9 research outputs found

    Locomotion Index and Retinal Thickness of the Eye Anguilla bicolor bicolor in its Developmental Stage

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    When migrating to the deep sea, the eye of the eel which functions for locomotion will adapt to the deep environment. This study is the first study to identify the locomotion index and the retinal structure at the stage glass eel, elver, yellow, and silver eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor. Character and habitat information for each stage of eel can be used as a conservation strategy. Seventeen eel fish samples were collected from the Pasir Puncu River in Purworejo. Observation of the Locomotion Index is done by comparing the Eye Index (EI), Pectoral Fin Index (PFI), Anal Fin Index (AFI), and Dorsal Fin Index (DFI) at several stages of development of eel, while histologically the observations were carried out with analyzing the retina structure and the thickness of Rod and Cone Layer (RCL), Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL), Inner Nuclear Layer (INL), Ganglion Layer (GL) and Nerve Fiber Layer (NFL). Based on these observations it can be seen that the retina (RC, ONL, INL, GL, NFL) will have increased from yellow to the silver stage, this is due to adaptation eels that adapt to new habitats. The locomotion index shows that the more developed the pectoral fins, the greater the thickness of the NFL, which indicates the greater the number of nerves used for adaptation in the ocean. In the early elver stage, eels tend to swim on the surface of the water in brackish waters. At the yellow eel stage, the eels have started swimming on the bottom of the water that is rich in the substrate with darker environmental characteristics, while at the silver stage, the eel will begin to adjust to the darker deep sea

    Locomotion Index and Retinal Thickness of the Eye Anguilla bicolor bicolor in its Developmental Stage

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    When migrating to the deep sea, the eye of the eel which functions for locomotion will adapt to the deep environment. This study is the first study to identify the locomotion index and the retinal structure at the stage glass eel, elver, yellow, and silver eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor. Character and habitat information for each stage of eel can be used as a conservation strategy. Seventeen eel fish samples were collected from the Pasir Puncu River in Purworejo. Observation of the Locomotion Index is done by comparing the Eye Index (EI), Pectoral Fin Index (PFI), Anal Fin Index (AFI), and Dorsal Fin Index (DFI) at several stages of development of eel, while histologically the observations were carried out with analyzing the retina structure and the thickness of Rod and Cone Layer (RCL), Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL), Inner Nuclear Layer (INL), Ganglion Layer (GL) and Nerve Fiber Layer (NFL). Based on these observations it can be seen that the retina (RC, ONL, INL, GL, NFL) will have increased from yellow to the silver stage, this is due to adaptation eels that adapt to new habitats. The locomotion index shows that the more developed the pectoral fins, the greater the thickness of the NFL, which indicates the greater the number of nerves used for adaptation in the ocean. In the early elver stage, eels tend to swim on the surface of the water in brackish waters. At the yellow eel stage, the eels have started swimming on the bottom of the water that is rich in the substrate with darker environmental characteristics, while at the silver stage, the eel will begin to adjust to the darker deep sea


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    Abstrak: Budidaya ikan nila di sawah (minapadi) merupakan potensi utama yang diangkat oleh desa wisata Kebonagung. Akan tetapi, tingginya harga pakan ikan menjadi kendala utama yang dihadapi oleh warga dalam pengembangan wisata minapadi. Pakan berbasis maggot merupakan alternatif pakan yang murah dengan kualitas nutrisi yang tinggi. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan pembuatan pakan alternatif dari maggot untuk minapadi. Program pengabdian ini dilaksanakan bersama dengan Karang Taruna Tani Rukun Santoso dan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sekar Arum, di Kebonagung, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi sosialisasi dan pelatihan budidaya maggot, sosialisasi budikamber, pemijahan ikan wader pari, program One Health Education, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian ini, masyarakat menjadi paham dan terampil dalam budidaya maggot. Saran yang diberikan untuk kegiatan selanjutnya adalah pengembangan maggot skala masal dan peningkatan branding kawasan wisata minapadi.Abstract: Fish cultivation in rice fields (minapadi) is the main aspect of tourism developed by the Kebonagung tourism village. However, the high price of fish feed is the main obstacle faced by residents in developing minapadi tourism. Maggot-based feed is an inexpensive alternative to feed with high nutritional quality. Our program aimed to provide skills in making alternative feed from maggot for minapadi. The programs were carried out in collaboration with the Rukun Santoso Farmer Youth Organization and the Sekar Arum Women's Farmer Group, in Kebonagung, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The method of implementing the activities included socialization and training on maggot cultivation, socialization of budikamber, One Health Education program, and evaluation. Based on the results of this program, the community becomes aware and skilled in maggot cultivation. The suggestions for the next programs are the development of mass scale maggots and the improvement of the branding of the minapadi tourism


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    In order to increase the agricultural productivity of marginal land areas in Gunungkidul, the community takes advantage of the drylands for catfish farming. The productivity is yet to be optimal as the sustainable program. Study using mapping technology was required to optimize the production of catfish farming. The purposes of this study was to examine the spatial capacity of the environment, to map sustainable land use, and to determine the applied technology to develop catfish farming in Gunungkidul. We used statistical analysis, scoring and weighting, for potential and existing variables, which were water quality, water quantity, slope, soil type, rainfall, land use, and socioeconomic potentials. We overlayed the variables using Geographic Information System (GIS) application to determine the suitable area for catfish farming. We found that, environmental carrying capacity was 71.73% in Baturagung, 76.42% in Ledok Wonosari, and 67.59% in Karst hills. The prioritized land areas for catfish farming development were 14.02% of the total area of Gunungkidul, with zones 3.23% located in Baturagung, 7.19% in Ledok Wonosari, and 3.58% in Karst Hills of the total area of Gunungkidul. The distribution of Pokdakan and existing technology was not suitable with the state of land potentials. To optimize the production we suggest that the farming be developed in priority land. The priority of development of the catfish farming was in Ledok Wonosari, or priority land I, comprising the sub-districts of Playen, Wonosari, Semanu, Paliyan, Karangmojo, Semin, and Ngawen. We formulated recommendation that high priority land be developed through technological intensification, medium priority land be developed with semi-intensive technology, while non priority land be developed with extensive technology or as water conservation area. Keywords: marginal land, environmental carrying capacity, catfish, map overla

    A Locomotion Index and Retinal Thickness of the Eye Anguilla bicolor bicolor in its Developmental Stage

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    When migrating to the deep sea, the eye of the eel which functions for locomotion will adapt to the deep environment. This study is the first study to identify the locomotion index and the retinal structure at the stage glass eel, elver, yellow and silver eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor. Character and habitat information for each stage of eel can be used as a conservation strategy. Seventeen eel fish samples were collected from the Pasir Puncu River in Purworejo. Observation of the Locomotion Index is done by comparing the Eye Index (EI), Pectoral Fin Index (PFI), Anal Fin Index (AFI), and Dorsal Fin Index (DFI) at several stages of development of eel, while histologically the observations were carried out with analyzing the retina structure and the thickness of Rod and Cone Layer (RCL), Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL), Inner Nuclear Layer (INL), Ganglion Layer (GL) and Nerve Fiber Layer (NFL). Based on these observations it can be seen that the retina (RC, ONL, INL, GL, NFL) will have increased from yellow to the silver stage, this is due to adaptation eels that adapt to new habitats. The locomotion index shows that the more developed the pectoral fins, the greater the thickness of the NFL, which indicates the greater the number of nerves used for adaptation in the ocean. In the early elver stage, eels tend to swim on the surface of the water in brackish waters. At the yellow eel stage, the eels have started swimming on the bottom of the water that is rich in the substrate with darker environmental characteristics, while at the silver stage, the eel will begin to adjust to the darker deep sea

    Morfologi Pertumbuhan Tulang Toraks Ayam Kampung (Gallus gallus gallus) Pasca-Menetas Sampai Usia Sembilan Minggu

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    Ayam kampung (Gallus gallus gallus) adalah salah satu varietas ayam buras Indonesia. Siklus hidup ayam kampung cepat dengan indikator pertumbuhan dapat dilihat dari pertumbuhan tulangnya. Parameter pertumbuhan ayam salah satunya berasal dari perhitungan hasil pengukuran jarak antar tulang atau sendi. Salah satu bagian yang penting untuk diukur yaitu toraks ayam karena dada adalah salah satu bagian karkas ayam yang mengandung banyak daging. Lingkar, lebar, dan panjang dada pada ayam dapat digunakan untuk menaksir berat daging pada ayam. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui panjang tulang dada ayam pada fase pertumbuhan, mulai dari pre-starter sampai ke fase grower. Pengukuran tulang toraks meliputi bagian clavicula, sternum, coracoid, scapula, vertebrae, dan costae menggunakan kaliper dan jangka sorong. Data hasil pengukuran tulang toraks kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode one-way ANOVA dan Uji Duncan, dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α = 0,05) menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Laju pertumbuhan tulang sternum, coracoid, scapula dan costae mengalami peningkatan pesat sampai minggu ke-5 kemudian mengalami penurunan mulai minggu ke 7. Oleh karena itu pemberian pakan pada minggu awal menetas sampai mingg ke-5 perlu dimaksimalkan dengan memberikan pakan berprotein tinggi untuk memberikan pertumbuhan yang maksimal.

    Differences in Swim Bladder Histology of <i>Anguilla bicolor bicolor</i> at Various Stages of Sexual Maturity

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    The current study observed the histological differences of the swim bladder of the tropical eel, Anguilla bicolor bicolor, as an adaptation resulting from hydrostatic change. A total of 15 eels were collected from Pasir Puncu, Keburuhan, Purworejo and Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia in June 2017, September 2020, and April 2021. The eels were grouped into 4 stages based on the silvering stage and sex, namely: yellow undifferentiated, yellow female, silver male, and silver female. The average length and body weight of yellow undifferentiated eels were 255.07 ± 45.91 mm and 13.66 ± 8.5 g, respectively; for yellow female, the values were 374.35 ± 41.51 mm and 56.5 ± 12.02 g; for silver male, the values were 432.43 ± 15.15 mm and 140.29 ± 13.85 g; and for silver female were 702 ± 0.00 mm and 545 ± 11.31 g. The present study successfully recorded the histological structure of the swim bladder of A. bicolor bicolor in silver male and silver female stages. Silver males and females displayed a greater significant development of the swim bladder than yellow stages in the gas gland, mucosa, and submucosa layers. These results suggest that an increase in the gas gland thickness allows a greater contribution from gas to gas secretion, the mucosa exerts a mechanical effect on the newly formed gas bubbles, and the submucosa thickness reduces gas conductivity from the swim bladder wall

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.  ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEI’s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has “Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagement” as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.  Conference Title: 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme: Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms: ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi