12 research outputs found
Gambaran Stres Kerja pada Pekerja Bagian Produksi PT. Maruki Internasional Indonesia
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran stress kerja berdasarkan faktor ekstrinsik pekerjaan yang meliputi variabel peranan dalam organisasi, pengembangan karir, hubungan interpersonal serta struktur dan iklim organisasi PT Maruki Internasional Indonesia seluruhnya menunjukkan nilai yang positif sehingga tidak mempengaruhi terjadinya stress kerja yang berdampak negatif. Akan tetapi jenis stres yang dialami oleh pekerja yaitu eustres yang merupakan kekuatan yang positif dimana stres kadangkala dapat diperlakukan untuk menghasilkan prestasi. Peneliti juga berasumsi bahwa kemungkinan stress kerjayang berdampak negative terjadi disebabkan oleh factor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian in
The impact of affective skills toward on the mathematics learning outcomes at senior high school students
Affective skill is one of the factors that students must possess and are the key to successful learning; affective skills are also one of the skills needed in the world of work in the future. This research aimed to analyze the influence of affective skills and their influence on learning outcomes and the dominant influencing variables. This quantitative survey was conducted in January-March 2021, involving 155 students (61 males and 94 females). The variables consisted of exogenous variables, namely affective skills (math interest, math anxiety, math self-efficacy, beliefs, and math attitude), while endogenous variables are learning outcomes. The instrument used to measure exogenous variables were questionnaires including math interest, math anxiety, math self-efficacy, beliefs, and math attitude that met the validity and reliability tests. While the endogenous variable, namely understanding results obtained from the value of documentation of student learning outcomes at school. The data was processed by descriptive and inferential analysis through structural equation modeling (SEM). The study results concluded that math self-efficacy and math attitude were in the high category, beliefs and math interests were suitable. Math anxiety was of a low sort. Furthermore, math interest, math self-efficacy, beliefs, and math attitude were found to have no significant effect on learning outcomes, which means that math interest, self-efficacy, ideas, and math attitude were not sufficient to provide evidence that they could significantly influence learning outcomes
Project-Based Learning in Creative Writing: Teachers' Strategies and Encountered Obstacles
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) emerges as a pivotal approach in modern pedagogy. This research delves into how English teachers at the eleventh-grade level in SMA Dunia Harapan Makassar integrate PjBL in their creative writing curriculum, the challenges faced during this implementation, and its impact on students' writing outcomes. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, data was sourced from observation checklists, teacher interviews, and students' creative writing samples. Findings revealed both participating teachers proficiently applied PjBL syntaxes and began instruction by discussing linguistic elements of short stories. Challenges emerged in time management, sparking student enthusiasm for writing, and aligning PjBL with the Cambridge A-level curriculum and the CCP framework, emphasizing character development, communication, and problem-solving. A review of students' writings showed commendable results; organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics achieved average scores of 19.25, 18.87, 22.37, and 4.5 respectively. Content scored an average of 25.12, denoting good quality. Despite specific hurdles, the study underscores that with adept PjBL integration, students can markedly improve their creative writing prowess
Efektivitas Program Pengemabangan Self Motivation Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memotivasi Diri ( Studi pada Peserta Didik di Kelas XI IPS SMA N 2 Lubuk Basung)
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi beberapa faktor salah satunya kemampuan self motivation. Tujuan penelitia ini adalah : (1) Untuk mengetahui self motivation peserta didik kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol sebelum diberikan perlakuan pada kelompok eksperimen. (2) Untuk mengetahui self motivation peserta didik kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol setelah diberikan perlakuan pada kelompok eksperimen. (3) Untuk mengetahui efektivitas program pengembangan self motivation meningkatkan kemampuan memotivasi diri peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuntitatif, jenis penelitian eksperimen. Lokasi penelitian ini di SMA N 2 Lubuk Basung. Populasi adalah 122 peserta didik, sampel dalam penelitian ini mengunakan random sampling Sebanyak 62 orang. Teknik analisi data yang digunakan yaitu persentase dan uji Ancova. Hasil penelitian: 1) Tingkat self motivation sebelum diberikan perlakuan tergolong klasifikasi, E (kategori sangat rendah). 2) Tingkat self motivation setelah diberikan perlakuan mengalami perubahan terutaman pada kelompok eksperimen tergolog klasifikasi, C (kategori rendah). 3) Program pengembangan self motivation berbasis teknologi informasi tidak efektif secara signifikan meningkatkan kemampuan self motivation peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan kepada. Guru BK untuk meninjau kembali bagi peserta didik yang memiliki self motivation yang rendah dan sangat rendah dan untuk peneliti selanjutnya meninjau kembali program yang sudah dibuat oleh peneliti sebelumnya
Ketaatan Negara Terhadap Hukum Perdagangan Internasional
International trade law is part of international law. Therefore, of course, various imperfections or weaknesses in international law are also affected in the field of international trade law. This journal will explain why countries in conducting international trade need to comply with international trade law. This article provides an argument that the reason for a country to comply with international trade law is due to the belief that obedience will benefit the interests of the country itself. The next reason is that there is a fundamental principle within the scope of international agreements which is the legal source of international trade law, namely the principle of good faith. A country that has been bound in an international trade agreement must carry out the provisions of the agreement in accordance with the contents, soul, intent and purpose of the agreement itself, respecting the rights and obligations of each party.International trade law is part of international law. Therefore, various imperfections or weaknesses in international law are also affected in the field of international trade law. This journal will explain why countries conducting international trade need to comply with international trade law. This article provides an argument that the reason for a country to comply with international trade law is the belief that obedience will benefit the interests of the country itself. The following explanation is that there is a fundamental principle within the scope of international agreements: the legal source of international trade law, namely the principle of good faith. A country bound in an international trade agreement must carry out the provisions of the contract following the contents, soul, intent, and purpose of the deal itself, respecting the rights and obligations of each party
Anemia pada masa kehamilan merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting dalam upaya meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat sehubungan dengan kesehatan ibu dan anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui indikator antropometri dan gambaran conjunctiva sebagai prediktor status anemia pada wanita prakonsepsi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Makassar Tahun 2014. Pemilihan responden dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tehnik purposive sampling dengan jumlah responden 45 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden berdasarkan dengan variabel dependen yaitu persentasi kadar Hb normal (tidak anemia) paling tinggi adalah (88,9%) sebanyak 40 orang, sedangkan kadar Hb rendah yang tergolong anemia sebanyak 5 orang (11,1%). Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kategori IMT (Indeks Massa Tubuh) dengan status hemoglobin wanita prakonsepsi (p=0,799). Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kategori LILA dengan status hemoglobin wanita prakonsepsi (p=0,742). Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara gambaran conjunctiva dengan status hemoglobin wanita prakonsepsi (p=0,000). Disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi anemia yang didapatkan sebesar 11,1% sehingga berdasarkan acuan WHO 2005, prevalensi tersebut termasuk masalah kesehatan masyarakat ringan (mild public health problem)
Pengaruh Karyawan Job Embeddedness terhadap Intensi Turnover Karyawan Caroline Officer PT.INFOMEDIA NUSANTARA
INTRODUCTIONEmployee’s turnover is caused by intention to leave the job voluntarily based on their decision. Job embeddedness is one factor of turnover intention. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of job embededness to turnover intention of Caroline Officer’s employee in PT. Infomedia Nusantara.
METHODThe study subjects were 60 employees of Caroline Officer in PT. Infomedia Nusantara. The research design used quantitative design. The data was collected by using two instruments. The information being collected was turnover intention and job embeddedness. They were analyzed by using simple regression technic.
RESULTSThis analysis found coefficient value was 0,662, and R square value was 0,439, significance value was 0,000<0,005. This negative result indicates a negative correlation between turnover’s intention and job embeddedness. Contribution of job embeddedness to turnover intension is 43,9%.
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONSHypotesis test result shows that HO is rejected. It means that there is negative effect of job embeddedness towards turnover intentioin to the employee of Caroline Officer PT. Infomedia Nusantara. The higher job embeddedness possessed by employee, the lower turnover intention. Based on the conclussion above, the researcher offers seme suggestion for the employee as follow; Employee who has found appropriate company for themselves is better to have relationship or good network with boss as well as friend who relates directly with his job or community in the work place and supervisor or head manager always keep a good relationship with all the employee and to notice about the suitability of the employee with their job and neighbourhood to build the employees ‘ embeddedness.
Keywords: Job Embeddedness, Intensi Turnover, Caroline Officer
Perkawinan Dini: Menyingkap Dampaknya Terhadap Kesehatan Anak di Kota Bandar Lampung
This paper aims to identify the impact of adolescent health on child marriage. In addition, it provides policy recommendations related to reproductive and sexual health for adolescents. This article is based on research using normative and empirical juridical methods through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews in Bandar Lampung City 2023 and comes from library data. Focus group discussions were conducted with judges at the Tanjung Karang Religious Court Class 1A to obtain information regarding the health impacts experienced by teenagers who engage in child marriage. This research succeeded in identifying the health impact. The dominant factor why child marriage occurs is the lack of comprehensive reproductive and sexual health education (PKRS) from an early age to provide teenagers with a proper understanding of their choices. Therefore, providing extensive knowledge of reproductive health from an early age in schools and reviewing Law No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning marriage is recommended
المرسل في سورة النسآء (دراسة تحليلية بلاغية)
Surah al-Nisa’ adalah surah al-Madaniyyah yang terpanjang sesudah surah al-Baqa>rah dan Ali ‘Imran yang terdiri dari 176 ayat. Dinamakan al-Nisa>’ karena dalam surah ini banyak dibicarakan hal yang berhubungan dengan perempuan serta merupakan surah yang paling banyak membicarakan hal itu dibanding dengan surah-surah lainnya. Surah lain yang juga banyak membicarakan hal perempuan ialah surah al-talaq. Dalam hubungan ini surah al-Nisa’ biasa disebut dengan sebutan surah al-Nisa’ al-Kubra (Surah al-Nisa’ yang besar), sedangkan surah alt alaq disebut dengan sebutan surah al-Nisa’ al-Sugra (Surah al-Nisa’ yang kecil). Pada penelitian ini, penulis memilih surah al-Nisa’ karena banyak membahas tentang hukum-hukum fiqhi dan syariat islam yang mencakup di dalamnya kewajiban para wasi’ dan para wali, maskawin, memakan harta anak yatim dan orang-orang yang tidak dapat mengurus hartanya, pokok-pokok hukum warisan, perbuatan-perbuatan keji dan hukumannya dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu di dalam surah ini juga dibahas tentang kisah-kisah dan nasehat-nasehat. Skripsi ini berjudul “al-Majaz al-Mursal Fi Surat al-Nisa’ ” Suatu Tinjauan Bala>gah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan al-Majaz al- Mursal yang terdapat dalam surah al-Nisa’ dan menganalisis maknanya berdasarkan ‘alaqah yang bukan penyerupaan dengan mengumpulkan data dalam al-Qur’an yaitu pada surah al-Nisā’. Peneliti menghimpun juga informasi yang relevan melalui buku-buku, majalah dan rujukan lainnya kemudian mengidentifikasi dan mengelompokkan data yang mengandung al-Majaz al-Mursal dan perubahan maknanya berdasarkan ‘alaqah. Setelah itu, peneliti menganalisis kata al-Majaz al-Mursal dan perubahan makna al-Majaz al-Mursal berdasarkan ‘ala>qah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu di dalam surah al-Nisa’ terdapat 52 kata yang menggunakan al-Majaz al-Mursal yang mana terdapat pada 48 ayat. Di dalam surah ini terdapat 8 ‘alaqah al-Majaz al-Mursal yang terdiri atas 3 ayat yang menggunakan ‘alaqah i’tibar ma kana, 8 ayat yang menggunakan ‘ala>qah kulliyyah, 7 ayat yang menggunakan ‘alaqah sababiyyah, 12 ayat yang menggunakan ‘alaqah musabbabiyyah, 2 ayat yang menggunakan ‘alaqah mahalliyah, 12 ayat yang menggunakan ‘alaqah haliyyah, 1 ayat yang menggunakan ‘alaqah i’tibar ma yakunu dan 5 ayat yang menggunakan ‘alaqah juz’iyyah