El consumo de ED (34,7 vs 32,3 MJ; P<0,05), la EB retenida (221 vs 208 KJ/ kg0,75 y día; P<0,05) y la EB excretada en orina (21 vs 19,4 MJ; P<0,05) fueron menores en el Pienso B que en el A, y la EB en heces mayor (24,9 vs 26,5 MJ; P<0,05). La menor retención de N y de EB del Pienso B, dio lugar a un menor peso a 48 los días de edad de los gazapos (1650 g vs 1622 g; P<0,05), debido a una menor GMD en el primer periodo de cebo (3,4%, P=0,057), aunque en el segundo periodo de cebo y en el peso final no hubo diferencias significativas. El consumo de pienso durante el cebo fue un 2,92% mayor en el Pienso B, por tanto el IC empeoró (2,52 vs 2,63; P<0,05). El tipo de pienso no afectó al rendimiento canal, aunque los gazapos del Pienso B tuvieron mayor peso del aparato digestivo y del estómago lleno y vacío (P<0,05). La composición química tanto in vivo como de la canal se vieron afectadas por el tipo de pienso (P<0,05). In vivo, el contenido de las cenizas (% MS), y de la EB (% MS), fueron un 4,15% y un 1,76% (P<0,05), respectivamente, mayores para el Pienso A. Y sobre la canal, el Pienso A presentó un mayor contenido de EE (%MS) y mayor incremento relativo de PB, EB, EE y cenizas (P<0,05), y sobre la EB (%MS) (P=0,07). En el segundo ensayo el objetivo fue estudiar el efecto de la inclusión de distintos niveles de lignina acido detergente (LAD) (Bajo (B): 5% MS; Medio (M): 6% MS y Alto (A): 7% MS) y de distintas fuentes de lignina (Arbocel® (A) vs granilla desengrasada de uva (G)) sobre los parámetros productivos, las características de la canal y el balance de nitrógeno y energético de gazapos en crecimiento. Para ello se utilizaron 936 gazapos, 216 fueron destetados a los 34 días de edad y alojados en jaulas individuales, y los 720 restantes se destetaron a los 35 días de edad, y se alojaron en jaulas polivalentes (5 gazapos/jaula). Se formularon cinco piensos distintos: un pienso control para ambas fuentes (AB y GB: ED: 2616 Kcal/Kg MS; PD: 12,0% MS; FND: 36,4% MS; FAD: 21,3% MS; LAD: 4,78% MS; Almidón: 15,5% MS), dos piensos con un nivel medio para cada fuente (AM (ED: 2537 Kcal/Kg MS; PD: 11,1% MS; FND: 37,8% MS; FAD: 23,8% MS; LAD: 5,87% MS; Almidón: 15,1% MS) y GM (ED: 2586 Kcal/Kg MS; PD: 11,4% MS; FND: 36,2% MS; FAD: 21,8% MS; LAD: 6,03% MS; Almidón: 15,5% MS)) y otros dos piensos con un nivel alto para cada fuente (AA (ED: 2555 Kcal/Kg MS; PD: 11,7% MS; FND: 37,7% MS; FAD: 23,9% MS; LAD: 6,23% MS; Almidón: 14,5% MS) y GA (ED: 2603 Kcal/Kg MS; PD:11,1 % MS; FND: 35,4% MS; FAD: 22,0% MS; LAD: 6,72% MS; Almidón: 15,8% MS)). En el cebo colectivo, se controló el peso y el consumo de cada jaula al inicio y al final del cebo (35 y 61 días de edad), y el índice de conversión y la mortalidad diaria. En el cebo individual se controló el consumo medio diario y el peso en dos periodos, de 34 a 48 días y de 49 a 60 días de vida, así como el índice de conversión y la mortalidad diaria durante el cebo. En 11 gazapos por tratamiento, se estimó la composición corporal mediante la técnica de Impedancia Bioeléctrica a los 34 y 60 días de edad para estimar el balance de nitrógeno y de energía. Al final del cebo, 24 gazapos por tratamiento fueron sacrificados y se midió el peso de la canal, de todo el tracto digestivo, del estómago lleno, del estómago vacío y del ciego lleno. Entre los días 53 y 57 días de vida, se realizó una prueba de digestibilidad (MS, MO, PB, EE, FND; n=11). En el cebo colectivo el nivel más alto de lignina afectó al IC, respecto a los otros dos niveles (2,66 de media Vs 2,70 g/g, P<0,05), sin que variase la ingesta (139 g/d) ni el crecimiento (52,2 g/d). En el cebo individual el nivel de lignina no tuvo efecto significativo sobre los parámetros productivos. El peso del aparato digestivo (%PV) disminuyó con los niveles medio y alto de lignina, con respecto al control (17,4 de media vs 17,9%; P=0,052) sin afectar al rendimiento a la canal (58,2 % de media). La digestibilidad aparente de la MS, MO y EB del pienso con el nivel más bajo de LAD fue mayor con respecto a la media de los otros dos: MS (58,4 vs 56,8%), MO (60,2 vs 58,7 %), EB (60,3 vs 58,9 %). La digestibilidad aparente de la PB del nivel medio fue menor que la del nivel más bajo (70,8 vs 73,2%; P<0,05) y el pienso con el nivel alto de LAD presentó un valor intermedio (71,5%). La digestibilidad del EE aumentó con el nivel de inclusión de LAD (85,0; 86,1; 88,2 %, respectivamente). Los animales del nivel alto y medio de LAD, consumieron menos ND que los del nivel más bajo de LAD (80,5 vs 73,6 g ND/kg pienso, de media; P<0,05), y mejoraron la eficacia de retención (0,33 vs 0,35%, de media; P<0,05), por lo que el N retenido en todos los niveles de LAD fue similar (0,667 g N/kg PV0,75). La excreción de N en orina fue menor para los dos niveles más altos de lignina (25,2 de media vs 23,2 g N/ Kg PV0,75). Por en contrario la excreción de EB en heces en estos dos piensos aumentó (+2,88%), con respecto al nivel de LAD más bajo. La inclusión de Arbocel® como fuente de LAD empeoró el IC en el cebo individual (2,56 vs 2,52 g/g; P<0,05), así como en el colectivo (+1,42%, P<0,05). El Arbocel® empeoró la digestibilidad de MO, respecto a la granilla desengrasada de uva (58,9 vs 59,7%; P<0,05) y el consumo de ND (73,9 vs 77,75 g ND/kg pienso; P<0,05). Sin embargo, la eficacia de utilización del N fue mayor (0,35 vs 0,33; P<0,05), por lo que el N retenido no varió entre las dos fuentes utilizadas (0,667 g N/ kg PV0,75). Los gazapos que consumieron el pienso con Arbocel® excretaron menos N en orina (23,21 vs 25,22 g N/ Kg PV0,75). La composición química de los animales tanto in vivo, como de la canal, no se vieron afectadas ni por la fuente ni por el nivel de LAD del pienso. De los resultados de este trabajo se puede concluir que el suministro del complejo enzimático en los piensos de gazapos en crecimiento no mejoró la digestibilidad, la excreción de nitrógeno al medio, ni redujo el peso del aparato digestivo, aunque no tuvo un efecto negativo sobre el rendimiento de la canal. La utilización de enzimas mejoró el índice de conversión en la primera etapa del cebo, por lo que su uso sería recomendable en animales jóvenes tras el destete. En las condiciones de este estudio, la adición de enzimas a un pienso menos digestible, tampoco mejoró la eficacia de utilización de los nutrientes, ni tuvieron efecto sobre rendimiento de la canal. La inclusión de niveles de LAD por encima de un 5% en piensos isoenergéticos, disminuyó el peso del aparato digestivo aunque este efecto no se vio reflejado en una mejora del rendimiento de la canal. Es recomendable utilizar como fuente de fibra lignificada la granilla desengrasada de uva frente al Arbocel®

    Sedimentation and resuspension modelling in free water surface constructed wetlands

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    [EN] Eutrophication is a widespread problem that is being tackled from many perspectives and the recently applied technology of constructed wetlands is being used in the treatment of eutrophic water. However, process-based models to simulate their performance are scarce, so in this work a mechanistic model was developed to simulate the removal of total suspended solids, phytoplankton and total phosphorus in free water surface constructed wetlands treating eutrophic water. The model represents the influence of the main factors of the biotope and biota on these water quality variables, and particular attention is paid to resuspension produced by wind and by avifauna. Likewise, the effect of emergent vegetation cover in sedimentation, resuspension and phytoplankton growth is included. Phytoplankton is considered to store phosphorus internally in order to use it when growing, and the contribution of phytoplankton concentration to the suspended solids budget is included. The software AQUASIM was used to calibrate and validate the model in two full-scale constructed wetlands treating eutrophic water from Lake l'Albufera de Valencia (Spain) for three years. The simulated data and field measurements showed satisfactory adjustments for the three studied variables. The budgets obtained for each variable reveal that sedimentation and resuspension are the main processes in total suspended solids performance. Sedimentation of organic particulate phosphorus is the most important process in total phosphorus removal. The sum of the effect of resuspension by avifauna and by wind increases by more than 50% the quantity of solids that enters the water column. The model reveals that simulating the effects of the emergent vegetation cover and resuspension is crucial for representing the performance of the studied variables. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We would like to strongly thank to Pablo Vera (SEO/BirdLife ) for him collaboration with waterfowl monitoring and data analysis and to Maria Antonia Rodrigo and Matilde Segura (ICBiBE, Universitat de València) for collecting Chl a data. We would also like acknowledge the support of Confederación Hidrográfica de Júcar (CHJ, MMARM) and the staff members in Tancat de la Pipa.Gargallo Bellés, S.; Martín Monerris, M.; Oliver Rajadel, N.; Hernández Crespo, C. (2016). Sedimentation and resuspension modelling in free water surface constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering. 98:318-329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.09.014S3183299

    Webrooming or showrooming, that is the question: explaining omnichannel behavioural intention through the technology acceptance model and exploratory behaviour

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    Purpose: This paper evaluates how the intention to develop webrooming or showrooming behaviour is affected by both the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease-of-use, as well as by the consumer's personal predisposition to exploratory information seeking and acquisition. Design/methodology/approach: The fashion retailing environment is more omni-channel than ever before. The two predominant omni-channel behaviours are webrooming and showrooming. Taking as its basis the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the concept of exploratory consumer behaviour. Findings: The results obtained from a sample of 847 apparel shoppers (462 webroomers and 385 showroomers) show that the higher perception of the usefulness and ease-of-use of omni-channel buying processes, the higher the intention to develop both webrooming and showrooming behaviours. Additionally, the perceived ease-of-use exerts an additional indirect effect on the intention of developing these omni-channel behaviours through perceived usefulness. Finally, exploratory information seeking and acquisition have a relevant influence on webrooming intentions, but not on showrooming. Originality/value: The authors' research contributes to the literature on consumer behaviour in the fashion sector by testing a model to explain the intentions of individuals to adopt webrooming and showrooming, incorporating different psychographic variables linked to the use of ICT and the development of an exploratory consumer behaviour

    Comparativa de indicadores de supervisión de calidad en la formación no presencial

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    This research analyzes the comparison of quality supervision indicators in non-face-to-face training due to the scenario of virtual teaching caused by COVID-19, through the EduTOOL@ and SulodiTOOL® instruments. It arises as a research line of the Chair of Education and Emerging Technologies, Gamification and Artificial Intelligence of the Pablo de Olavide University (Seville). This comparison reveals that there are dimensions, subfactors and indicators that are common to both tools, with a weighting difference of 30% higher in the first instrument, and vice versa, that is, indicators that are not common to both, with a weighting of 30% higher in the second instrument. In this line, the research performs a graphic analysis of areas of importance of the dimensions and indicators of both tools, created by the weightings of said indicators.Esta investigación analiza la comparativa de indicadores de supervisión de calidad en la formación no presencial debida al escenario de la docencia virtual sobrevenida originada por el COVID-19, a través de los instrumentos EduTOOL@ y SulodiTOOL®. Surge como línea de Investigación de la Cátedra de Educación y Tecnologías Emergentes, Gamificación e Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla). Esta comparativa arroja que hay dimensiones, subfactores e indicadores que son comunes a las dos herramientas, con una diferencia de ponderaciones del 30% superior en el primer instrumento, y viceversa, es decir, indicadores que no son comunes a ambas, con una ponderación del 30% superior en el segundo instrumento. En esta línea, la investigación realiza un análisis gráfico de áreas de importancia de las dimensiones e indicadores de ambas herramientas, creadas por las ponderaciones de dichos indicadores

    Apolipoprotein D

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    Apolipoprotein D (ApoD) is an extracellular glycoprotein of the lipocalin protein family, involved in different functions such as immune response, cell proliferation regulation, chemoreception, retinoid metabolism, axon growth, and proteolysis regulation. This lipocalin is expressed predominantly in the nervous system (NS), both prenatally (vascular pericytes) and postnatally (glia and neurons) and in adulthood. It is also expressed in other tissues and is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in plasma, so it could interfere in cholesterol and other lipids regulation. ApoD increases considerably in systemic apocrine gland tumors and also in some primary brain tumors. Although the specific biological role of ApoD is unknown, the presence of ApoD in tumors appears to be a prognostic factor in their evolution. Regarding the NS, increased ApoD expression observed in many neurodegenerative diseases could be used to make an early diagnosis thereof

    Steroid avoidance or withdrawal for pancreas and pancreas with kidney transplant recipients

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    Background Pancreas or kidney‐pancreas transplantation improves survival and quality of life for people with type 1 diabetes mellitus and kidney failure. Immunosuppression after transplantation is associated with complications. Steroids have adverse effects on cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, hyperglycaemia or hyperlipidaemia, increase risk of infection, obesity, cataracts, myopathy, bone metabolism alterations, dermatologic problems and cushingoid appearance. Whether avoiding steroids changes outcomes is unclear. Objectives We aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of steroid early withdrawal (treatment for less than 14 days after transplantation), late withdrawal (after 14 days after transplantation) or steroid avoidance in patients receiving a pancreas (including a vascularized organ) alone (PTA), simultaneous with a kidney (SPK) or after kidney transplantation (PAK). Search methods We searched the Cochrane Renal Group's Specialised Register (to 18 June 2014) through contact with the Trials' Search Co‐ordinator. We handsearched: reference lists of nephrology textbooks, relevant studies, recent publications and clinical practice guidelines; abstracts from international transplantation society scientific meetings; and sent emails and letters seeking information about unpublished or incomplete studies to known investigators. Selection criteria We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or cohort studies of steroid avoidance (including early withdrawal) versus steroid maintenance or versus late withdrawal in pancreas or pancreas with kidney transplant recipients. We defined steroid avoidance as complete avoidance of steroid immunosuppression, early steroid withdrawal as steroid treatment for less than 14 days after transplantation and late withdrawal as steroid withdrawal after 14 days after transplantation. Data collection and analysis Two authors independently assessed the retrieved titles and abstracts, and where necessary the full text reports to determine which studies satisfied the inclusion criteria. Authors of included studies were contacted to obtain missing information. Statistical analyses were performed using random effects models and results expressed as risk ratio (RR) or mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Cohort studies were not meta‐analysed, but their findings summarised descriptively. Main results Three RCTs enrolling 144 participants met our inclusion criteria. Two compared steroid avoidance versus late steroid withdrawal and one compared late steroid withdrawal versus steroid maintenance. All studies included SPK and only one also included PTA. All studies had an overall moderate risk of bias and presented only short‐term results (six to 12 months). Two studies (89 participants) compared steroid avoidance or early steroid withdrawal versus late steroid withdrawal. There was no clear evidence of an impact on mortality (2 studies, 89 participants: RR 1.64, 95% CI 0.21 to 12.75), risk of kidney loss censored for death (2 studies, 89 participants: RR 0.35, 95% CI 0.04 to 3.09), risk of pancreas loss censored for death (2 studies, 89 participants: RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.36 to 3.04), or acute kidney rejection (1 study, 49 participants: RR 2.08, 95% CI 0.20 to 21.50), however results were uncertain and consistent with no difference or important benefit or harm of steroid avoidance/early steroid withdrawal. The study that compared late steroid withdrawal versus steroid maintenance observed no deaths, no graft loss or acute kidney rejection at six months in either group and reported uncertain effects on acute pancreas rejection (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.06 to 13.35). Of the possible adverse effects only infection was reported by one study. There were significantly more UTIs reported in the late withdrawal group compared to the steroid avoidance group (1 study, 25 patients: RR 0.41, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.66). We also identified 13 cohort studies and one RCT which randomised tacrolimus versus cyclosporin. These studies in general showed that steroid‐sparing and withdrawal strategies had benefits in lowering HbAc1 and risk of infections (BK virus and CMV disease) and improved blood pressure control without increasing the risk of rejection. However, two studies found an increased incidence of acute pancreas rejection (HR 2.8, 95% CI 0.89 to 8.81, P = 0.066 in one study and 43.3% in the steroid withdrawal group versus 9.3% in the steroid maintenance, P < 0.05 at three years in the other) and one study found an increased incidence of acute kidney rejection (18.7% in the steroid withdrawal group versus 2.8% in the steroid maintenance, P < 0.05) at three years. Authors' conclusions There is currently insufficient evidence for the benefits and harms of steroid withdrawal in pancreas transplantation in the three RCTs (144 patients) identified. The results showed uncertain results for short‐term risk of rejection, mortality, or graft survival in steroid‐sparing strategies in a very small number of patients over a short period of follow‐up. Overall the data was sparse, so no firm conclusions are possible. Moreover, the 13 observational studies findings generally concur with the evidence found in the RCTs

    Neutrophil infiltration regulates clock-gene expression to organize daily hepatic metabolism

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    Liver metabolism follows diurnal fluctuations through the modulation of molecular clock genes. Disruption of this molecular clock can result in metabolic disease but its potential regulation by immune cells remains unexplored. Here, we demonstrated that in steady state, neutrophils infiltrated the mouse liver following a circadian pattern and regulated hepatocyte clock-genes by neutrophil elastase (NE) secretion. NE signals through c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibiting fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and activating Bmal1 expression in the hepatocyte. Interestingly, mice with neutropenia, defective neutrophil infiltration or lacking elastase were protected against steatosis correlating with lower JNK activation, reduced Bmal1 and increased FGF21 expression, together with decreased lipogenesis in the liver. Lastly, using a cohort of human samples we found a direct correlation between JNK activation, NE levels and Bmal1 expression in the liver. This study demonstrates that neutrophils contribute to the maintenance of daily hepatic homeostasis through the regulation of the NE/JNK/Bmal1 axis

    Two new catalogs of blazar candidates in the WISE infrared sky

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    We present two catalogs of radio-loud candidate blazars whose WISE mid-infrared colors are selected to be consistent with the colors of confirmed gamma-ray emitting blazars. The first catalog is the improved and expanded release of the WIBRaLS catalog presented by D'Abrusco et al. (2014): it includes sources detected in all four WISE filters, spatially cross-matched with radio source in one of three radio surveys and radio-loud based on their q22 spectral parameter. WIBRaLS2 includes 9541 sources classified as BL Lacs, FSRQs or mixed candidates based on their WISE colors. The second catalog, called KDEBLLACS, based on a new selection technique, contains 5579 candidate BL Lacs extracted from the population of WISE sources detected in the first three WISE passbands ([3.4], [4.6] and [12]) only, whose mid-infrared colors are similar to those of confirmed, gamma-ray BL Lacs. KDBLLACS members area also required to have a radio counterpart and be radio-loud based on the parameter q12, defined similarly to q22 used for the WIBRaLS2. We describe the properties of these catalogs and compare them with the largest samples of confirmed and candidate blazars in the literature. We crossmatch the two new catalogs with the most recent catalogs of gamma-ray sources detected by Fermi LAT instrument. Since spectroscopic observations of candidate blazars from the first WIBRaLS catalog within the uncertainty regions of gamma-ray unassociated sources confirmed that ~90% of these candidates are blazars, we anticipate that these new catalogs will play again an important role in the identification of the gamma-ray sky.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie