20 research outputs found


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    Humans who has a perfect physical can easily perform daily activities, one of which is eating. For upper limb disabled people, eating activity is very difficult. This research is for create and develop of assistive tool for eat that can meet the needs of users (upper limb disabled people), technical requirements, convenience of usability, ergonomic  assistive tool for eat . The method used to create and develop of  assistive tool for eat (Adjusted Spoon V2) is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Based on House of Quality (HOQ) matrix results, the first technical requirement is the motion mechanisms (priority 52.44%), second is spring (38.64% priority), third is digitalization (priority 8.92%). The results of this research are Adjusted Spoon V2 prototype that developed to be able to meet the needs of upper limb disabled people in eating activities that include spoon movement  flexibility, stick movement flexibility and treadle flexibility, making it easier for them to operate it


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    Liquid waste generated by various activities in the hospital environment has the potential to pollute the environment if the parameters contained in it exceeds the specified quality standards. Parameters that most often exceeded the quality standard is phosphate (PO43-). Phosphate which exceeds the limit of 2 mg/L may affect the balance of aquatic ecosystems. One way to lower phosphate levels is using the coagulation flocculation process. This study aims to uncover the root cause of high levels of phosphate and recommendations for decline it and propose to install coagulation flocculation units.Research methodology starts from search and identification of phosphate levels of various source of phosphate in the hospital environment, from sump pit Dapur (Kitchen), sump pit Poli (Polyclinic), sump pit Lucas, sump pit Biara (Monastery), sump pit Genset and sump pit Carolus. Then doing the jar test in coagulation flocculation process using coagulant that is alum and lime with rapid stirring for 60 seconds and slow stirring for 15 minutes. Jar test was used to determine the optimal dose of coagulant for alum dose range between 50-150 (mg/L) and lime between 75-125 (mg/L). Coagulation flocculation units will be built on the largest phosphate producer with sampling as much as 6 times to determine the fluctuations of phosphate. Lab test of phosphate levels were performed using the spectrophotometric of SnCl2 method.The study data include phosphate levels from source of phosphate and phosphate fluctuations in the greatest source. Based on the results the largest source from pond Elisabeth. Jar test process is done by sampling as much as a liter of waste water taken from pond Elisabeth with total discharge of 26,640 L/day. Showed that the initial Phosphate of maximum from 7,1 mg/L decreased to 1,73 mg/L (75,63%) if given the alum dose of 50 mg/L and lime 125 mg/L which generates as much as 7,049 kg of sludge per day. Phosphate of average from 4,58 mg/L decreased to 0,73 mg/L (84,06%) with alum as much as 50 mg/L and lime as much as 75 mg/L which produces sludge as much as 5,378 kg/day. Phosphate of minimum from 2,23 mg/L decreased to 0,14 mg/L (93,72%) if given the alum dose of 50 mg/L and lime 75 mg/L with sludge as much as 4,931 kg/day


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    This research generally aims to describe the effects of civic learning in nurturing students’ political literacy, and specifically aims to examine and discover the effects of civic components application that consist of civic learning and competences on the level of students’ political literacy. This research used quantitative approach and descriptive method of survey technique. From the research results, it could be generally concluded that: (1) civic learning through various democratic learning methods strengthened the effects of civic education in nurturing students’ political literacy, (2) the better quality of students’ civic competences the higher their level of political literacy, and (3) an effective and meaningful civic competences could directly improve students’ political literac


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    Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput is one of the business unit of Industrial Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. Wedang Uwuh Sruput is an innovative manufacture of wedang uwuh into instant from the original form of whole and raw spices. The resulting product results sometimes have different quality/taste in each production process. The purpose of this research is to improve product quality of Wedang Uwuh Instan Sruput, improve the composition of herb wedang uwuh product, improve the concept of packaging and improve the marketing of the wedang uwuh products. The object of this research is Wedang Uwuh Sruput Prodi Teknik Industri UST. The materials used are instant wedang uwuh maker such as ginger, clove leaf, cinnamon leaf, secang wood, cloves, lemongrass, sugar and water. Identification is done on factors that affect product quality in order to create the same product in the market. The experiment was conducted by performing several times of Wedang Uwuh Sruput production with several variations of composition/formula using Taguchi method to maintain product consistency and quality. In this experiment there are 4 factors(sugar,ginger,water and secang)with 3 level design,that is 2,8 kg;2.9 kg and 3.0 kg for sugar,1.0 kg;1.2 kg and 1.4 kg for ginger,water is 5.0 L;5.2 L and 5.4 L,while the secang is 200 gr,210 gr,220 gr. The difference of the output of Wedang Uwuh Sruput is caused by the difference of sugar content, the difference of ginger content, the difference of the amount of water and the difference of the number of secang used, the use of different raw material specification, the length of production process is not same and the production process is still manual. The result shows that Waste which has the highest weight is waiting with the value of 0.252 at rank 31. Then the calculation of sigma value at early check is at the level of 3,001 sigma and final check at 2,455 sigma level. From the calculation of sigma level can be seen that the level of quality in Business Unit Wedang Uwuh "Sruput" is still far from lean six sigma target. Therefore, the advice given to the Business Unit Wedang Uwuh "Sruput" in the form of corrective actions that have been analyzed in this study. It was found that the most appropriate composition based on consumer preferences was Sugar 2.9 kg;Ginger 1.4;Water 5 L; and Wood Secang 200 gr

    Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Lulusan Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas XYZ Yogyakarta

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    The higher level of work competition that requires an academic degree makes an educational institution must improve the quality of graduates. Graduates of Industrial Engineering Study Program as an output of service industry, must have the quality and qualifications required by the users of graduates. Therefore, the college must prepare its students to compete with the ability and competence that can be relied on to obtain a decent job or create small industry. The results of the development of this strategy are expected to realize the students of Industrial Engineering Study Program Universitas XYZ Yogyakarta which has the advantages of: graduating with a short lecture period, high GPA and competent in the field of industrial engineering, has the ability to speak especially foreign languages and reliable IT understanding. The advantages are uses SWOT, EFAS and IFAS approaches. The right strategy recommendation to improve the quality of students is an entrance exam for new students. Equips students of Industrial engineering study Program with professional certification owned, partnering with SME for the creation of new entrepreneurial opportunities, equip students with industrial engineering's software, establishing cooperation with the companies for study excursion, practice and data retrieval or final task internship and also involving the students in local, national and international competitions

    Perancangan Desain Kemasan Gudeg Jogja dengan Menggunakan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

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    This research was conducted to design packaging for typical Yogyakarta food products, Gudeg Jogja. Gudeg is known as a special food from the Special Region of Yogyakarta which is made from jackfruit cooked in coconut milk. As a typical food, Gudeg is often used as gift. Along with the need for Gudeg for souvenirs, various kinds of Gudeg packaging appeared on the market. The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method is used to bring together what consumers want and then what producers can do to fulfill consumer desires. This method is used to design Gudeg packaging according to the needs of consumers. This product design development research uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The data is obtained from consumers and then processed. After knowing the results of data processing from the data that has been collected then a House of Quality is created. The result of this research is the design of Gudeg Jogja packaging that suits consumer needs

    Penilaian Postur Kerja Metode Ovako Work Posture Analysis Sistem (OWAS) dan Nordic Body Map (NBM) untuk Mengurangi Risiko Musculoskeletal Disorders

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    Latar Belakang: PT ABC merupakan sebuah industri penghasil produk kerajinan tangan berupa tas, sepatu, dompet dan aksesoris lainnya berbahan dasar kulit. Sebagian besar proses produksinya mengandalkan tenaga manusia, mulai dari proses pemotongan bahan, perakitan, penjahitan dan pengendalian kualitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai postur kerja pekerja di bagian produksi demi mengurangi risiko musculoskeletal disorders, dan mengetahui risiko musculoskeletal disorders yang dialami pekerja, serta memberikanrekomendasi perbaikan. Metode: metode yang digunakan adalah metode Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS) dan Nordic Body Map (NBM). Metode OWAS digunakan untuk menilai postur kerja dan metode NBM digunakan untuk menilai risiko pada musculoskeletal disorders. Kesimpulan: Hasil penilaian OWAS menunjukkan sebagian besar pekerja memiliki postur kerja tidak ergonomis dan memerlukan perbaikan di masa yang akan datang, sedangkan berdasarkan NBM diketahui bahwa risiko yang paling banyak dialami pekerja adalah sakit pada bahu kanan, pergelangan tangan kanan, pergelangan tangan kiri, pantat dan tangan kanan. Rekomendasi perbaikan yang dapat diberikan yaitu melakukan peregangan otot sebelum dan sesudah melakukan aktivitas

    Analisis Lean Manufacturing Pendekatan VSM dan FMEA untuk Meminimasi Pemborosan pada Salah Satu Perusahaan Logam di Jawa Tengah

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    Latar Belakang: PT. Aneka Adhilogam Karya adalah sebuah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak dalam bidang pengecoran logam dan memproduksi berbagai macam perlengkapan sambungan pipa air minum atau yang dikenal dengan Pipe Fittings. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, permintaan produk logam yang tinggi perusahaan dihadapkan dengan berbagai permasalahan salah satunya adalah pemborosan pada proses produksi. Metode: Untuk mengurangi pemborosan tersebut, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan Value Stream Mapping (VSM) untuk mengidentifikasi aktivitas yang tidak perlu, mengevaluasi dan memperbaiki proses produksi yang tidak efisien, serta meminimalkan waktu tunggu dan persediaan yang berlebih dan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi risiko atau kegagalan pada proses produksi. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan VSM yang telah dibuat dapat diketahui waktu total untuk proses produksi adalah sebesar 294.388 s. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dari FMEA jenis pemborosan yang memiliki nilai RPN tertinggi adalah Transportation sebesar 215. Usulan perbaikan berdasarkan jenis pemborosan yang terjadi yaitu, Pengecekan mesin secara rutin, automatisasi proses pengambilan, evaluasi tata letak lantai produksi dan identifikasi, penerapan budaya 5R (Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rajin, dan Rawat)


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    Lingkungan kerja yang nyaman sangat dibutuhkan oleh pekerja untuk dapat bekerja secara optimal dan produktif. Pengaruh terhadap lingkungan kerja yang tidak kondusi dapat menyebabkan berbagai gangguan diantaranya gangguan fisiologis berupa peningkatan tekanan darah yang dapat menyebabkan pucat dan gangguan sensoris, gangguan psikologis berupa rasa tidak nyaman yang berakibat kurang konsentrasi maupun emosi, gangguan komunikasi yang dapat menyebabkan terganggunya pekerjaan hingga berakibat pada kecelakaan kerja, kemudian gangguan pada pendengaran (ketulian) yang menyebabkan berkurangnya fungsi pendengaran bahkan dapat menyebabkan ketulian permanen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi lingkungan kerja di area proses produksi dengan pendekatan studi ergonomi untuk mengetahui respon pekerja terhadap paparan lingkungan kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Leq Value of Noise Measurement sesuai dengan metode SNI 7231:2009 untuk mengetahui nilai intensitas kebisingan. Hasil dari efektivitas aspek lingkungan kerja ini akan menjadi acuan bagi perusahaan terhadap besaran nilai ambang batas berdasarkan Kepmenaker No. 51 tahun 1999 mengenai Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB) intensitas kebisingan di area proses produksi sebesar 85 dB. Dari hasil pengukuran intensitas kebisingan diperoleh nilai pada 6 titik pengukuran sebesar 93,75; 97,31; 88,51; 97,54; 95,99; 99,78 dBA, sehingga melebihi NAB

    Pendekatan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) dalam proses pengembangan desain produk Whiteboard Eraser V2

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    The use of a whiteboard eraser is unavoidable in teaching and learning activities. However, in its use, whiteboard erasers are often found that are easily damaged or of poor quality. Some things that can happen are the eraser cloth is torn, the cloth is detached from the place and the marker ink marks on the eraser body. The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method approach is used to develop product designs in an effort to correct the shortcomings of the whiteboard eraser that has been used previously. The data obtained were obtained from questionnaires distributed to respondents by considering the statement attributes to determine the user's wishes. The results obtained from the overall planning matrix can be identified with the needs of the eraser user, namely the Interest Level with the highest value of 4.36, namely A12 (comfortable product to use), the highest Satisfaction Level of 4.07, namely A10 (Easy to absorb eraser fabric), Improvement Ratio with a value of The highest score is 1.35, namely A9 (the eraser body is made of lightweight and strong material) and Normalized Raw Weight with the highest value of 13%, namely A11 (the cloth material is not easily torn). The design of the V2 whiteboard eraser was designed in an effort to meet user needs with the QFD concept according to Indonesian anthropometric data and to obtain a product design in the form of a V2 whiteboard eraser which has a blue color with the addition of batik motifs and accessories, a body made of Dutch teak wood, type the fabric used is cotton, and the fabric/filling can be changed