28 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kompetensi akuntansi yang dimiliki oleh aparat pengelola dana desa dan komitmen organisasi pemerintah desa terhadap akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana desa, mengingat bahwa tekat pemerintah membangun perekonomian dari pinggiran daerah yaitu dari desa sehingga kucuran dana dari pemerintah pusat sebagai bentuk implementasi dari lahirnnya undang-undang tentang desa jumlahnya mencapai Rp. 20,7 Triliun. Oleh karena itu, laporan pertanggungjawaban dana desa harus akuntabel.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian explanatory (penelitian penjelasan), studi kasus pada kecamatan sinjai selatan kabupaten sinjai. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Analiasi data dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 21 for windows.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 57,7% Akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana desa dipengaruhi oleh variabel kompetensi akuntansi aparat pengelola dana desa dan komitmen organisasi pemerintah desa, selebihnya dipengaruhi oleh variable lain. Semakin baik kompetensi akuntansi yang dimiliki oleh aparat pengelola dana desa makan akan baik pula tingkat akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana desa yang dibuktikan dengan laporan pertanggungjawaban bersih serta semakin tingginya tingkat kesadaran kita atau tingkat komitmen kita terhadap organisasi atau instansi dalam hal komitmen organisasi pemerintah desa makan akan semakin baik akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana desa

    Analisis Kadar Vitamin C Mangga Gadung (Mangifera SP) dan Mangga Golek (Mangifera Indica L) Berdasarkan Tingkat Kematangan dengan Menggunakan Metode Iodimetri

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    Mango fruits contain several nutrients which are beneficial for the improvement of people's nutrition. Vitamin C is one of which highly needed by the body and can be used as a source of antioxidants. Vitamin C level of mangoes is strongly influenced by their varieties, environments, places, fertilizers, maturity levels, and so on. Levels of vitamin C will increase until the fruit is ripe, and will decrease when the maturity level has been exceeded. This research determined the vitamin C level of gadung and golek mangoes based on the maturity levels. gadung and golek mangoes used as the samples were half-ripe, ripe, and overripe fruits. Analysis of vitamin C levels in the samples was done by iodimetry method. The results showed that the vitamin C levels of Gadung were 83.66 mg/100 g on the half-ripe fruits, 101.82 mg/100 g on the ripe fruits, and 92.85 mg/100 g on the overripe fruits. Whereas the vitamin c levels of golek were 57.72 mg/100 g on the half-ripe fruits, 79.30 mg/100 g on the ripe fruits, and 61,14 mg/100 g on the overripe fruits. The data indicate that the ripe fruits of mangoes contain the optimum level of vitamin C

    Implementasi Ime (Ilearning Media)dalam Mendukung Sistem Pembelajaran Ilearning pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    The learning system is run in an educational institution, strongly influence the mindset and creativity of each student. In a learning system running on colleges Raharja, currently still using paper as a medium for performing tasks. The use of paper is a way of learning the manual and monotonous. To support that learning systems can be more interesting is to utilize existing information technology. iLearning is a method of lecturing in colleges Raharja who use the iPad as a media to facilitate the learning process of students. Given this method, students can learn, work, pray and play with iPad. The term is known as 4B. iLearning Media or shortened by the name iMe is a web application that is created and can be used by all students of colleges Raharja to explore their creativity in learning. This is an online learning system that facilitates student learning, because it can be done anywhere and anytime. It was concluded that the contribution of the iMe can be used as a medium of information for learning systems for the entire community colleges Raharja. Research methods used in conducting this research is the method of observation and literatur

    Analisis Kadar Vitamin C Mangga Gadung (Mangifera sp) Dan Mangga Golek (Mangifera indica L) Berdasarkan Tingkat Kematangan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Iodimetri

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    Mango fruits contain several nutrients which are beneficial for the improvement of people’s nutrition. Vitamin C is one of which highly needed by the body and can be used as a source of antioxidants. Vitamin C level of mangoes is strongly influenced by their varieties, environments, places, fertilizers, maturity levels, and so on. Levels of vitamin C will increase until the fruit is ripe, and will decrease when the maturity level has been exceeded. This research determined the vitamin C level of gadung and golek mangoes based on the maturity levels. gadung and golek mangoes used as the samples were half-ripe, ripe, and overripe fruits. Analysis of vitamin C levels in the samples was done by iodimetry method. The results showed that the vitamin C levels of Gadung were 83.66 mg/100 g on the half-ripe fruits, 101.82 mg/100 g on the ripe fruits, and 92.85 mg/100 g on the overripe fruits. Whereas the vitamin c levels of golek were 57.72 mg/100 g on the half-ripe fruits, 79.30 mg/100 g on the ripe fruits, and 61,14 mg/100 g on the overripe fruits. The data indicate that the ripe fruits of mangoes contain the optimum level of vitamin C

    Analisis Kadar Kalsium (Ca) dan Besi (Fe) dalam Kangkung Air (Ipomeae aquatica forsk) dan Kangkung Darat (Ipomeae reptan forsk) Asal Palu

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    Kangkong, or water spinach is a well-known leaf vegetable because it is delicious cheap and easily obtained. There is two types of water spinach that most consumed, water-water spinach grown in the wet and watery and land-water spinach grown in dry place or moor. Kangkong can be consumed in various type of foods, in addition, it’s also rich in vitamins, protein, carotene, amino acids, phosphorus, sitosterol and mineral materials, especially iron and calcium. The aim of the study was to determine the concentration of calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) in water-water spinach (ipomeae aquatica forsk) and land-water spinach (ipomeae reptan forsk) from palu. The research was conducted using alkaline digestion using nitric acid with the SSA instrument. The data showed that the concentration of Ca in stems and leaves of water-kangkong was 15.375 mg/kg and 12.833 mg/kg, and land–kangkong was 74.666 mg/kg and 31.000 mg/kg, while the concentration of Fe in stems and leaves of water-water spinach was 301.166 mg/kg and 232.500 mg/kg, and land-water spinach was 458.000 mg/kg and 238.750 mg/kg

    Kajian Perlindungan HAM Bagi Narapidana Perempuan Pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Abstract: This study examines the Protection of Human Rights for Woman in Prison Inmates in South Sulawesi. The aim of this study, was to determine: 1) implementation of the human rights protection of woman prisoners in prison in South Sulawesi, 2)-the condition of woman prisoners as inmates in prison in South Sulawesi, 3) the condition of facilities and infrastructure prison, 4) enabling and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the human rights protection of woman prisoners in prison in South Sulawesi. Research location is determined by quota sampling technique. The selected location is: Prison Class IIB Makassar, woman Prison Class II A in Sungguminasa. prison Class II B in Takalar, Prison Class II B in Barru, Prison Class II B in Pare-Pare. and prison Class II B in Pinrang. Subjects in this study were 257 women prisoners. The results showed that: 1) There are seven criteria for implementation of human rights protection women prisoners has been going well, namely: a) To worship according to the religion and belief; b) physical care; c) obtain adequate medical health care; d) get decent food services; e) submit a complaint to the officer; f) obtain reading materials and follow other broadcast media; and g) are given free time receive family visits, legal counsel or other particular person. There are five criteria for implementation of human rights protection women prisoners who have not implemented weil, namely: a) education and teaching; b) the provision of assistance and psychological guidance; c) providing guidance spiritual / religious; d) get wages for the work done; and e) get a chance to assimilate including leave and visiting family. 2) physical, social, and spiritual conditions for women prisoners have been implemented well. But the psychological condition women prisoners need special attention. 3) facilities and infrastructure prison classified representative but the required storage capacity wider prisoners. 4) There are five aspects of the enabling and inhibiting implementation of human rights protection in women cnsoners, namely: a) the budget, b) human resources (personnel), c) the character of prisoners, d) facilities and infrastructure, e) concern other institutions in contributing to guidance women prisoners

    Isolating along-strike variations in the depth extent of shallow creep and fault locking on the northern Great Sumatran Fault

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    The Great Sumatran Fault system in Indonesia is a major right-lateral trench-parallel system that can be divided into several segments, most of which have ruptured within the last century. This study focuses on the northern portion of the fault system which contains a 200-km-long segment that has not experienced a major earthquake in at least 170 years. In 2005, we established the Aceh GPS Network for the Sumatran Fault System (AGNeSS) across this segment. AGNeSS observes large displacements which include significant postseismic deformation from recent large megathrust earthquakes as well as interseismic deformation due to continued elastic loading of both the megathrust and the strike slip system. We parameterize the displacements due to afterslip on the megathrust using a model based on a rate- and state-dependent friction formalism. Using this approach, we are able to separate afterslip from other contributions. We remove predicted deformation due to afterslip from the observations, and use these corrected time series to infer the depth of shallow aseismic creep and deeper locked segments for the Great Sumatran Fault. In the northern portion of this fault segment, we infer aseismic creep down to 7.3 ± 4.8 km depth at a rate of 2.0 ± 0.6 cm/year. In the southwestern portion of the segment, we estimate a locking depth of 14.8 ± 3.4 km with a downdip slip rate of 1.6 ± 0.6 cm/year. This portion of the fault is capable of producing a magnitude 7.0 earthquake

    Electrochemical Performance of Tellurium Oxide on TiO2/Ti Array for Photoelectrocatalytic Chemical Oxygen Demand Sensor Applications

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    The experiments were carried out using Te-TiO2/Ti as working electrodes, prepared by the simple anodization technique and dip coating method, on Ti substrates (TiO2/Ti). The measurements were performed in an electrochemical cell using a three-electrode system, with Te-TiO2/Ti as the working electrode, Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode and pt as the auxiliary electrode. A flow system for determining the profile and photocurrent response of reactive orange 84 was developed using Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) and Multi-Pulse Amperometry (MPA). The physicochemical properties of Te-TiO2/Ti electrodes have been studied using UV–vis DRS analysis techniques and compared with un-doped TiO2/Ti electrodes. The UV–vis DRS showed that the TiO2/Ti doped Te functionally decreases bandgap to 3.0 eV. The results showed that the photocurrent of reactive orange 84 was observed in the concentration range (1-5 μM), with a linear response between concentration and charge

    Studi Makroalga Sebagai Biofilter Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Sintasan Juvenil Abalon (Haliotis asinina) Pada Sistem Budidaya Resirkulasi

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Hatchery Abalon, Kecamatan Soropia, Kabupaten Konawe, Sulawesi Tenggara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan kombinasi makroalga sebagai biofilter yang berbeda  terhadap sintasan dan pertumbuhan juvenil abalon pada sistem resirkulasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 ulangan, dimana ada tiga perlakuan menggunakan 3 kombinasi makroalga yang berbeda, yaitu: perlakuan A (Gracillaria verrucosa dan Galaxaura sp.), B (G. verrucosa dan Ulva sp.) dan C (Ulva sp. dan  Galaxaura sp.). Ukuran panjang cangkang juvenil abalon yang digunakan yaitu 0.5-0.7cm dan diberi  pakan makroalga jenis G. verrucosa secara ad libitum selama penelitian. Kecepatan air sistem resirkulasi 4.8ltr/menit, sehingga terjadi pertukaran air pada wadah hewan uji sebesar 6912 liter  atau hampir 700% dalam 24 jam. Hasil analisis sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata (P > 0,05) terhadap pertumbuhan dan sitasan abalon.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas air yang baik pada ketiga perlakuan dengan sintasan 100% selama masa pemeliharaan. Oleh karena itu, maka disarankan untuk melakukan studi lanjut dengan menggunakan biofilter makroalga pada sistem resirkulasi dengan memelihara abalon pada kepadatan maksimal sehingga akan menghasilkan  produksi juvenil abalon yang lebih banyak

    Synthesis, characterization, and thermophysical properties of maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) nanofluids with and without magnetic fields effect / Irwan Nurdin

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    Synthesis, characterization, and thermophysical properties of maghemite nanofluids have been studied with and without magnetic fields effect. The objectives of study are to synthesize maghemite nanoparticles and their characterization using various methods, to prepare stable maghemite nanofluids, and measurement of thermophysical properties of maghemite nanofluids with and without external magnetic fields effect. Maghemite nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical co-precipitation method with different concentrations of nitric acid. Maghemite nanofluids were then prepared and the stability of the nanofluids were characterized by zeta potential and dynamic light scattering at different pH and time of storage. Lastly, measurements of thermal conductivity, viscosity, and electrical conductivity of maghemite nanofluids were taken at various particle volume fraction, temperatures, with and without strengths of magnetic fields. Results show that spherical shape of superparamagnetic maghemite nanoparticles with good thermal and suspensions stability was successfully synthesized within the size range of 9.3 to 14.7 nm. The stability of maghemite nanofluids show that the suspensions remain stable at acidic condition with zeta potential value of 44.6 mV at pH 3.6 and at basic condition with zeta potential -46.2 mV at pH 10.5. The isoelectric point of the maghemite nanoparticles suspensions is obtained at pH 6.7. The maghemite nanofluids remains stable after eight months of storage. The thermal conductivity of maghemite nanofluids linearly increases with increasing of particle volume fraction, temperature, and magnetic fields strengths. The kinematic viscosity of maghemite nanofluids increases with increasing of particle volume fraction and magnetic fields and decrease with increasing of temperature. Electrical conductivity of maghemite nanofluids increases with increasing of particle volume fraction and temperature and no effect with magnetic fields