780 research outputs found


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    Potensi ayam petelur di merauke cukup tinggi, dan pada ahirnya ayam-ayam ini akan dijadikan ayam afkir. Ayam afkir memiliki kekurangan selain karkas dagingnya cukup kenyal dan keras, ayam ini memiliki banyak lemak abdomen dan kandungan kolesterol. Jamu herbal memiliki kelebihan diantaranya kandungan antioksidan, minyak atsiri dan kurkumin dalam tumbuhan herbal mampu menurunkan kadar lemak dan kolesterol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas jamu herbal terhadap kandungan persentase kolesterol daging dan lemak abdomen. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan, menggunakan 36 ekor ayam afkir petelur umur 26 bulan. Bahan penelitian menggunakan jamu herbal yang terdiri dari beberapa jensi tumbuhan diantaranya : Buah merah 30%; Kunyit 20%; Jahe 5%; temu lawak 25%; Kencur 20%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jamu herbal yang diberikan tidak memberikan pengaruh (P> 0.05) terhadap kolesterol R0 yaitu 131 mg, R1 sebanyak 130, 67 mg, R2 sebanyak 128,33 mg, dan R3 sebanyak 126 mg dan lemak R0 (4.6 %), R1 (4.23 %), R2 (4. 43 %), R3 (4.5 %), namun nilai persentase menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan menurun. Hal ini diduga pemberian jamu herbal cukup sedikit sehingga belum maksimal dalam mempengaruhi kadar kolesterol dan lemak

    Konflik Intrapersonal Tokoh Aku Dalam Novel Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu Karya Puthut E. A.

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    This research was aimed to shows the intrapersonal conflicts of ―aku‖ in Puthut EA\u27s novel, Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu, by using analytical descriptive method and Sigmund Freud\u27s psychoanalysis theory. The relevance between literary studies and psychoanalysis theory was based on the understanding of characters existence as a human in literary text. The analysis shows that the \u27Aku\u27 in this novel is experiencing some intrapersonal conflicts, that is, neurosis, psychosis, internal conflict, and depression

    Analysis of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method for Selection the Superior Cattle

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    The results of decision making play an important role in achieving a goal in solving certain problems. In the decision making process requires data or supporting evidence that can be used as a guide for the selection of solutions based on available alternatives, so as to produce choices that can increase productivity. MCDM method for the analysis of research data namely AHP, TOPSIS and SMART, the three methods are tested, because each MCDM method has a different way of working or algorithm, so it is necessary to experiment with certain cases. This study aims to determine the performance of the AHP, TOPSIS, and SMART methods with a case study of selecting superior female cattle breeds. The application of three MCDM methods for alternative analysts of prospective superior beef cattle based on testing to determine the accuracy of comparing the results/output of the system with expert recommendation solutions using a sample of 15 female cows that produce priority/ranking for superior beef cattle, shows that the performance of the three methods produces priority selection results the same, with 80% priority accuracy.The results of decision making play an important role in achieving a goal in solving certain problems. In the decision making process requires data or supporting evidence that can be used as a guide for the selection of solutions based on available alternatives, so as to produce choices that can increase productivity. MCDM method for the analysis of research data namely AHP, TOPSIS and SMART, the three methods are tested, because each MCDM method has a different way of working or algorithm, so it is necessary to experiment with certain cases. This study aims to determine the performance of the AHP, TOPSIS, and SMART methods with a case study of selecting superior female cattle breeds. The application of three MCDM methods for alternative analysts of prospective superior beef cattle based on testing to determine the accuracy of comparing the results/output of the system with expert recommendation solutions using a sample of 15 female cows that produce priority/ranking for superior beef cattle, shows that the performance of the three methods produces priority selection results the same, with 80% priority accuracy


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    This research is motivated by the importance of employees in a company which is an important factor in helping to realize company goals, and that influences job satisfaction is transformational leadership and organizational culture. The research objective was to determine the direct effect, transformational leadership and organizational culture on employee job satisfaction.In this study the method used is an explanatory survey method by collecting primary data and sampling techniques using a questionnaire with a Likert scale tool against 170 employee respondents at CV Swadaya Agri Jaya in Gondangrejo. Testing the instrument requirements used includes validity and reliability tests. Testing the analytical tool used includes normality test, homogeneity test, multiple linear regression test. The tool used to test is SPSS.Based on the research results obtained transformational leadership has no positive effect on job satisfaction, organizational culture has a positive direct effect on job satisfaction, and transformational leadership together with organizational culture has no effect on job satisfaction Keywords: transformational leadership, organizational culture and job satisfaction


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    Prevalensi penyakit hipertensi di Indonesia semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) menunjukkan peningkatan penyakit hipertensi dari tahun 2013 sebesar 25,8% menjadi 34.1% pada tahun 2018. Penderita hipertensi mengalami tekanan darah yang tinggi, bila tekanan darah yang berlangsung dalam jangka waktu lama tidak dideteksi secara dini dan tidak mendapat pengobatan yang memadai hal tersebut bisa memicu kerusakan pada ginjal, jantung dan otak. selain mendapatkan terapi farmakologi, juga harus mendapatkan terapi nonfarmakologi. Karena mengingat manusia itu sendiri tidak bisa lepas dari konsep bio, psiko, sosio, dan spiritual. Pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritualnya dengan pendekatan diri kepada Allah SWT melalui berdzikir mampu memberi ketenangan, menghilangkan kesedihan dan stress, serta mampu menurunankan tekanan darah. Tujuan Mengetahui pengaruh dzikir terhadap penurunan tekanan darah di Wilayah Puskesmas Bandung Kota Tegal. Desain penelitian  yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan metode pre test dan post test control group design. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan Spigmomanometer. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 40 orang terdiri atas  20 orang pada kelompok intervensi yang mendapatkan intervensi dzikir dan 20 orang pada kelompok kontrol. Hasil diperoleh sebagian besar responden pada kelompok intervensi adalah berjenis kelamin perempuan sebanyak 16 orang (80%), pada kelompok kontrol berjenis kelamin perempuan sebanyak 11 orang (55%), pada kelompok intervensi usia terbanyak adalah 50-60 tahun sebanyak 11 orang (55%), sedangkan kelompok kontrol terbanyak adalah usia 30-49 tahun sebanyak 12 orang (60%). Pekerjaan pada kelompok intervensi terbanyak adalah bekerja sebanyak 11 (55%) sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terbanyak adalah bekerja terbanyak 13 orang (65%)

    Implementasi Metode Penemuan Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Penarikan Kesimpulan Logika Matematika

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    This research aim to obtain a description of the implementation of guided discovery method in improving student learning outcomes in mathematical logic inference matter. The research design refers to the design of the research consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Based on the results of research, performed the steps in learning with guided discovery method is to formulate the problem, analyze the data, develop conjectures, and make conclusions

    Analisis Marginalisasi dan Diskriminasi Tokoh Nyai Ontosoroh dalam Roman Bumi Manusia Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer

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    The aims of this research include: (1) To find out the forms of marginalization and discrimination experienced by the character Nyai Ontosoroh in Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Romance of the Earth of Mankind. (2) To find out the form of resistance of the character Nyai Ontosoroh in Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Romance of the Earth of Mankind. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The source of data obtained from this research is the book Earth of Mankind by Pramoedya Ananta Toer as primary data. Meanwhile, secondary data consists of information and references obtained scientifically from books, articles, the internet and mass media related to this research. The data collection technique used library, listening and note-taking techniques through critical discourse analysis developed by Sara Mills. The research results show that: (1) There are 6 data on marginalization experienced by the character Nyai Ontosoroh in the novel Earth of Mankind. In the family realm, the father's restriction/marginalization of rights and freedoms has made him a nyai or concubine (purchased slave). (2) There are 8 data on discrimination experienced by Nyai Ontosoroh. In the public sphere, she is seen by the general public as a woman who has no morals and is always looked down upon. (3) there are 11 data on the resistance of the figure Nyai Ontosoroh. Nyai Ontosoroh appears as the antithesis of the bad views about Nyai-Nyai. Nyai Ontosoroh emerged as the first Indigenous woman to fight European legal authority in defending her rights to her children and company.   &nbsp

    Nilai C/R sebagai Indikator Keberhasilan Pada Program Inseminasi Buatan di Distrik Semangga

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    This study aims to determine the success of artificial insemination in the Semangga district with the Conception/rate indicator. The method used for determining the sample using pourpose sampling as many as 45 respondents spread over 4 villages in the Semango district. Primary and secondary data are collected for further analysis. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and averaged using a standard deviation. The results showed that the R/C was 71.83 which means that the success rate of bolt insemination in Semango district is quite high

    Longivitas post ekuilibrasi spermatozoa sapi crossbreed Ongole menggunakan bahan pengencer yang disuplementasi Ekstrak buah merah

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    The use of Papuan red fruit as a supplementation ingredient in diluents is one solution to the high price of diluent raw materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using a diluent supplemented with red fruit extract (RFE) in various levels on the quality of liquid semen of Ongle crossbred cattle during storage at equilibration temperature. The research was conducted in the Animal Health Laboratory of Semangga District and the Independent Laboratory. The research method and design used were a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. This study used 4 diluting treatments, namely P0 = Tris egg yolk (TKT), P1 = (TKT + 0.1 ml RFE), P2 = (TKT + 0.3 ml RFE) and P3 = (TKT + 0.5 ml RFE). Semen was collected using an artificial vagina, immediately after the semen storage was evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. The homogenized semen was divided into 4 tubes, then put the semen into the straw as much as 0.25 ml. The next process is equilibration at 5oC for 2, 4, 6, 8 hours and evaluation of spermatozoa longivity is carried out at pots equilibration. The results showed that there was a difference (P <0.05) in the longivity of spermatozoa in P3 treatment against the control. In conclusion, it can be concluded that the red fruit extract supplementation in egg yolk tris diluent was able to maintain spermatozoa longevity.Pemanfaatan buah merah khas papua sebagai bahan suplementasi dalam pengencer merupakan salah satu solusi dari mahalnya harga bahan baku pengencer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pengencer yang disuplementasi Ekstrak buah merah (MBM) dalam berbagai level terhadap kualitas semen cair sapi peranakan ongle selama penyimpanan suhu ekulibrasi. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium kesehatan hewan Distrik Semangga dan Laboratorium Mandiri. Metode penelitian dan rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 perlakuan pengencer yaitu P0 = Tris kuning telur (TKT), P1 = (TKT + 0.1 ml MBM), P2= (TKT + 0.3 ml MBM) dan P3= (TKT + 0.5 ml MBM). Semen dikoleksi menggunakan vagina buatan, sesaat setelah penampungan semen dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Semen yang telah dihomogenkan dibagi kedalam 4 tabung selanjutnya di masukkan semen kedalam straw sebanyak 0.25 ml. Proses selanjutnya adalah ekuilibrasi pada suhu 5oC selama 2, 4, 6, 8  jam dan evaluasi  longivitas spermatozoa dilakukan pada Pots ekuilibrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan (P<0.05) pada longivitas spermatozoa pada perlakuan P3 terhadap Kontrol. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi Ekstrak buah merah dalam pengencer tris kuning telur mampu mempertahankan longvitas spermatozoa
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