574 research outputs found
Fathering styles are highly influenced by cultural background from which the father are raised. These styles will be observed by children and eventually become an imitated model for children in shaping their attitude and behavior as well as their ethnic identity representing their cultural values. The objectives of this research is to know the difference of fathering styles between fathers in Minangkabau families and Batak families perceived from their personality types. The subjects of this research were 90 fathers in Medan, North Sumatera which consist of 45 fathers of Minangkabau ethnicity and 45 fathers of Batak ethnicity. The data of the study were collected by using two scales, which are personality types scale and fathering style scale. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to analyze the data. The result of the analysis shows that personality types and ethnicity interact each other in affecting fathering styles ( F : 5.872; p = 0.004 < 0.05),so there is a difference of fathering styles between Minangkabau fathers and Batak fathers perceived from introvert and extrovert personality types. A final contribution of this study is the effort to save young generation who live fatherless and support well function families through fathers’ role in transmitting good cultural values of fathers’ ethnicity, so it is suggested that fathers’ involvement should be existed in raising children’s development any condition even divorce can not be avoided. Paternal figure should always be present in children’s life both by father’s direct involvement and by involvement of other paternal figures. Good paternal figure will help children to avoid social problems they face in life
Analisis sektor industri manufaktur di Indonesia
because it can increase economic growth. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the manufacturing industry sector in Indonesia. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis. Overall, from 2000 - 2020, the average development of the manufacturing industry was 12.67 percent, labor averaged 2.4 percent, investment averaged 9.2 and inflation averaged 8.6 percent. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis using the period 2000-2020. The results of the study show that the variable Number of Labor and investment has an effect on the manufacturing industry in Indonesia for the period 2000-2020, while inflation has no effect
Analisis Peranan Sub Sektor Tanaman Pangan dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Wilayah Kabupaten Batang Hari Periode 2005-2012
Kabupaten Batang Hari merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang membudidayakan komoditi tanaman pangan di Provinsi Jambi salah satu programpembangunan bidang ekonomi adalah penigkatan ketahanan pangan daerah dan penigkatan taraf hidup masyarakat miskin. Penelitian ini bertujuann untuk menganalisis sub sektor tanaman pangan merupakan komoditas basis atau non basis di Kabupaten Batang Hari dan Untuk menganalisis tenaga kerja sub sektor tanaman pangan merupakan sub sektor basis atau non basis dalam pembangunan ekonomi wilayah Kabupaten Batang Hari. Sub sektor tanaman pangan merupakan sub sektornon basis di wilayah Kabupaten Batang Hari. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil perhitungan LQ yang menunjukkan kurang dari 1 berdasarkan hasil peritungan dengan menggunkan indikator pendapatan. Sub sektor tanaman pangan merupakan sub sektor basis di wilayah Kabupaten Batang Hari. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil perhitungan LQ yang menunjukkan lebih dari 1 berdasarkan hasil peritungan dengan menggunkan indikator tenaga kerja
Kepribadian dan Pola Asuh Ayah pada Keluarga Batak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara pola pengasuhan
ayah yang berkepribadian introvert dengan gaya pengasuhan
ayah yang berkepribadian ekstrovert pada keluarga Minang dan pada
keluarga Batak. Subjek penelitian adalah 45 orang ayah suku Batak di
kota Medan. Pengambilan data menggunakan dua skala, yaitu skala tipe
kepribadian dan skala pola asuh ayah. Analisis Varians dua arah (Two
Ways ANOVA) digunakan sebagai metode untuk mengalisis data. Hasil
analisis data menunjukkan bahwa tipe kepribadian dengan suku saling
berinteraksi dalam mempengaruhi pola pengasuhan ayah. Berdasarkan
hasil penelitian di atas, disarankan agar keterlibatan ayah dalam pengasuhan
anak harus ada dalam kondisi apapun, bahkan saat perceraian
tak dapat dihindarkan. Figur ayah tidak boleh hilang dalam kehidupan
anak baik itu dengan menghadirkan keterlibatan ayah secara langsung
maupun dengan menghadirkan figur lain yang dapat melakukan peran
ayah. Figur ayah yang baik akan membantu anak terhindar dari masalahmasalah
sosial yang dihadapi dalam kehidupannya
AbstrakSetiap individu akan belajar dari kondisi yang ada dalam lingkungan budayanya. Informasi karakteristik etnik dalam suatu budaya tertentu akan dipelajari dan tertanam dan saat dewasa, disadari atau tanpa disadari akan mempengaruhi individu melakukan identifikasi dalam rangka memperkuat identitas etnik yang melekat pada dirinya. Seorang laki-laki saat menjadi seorang ayah mentransmisi segala nilai-nilai budaya dalam dirinya dalam bentuk sikap dan perilaku pengasuhan pada anaknya sebagai peneguhan identitas etnik yang terlekat dalam dirinya. Inilah yang melatarbelakangi penelitian untuk mengetahui identitas etnik dalam perilaku pengasuhan oleh para ayah pada etnik Batak dan para ayah etnik Minang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana identitas etnik tergambar dalam perilaku pengasuhan yang dilakukan baik oleh para ayah suku Batak maupun para ayah suku Minang sesuai dengan identitas etnik yang melekat.AbstractEach individual will learn from the conditions that exist in his cultural environment. Information on ethnic characteristics in a particular culture will be studied and embedded to influence individuals to identify in order to strengthen the ethnic identity attached to them. A man when he becomes a father transmits all the cultural values in him in the form of attitudes and nurturing behavior to his children as a confirmation of the ethnic identity inherent in him. This is the background of research to determine ethnic identity in parenting behavior of Batak ethnic fathers and Minang ethnic fathers. The results of the study show how ethnic identity is reflected in the parenting behavior carried out by both Batak tribal fathers and Minang tribal fathers according to the inherent ethnic identity
The objectives of this research is to know the difference of moral reasoning between boys and girls
perceived from authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parents. The subjects of this research were
81 students at primary school of Al Falah Sei Mencirim Kutalimbaru Sumatera Utara. The data of the
study was collected by using two scales, they are Moral Reasoning scale and parenting style scale.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to analyze the data, which resulted that parenting styles
and gender interact each other in affecting moral reasoning (F : 5,580; p = 0.006 < 0.05), and it
means that there is a difference of moral reasoning among boys and girls perceived from
authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting styles. Based on the finding above, it is
suggested that educators should develop suitable teaching strategy which may enhance positive
developmental aspects by avoiding sex stereotypes; encouraging to be independent and take a risk;
and guiding in problem solving. It is suggested too that parents should avoid different parenting
between boys and girls and help them to make moral decision properly so the can avoid social
adapting problems
Penerapan Metode Simulasi dalam Pembelajaran Fikih Ibadah Bagi Siswa di Mts Ympi Sei Tualang Raso Tanjung Balai
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the Application of Simulation Method in Worship Fiqh Learning for Students of Mts YMPI Sei Tualang Raso Tanjungbalai, which includes the application of simulation methods in the learning fiqh of worship for students, process of simulation method that implemented by teacher, effective simulation methods that used by teachers, using qualitative methods. In data analysis the researcher used qualitative analysis technique to the process of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.There are three findings in this study: That in the application of simulation methods can be concluded that there are three things to high lighted, there are: 1. Planning: The teacher planning or designing scenario and discussing the steps with students. 2. Before doing the simulation, in advance, the teacher makes the students into some groups then gives directions as well as the simulation scenario to each group, then 3. The teacher close the simulation by giving conclusions on the implementation of the simulation.The second finding: That in the process of applying simulation method in the learning worship fiqh for students in MTs YMPI Sei Tualang Raso Tanjungbalai, student activity is also a major influence in the successful implementation of the simulation, and based on the research findings in the field can be found that the students are very enthusiastic about the simulation method which are applied in the study of worship fiqh, students are more fastly understand on reading prayers, verses and the ordinances taught in Worship Fiqh material.The third finding: That the application of simulation method in the learning worship fiqh for students in MTs YMPI Sei Tualang Raso Tanjungbalai is very effective to apply due to application of simulation method enhances the understanding and student learning outcomes in learning worship fiqh.The simulation method is very effective to apply in the worship fiqh learning, this reflects in the attitudes of students are very enthusiastic about the application of simulation method and the application of simulation methods in fiqh worship learning is more assist students in understanding the implementation of worship fiqh
Peran komunikasi interpersonal dalam upaya meningatkan kualitas pelayanan perpustakaan
The quality of library services is strongly influenced by the quality of librarians as implementers. Quality of the librarian is determined by educational background (skills), personality and communication skills. Interpersonal communication skills are very important for librarians, because in information service activities librarian is dealing directly with the users of the librar
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