15 research outputs found


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    Sufu is a traditional Chinese fermented soybean curd (tofu) resembling a soft creamy cheese-type product. It is made by fungal solid-state fermentation of tofu followed by aging in saturated brine solution. The aims of the research were to obtain the best indigenous mold strain for sufu fermentation and to produce the low salt sufu by applying Lactobacillus plantarum kik during aging. Four indigenous mold strains were used i.e Rhizopus oligosporus, R. oryzae, Mucor hiemalis and Actinomucor elegans. To produce the low salt sufu, the salt concentrations applied were varied in the range of 6% - 12% and by combination of 3% (v/v) L. plantarum kik. The results showed that the fermentation time of pizi was influenced by the mold species. Further sensory evaluation (Balance Incomplete Block Rating Design) on the hedonic rating of sufu revealed that aging in 9% brine and application of 3% (v/v) L. plantarum kik produced the most preferred sufu by the panelists. Combination of L. plantarum kik and pasteurization of sufu could maintain the quality for three weeks. Keywords: pizi, sufu, fungal, Lactobacillus plantarum ki


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    Perkembangan industri batik di Indonesia kini kian meningkat, akan tetapi, perkembangan tersebut menimbulkan dampak negatif, yaitu tercemarnya sumber air bersih atau daerah perairan di sekitar industri batik dari pembuangan limbah warna batik. Salah satu metode yang murah, mudah dan efektif dalam menanggulangi masalah tersebut adalah metode adsorbsi. Dewasa ini, proses adsorbsi dapat dilakukan secara fisika atau kimia. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja dari proses adsorbsi maka pada penelitian ini akan dikembangkan suatu material yang dapat melakukan proses adsorbsi baik secara kimia maupun secara fisika. Selain itu, pada penelitian ini juga menggunakan material berupa kitosan dari limbah cangkang kepala udang, serat selulosa dari limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit, dan lempung alam bentonit. Penggunaan ketiga limbah tersebut merupakan inovasi yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai guna dari material tersebut. Kombinasi filler serat selulosa dan lempung alam pada kitosan, diperkirakan akan meningkatkan kemampuan adsorbsi limbah warna batik. Dikarenakan, kedua material tersebut dilaporkan memiliki kemampuan adsorbsi yang baik. Pada penelitian ini, metode casting solution digunakan dalam pembuatan adsorben komposit kitosan/serat selulosa/bentonit (Cs/TKKS/Ben). Sedangkan metode adsorbsinya, menggunakan metode alir dengan variasi waktu adsorbsi 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 dan 60 menit. Untuk mengetahui performa dari proses adsorbsi maka dilakukan beberapa pengujian yaitu pengujian dengan menggunakan instrument spektroskopi UV-Vis (Ultra violet-visible), SAA (Surface Area Analyzer), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) dan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan mampu menghasilkan material komposit Cs/TKKS/Ben yang mudah, murah, serta memiliki daya adsorbsi zat warna yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kitosan, serat selulosa, dan bentonit biasa. Sehingga permasalahan pencemaran air bersih akibat limbah zat warna industri batik dapat terpecahkan

    Screening of Thalassemia Carrier Traits in Students Using the One Tube Osmotic Fragility Method

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    Thalassemia is an inherited disorder resulting from a mutation or deletion of a gene that causes one of the globin chains to experience a decrease or cessation in the rate of synthesis. This leads to a decrease in the rate of haemoglobin synthesis. The highest prevalence of thalassemia in the world is found in tropical countries. The incidence of thalassemia carriers in Indonesia ranges from 6-10%. Thalassemia screening can be carried out by several examinations, including one tube osmotic fragility (OTOF) examination, red blood cell index, peripheral blood morphology and electrochemistry of haemoglobin. This study aimed to examine the screening of thalassemia carriers in undergraduate students using osmotic fragment examination of the OTOF method. This study used descriptive methods with 100 TLM D3 female students not yet known to have thalassemia. Univariate analyses were carried out. The results of the capillary blood samples indicated that 12% of the students were positive (indicating a suspected carrier of thalassemia) and 88% were negative according to the OTOF method using a hypotonic solution of 0.36% NaCl. From the positive OTOF results, the percentage of haemolysis was measured with varying results (17% - 65%). Those who had positive OTOF results in general were without significant symptoms. The findings accentuate that early detection of thalassemia is important. Keywords: thalassemia, OTOF, microcytic, hypochromi

    Komposisi Kimia dan Kristalinitas Tepung Pisang Termodifikasi secara Fermentasi Spontan dan Siklus Pemanasan Bertekanan-Pendinginan

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    Studies on the chemical composition and crystallinity of the native banana flour and modified banana flour were carried out on “agung var semeru” banana (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). Native banana flour was produced by drying the banana slice, ground and passed through a 80 mesh screen. Modified banana flour were produced by spontaneous fermentation (room temperature, 24 h)and one or two cycles of  autoclaving (121 oC, 15 min) followed by cooling (4 oC, 24 h) of the slices before drying process. The results showed that spontaneous fermentation of banana slices increased amylose content. Two cycles of autoclaving-cooling significantly increased resistant starch content of banana flour (39.13 – 42.68% db) than the one cycle (29.34 – 35.93% db). Retrogradation process decreased the crystallinity from 18.74% -20.08% to 6.98% - 9.52%. X-ray diffraction showed that the starch granule was type C granule as a mixtureof A and B polymorphs.ABSTRAKKajian tentang komposisi kimia dan kristalinitas tepung pisang alami dan tepung pisang termodifikasi dilakukan pada pisang var agung semeru (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). Tepung pisang alami (kontrol) dihasilkan dengan mengeringkan irisan pisang, menghancurkan dan mengayak tepung dengan ayakan 80 mesh. Tepung pisang modifikasi dihasilkan dengan cara irisan pisang diberi perlakuan fermentasi spontan (suhu kamar, 24 jam) dilanjutkan dengan satu atau dua siklus pemanasan bertekanan (121 oC, 15 menit) yang diikuti dengan pendinginan (4 oC, 24 jam) sebelum dilakukan proses pengeringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi spontan mampu meningkatkan kadar amilosa. Dua siklus pemanasan bertekanan-pendinginan meningkatkan pati resisten (RS) tepung pisang dengan nyata (39,13 – 42,68% bk) dibandingkan dengan yang satu siklus (29,34 – 35,93% bk). Proses pemanasan bertekananpendinginan menurunkan kristalinitas tepung pisang dari 18,74-20,08% menjadi 6,98-9,52%. Difraksi sinar X menunjukkan granula pati pisang adalah granula tipe C yang merupakan campuran dari granula tipe A dan tipe B

    Phenotypic and genotypic identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from spontaneous fermentation of unripe var. agung semeru banana (Musa paradisiaca formatypica)

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can be found on food products such as milk and meat products, cerealia, cassava, fruits or vegetable products. The objectives of this research were to identify phenotypic and genotypic of lactic acid bacteria isolated from spontaneous fermentation of unripe var agung semeru banana (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). Phenotypic identification was based on general morphology, physiological test, API and Biolog system. Genotypic identification used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and analyses of 16S rRNA sequence. The result showed that two groups of LAB (FSnh 1 and FSnh A isolate) can use glicerol, D-ribose, D- xylose, D-glucose, D-fructose, D-mannose, methyl α D-gluco pyranoside, N-acetyl glucosamine, esculin ferric citrate, salicin, D-celiobiose, D-saccharose, gentibiose and potassium gluconate as carbon source. Beside that FSnh 1 isolate used D-galactose, L-sorbose, L-rhamnose, and amygdalin, while FSnh A isolate used metil αD- glukopiranosa, arbutin, D-maltose, D-lactose, D-trehalose, D-turanose, and potassium 5-ketogluconate as carbon source. The genotypic identification showed that Lactobacillus sp associated with the spontaneous fermentation of var agung semeru banana were identified as Lactobacillus salivarus and Lactobacillus fructivorans

    The Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Effects of Cosmos caudatus Ethanolic Extract on Cervical Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress is closely related to all aspects of cancer. Cosmos caudatus ethanolic extract (CCEE) has been proved to have antioxidant effect that inhibited cancer cell growth due to its bioactive compounds such as catechin, quercetin and chlorogenic acid. This study aimed to evaluate antioxidant and anticancer activity of CCEE and its compounds.METHODS: Total phenol was measured according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method. Catechin, quercetin and chlorogenic acid contained in CCEE were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Antioxidant activity was evaluated by 2,2′-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS)-reducing activity, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activity, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) activity test. The cytotoxic activity of CCEE was determined by MTS [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium] assay on HeLa cells.RESULTS: The result showed that total phenol of CCEE was 181.64±0.93 µg Cathecin/mg extract. ABTSreducing activity test showed that catechin had the highest activity (2.90±0.04 µg/mL), while CCEE had moderate activity compared to other compounds. FRAP activity test demonstrated that catechin had the highest activity (315.83 µM Fe(II)/µg) compared to other compounds. DPPH scavenging activity of CCEE was 22.82±0.05 µg/mL. Cytotoxicity test on HeLa cell showed that CCEE had lower activity (inhibitory concentration (IC)50= 89.90±1.30 µg/mL) compared to quercetin (IC50 = 13.30±0.64 µg/ mL).CONCLUSION: CCEE has the lowest antioxidant activity compared to quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid and has the lowest anticancer activity compared to quercetin. However, CCEE and its compounds has potential as antioxidant and anticancer properties.KEYWORDS: antioxidant, anticancer, catechin, Cosmos caudatus, querceti


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           Sufu is a traditional Chinese fermented soybean curd (tofu) resembling a soft creamy cheese-type product. It is made by fungal solid-state fermentation of tofu (called pizi) followed by aging in saturated brine solution. The aims of this study were to obtain the best indigenous mold strain for sufu fermentation and produce a low salt sufu by applying Lactobacillus plantarum kik. Four indigenous mold strains were used i.e Rhizopus oligosporus, R. oryzae, Mucor hiemalis and Actinomucor elegans during pizi fermentation. The salt concentrations used in brine fermentation varied in the range of 6% - 12%. The results showed that the fermentation time of pizi depended on the mold species. Based on the density of the mycelium  and the spores colour, pizi fermented by R. oligosporus and R. oryzae were produced after 24 hours of fermentation, while those with M. hiemalis and A. elegans were formed after 36 hours at room temperature and 55-68% relative humidity (RH). Sensory evaluation of the pizi flavor indicated that the pizi fermented by A. elegans and R. oligosporus were ranked as first and second, respectively. Sensory evaluation (Balance Incomplete Block Rating Design) on the hedonic rating of sufu revealed that fermentation in 9% brine by Lactobacillus plantarum kik produced the most preferred sufu according to the panelists. Combination of L. plantarum kik and pasteurization of sufu could maintain the quality for three weeks

    KOMPOSISI KIMIA DAN KRISTALINITAS TEPUNG PISANG TERMODIFIKASI SECARA FERMENTASI SPONTAN DAN SIKLUS PEMANASAN BERTEKANAN-PENDINGINAN (Chemical Composition and Crystallinity of Modified Banana Flour by Spontaneous Fermentation and Autoclaving-Cooling Cycle)

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    Studies on the chemical composition and crystallinity of the native banana flour and modified banana flour were carried out on “agung var semeru” banana (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). Native banana flour was produced by drying the banana slice, ground and passed through a 80 mesh screen. Modified banana flour were produced by spontaneous fermentation (room temperature, 24 h)and one or two cycles of  autoclaving (121 oC, 15 min) followed by cooling (4 oC, 24 h) of the slices before drying process. The results showed that spontaneous fermentation of banana slices increased amylose content. Two cycles of autoclaving-cooling significantly increased resistant starch content of banana flour (39.13 – 42.68% db) than the one cycle (29.34 – 35.93% db). Retrogradation process decreased the crystallinity from 18.74% -20.08% to 6.98% - 9.52%. X-ray diffraction showed that the starch granule was type C granule as a mixture of A and B polymorphs. Keywords: Modified banana flour, spontaneous fermentation, autoclaving-cooling cycles   ABSTRAK Kajian tentang komposisi kimia dan kristalinitas tepung pisang alami dan tepung pisang termodifikasi dilakukan pada pisang var agung semeru (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). Tepung pisang alami (kontrol) dihasilkan dengan mengeringkan irisan pisang, menghancurkan dan mengayak tepung dengan ayakan 80 mesh. Tepung pisang modifikasi dihasilkan dengan cara irisan pisang diberi perlakuan fermentasi spontan (suhu kamar, 24 jam) dilanjutkan dengan satu atau dua siklus pemanasan bertekanan (121 oC, 15 menit) yang diikuti dengan pendinginan (4 oC, 24 jam) sebelum dilakukan proses pengeringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi spontan mampu meningkatkan kadar amilosa. Dua siklus pemanasan bertekanan-pendinginan meningkatkan pati resisten (RS) tepung pisang dengan nyata (39,13 – 42,68% bk) dibandingkan dengan yang satu siklus (29,34 – 35,93% bk). Proses pemanasan bertekananpendinginan menurunkan kristalinitas tepung pisang dari 18,74-20,08% menjadi 6,98-9,52%. Difraksi sinar X menunjukkan granula pati pisang adalah granula tipe C yang merupakan campuran dari granula tipe A dan tipe B. Kata kunci: Tepung pisang termodifikasi, fermentasi spontan, autoclaving-cooling cycle